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Props to Alpine and Kali for disabling this bullshit out of the box ( ) Englisch

Context for newbies: Linux refers to network adapters (wifi cards, ethernet cards, etc.) by so called "interfaces". For the longest time, the interface names were assigned based on the type of device and the order in which the system discovered it. So, eth0, eth1, wlan0, and wwan0 are all possible interface names. This, however,...

gravitas_deficiency ,

They are basically 5th columning environmental causes when they do shit like this.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s all done on a case-by-case basis. Joining NATO isn’t like Civ’s “your armies can travel in my territories” negotiation perk that applies to all of NATO. It needs to be a bilateral agreement. NATO is a mutual defense alliance, but it is absolutely not intended to undermine any member’s sovereignty.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It might even be an intentional “accident”. Putin would have zero qualms about creating an environmental catastrophe if it plays into his geopolitical calculus.

gravitas_deficiency ,

I didn’t realize enormously usurious loans were basically a whole institution in Russia, but hearing about it now, I’m 0% surprised that it is, given how Russia works these days.

gravitas_deficiency ,

I’m convinced Putin was absolutely RIPSHIT with Luka over spilling the beans so completely.

gravitas_deficiency , (Bearbeitet )

help help I’m being repressed! come see the violence inherent to the system!

Edit: ffs it’s just more Monty Python guys

gravitas_deficiency ,

Two things:

  • if you owe the bank $34,000, it’s your problem; if you owe the bank $34,000,000,000,000, it’s the bank’s problem.
  • its a big club, and you’re not in it.
gravitas_deficiency , (Bearbeitet )

Hey remember that one time where the country’s credit rating got downgraded due to political idiocy?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Yes, and it is the correct number of zeros to use. I find it helps to put things into scope. “Trillion” is an abstract magnitude to most people. Writing it out numerically makes it clear how absolutely enormous the number is.

gravitas_deficiency , (Bearbeitet )

A more aggressively American pronunciation would be bore-ge-oh-is.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Realizing that the first C&C game came out 29 years ago:

gravitas_deficiency ,

Conceptually, it absolutely passes the sniff test… but wtf is that TLD?

gravitas_deficiency ,

They decriminalized domestic abuse several years ago, well before the Ukraine War started. How is this surprising?

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’d be great if all these corporatist leaders had realized that their policies would have these implications, like, a decade ago…

Poland to limit movement of Russian diplomats on its territory due to Moscow's involvement in hybrid war against the EU ( ) Englisch

Poland will introduce restrictions on the movement of Russian diplomats on its territory due to Moscow's involvement in what it deems a hybrid war against the European Union, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski said on Monday....

gravitas_deficiency ,

Probably with domestic security and counterintelligence agencies, seeing as this sort of thing is literally their purview

gravitas_deficiency , (Bearbeitet )

Lmao no way


Oh my god

More edit:

For real though: There is a possibility that this is the most epic instance of malicious compliance that has occurred in the history of tech. There is no way a competent engineer would think Reddit would be a good (a primary characteristic of which would be “relatively unpoisoned”) training set. It’s just not possible. This was 100% some business and finance yahoo saying “do the thing” and Eng saying “ok but you’re not going to like it”.

gravitas_deficiency ,

It’s the first result when you search for that string

Dutch parliament passes motion calling ‘From the River to the Sea’ criminal incitement ( ) Englisch

The Dutch parliament adopts by a wafer-thin majority a motion that says that chanting “From the River to the Sea Palestine will be Free” is a criminal act of incitement to violence....

gravitas_deficiency ,

Hey Dutch people can you try voting for less psychotic people next time around?

gravitas_deficiency ,

lol that’s honestly a great mnemonic

gravitas_deficiency ,


gravitas_deficiency ,

The fact that this thread contains, like, TONS of invalid invocations that people have been editing for correctness is fucking hilarious.

Also, QED 🤠

gravitas_deficiency , (Bearbeitet )

Huh, I guess they’ve stopped pretending they’re not providing logistical support for Russia.

And if you believe those are purely “agricultural drones”, I know a guy in Brooklyn with a bridge he wants to sell.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Oh yeah 100%. I would not at all be shocked if, in a few years, a fleet of “fishing vessels” launch thousands of drones to kick off an annexation attempt on Taiwan.

It’d probably be frighteningly effective, because to my knowledge not even the US has a system that would be able to reliably stand up to, for instance, 200 drones launched towards an Arleigh Burke DDG. They’re starting to roll out directed energy point-defense, but as far as I know, it’s still very much in the testing and proof-of-concept phase. Not to mention, the PRC would absolutely lose its shit - perhaps to the extent that it actually prematurely precipitates an invasion - if we were to give Taiwan directed energy PDC.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Thank you for providing some anthropological history. I learned some stuff. 🍻

gravitas_deficiency ,

Frankly, if the target conditions were closer to Nordic-style social democracy instead of trying to shape countries into “smol America” like what was done to a degree with the Marshall Plan, it’d probably work out better for Ukraine, Moldova, and the EU in general.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Abso-fuckin-lutely. Really wish we could kick out all of these goddamn quisling politicians that everyone seems to be going out of their way to not see how they’re mostly linked to Russia.

gravitas_deficiency , (Bearbeitet )

Uh… from the EU. That’s one of the points of the EU. It would essentially be an investment in the future of Ukraine, and thus, transitively, the EU itself, since Ukraine has begun the accession process.


