bjoern_tantau , an Memes in Uncanny Valley avatar

It's called "corpse". Often riddled with diseases.

MissJinx , avatar

maybe hairless chimps too. Those things are crazy

drolex ,

They will rip your dick out, Jamie send that video of jacked hairless chimps

MissJinx , avatar

Your dick, your face... they'll pretty much, as we say in my corner of the world, "Fuck your shit up"

Ragnarok314159 ,

Now, imagine the violence early human bought upon early chimps to become the dominant species but also make them shy away from us.

alcoholicorn ,

There's a difference between a few humans throwing some rocks at something's head and poking it with a sharp stick and what chimps do.

Ragnarok314159 ,

I think you missed the proverbial point. We likely slaughtered the chimps and put their heads on pikes. Chimps have nothing on the violence humans are capable of inflicting.

alcoholicorn ,

In scale? Yes. In brutality? Go look up chimp attacks.

feedum_sneedson ,


alcoholicorn ,

Yeah the context is that many indigenous people depended on the buffalo for food.

It was basically the same as when Israel pours concrete down wells and burns olive groves that took centuries to get that productive. They knew for every buffalo they killed, an indian would starve.

That image is similar to the rooms full of luggage in Auschwitz in what it represents.

ours ,

Chimps kicked our weak asses off the trees. They should regret how that turned out for them.

School_Lunch ,

I remember a documentary about a famous northwest passage expedition that was never seen again. One of the inuit people they talked to during an investigation claimed they found a boat, and in the captain's quarters they found a body in the bed with a big smile on its face. That would be absolutely terrifying, but apparently that's what naturally happens to corpses when their lips and gums receed.

Kosta554 , avatar

Damn, now i want to know!



Caboose12000 ,

You've just ruined my night. I screamed. My phone was like an inch from my face and I was all tucked into bed. That triggered something primaly unsettling for me. Thank you


You're welcome.

Caboose12000 ,

I trusted you


You were the best Blue.

Shard ,

Franklin's last expedition

FrostyCaveman ,

At least he died happy

Classy ,

"Oh for just one time, I would take the Northwest Passage..."

Grandwolf319 ,

Damn, got to listen to it now…

DevCat , avatar

It also covers those who are not biologically fit to be mates. Various conditions can appear as physical traits.

Amanuet ,

You're right though, as soon as someone dies, there's something not right at all about how they look. They don't look asleep, they look uncanny valley.

Dippy , avatar

Or perhaps whatever animal killed your friend is still nearby. Maybe it's still hungry, or maybe it feels it's territory is still underappreciated.

Baizey ,

Its territory is underappreciated?

Dippy , avatar

Yeah, some asshole walks through your territory, doesn't seem like it's being appreciated that the territory is yours

intensely_human ,

There might be a monster with hurt fee fees in the bushes

ceasarlegsvin , an Memes in YARRR

Pirating a ubisoft game is pretty obviously morally wrong.

Not because of the piracy, but because then you're wasting your time playing a ubisoft game.

Noodle07 ,

Lol hard agree

RandomLegend , avatar

My SSD complains about feeling disgusting and dirty after i installed a Ubisoft game to it last time.

It won't happen again, it needs some time to recover from that.

uis , avatar

And also because you make ubisoft game more popular

JamesStallion , an Memes in *Cough Cough...* Chrome... *Chough*...

Everytime this is reposted in a new template I remind everyone that no one is using incognito mode to hide from their ISP they are using it to hide from their spouse or partner.

Bonehead ,

...and so that typing in a url doesn't automatically auto fill with a site you'd rather not let anyone else see.

BeardedBlaze , avatar

That's an option you can disable, no need for incognito

Bonehead ,

Yes, but I want auto fill turned on for some websites because they go straight to the section that I want instead of navigating through the site every time.

spicytuna62 , avatar

I also use private mode for searching things that I myself would be appalled to find in my own search history.

herrcaptain ,

That's pretty advanced usage - hiding stuff from yourself.

Confused_Emus ,

Never underestimate the depths of my shame.

BolexForSoup , avatar

I produce a podcast that gets us into some twisted corners of the internet. Especially when I fact check things for the other hosts. Mullvad + proton VPN always up, no question.

ColeSloth ,

Or occasionally just when I'm looking up something stupid and don't want to see advertisements for the next two weeks for it.

herrcaptain ,

Beyond that it's legitimately useful for logging into a second account on a site or for various testing purposes as a web developer. Though if you're consistently using it for the former, containers are a better solution.

bandwidthcrisis ,

Also useful for testing links that might only work if signed in.

