
Technus , an Memes in ts moment

My friends and I still use TS3. The audio quality and voice activation is better than Discord's, and the desktop app doesn't take ten fucking gigabytes of RAM to run.

Traister101 ,

Nah bro that's just the memory leaks, your supposed to force close and reopen it every so often so the OS cleans up after their shitty application

starman ,
@starman@programming.dev avatar

Memory is cheap nowadays, so that's a feature /s

Hexarei ,
@Hexarei@programming.dev avatar

I bought the whole RAM, I'm gonna use the whole RAM

sub_ubi ,

Good to hear ts3 is still rockin.

If you use discord, access with a web browser. No need to ever download discord the app

LostXOR , an Memes in Every time Zionists call me an antisemite for speaking out against Israel

There's a big difference between being against Israel and being antisemitic, and people need to see that. Heck, I'm literally Jewish and I don't support Israel.

irmoz ,

And, as I've heard someone else point out - isn't it literally anti-Semitic to assume that Jews and Israelis are, like, the same thing? And/or that Israel is, like, the global mouthpiece for Jews everywhere? Seems a bit reductive, to me... Seems on the same level as thinking the leader of Kenya, or Nigeria, or any African nation speaks for Black people everywhere.

Netanyahu isn't the Emperor of Jews!

olbaidiablo ,

Wouldn't it be more like "king of the Jews"? Btw, does anyone know where I can get a large cross and nails? Asking for a friend.

lemonmelon ,

Between the username and the shopping list, I believe we've got a Roman on our hands here...

Karyoplasma ,

Romanes eunt domus!

Agrivar ,

What's this, then? 'Romanes Eunt Domus'? 'People called Romanes they go the house'?

archon ,

Romans go home (?)

Agrivar ,

No, it doesn't. What's Latin for 'Roman'? Come on!

Buttons ,
@Buttons@programming.dev avatar

I've always felt the nation of Israel is squatting on the name. Like, aren't there people outside of Israel-the-nation that also claim to be Israel (in the Biblical sense)?

conditional_soup ,

Israel, the state, tries to conflate the two in order to have an impenetrable shield against all scrutiny.

"Jesus Christ, Israel, why are you playing soccer with dead babies?!"

"Excuse me? What, do you hate Jews or something? What, are you some kind of Nazi?"

BestBouclettes ,

Israel has weaponized antisemitism, it's not even a secret and they admitted it a while back.

lolcatnip ,

Do you have a source for Israel admitting it? That Wikipedia article is long!

AngryCommieKender ,

Rubenberg 1989, p. 358: "The labeling of individuals who disagree with the lobby's positions as "anti-Semitic" is a common practice among Israel's advocates. For example, when Senator Charles Mathias [R., Maryland] voted in favor of the AWACs sale to Saudi Arabia, a Jewish newspaper in New York commented: "Mr. Mathias values the importance of oil over the well-being of Jews and the State of Israel. The Jewish people cannot be fooled by such a person, no matter what he said, because his act proved who he was." Former Congressman Paul "Pete" McCloskey [R., California] also has had the charge of anti-Semitism leveled at him: "When I ran for reelection in 1980, I was asked a question about peace in the Middle East, and I said if we were going to have peace in the Middle East we members of Congress were going to have to stand up to our Jewish constituents and respectfully disagree with them on Israel. Well, the next day the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith accused me of fomenting anti-Semitism, saying that my remarks were patently anti-Semitic." Indeed, it may be that the weapon of greatest power possessed by the pro-Israeli lobby is its accusation of anti-Semitism. George Ball comments: "They've got one great thing going for them. Most people are terribly concerned not to be accused of being anti-Semitic, and the lobby so often equates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. They keep pounding away at that theme, and people are deterred from speaking out." In Ball's view, many Americans feel a "sense of guilt" over the Holocaust, and the result of their guilt is that the fear of being called anti-Semitic is "much more effective in silencing candidates and public officials than threats about campaign money or votes.""

From the Wikipedia article

Tartas1995 ,

Being against, doesn't make you hateful anyway.

