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barsoap ,

Not just any colours but the ones of the German deck: Diamonds are orange because bells are orange, and spades are green because leaves are green. Also spades and leaves look almost identical anyway. Hearts are the same, and acorns become clubs.

And just to be pedantic: It's not the "tournament deck", it's specifically the tournament deck for Skat, adopted when the East and German leagues reunified to avoid confusion. You'll be hard-pressed to get your hands on a 6 or below in those colours because Skat uses 32 cards.

I do think it's a good idea in general, though.

barsoap ,

Döner Kebab in bread is a much more recent invention than the same thing on a plate. Traditionally you'd get rice dunno how it's in Turkey but in Germany there's generally a choice of rice or fries.

Thus what you're looking at is a Dönerteller mit Pommes, arguably a very sorry one. Technically the salad is present, in practice, no, salad generally consists of more than just onion. You can order "Nur Zwiebel" instead of "Mit Alles" but they're going to feel sorry for you.

barsoap ,

yogurt with a sprinkle of random veggies

Don't let Greeks or Turks hear that.

You need yoghurt, the heavy stuff with 10% fat, olive oil, garlic, cucumber, pepper, and salt. Nothing else. No, no dill, no mint (WTF?), no nothing.

Julienne the cucumber. Very fine is better than fine as long as you're not producing mush. Salt it, let it stand for 10 minutes, then squeeze dry, toss the water. Add yoghurt, should be about two to three parts of yoghurt for one part cucumbers, by volume, don't sweat it. Take about a clove for 500g of yoghurt (that's a clove, not a bulb, yes it's quite little, but it's raw and it's going to infuse), surgically remove the sprout (that's where the nasty stuff is in garlic), chop finely. I said chop, not squeeze, yes it makes a difference. Add with pepper and salt and some olive oil, put in the fridge for at least one hour better a day, well covered (closed container is good, cling film if you have to), mix again and do final taste and consistency adjustment with pepper, salt and olive oil. Pepper should be subtle AF, supporting the garlic, not supplanting it.'s absolutely fine to do other yoghurt sauces and in fact in Germany you'll see three or four at any Döner shop, but don't call the non-tsasiki tsatsiki, please. If you want a herb sauce, call it herb sauce. There's no herbs in tsatsiki. (Sauces differ regionally in Germany -- there's always going to be tsatsiki, around here you also generally get curry, hot or mild, as well as cocktail sauce (no, not mayo based, it's still yoghurt)).

barsoap ,

Zero loss is not necessary in practice. Those coal plant upgrade kits use graphite blocks with embedded pipes and heating elements wrapped in absolutely bonkers isolation, all in a shipping container. Produce 700C steam. Self-discharge comparable to chemical batteries.

If you want scalable zero-loss storage because you want to store energy on a seasonal scale, or for long-distance transportation, the best solution should be to eat some conversion loss in the beginning. Ammonia, ethanol, suchlike, it'd be nice to have something that's not toxic but, well.

Oh: Zinc. People have been trying to make rechargeable zinc batteries for ages but it's just hard but there's another solution: Forego the recharging part and just throw the resultant zinc oxide back into an industrial refinery process. Works with pretty much any metal but zinc is convenient and we already have tons of infrastructure. To make the stuff zero-loss simply make sure to keep the zinc away from oxygen... which is easy as zinc oxide forms a protective coat so even though it oxidises quite quickly it also quickly stops doing that. Just like aluminium.

barsoap ,

The whole of Jutland is basically one big aquifer. The good news is that Sweden and Norway are nearby, there's already plenty of HVDC capacity to send Danish and Schleswig-Holstein wind into their hydro storage. Which is also the bad news the capacity is basically tapped out.

barsoap ,

We could, like, dude, dude!, we could turn the earth into a flywheel.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

Das eigentliche Verbrechen ist Tomatensauce Bolognese zu nennen. Die Hackfleischeinlage tut's dann auch nicht mehr, das Original ist ein Ragout und Tomate ist absolut optional.

Italiener kippen übrigens auch Ei in Nudeln, und nicht nur in Tirol, und auch in Tagliatelle (gibt's standardmäßig zum Ragout). Das ist alles eher ein Dialektkontinuum.