For instance, if I share a link to a OneDrive file, will it force the receiver to sign up with Microsoft before they can view the file.

herrcaptain ,

Absolutely! I do that all the time.

solarvector ,

Eh, or they just don't want a forever history stored on their own computer any more than they want it stored on someone else's computer.

BolexForSoup , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

I don’t need the obvious URL’s popping up whenever I start typing. I’m just one fat finger away from a bad mistake and subsequent loud sounds on my studio speakers when anyone could be around if I don’t do that.

It’s best to keep that stuff separated out to spare yourself some incredibly avoidable embarrassing moments.

Squiddly ,

I mainly use it so my wife doesn't see the stupid crap I look up

JackFrostNCola ,

I use private mode for a whole bunch of stuff, visiting shopping sites i dont want coming up in targeted ads, watching youtube videos that are out of my usual jam and not wanting to get endless suggestions for crap im not into because i wanted to see a plumbing repair how-to or listen to a song wildly out of my usual genres because i was in the mood.

Sotuanduso , avatar

I mainly use it for random things that I don't want to influence my recommendations, like clickbait YouTube videos.

pyre ,

also good for temporarily logging in to an account on a service without logging out of your regular one on main

Appoxo , avatar

Literally my usecase for it. Quickly test the browser if it's an issue related zo my account or not.

asexualchangeling ,

I do this but whenever i have to quickly use someone else's computer

pyre ,

me too, it doesn't disturb the owner's account and you don't have to worry about whether you logged out afterwards.

Mongostein ,

No doubt. Whoever’s making these memes obviously wasn’t around when Incognito/Private browsing was introduced. It was never advertised as hiding anything from your ISP.

Deestan ,
ares35 , avatar

i use private windows mainly so i don't clutter up browser histories with useless stuff i won't go back to (if i do run across something to save, it gets bookmarked or printed to pdf).

mexicancartel ,

Yeah thats why I use Firefox Focus on mobile. It has no feature to save history. I use normal Firefox in case I want to save history or login permanently

pyre , (Bearbeitet )

I use DDG browser for the same reason; if I want to go back to something I use Firefox on mobile instead.

hemko ,

Not even to hide anything from anyone, but to not have porn pop up in suggestions when casually browsing internet.

I do this on both phone and computer, that my wife doesn't even know password to (or care about)

Dirk , avatar

Because different accounts are not possible on every OS, right?

lolcatnip ,

Browser profiles serve very different needs from OS level accounts.

Dirk , avatar

Yes, they do. I use 4 different browser profiles for various things. But everyone who uses my computer while I cannot control what they do, gets their own user account or can use a guest account.

lolcatnip ,

My brother in Christ, you are literally giving an example of how browser profiles and OS accounts solve different problems.

Dirk , avatar

I still don't get what you're trying to say.

Do not let people use your OS account if you don't want them to have access to all of your data, including all of your browser profiles.

Browser profiles are not a security feature.

variants ,

I've always been used to browser clearing everything on exit. On my phone I set Firefox focus as the default browser so whenever I search anything I just dump it after

dependencyinjection ,

It’s for wanking. That’s it. It only ever goes to pornhub

Senseless ,

I'm in my thirties, single for years and occasionally make sexual jokes. People know I fap. Everyone faps (huh, could be the title for an educational children's book..), I don't hide my browser history. Other question is who from? I live alone.

DanVctr ,

What about when when the police go through your computer after you slip and die on a banana peel? That could be embarrassing you know

olutukko ,

no there is also a second use. to search answers for questins you're too embarassed about

dependencyinjection ,

There is nothing embarrassing about learning something new.

henfredemars ,

I’m not even hiding it in the sense that I’m being sneaky. My spouse just rather not see it in the suggestions!

Landless2029 ,

I use it for Xmas shopping and for when I don't want a site to auto login with any of my sessions.

ILikeBoobies ,

Firefox containers

Put all your accounts in different containers and just open the page outside of them (also great for multilogging and not being cookie tracked)

lolcatnip ,

That's great for sites you visit routinely but way more hassle than it's worth for one-off visits.

ILikeBoobies ,

You can have a container for one offs though I don’t think you are worried about them auto logging in

Landless2029 ,

I do this as well for work stuff. Multiple tenants and customers. It's great.

sverit ,
UltraMagnus0001 ,

Sometimes to browse deals on hotels, planes, ISP, mobile cell providers, but mostly porn

Donjuanme , an Memes in Uncanny Valley

Or you need to identify those who aren't behaving properly (sickness or other resource intense disability) and should be outcast from the group (something we don't need to do today, but the right wing narrative insists that need to do)

Num10ck ,

we should be outcasting all sorts of toxic behaviors instead of putting them in charge.