I am "against" religion as I think it does more harm than good but I am pro religious freedom for everyone and a peaceful cooperative global society. So I think that makes me hardly hateful towards religions or the believers. Well tbh I have a hard time accepting religious extremist positions in societies, but everything comes with a price... I take religious freedom for everyone if that means someone thinks a book with instructions on how to abort a baby is against abortion and that it should be law.

GreyEyedGhost ,

Most extremists are worrisome. Some cause more trouble for those around them than others, though. An extreme pacifist might get more abuse than someone who isn't, for instance, and that isn't great, but it's a more personal problem than trying to force your views and behaviors on others, which many other types of extremists try to do.

Viking_Hippie ,

An extreme pacifist might get more abuse than someone who isn't, for instance

Don't know whether I'd qualify as extreme, but yeah, pacifism tends to be equated with all sorts of deliberate harm by some people who consider things like war and violent retribution necessary evils if not even inherently good 😮‍💨

Also, there's the "sticking to your principles in spite of popular sentiment is the same as naïveté" crowd 🤦

brbposting ,

I’m against the Israeli government’s murder of children and murder of all the other innocent people in Palestine.

Should I be against Israel itself?

Note I’m [US] American, so I’m against the incalculable harms we’ve perpetrated on the world and our own citizens over the past couple hundred years. I would hesitate - pending some replies to me here - to say “I don’t support the USA” given the very cool people and the Bernie Sanders types and the benevolent US aid organizations and the National Parks and so on (some fediverse developers)… but have an open mind and curious to hear your thoughts on semantics.

bloodfart ,


emergencyfood ,

At this point, when someone says they are 'against Israel', what they mean is that they are against the genocide the Israeli army is carrying out in Gaza. Maybe there are some who want the country itself toppled - neo-Nazis, for example, or those detached from reality - but they are a small minority (outside of Iran, perhaps).

land ,
@land@lemmy.ml avatar

What’s funny is how media and Zionists call Jews antisemitic.

ImplyingImplications , an Memes in It's that easy!

80s: corporations send hundreds of tonnes of trash to landfills while people are told to reduce the trash they generate

90s: corporations make everything plastic and disposable while people are told to recycle

00s: corporations cover the atmosphere in greenhouse gasses while people are told to reduce their carbon footprint.

10s: corporations buy politicians while people are told to vote.

grue ,

90s: corporations make everything plastic and disposable while people are told to recycle

It's worse than that: the plastics industry tells us to recycle -- even going so far as to plagiarize the recycling symbol into the resin identification codes -- despite knowing from the beginning that recycling plastic was mostly never going to be a viable thing. They did this purely to shift blame to consumers because the only way their business model worked was to not be held accountable for their waste.

GlitterInfection ,

I'm fond of saying that recycling is almost exclusively bad for the planet. It's true and people don't like hearing it.

danc4498 ,

The rhetoric causing people to put their guard down is what’s bad, or actually recycling is a bad thing?

GlitterInfection , (Bearbeitet )

Recycling was actively brought forward as a solution by the oil companies to push the blame of plastic use onto consumers.

So while recycling rare metals is always valuable, plastic is definitely not. Almost all plastic gets buried in landfills, and the only way to make this not happen is to not make products with plastics.

By creating and marketing plastic recycling as a solution that the consumers must take onto themselves, it allowed them to rake in profits by moving everything to cheap plastic alternatives.

We are now literally made of microplastics as a result.

danc4498 ,

Right. So the former.

GlitterInfection ,

Sort of. It's less a guard down thing as a fraudulent hoax thing.

m4x ,

What I don't understand is why burning plastic waste and using the generated heat (for example for district heating) is not discussed more often.
I think recycling offers very little benefit over simple burning of plastics due to the amount of oil still being burned everywhere compared to the amount of oil used for plastic production.

match ,
@match@pawb.social avatar

I guess I'm surprised we don't do it but we all know that burning plastic is gonna end up directly in the lungs of some poor people who have to live by the pollution factory

Zagorath ,
@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar

Reduce, reuse, recycle. In that order.

If you don't need to, don't produce something. Chocolates don't need to be all individually wrapped inside of yet another wrapper. Transport should be mostly by public and active transport (though we also need better city planning to help enable this), and private motor vehicles can, at this point, mostly be converted to the less-polluting EVs. That kind of thing.