Was Bologneserezept angeht: Versuch's mal mit Suppenfleisch, welches Tier auch immer und gerne gemischt (es geht hier um Resteverwertung), in Scheiben geschnitten (ca. 5-10mm), dazu gewichtsmäßig die gleiche Menge Wein (Rot, Halbtrocken weil Gerbstoffe, nicht zu sauer), Suppengemüse (oder halt Soffritto is eh das gleiche), klein genug gehäckselt dass es zerkocht, ein paar Stunden oder im Schnellkochtopf die Hälfte köcheln lassen, Fleisch rausfischen, mit Gabeln zerreißen, wieder rein, nochmal gerne ne Stunde reduzieren, am Ende eingeweichte Gelatine dazu, Endresultat sollte so in Richtung Demiglace mit Zeug drin gehen. Säuregehalt am Ende mit Tomatenmark einstellen -- oder halt nicht, wenn's so schon passt. Wenn die Scheiben dicker sind gibt's zu lange Fasern, Gelatine könnte man auch aus Knochen bekommen (auch Geschmack) aber dann hat man's auch mit Splittern zu tun. Portionsweise einfrieren (es gibt da so genial große Eiswürfelformen)

So eine Portion laesst sich wunderbar in der Pfanne auftauen, klassische Technik mit Nudelwasser usw. Klassisch wie gesagt mit Tagliatelle, schimpft sich in Bologna dann Tagliatelle al Ragù, Fusilli passen auch gut und ja Spätzle gehen auch würde ich jetzt aber als suboptimal ansehen aber vielleicht mögen einige die Konsistenz. Farfalle hab ich auch schon gehört aber mit denen stehe ich auf Kriegsfuß weil al dente ist bei denen unmöglich. Packung Buttergemüse dazu geht auch gut um etwas frisches Gemüse dabei zu haben.

barsoap ,

Pastinaken sind definitiv auch was feines.

barsoap ,

Muss ja nichts falsch dran sein. Traditionell sind in Italien Eiernudeln frisch aber auch da gibt's die getrocknet im Supermarkt.

Wer einen Netto (ohne Hund) in der Nähe hat der kann mal deren Tagliatelle ausprobieren, die die durch Bronzeformen gedrückt wurden. Ist so ein schönes Zwischending: Weder Teflonglatt noch sauteuer weil irgendein Fanatiker jedes Weizenkorn mit der Hand ausliest.

barsoap ,

Blender changed it to just start typing one or two minor versions ago. There's certainly stuff I have no idea how to find in the menus because F3 is way more convenient than remembering things (just be aware that you still need to be in the right mode for stuff to show up).

barsoap OP ,

Erm... Katherine II invited Germans to settle in Russia because it was too darn empty, noticable migration between ~1750 and 1850, other migration periods, settling in various areas, Soviet Union happened, WWII happened, Germany offered everyone considered German by the Soviets/Soviet-aligned countries, or living there and being sufficiently connected to German culture, a passport.

Even though called "Russian-German" they're from all over the place, also Kazakhstan, also, of note, Ukraine. And Russia of course. Before the war they were a unified community (all, after all, spoke Russian), then suddenly it mattered where exactly they came from. This documentary is a recent snapshot of their community, there's an earlier one but it doesn't seem to be online any more (blame German public TV laws the private channels complained, court had to give them right, and the government so far hasn't fixed the situation).

barsoap OP ,

Watching the previous one isn't necessary to watch this one it still has plenty of context.

barsoap OP ,

BR will only be German, Bavarians barely speak German they certainly won't do English. The arte doc is produced by the BR, same author, it definitely contains earlier material dunno if that's the one I watched, it's kinda unlikely because I don't tend to watch BR, but it might've made its way to the ARD. Also I think the one I watched before was only a month or two after the start of the "three day operation".