Donjuanme ,

I do believe there's a happy medium between out-casting and electing, probably even a large amount of medium space.

But that's not what you get in a first past the post system.

Num10ck ,

agreed but i also mean business leaders

Ragnarok314159 ,

Usually they just an MBA.

MindTraveller ,

Yeah, like neurotypical people. There should be a rule against holding office in government if you're neurotypical.

flicker ,

I was thinking rabies.

A person who looks wrong.

Ragnarok314159 ,

I was thinking psychopath. Someone who tries to blend in and act normal but never quite gets it. We have no problem be horrors to other species, but early humans couldn’t afford a psychopath willing and wanting to kill their own tribe.

MindTraveller ,

Psychopath is just Latin for mentally ill person. Someone suffering from depression is a "psychopath", and no, depressed people aren't dangerous. What the fuck is wrong with you?

dunz , avatar

Even though that's what the latin translation is, that's not what the word means. The definition is "Psychopathy, or psychopathic personality is a personality construct characterized by impaired empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egocentric traits masked by superficial charm and the outward presence of apparent normality".

MindTraveller ,

It's not in the DSM, because it's not real. It's a fake diagnosis pushed by pseudoscientists.

hellofriend ,

Okay, first of all: the DSM is used primarily in North America. The majority of the world uses ICDM.

Secondly, the DSM has gone through many iterations and changes. For instance, DSM-I and -II contained psychopathy as a mental illness. It was replaced by ASPD in DSM-III. What we term today as "major depressive disorder" was also introduced in DSM-III. Did depression not exist prior to the third DSM? Did ASPD not exist? Does psychopathy not exist now that it has been replaced by ASPD?

Thirdly, there's so much bloody overlap in conditions listed in the DSM that you could present two psychiatrists with the same list of symptoms and they would diagnose two different disorders. And to my mind, this lends more credence to the first DSM's principle classifications of psychotic, neurotic, and behavioural disorders.

To summarize, the DSM is regional and therefore cannot be applied globally. It describes medical conditions and those medical conditions can be redefined at any time. And it is borderline unreliable due to diagnostic confusion and overspecification. In short, the presence or lack thereof of some cluster of symptoms in the DSM is not an indicator of the existence of a condition.

MindTraveller ,

The DSM removed it because it was fake. Early psychologists believed in it, and over time they were proven wrong, so the official materials were revised.

hellofriend ,

Ah, so you're just a troll account, then. Very well, carry on.

Ragnarok314159 ,

Are you legitimately stupid? Do you not understand what the commonly accepted definition is for psychopath?

I suggest you figure it out before spouting Reddit level drivel.

MindTraveller ,

Actually, tribal humans tend to support people with disabilities, even severe ones. It's only feudal and capitalist societies that treat disabled people with cruelty. It isn't natural.

intensely_human ,

something we don't need to do today, but the right wing narrative insists that need to do

People keep saying this, but I really don’t see right wingers arguing for outcasting people.

Donjuanme ,

I'm sorry, you don't see phobias in the right wing?

It's proven right wing individuals have more active fear trigger regions of the brain.

Building a wall and shutting down the border, letting people die of dehydration in the desert, are policies from the left wing?

peteypete420 , an Memes in *Cough Cough...* Chrome... *Chough*...

I always thought private browsing was just so all the porn content doesn't stay in search history's and the address bar doesn't auto fill if my grandmother sits down to look at her Facebooks.

phorq ,

Why are you hogging all the hot singles in your area to yourself? Sharing is caring!

protput ,

That is exactly what it is.

Rediphile ,

And it was always clearly stated as such. It's absurd that anyone was upset by this. I have yet to find a single user on here who did not properly understand what it was for, or at least none willing admit to being that dumb.

Patches , (Bearbeitet )

[Thema, Post oder Kommentar wurde durch den Author gelöscht]

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  • EmpathicVagrant ,

    I’ve never used Linux and don’t even understand it so that last part’s not quite true anymore.

    ReakDuck ,

    I saw a lot of normal people who just didnt want reddit anymore. So here are a lot of non tech savy people too without even knowinng Linux.