If it's been produced, rather than throwing it away, find ways to reuse it. Coke should be taking in glass bottles, washing them, and putting more coke back in it, rather than producing new bottles all the time.

If something has been produced and cannot be reused, we should try to find ways to recycle it. You're right that recycling is bad, but that's mainly true of plastics. Glass and paper are far more easy to recycle, if collected effectively. Which is also why the move from glass and paper products to plastic is such an environmental disaster, brought on because companies don't want to spend the larger cost of producing those products, or collecting them in to effectively recycle the glass.

GlitterInfection ,

This is absolutely right. It's reductive of me to say that recycling is bad for the environment; intentionally reductive.

People generally have a very hard time absorbing the fact that plastic recycling is a scam, so it's hard to start nuanced to actually get the point across.

But you definitely nailed it. I would argue that if it was reduce, reuse, revolt, the environment would be in a much better place.

NaibofTabr , (Bearbeitet ) an Memes in shrooms?

Don't use mushroom ID apps and don't trust random guidebooks from Amazon, they're probably AI-generated crap.

The deadly mycotoxin orellanine, which is present in Cortinarius rubellus, the deadly webcap, may not cause symptoms in those who ingested the mushroom until one or two weeks have passed – after detectable traces of the toxin are already gone, and late-stage kidney failure has already begun. Connecting the sickness with certainty to a misidentified wild mushroom that was eaten weeks earlier with no obvious ill effects is not always possible.

Yeah, nope.

felbane ,

This is basically vegan rabies

lessthanluigi , an linuxmemes in how to stop vim

"9 times out of 10 it's an electric razor. But once in a while, it's a dildo."

KingJalopy ,

Never your dildo

Successful_Try543 ,

I don't know how it came into my luggage either.

halvar ,

This is such a great reference!

Strider , an Memes in ts moment

It seems many don't remember why there was a ts2 mass extinction. It was because of the horrendous ts3 licensing.

Why the masses went to yet another closed system like discord I'll never understand while being very satisfied with mumble/murmur.

AngryCommieKender ,

The absolute largest group of players in any game stuck with Mumble. That would be The Goonswarm Federation in EvE Online. We have just over 25,000 people, and well over 100,000 characters in the Alliance. In fact, AFAIK, all of the major alliances have to use Mumble because it allows more than 100 people in a room

Sanctus ,
@Sanctus@lemmy.world avatar

Revolt should be next in the cycle

summerof69 ,

Don't you have to host Mumble somewhere? With Discord anyone can create a server and invite friends for free with no technical knowledge required. That's a huge plus. I also remember RadCall was a thing for a while, at least where I am from.

Strider ,

Yes, you need to run the service somewhere. But anyone can do so (Foss).

With discord my experience is limited but I currently understand it's a service model so you're dependant on a company, which can pull the same sh*t teamspeak did at any time.

Not needing any technical knowledge just means someone else is running it, possibly being able to lock you in. And in the case of discord, you already are locked in and have to accept whatever they think up.

At some point, monetization will take over.

summerof69 ,

I don't think that people are trying to find an eternal solution. Nothing lasts forever. When Discord turns to shit, something else will take its place. There is no need to worry about that when it offers too many advantages today.

Strider ,

Fair point, but if you need to switch anyway you might want to pick an available option that solves at least the issue being currently faced.

The again, we've moved back a lot to throw away mentality.

bjoern_tantau , an Memes in shrooms?
@bjoern_tantau@swg-empire.de avatar

Many refugees from Syria got poisoned by mushrooms because a common edible Syrian mushroom looks very much like a poisonous German mushroom.

MoonMelon , (Bearbeitet )

Happens to some SE Asians in North America too, because the edible straw mushroom from SE Asia resembles one here called "death cap". Amanita phalloides. What's fucked up is right before it kills you your symptoms actually improve, so people get discharged from the hospital and think they are going to be ok.
I forage mushrooms but I stay away from white gilled mushrooms completely.

argentcorvid ,
@argentcorvid@midwest.social avatar

Yeah I had my yard full of destroying angels last summer, when they first showed up I was all "sweet! Mushrooms!" Because they look real similar to agaricus. But then I saw the white gills, and was all :(.