...which is all to say seems like there's a BR journalist hanging out in Würzburg (which is in Bavaria) churning out documentaries about the community.

barsoap ,

Also, you need a supported card. I have a potato going by the name RX 5500, not on the supported list. I have the choice between three rocm versions:

  1. An age-old prebuilt, generally works, occasionally crashes the graphics driver, unrecoverably so... Linux tries to re-initialise everything but that fails, it needs a proper reset. I do need to tell it to pretend I have a different card.
  2. A custom-built one, which I fished out of a docker image I found on the net because I can't be arsed to build that behemoth. It's dog-slow, due to using all generic code and no specialised kernels.
  3. A newer prebuilt, any. Works fine for some, or should I say, very few workloads (mostly just BLAS stuff), otherwise it simply hangs. Presumably because they updated the kernels and now they're using instructions that my card doesn't have.

#1 is what I'm actually using. I can deal with a random crash every other day to every other week or so.

It really would not take much work for them to have a fourth version: One that's not "supported-supported" but "we're making sure this things runs": Current rocm code, use kernels you write for other cards if they happen to work, generic code otherwise.

Seriously, rocm is making me consider Intel cards. Price/performance is decent, plenty of VRAM (at least for its class), and apparently their API support is actually great. I don't need cuda or rocm after all what I need is pytorch.

barsoap ,

Kannst nicht wörtlich übersetzen weil das von Amis kommt die haben ein komplett anderes Verständnis des Konzepts. In dem Sinne wäre "Raushängenmonat" wohl adäquat.

barsoap ,


Du hast "Menschen" falsch geschrieben.

barsoap ,

Die nach außen gerichteten Aggressionen gibt's auch bei Frauen, nennt sich Stutenbissigkeit, und bei Männern auch die Antriebslosigkeit, nennt sich burnout. Zugrunde liegen in allen vier Fällen idR Ohnmachtsgefühle irgendeiner Art: Das eigene Leben nicht so leben zu können dass es mit den eigenen Instinkten in Einklang steht.

Beides absolut unterdiagnostiziert weil's nicht dem Narrativ entspricht. Und auch wenn man's diagnostiziert gegen Kapitalismus gibt's halt keine Pillen. (Burnout mag man als "das wird doch diagnostiziert" ansehen wollen -- aber eben halt erst wenn Menschen erwerbsunfähig werden. Angefangen hat das normalerweise schon mindestens 10 Jahre früher).

barsoap OP ,

Might have a lot to do with the relative state of infrastructure and, generally, their surroundings.

That is, you might be personally fine off economically, but you're seeing abandoned buildings all over the place, the trams are run down, and the schools have leaky roofs because the municipality has no money because half of the population moved west and all the infrastructure is oversized.

Meanwhile, the stereotypical Green voter is living in a city driving their Cayenne to the horse pasture enjoying the quaint surroundings. (I mean of course you need an SUV you're towing the horse once every two years)

barsoap OP ,

Who are those 50.000 that went from green party to afd? What kind of reason could there possibly be for that?

Not to speculate too much but according to court records, Beate Zschäpe browsed Greenpeace news before setting the camper ablaze.

The German far-right has never been anti-environmentalist as such, much to the contrary: On the first Green party convention there were a lot of people who were of the opinion that not enough is being done for the German forest. Until they got kicked out with prejudice. It's the centre-right which likes to bury nuclear waste in leaky barrels in leaky salt mines.

barsoap OP ,

Where the fuck did you get that nonsense?

Public TV. Some documentary about the whole insanity that happened that day.

The AfD literally does not believe in climate change and wants to get the coal industry running again.

I never said anything to the contrary... well I guess I should've been more specific: Nazis were never anti-environmentalist as such. I think AfD climate denialism roots in their neoliberal history, when Nazis took over they didn't change it because they're not planning on doing anything in their programme once in power, anyway, and it's politically convenient.

barsoap OP , (Bearbeitet )

Germany. Greenpeace was quite prominent in her browser history. She's a murderous fascist assclown doesn't mean she doesn't care about the whales, and whatever. Hitler loved dogs. How is this surprising or unbelievable to you.