More broadly: holy fuck am I sick of people whinging about doing the objectively right thing because iT’s tOo eXPeNsiVe.

We’ve finally gotten to a place where many major western nations will, every once in a while, do something not shitty, with at least some altruistic motivations - like helping Ukraine, and more generally, just pushing back on Russian and Chinese encroachment and expansionism.

I’m by no means claiming “The West” is perfectly virtuous - that’s obviously false. But still: for pretty much the first time in the history of civilization, you have countries that are kinda-sorta trying to do the right thing sometimes… and you want to nickel and dime that whole sentiment?

gravitas_deficiency ,

I’m getting really close to that point tbh. Machining and metalworking looks like a ton of fun.

gravitas_deficiency ,

If you’re saying you think you’re too heavy to climb: while that may be true now, you could consider using that as an activity target. That is, you want to be able to do the thing, so you can figure out a plan (which might involve a doctor - I don’t know your situation) that gets you on a trajectory such that you will be able to get into climbing in a year or two. It won’t happen overnight, and it will likely not be easy, but you can get there!

Fwiw: I recently lost about 10kg and am doing well with keeping it off, mostly with just conscious lifestyle changes (portion control, forcing myself into more active habits, being more judicious - though not puritanical - about my food choices), and the difference in my average energy level is frankly remarkable.

The EU should stop ‘westsplaining’ and listen to its smaller eastern members – they saw the Ukraine war coming, researcher says ( ) Englisch

There is a "stark difference of opinion between countries like Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland and the Czech Republic as compared to western European countries such as France or Germany", writes Viktoriia Lapa from the Institute for European Policymaking at the Bocconi University in Italy, arguing that “westsplaining”...

gravitas_deficiency ,

How is this a misrepresentation?

Broadly speaking, Central and Western European countries have largely dismissed Eastern European concerns and wariness towards Russia for literal decades. All the “leading European countries” were pushing for increased engagement with Russia despite their territorial adventurism in Georgia. Hell, increased trade with Russia was practically Merkel’s signature policy (which, it has to be said, has aged like milk).

Eastern Europe has been encouraging caution and skepticism towards Russia’s geopolitical motivations basically since they joined NATO. The rest of the alliance ignored those warnings, and it’s demonstrably biting us in the ass now. Yes, there are many factors at play, but this is absolutely one of the factors, and it’s a big one.

gravitas_deficiency ,

So, as a software engineer who has also used Linux for decades, I get what you’re saying, but the simple fact is that Apple stuff tends to be way more rock-solid reliable for “normal users” (browsing, email, etc - basically, UI- and human-focused tasks) simply because they have vertically integrated everything.

That’s why their stuff “just works” pretty much always for simple activities - because when you control the chip architecture, instruction set, system hardware and integration, OS, the app code, and everything else I forgot to mention, you can do some really cool and hacky things to make the user experience incredible, but that cross some boundaries that a fully black-boxed architecture (that is: a design that strictly followed the hardware specs and didn’t rely on any nonstandard tricks or end-running of normal interfaces) likely wouldn’t.

gravitas_deficiency ,

You’d be surprised at the power of compounded examples of “eh, not my problem” in a bureaucracy

gravitas_deficiency ,

That is either deeply depressing or deeply concerning.

Polish PM Donald Tusk warns that "literally any scenario is possible" and that Europe entered the pre-war era when Russia invaded Ukraine ( ) Englisch

"War is no longer a concept from the past. It is real, and it started over two years ago. The most worrying thing at the moment is that literally any scenario is possible. We haven't seen a situation like this since 1945," Tusk said in an interview with the European media grouping LENA on Friday....

gravitas_deficiency ,

Arguably, yes, because it seems like everyone analogous to the Allies this time around can’t agree on anything and are simultaneously having to deal with a lot of hostile propaganda/manipulation, up to and including quisling politicians in our governments (sometimes entire governments, really) and hostile foreign service agents.

TL;DR: we’ve learned nothing

gravitas_deficiency ,

Man, it would be so fucking cool if Sweden just pulls a giga-chad move and is like “hey we got a couple squadrons of these older Grippens available. Sorry they’re not the newest, but here’s a couple hundred or so MBDA Meteors (arguably the best long-range AAM fully deployed in the world at the moment) and IRIS-Ts (roughly on par with the AIM-9X, one of the best short-range AAM fully deployed in the world at the moment) to go with it. Hope it helps.”

But also:

NATO AWACS has entered the channel

NATO AWACS wants to share DataLink


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