And I made sure to tell my kids not to mess with them and why.

Grass ,

I never thought about this being possible and now I can't help but laugh at how deceptive nature is.

Imgonnatrythis , an Memes in yeah why

OP doesn't know shit about arictechture OR history.

Early on in Italy they did finish buildings but due to the gravity situation and the soil there they would tilt over. Using the protractor (invented by da Vinci, an ITALIAN) they started calculating which part of the buildings to leave off so they would stay level.

Sorry you missed that day in middle school chump.

orangeNgreen ,
@orangeNgreen@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for taking the time to explain what should have been quite obvious to OP.

Viking_Hippie ,

This is one of the best wrong but plausible sounding explanations I've ever seen! Well done to you, Sir/Ma'am/other! 👏👏👏

4am ,

It’s not wrong, you just missed that day in middle school, chump

Viking_Hippie ,

We don't have middle school here in Denmark. That's probably why I was never taught about this.

nilloc ,

we need a /shittyaskanatchitect.

LemmyKnowsBest ,

and it could've been another work of art from u/shittymorph if In nineteen ninety eight the undertaker had thrown mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table and…

pigup ,


twei ,

Could you please add this link to the words "Da Vinci": https://youtu.be/CMnLDhph5Cc?t=1m12s

Salvo , an Memes in Saving people is illegal
@Salvo@aussie.zone avatar

Considering that Ethnic Palestinians are the original Semites, and most of the Zionist are “repatriated” jewish people from all around the world, I find it ironic that they claim any sleight against them to be antisemitic.

Titan ,

There is no logic in Zionism

rockerface ,
@rockerface@lemm.ee avatar

Something something accusation is an admission

SwampYankee ,

Full disclosure, I am Jewish myself, and sorry for the book... try not to knee-jerk react to it.

I hate to partake in this genetic essentialism garbage, but Ashkenazis by and large share their paternal heritage with Sephardic Jews and other Semites, although that Semitic heritage has become somewhat diluted over time by converts in the maternal line and their descendants. My point in saying that is not to say that Zionists have any legitimate claim to Palestine - they absolutely don't. It's just "Ashkenazi Jews aren't Semites" is a highly debatable and fraught claim that has the potential to lead one down a rabbit hole into actual racism, and incidentally has absolutely nothing to do with the crimes of Zionism. When I hear that implication, my mind is drawn to the adoption by antisemites (most recently Black Hebrew Israelites) of the now disproven myth that the original Semitic Jews died out and were replaced by Khazars.

I'm stopping short of calling what you said, specifically, antisemitism, but in another context a similar statement might be called a dog whistle. People can say these things unintentionally when they just don't understand the implications. This kind of reckless use of language and ideas is at least part of why we have Jewish students on college campuses claiming they don't feel safe. We Jews have grown up being implicitly taught to keep our ear to the ground when it comes to rising intolerance, and yes in a lot of cases that has resulted in a massive blind spot for our own intolerance, but it doesn't mean we should ignore warning signs. Of course, as a Jew, and like you, I often scoff when I hear claims of antisemitism, and in fact I get angry about them when they conflate Jewishness with Israel & Zionism, which ironically IS antisemitism.

Now I mentioned the Khazar myth and Jewish students who don't feel safe. The issue here is that they lack the self awareness to say, "maybe my hangups about certain things people say are a product of my own upbringing and sensitivities, rather than any intentional antisemitism on their part." On the other hand, when people talk about Jews or Jew-adjacent issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, they should also have the self awareness to ask themselves "am I contributing to a climate that lets actual antisemitism fly under the radar and should I be more careful about the things I say?"

In any case, flinging accusations back and forth is unproductive. If my fellow Jews feel threatened by protestors and their words, I would recommend they approach those protestors with humility, and listen to their grievances before making assumptions about their intentions. Which is funny, because here I am Jew-splaining in response to a flippant remark in an internet comment section, but the reason is I just desperately want people to understand each other (and themselves) better.