...and, ok, fine, I'll get you a source. Not the original documentary (probably depublished), have a taz article:

  1. November 2011: Uwe Mundlos und Uwe Böhnhardt liegen tot in einem Wohnmobil in Eisenach. Das Ende der Terrorzelle NSU, nach dreizehn Jahren. 181 Kilometer östlich, in der Frühlingsstraße 26 in Zwickau-Weißenborn, sucht die Benutzerin „Liese“ am Computer nach Nachrichten. „Liese“ ist einer der Alias-Namen von Beate Zschäpe. Wie sie vom Tod ihrer Kumpanen erfährt, ist immer noch unklar. Aber irgendwie muss sie es mitbekommen haben. Nun flieht sie. Kurz vorher tippt „Liese“ noch einen Satz in das Suchfeld des Internetbrowsers: „wohin kann ich sicher spenden“. Sie geht auf Seiten der Diakonie, eines Tierheims, von Greenpeace.

She set her apartment ablaze, not the camper with the other two dead Nazis inside, I misremembered that one.

barsoap OP ,

Over here in SH urbanisation is actually reversing a bit. Only a bit, but on average villages aren't dealing with a draining population any more. Lots of really small places that have issues, but OTOH the people there drive regularly to some village populous enough to have a supermarket and see that it's quite stable. Just don't ever visit Neumünster.

And I also think that plays into the "great replacement" perception: There's a difference when a place of say 20k gets 100 refugees and that's it vs. getting 100 refugees and 1000 leaving to work elsewhere. Still nowhere close to rightoid conspiracy narratives, of course, but the incline of the curve looks quite different, it's much easier to spin a narrative out of such a situation.

barsoap OP ,

lmao So we went from “browsing Greenpeace news” to “she was visiting a website of an animal shelter”.

No, she went to Greenpeace. She also went to one for an animal shelter. Also, what I linked to is a mere corroborating source.

barsoap OP ,

The whole system is a joke if there's too many certificates around, though, for whatever reason.

barsoap OP , (Bearbeitet )

My bets are on EPP+S&D+Greens. No fundamental policy shift, Renew will support the coalition at least in part, maybe even become part of it. ECR and ID really are too diverse to properly gauge policy-wise. Really, business as usual: A centre-centre-centre coalition.

Btw there's a majority calculator

barsoap ,

Can we take a moment to consider that everything is the fault of the Italians. The Italians, and only the Italians:

Why the hell are your polling stations open until 23:00? Who the hell votes at that time? Is it one of those "not cappuccino after 11 -- no voting before dusk" kind of superstitions? You're the reason we don't have proper projections yet!

barsoap ,

I blame it on the greens for not fielding Habeck as chancellor candidate. I'm probably going to be salty about that one for the next 40 years.

barsoap ,

We're already done counting. They're actively not updating the results because the Italians can't be bothered to vote during daytime. On a Sunday.

EDIT: State results are in. Well, almost completely.

barsoap ,

Then vote after your morning espresso!

Or like me: Go to vote whenever, visit the Italian ice cream parlour on the way back.

barsoap ,

We could've had a Green-Red or at least Red-Green government is what I mean.

...but, no, the Greens said "there's no female chancellor candidate, there must be one, therefore we will field a politician who's at least two magnitudes less electable" -- and that after no less than 16 years of Merkel. As if anything had to be proven on that front. As if self-congratulatory symbol politics would ever have gotten us anywhere.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

people saying they want climate protection, but in the end the yearly flight to Mallorca was more important.

Nope that's cope. Classical green cope pattern, btw: "The people have a good heart but the devil of carbon is whispering in their ear".

Firstoff: No, people are aware that there might be some quality of life changes involved in climate change. The question they're asking is not "whether" but "do they make sense". "Do they lead somewhere".

Secondly: Sleeper trains and ferries exist. In principle you can fall asleep in Spandau and wake up in Palma.

Thirdly, because it's been so much fun: Who the fuck thought mandating houses to get individual heat pump installations was a good idea -- I mean I get it, members of the green party are usually well off, they bought one of those and thought it would be a great idea for everyone. Thing is: Ask scientists, they're saying district heating is the much better solution. When it comes to resource usage, overall cost, and definitely cost for the home owners.

But the Green party would never field a candidate to win, or a policy to be popular, or that failing, to be actually efficient because y'all are too busy driving your Cayenne to the farmer's market. And I mean what I say there: The Greens are considered hypocrites, caring about a gazillion things but nature and people's relationship with it.

barsoap ,

What kind of insane warmonger amirite?

That's some Fundie shit. Seriously, noone but Fundies consider Realos to be war-mongers. They're also the only ones considering "Olivgrün" an insult. It's like vegans acting surprised when noone cares about their moraline-sour opinion of vegetarians.

Conservatives wouldn't have been able to touch Habeck, either, the man can quarrel with SH farmers calling him a clueless city boy and come out on top with everyone respecting him. Remember his Israel speech? Where one was left wondering "that was damn good, why isn't the chancellor doing that"? "why isn't the foreign minister doing that"? The answer is simple: Because neither of them are able to. They had to ignore their actual functions in government to get the message out.

barsoap ,

Which is an option and would have been an option under the original law.

It is not a realistic option because the federation isn't giving municipalities access to the capital needed to invest in that stuff.

Decentralized solutions are faster

No. Decentralised solutions need decentralised work which more often than not is a higher total amount than if there was some kind of centralisation -- also "municipal level" is not exactly the pinnacle of centralisation. With district heating a municipality needs a couple of specialists dealing with the actual heating part, installation workers which can be any plumber, not just specialists, and road workers which are a completely different pool. For a decentralised solution you need a gazillion of specialists, of which there are not enough. You need to order a gazillion of individual heat pumps and guess what companies aren't able to deliver in those numbers. Want to get a heat pump installed today? Call a company, they'll tell you that they'll be able to squeeze you in for an initial assessment in five years.

And this was known. The studies comparing different approaches had been made. Of course they were made this is Germany. And the Greens went ahead and said "we'll take the one that our members feel comfortable with, where they can feel superior to everyone else because they've been ahead of the curve". The biggest obstacle to Green policies in Germany is not the voter, but the insistence of the Green party to smell its own farts.

barsoap ,

Zweiseilumlaufbahnen kommen auf max. so 5000 Menschen/Stunde, das ist in der Größenordnung einer Buslinie mit hoher Frequenz. Auf Schienen geht bis 100000.

Die Strecken sind fest also längst nicht so flexibel wie Busse, und schon Straßenbahnen haben mehr Kapazität. Im Normalfall können Gondeln punktuell Sinn machen wirkliche Netze machen aber nur da Sinn wo Schiene arge Probleme hätte, La Paz z.B.

barsoap ,

Im Durchschnitt werden Busse in der Größenordnung sein aber wenn du in der Stoßzeit Stoßstange an Stoßstange fährst dann geht da einiges mehr. Das ist auch der einzige Grund warum bei Busersatzverkehr nicht alles zusammen bricht, is aber auch teuer.

Gondeln haben aber auch Nachteile wie die Abhängigkeit von Wind und wenn da das Kabel ausgetauscht werden muss, und das ist regelmäßig, dann geht da garnichts mehr. Kriegt man in den Alpen nicht mit das machen die im Sommer.

barsoap ,

They mentioned a possible Islamist motive. Which is an important distinction to make because the Westboro Baptist Church doing something is not the same as some random Christian doing something.

Also, you're reading France24. Sticking with state media, but this time German, DW has more:

Investigators earlier said the suspect was an Afghan citizen who had been resident in Germany for around a decade. He had no criminal record and had not come to law enforcement's attention in the past, they said.

The suspect was eventually shot by police. As of Saturday evening, he was alive but in the hospital and in no fit state to be interrogated, according to investigators. As a result, they said, his motives and the reason for his attack required further investigation.

barsoap ,

Ja man fragt sich ja sowieso wie sowas überhaupt sein konnte, warum der Rest Deutschlands eine Rundfunklizenz eines dahergelaufenen gescheiterten Staates wie Berlin anerkannt hat.

barsoap ,


Not just routine but planned and announced months prior. It's also routine to cancel such things, that the US didn't do that specifically around the time they announced Ukraine could use US weapons to hit targets in Russia is a rather big nod with the sabre.

But, yes, routine.

barsoap ,

Half the reason why I bought an RTX GPU was for the video enhancement features like SDR to HDR conversion and AI upscaling

Neither of those things have anything to do with raytracing. Well the tensor cores used for denoising in RT workloads are suitable for all kinds of AI workloads and thus also upscaling, but really it hasn't got to do anything with raytracing. Or AI in particular any GPU can do convolutions.