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

It's never right to blame the whole people of an country because of an Australopitecus which they have as president.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod ,
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

That's not fair to Australopithecines

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Well, less against animals, any,, which I avoid to use in comparisons

barsoap ,

I think most of it is just confusion inherent in the term "antisemitism", which TBH is a bad term because it singles out a single Semitic people among many as the oppressed ones. That false focus then in turn causes a knee-jerk pendulum swing towards another extreme.

And who's to blame? Again, Germans: The term was introduced to replace "Judenhass" (jew hatred) with something "more scientific sounding", as recently as 1879. Damn that's a lot of citations there. Maybe we should switch to "Jewphobia" or something.

roguetrick ,

To be sure. This sort of argument is as productive as saying the Palestinians don't belong there because they're actually Arabs. Neither is true. Palestinians are about as much genetically Arab as maghrebis are Arab. Both groups experienced massive culture shifts, but there was little change in actual population.

LadyAutumn , (Bearbeitet )
@LadyAutumn@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah I can definitely see how the argument about "original semites" is coming very close to outright hatred and antisemitism. We have to be more conscious of the language we use than that. We shouldn't be making arguments in this vein but instead focusing on anti-colonial arguments. When discussing the colonialism of relocating European Jewish communities to Palestine there's no reason to be using this kind of "race politics" language.

The relationship between Ashkenazi jews and the communities that were already present in Palestine is not something I understand very well, and more broadly the history of Ashkenazi jews as a whole is something I'm only familiar with as it relates to early 20th century European politics. It's something I'd like to do my own research on from reliable sources to better understand how these kinds of arguments feed into genuine hatred of Jewish people.

I'm not as educated on the broader nature of antisemitic arguments as I should be. I appreciate you adding context to why some Jewish students feel unsafe with the discourse going on at the moment. Anti-Zionist action has an obligation to protect Jewish people as much as it has an obligation to protect Muslim people and ethnic Palestinians. Our goals ought to be to separate ourselves from race hierarchy and protect human rights for all. It's critically important that in advocating against the Israeli government and the IDF that we do not tolerate anti-semitism in any form and that we reject the support of ant-semitic people wherever it appears.

SwampYankee ,

I appreciate you adding context to why some Jewish students feel unsafe with the discourse going on at the moment.

I feel like a dick talking about it with what's going on, but it's still important. And to be clear, we Jews who are inculcated with Zionism and the generational trauma of the Holocaust from a young age have to zealously interrogate our unconscious fears and biases. The protests provide the perfect opportunity to confront it head on if you can swallow your pride and just listen. My Arab & Muslim friends are some of the most thoughtful people I know, with strong opinions and moral convictions that come right from the deepest parts of their being. I feel as at home with them as I did in the Synagogue growing up, and I have no doubt if I were to attend a peace protest that I would find many more like them. They're an absolute gift; I was never a supporter of Israel, but their friendship has thrown the whole thing into even sharper focus since October 7th. I hope one day the Zionists can be defeated, and from the river to the sea, all good people will finally be free.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Thank you for providing some anthropological history. I learned some stuff. 🍻

TokenBoomer ,

Anthropological history? Yakub wasn’t mentioned once.


PsychedSy ,

The issue here is that they lack the self awareness to say, "maybe my hangups about certain things people say are a product of my own upbringing and sensitivities, rather than any intentional antisemitism on their part."

Ah, yes. The suggestion that racial minorities just get over it. Don't we determine racism based on the experiences and opinions of the victims?

roguetrick , (Bearbeitet )

I don't think that's true at all. Collectively determining racism is a complex process that involves interrogating social structures and power imbalances as a whole. Minority opinions are an important part of that, perhaps the most important part, but not the only part. Intersectionality taught us how flawed that was. That's how we got the TERFs

In this case he's talking specifically about an intersectional issue.

SwampYankee ,

Well, yes, I suppose, and that's why I said all the stuff I imagine you must have read before you got to that part, and the thing I said right after that, too.

ipkpjersi ,

I find it ironic that they claim any sleight against them to be antisemitic.

It's because it's the easiest thing they can do. If you claim someone is racist, everyone will (usually) automatically believe you.