I don't own an nvidia card and honestly few linux users do because their driver support sucks, I'd say if nvidia advertised those features and their linux drivers don't have them your complaints should be directed at nvidia. They won't care.

Meanwhile, mpv does inverse tone mapping natively. They don't integrate AI upscaling but there's various projects providing glsl shaders which mpv can use, here's the configs for Anime4K. There's also frame interpolation around somewhere but I haven't used it in ages because variable refresh rate is the best solution to odd frame rates.

Development of X halted, the few patches that are still landing concern xwayland, don't expect anything to happen there. KDE 6.0 ships with experimental HDR support on wayland, you might not need to wait five years go give a live USB stick a spin. Arch wiki has some pointers (not that I'd be recommending arch but I am recommending their wiki).

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

Yes and no. In the north we simply don't build stuff where it could get flooded, or accept that it will be flooded. E.g. Hamburg's Fischmarkt is getting flooded quite regularly (spring/storm tides), no biggie it's built to handle it just let it happen it's not like those cobblestones would be priceless artifacts. Meanwhile, in more mountainous regions places started to think "hmm it was silly of our ancestors to build the village up the hill, we should build new stuff down in the valley by the river" because they hadn't seen a flash flood in a generation.

In short, the issue here is that the people there don't know how (sorry) water comes from above, below, and the sides. Couldn't happen up here that's every other day of the week.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

Depends on the river. With those Elbe floods that gave upstream so much trouble once the flood reached the tidal area it either hit a low tide which basically just soaks everything up or a high tide, which still was below spring or storm tide levels.

Generally speaking though and tidal systems aside (which arguably are more coastline than rivers) you should always have regions that you are willing to flood. There's plenty of places where seasonal flooding was the norm in the past and they're very valuable biotopes, those should be restored where possible, and even when not flooding a couple of fields and paying out the farmers is rather less of a headache than dealing with uncontrolled flooding. Short video about a flood forest. Bonus: Frozen.

barsoap ,

Nah we did that because the conservative government fucked up the energy transition so badly it's hard to not assume intent. Had we actually followed the 2000 plan and trajectory we'd already be self-reliant at least when it comes to electricity (Germany will always need imports for chemical feedstuff etc).

They delayed many measures so that the likes of RWE were given time to change their investments over to renewables because competition from non-gigantic companies is something they really don't like, that Fukushima nuclear exit is part of the delay strategy: First they extended the run-time of existing nuclear plants, with Fukushima they retracted that again in anticipation of political backlash, they never touched the law on there not going to be new plants.

They failed to make the network ready for renewables, like the badly needed north-south connection. Instead they rather blame everything on NIMBYs they a) incited themselves and b) could easily be pacified by burying cables. I get it you have an idyllic and scenic mountain village in a nice valley I wouldn't want to have pylons there, either. Not an unsolvable problem, though.

They even single-handedly destroyed the German solar panel industry, alongside with 80000 jobs.

barsoap ,

The best non-DSM category for socio/psychopath I've come across is the lack of affective empathy, but intact cognitive empathy. (non-DSM because that's just symptom clusters not aetiologies, you quite literally need to have broken laws to be diagnosed with ASPD). Then you have a look at what skills are useful to have as a surgeon, like not flinching when you cut into people, and their character traits including their bedside manners, yep there's plenty of perfectly integrated psychopaths around. Same goes for pyromaniacs fire departments are full of them, you only ever hear about the ones who don't get the curve.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

die mit ihrem Schmerz alleine bleiben, weil sich die Beschäftigung mit Gefühlen oder sogar Psychotherapie aus dieser heftigen Prägung heraus für sie eben falsch anfühlt

Nein. Das liegt vor allem daran dass das Symptombild bei Männern anders aussieht: Weniger Antriebslosigkeit, mehr Frustration. Probleme sind ja schließlich zum lösen da, nicht zum jammern. Da jetzt zu sagen "jammert doch lieber und seid Antriebslos statt frustriert weil Sisyphus", was soll das bringen? Warum sollte die eine Symptomatik besser sein als die andere? Die Frage ist eher: Warum schleppst du den Stein überhaupt mit dir rum, und warum muss er nach oben, tut's nicht auch ein Tal. Um so eine Unterhaltung zu erreichen müsste die Gesellschaft aber erst überhaupt anerkennen dass man depressiv ist damit es von den Betroffenen und ihrer Umgebung als solche erkannt werden kann. Dann kannst du dich beschweren dass Männer nicht zum Arzt wollen, nicht vorher.