Leylineofthevoid ,

There are no "semitic people". The term was invented 1879 by William Marr and he definetly meant jews and not arabs.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

Nope, earlier, it's Göttingen school of history stuff. Essentially the bible-based alternative to Blumenbach:

II) During the time of Moses, the Semites lived partly in India, towards the Ganges, partly on the coasts of the South Sea to the Persian Gulf, in Elymais, Assyria, Chaldea, and in southern Mesopotamia, and with further expansion in some areas of Palestine, in the north and south of Arabia, finally too, but maybe not yet in Moses's time, in Abyssinia or Ethiopia.

Which isn't totally off compared to our modern understanding of who spoke proto-Semitic. "Semitic" as a descriptor of languages is unchallenged in linguistics because, well, symbols are arbitrary anyway and "Descendants of Shem", as in Noah's son, ancestor of Abraham, is not exactly a contentious thing among a group of related cultures having birthed no less than three Abrahamic religions.

Salvo ,
@Salvo@aussie.zone avatar

I think you a both right.
Historically, Semites referred to a large cultural group.

Over time, it has become a nonsense word because those cultural groups have become so dilute and diverse that you can’t point at someone and say they are part of that group.

More recently, the label has become misappropriated by some sort of whacky religious nutbaggery so they can oppress other people.

cygnus , an linuxmemes in I'd like to interject for a moment.
@cygnus@lemmy.ca avatar
Blackmist ,

I'm not completely convinced that isn't Nick Offerman in a wig.

fossilesque , an Memes in ts moment
@fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar

Once Discord embraces enshittification, we will meet again. :)

raptore39 ,

Ironic that traditionally Nitro makes things happen faster, probably in this case as well

Khrux ,

What do you mean? Genuine question, I'm loosely familiar with the the issues with Discord having it's growing issues with data and advertising but I assumed Nitro was the worst element.

raptore39 ,

The joke in my brain was that Nitro is fast tracking the enshittification of discord

toastal ,

No need when you have free software Mumble + Murmur :)

scoobford ,

Isn't mumble hot garbage? My planet side outfit memes on it whenever it gets brought up.

toastal , (Bearbeitet )

Mumble is like a reliable Toyota Corolla. You will turn no heads, but it has all the features you would need for the task (encryption, room hierachies, ACL, machine-learning-enhanced noise canceling, positional audio, choice of method input like push-to-talk, mini UI overlay atop games), and does them efficiently.

…And like a Toyota Corolla, there’s probably a decent upgrade out there, but you might be compromising on more than you think. Want a car without the manufacturer tracking you or bloated, touch-screen navigation? Many ‘modern’ VoIP options, especially proprietary ones, are literally doing the latter.

uis ,
@uis@lemm.ee avatar

Mumble better

Rookeh ,

Discord enshittification is well under way, just this week I have started seeing ads in the client just above the voice channel status in the bottom left. Cancelled my Nitro immediately, no point if they are going to shove ads in my face anyway.

Currently looking at alternatives, Revolt looks promising, and can be self hosted.

Scary_le_Poo ,
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Bullshit. Pics or it didn't happen. You might have seen a quest, where if you stream a specific game to your friends you get a free in-game item, but these are not advertisements.

Additionally, you can click on it and tell it to never show you any more quests.

Either that or you're bitching about discord telling you that it has added more voice channel mini games.

Rookeh , (Bearbeitet )

You might have seen a quest, where if you stream a specific game to your friends you get a free in-game item, but these are not advertisements.


Advertising is the practice and techniques employed to bring attention to a product or service. Advertising aims to put a product or service in the spotlight in hopes of drawing it attention from consumers

I have no interest in streaming "quested" games, and whatever deal Discord has done with the developer to encourage users to engage with such games (and by extension the game's microtransaction economy), and regardless of what they call it, is by definition an advertisement. If you can't see that, then you are an ad campaign exec's wet dream. Either that, or a troll.

Blisterexe ,
@Blisterexe@lemmy.zip avatar

[Matrix] is the most promising option right noe, having an ecosystem and eee

pressurized ,

Schildi Chat is probably the best client I have spotted, full voice and video chat functionality in browser. People do way less hemming and hawing about downloading an app if they've already been able to try it out in web - just like discord

Blisterexe ,
@Blisterexe@lemmy.zip avatar

Schildi chat is a reskinned version of element, so if you don't like the look of element you can use schildichat

Nurse_Robot , an Memes in Saving people is illegal

Great example of "less is more" when conveying a message

onion ,

Except the lever is drawn in the "pulled" position

MeanEYE ,
@MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

And everyone is conveniently forgetting that both sides killed people.

Nurse_Robot ,

No one is forgetting that. Both governments suck and both are murdering people, but Israel is committing a genocide. That's a bigger deal right now.

Nurse_Robot ,

That's intentional.

trag468 , an Memes in feeling old now?

Can confirm. Class of 2000. 42 years old.

altima_neo ,
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar


We're the reason we're called millennials in the first place. Graduating class of the new millennium!

PsychedSy ,

The fuck you are. You're the last class of last millennium.

altima_neo ,
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

Wouldn't that be class of 99?

jaybone ,

New millennium didn’t really start until 2001. So they are still right. (There was no year zero.)

ChicoSuave ,

So you're that Y2K everyone was afraid of?

user224 ,
@user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Forget Y2K, let's be afraid of Y2038.

hedgehogging_the_bed ,

I love the idea that my reality keeps others up at night. Also class of 2000.

Kalkaline ,
@Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

God damn you're old, I'm class of 2000 and I'm only 41.

trag468 ,

Ha, I'm a December baby.

chatokun ,

Me too, but class of 99, also 42.

ColeSloth ,


If you ever re-watch Milo and Otis, you'll be traumatized at how many puppies or kittens they probably went through.

lemmy_get_my_coat ,

Been there 😥

Obi ,
@Obi@sopuli.xyz avatar

Is that like graduation from high school at 18yo, for the non-americans in the audience?

Alexstarfire ,


Obi ,
@Obi@sopuli.xyz avatar


Zerush , an Memes in Saving people is illegal
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

It has nothing to do with anti-semitism to call Netanyahu an genocidal nazi shit.

FenrirIII ,
@FenrirIII@lemmy.world avatar

Except the people who make our laws say otherwise because they wouldn't want to upset their donors

Leylineofthevoid ,

You could name Netanyahu anything in the world. Why call him a nazi?

ShimmeringKoi ,
@ShimmeringKoi@hexbear.net avatar

Probably all the nazi shit, dickhead.

thesporkeffect ,

If it quacks like a nazi...

Leylineofthevoid ,

Sorry, the claim that Netanyahu is a nazi, is historically wrong and trivializes the nazis.

Fidel_Cashflow ,
@Fidel_Cashflow@lemmy.ml avatar

Hmm, getting some... Interesting readings over here...


pingveno ,

But no, seriously, there's a big book of insults that actually fit Netanyahu. Genocidal maniac. Baby killer. Warmonger. Neocolonialist. The list goes on and on. Trying to fit the label "Nazi" on a Jew is a fool's errand.

AnarchoBolshevik ,
@AnarchoBolshevik@lemmygrad.ml avatar
timewarp ,
@timewarp@lemmy.world avatar

The US House of Representatives just passed a bill that can make calling Jewish people nazis a hate crime.

AnarchoBolshevik ,
@AnarchoBolshevik@lemmygrad.ml avatar

When referring to Jewish neocolonists, you mean. Surely nobody is going to get in trouble for referring to anticolonial Jews as ‘Kapos’ or whatnot, which I have seen much too often.

Facebones ,

It will soon, the bill passed the house that adds "comparing Israel to Nazis" to the official antisemitic hate speech list - but according to a friend (been out of town and busy to read it myself) it's worded to cover basically any criticism of Israel.

The point is once its added the department of education can pull funding, accreditation, etc from any schools that "allow antisemitic speech or actions (aka protests)"

Zerush ,
@Zerush@lemmy.ml avatar

Not in Spain, our president is advocating for an independent Palestinian state as a path to ending genocide (sic) and fostering peace in the Middle East..

pewgar_seemsimandroid ,


Isoprenoid , an linuxmemes in What launching Battle.net through Steam feels like
winkerjadams ,

I have refunded games before when I went to install and got that bullshit because I missed it on the store page

humbletightband ,

Not anymore, I guess

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