AggressivelyPassive hat ne Menge Unsinn geredet, bei dem "Lass dir nicht von Frauen erzählen wie du zu fühlen hast" hat er aber in's schwarze getroffen. Vielleicht nicht in diesem Fall (hab' den Artikel nicht gelesen, wer macht denn sowas) aber im großen und ganzen, ja, das Problem existiert definitiv. Und, weist du was? Frustriert ihn wahrscheinlich, aufgrund persönlicher Erfahrungen.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

Die Wurzel ist maladaptives Verhalten, ohne Unterschied welche Strategie maladaptiv geworden ist. Der Ansatz sollte nicht sein den Leuten eine Strategie zu diktieren, sondern aufzuzeigen in wiefern ihr Lieblingspferd maladaptiv geworden ist, die Spreu vom Weizen trennen, nicht sagen "Weizen ist doof du sollst Roggen futtern". Das ganze hat auch weniger mit Geschlecht zu tun, das ist gerade bei diesen Themen reine Statistik und keine Diagnose, sondern mit der Notwendigkeit von individualisierten Ansätzen.

Mal ein Schwung woanders hin: Trauerbewältigung. Es gab lange dieses Modell des "emotionalen Kessels", was Therapeuten dazu verleitet hat Patienten zu erzählen sie sollten so richtig schön rauslassen. Is ja auch gut, wenn man irgendwelche Hemmungen hat das zu tun dann hilft es wenn es einem explizit erlaubt wird, damit man es sich selbst erlaubt. Dann macht man eine Kohortenstudie, und es stellt sich heraus das die Kohorte der dieser Tipp gegeben wurde schlechter bei der Trauerbewältigung abschnitt als die Kontrollkohorte, ganz ohne Therapie. In der näheren Untersuchung hat sich dann ergeben dass diese Anleitung zum rauslassen viele Patienten dazu gebracht hat der Meinung zu sein sie würden zu wenig trauern, zu wenig rauslassen, was sie dazu geführt hat ihr Zeug nicht zu verarbeiten, sondern die Verarbeitung zu unterdrücken um eben mehr und länger rauslassen zu können: Was für die einen Therapie war war für den Durschnittsmenschen das Gegenteil.

Zurück zur Depression: Wenn du jemandem sagst "Situationen, in denen du dich machtlos fühlst sollten sich bei dir nicht in frustriertem Ehrgeiz sondern gefühlsschwangerer Antriebslosigkeit ausdrücken" dann ist das genauso falsch als wenn du jemand anders das Gegenteil sagen würdest. Es geht nicht darum auf ein anderes Pferd zu steigen sondern das, auf dem der Patient sitzt richtig zu besatteln: Dem Frustrierten erzählst du was von der Unterscheidung zwischen Dingen die man kontrollieren kann, und denen die man nicht kontrollieren kann, hilft ihnen, die letzteren einem am Arsch vorbeigehen zu lassen, und gibt Strategiehilfen. Dem Antriebslosen erzählst du z.B. was vom Geburtsrecht auf die kleinen schönen guten Dinge im Leben, erarbeitest feinfühlig lange Listen von kleinen Dingen gegen die beiden von euch wirklich nichts einfällt was daran doof sein sollte -- und für die dann, Wunder oh Wunder, der wenige Antrieb der da ist tatsächlich reicht. In beiden Fällen kann es damit getan sein, der Rest löst sich von alleine, wenn nicht hast du immerhin schon ne Stabilisierung und damit festen Grund von dem aus man Tiefseeangeln gehen kann.

Auf der anderen Seite kann man versuchen die Strategie die für die eine Gruppe richtig ist bei der anderen anzuwenden, egal wie rum, und alles was passieren wird ist das Therapie an sich in den Verruf gerät sinnlos zu sein. Zu recht, denn so ein Ansatz ist, tschuldigung, maladaptiv von der Therapeutenseite selber.

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