    ReakDuck ,

    I saw a lot of normal people who just didnt want reddit anymore. So here are a lot of non tech savy people too without even knowinng Linux.

    sgtskully ,

    Very non tech savvy person here, that is just a normie reddit refugee. I know what Linux is, but have never really worked with it. Don't have an opinion about it.
    I recently installed a pi hole in my home network by following step by step instructions. That's the most techy stuff I ever did in my life and I would have never dared to try it, if I hadn't read a comment on lemmy that linked an easy introduction into working with raspberry pis.

    szczuroarturo ,

    Have you tried because of lemmy? Or was it something you flirted with before.
    Because your post do scream im secretly a technical person

    sgtskully ,

    I did know of pi hole before, but had no idea how to even start to set it up. Without the instructions I wouldn't have tried it.

    MrBusiness ,

    Can a fellow non tech savvy person get that link please?

    sgtskully ,

    I did not save the site and it was in my native language, so probably not even useful to you. Sorry

    Try searching yourself or ask around on lemmy. I assure you, it is worth it.

    LemmyKnowsBest ,

    Everybody knows the deal. We just like to keep joking about it, as we see above in the OP meme.

    TankovayaDiviziya , (Bearbeitet )

    Private browsing in Google Chrome will not store your browsing data locally into your computer; but Google will still keep that data in their own records.

    Rustmilian , (Bearbeitet ) an linuxmemes in I respect people who don't like snaps, but Canonical will not abandon a successful project avatar

    It's not that successful if the userbase hates it and would rather use a competitor.

    friend_of_satan ,

    For me it was a successful deterrent. Debian bookworm has been wonderful.

    Whayle , avatar

    I installed mint on my second PC, and it's great. I feel like migrating my main, but I'm not sure it would go smoothly. I've had a lot of issues with my four months old Ubuntu install, lately the keyboard is nonfunctional at the login screen about half the time. Snaps are another reason making me want to leave it behind.

    Zink ,

    I found out I could dual boot Linux at work and went right for Mint. I think it’s great. It’s a nice pragmatic choice for people like me who love using Linux and are constantly in a bash prompt, but who don’t want to build up a system from scratch and who are fine not running the very latest.

    It’s even downstream from some of the most popular distros out there, but without Canonical’s controversial shit.

    TimeSquirrel , avatar

    Yeah I love it, Debian feels like opening a featureless gray box that just says "OS" on the front. Add whatever you want. A blank canvas. It's as close to "generic" Linux as you can get.

    hydroptic , an Memes in *audible sigh*
    psmgx ,

    For the entirely of June, GlaDOS does a Lesbian butch voice in honor of increasing lesbian visibility.

    The joke is that it sounds exactly the same.

    maynarkh ,

    Almost as if homosexual people were just people.

    Gormadt , avatar
    OurToothbrush ,

    I thought the joke was the inherent homoeroticism of Glados

    Apeman42 , avatar

    You know, I find the most erotic part of a woman is the neurotoxin dispensers.

    OurToothbrush ,

    Yeah, that and the degradation and praise elements

    EmpathicVagrant ,


    I’m crying this is too good

    RizzRustbolt ,

    Does anyone have $500,000? I want do something funny.

    cron , an ich_iel in ich🤡😹iel

    Die CDU betreibt eine Umfrage ohne irgendeine Absicherung gegen Mehrfachabstimmung und wundert sich über mehrfach abgegebene Stimmen?

    Das entspricht in etwa der Digitalkompetenz, die ich der CDU zugetraut habe.

    gajustempus ,

    Frage ist, ob sie auch diesmal diejenigen, die sie auf den Fehler hinweisen, verklagen werden

    cron ,

    Für genau solche kriminellen Umfrageschänder brauchen wir Chatkontrolle und Vorratsdatenspeicherung!!!1!!elf

    einkorn , avatar

    Wurde Lillith schon wieder angezeigt?

    nukul4r ,

    Sie hätten sicher auch abgebrochen wenn zugunsten des Wunschergebnisses manipuliert worden wäre. Ganz bestimmt...

    boredsquirrel OP , avatar

    Wurde es halt. Die Anzahl an Stimmen ist übertrieben hoch gewesen.

    agressivelyPassive ,

    Ich glaube, du missverstehst den Kommentar.

    Wenn die Manipulation von Fridays for Hubraum ausgegangen wäre und Milliarden Stimmen gegen das Verbot gekommen wäre, hätte die CDU das wahrscheinlich nicht abgebrochen, sondern die Gesamtzahlen unterschlagen und nur das Endergebnis verkündet.

    boredsquirrel OP , avatar

    Schon klar. Ich meine nur entweder waren da ultra viele Leute am abstimmen (sehr wahrscheinlich) oder auf beiden Seiten wurde mit Bots gearbeitet.

    Das Verhältnis der Stimmen ist konstant geblieben, aber die Stimmen innerhalb von 2 stunden von 20k auf 100k gestiegen.

    cron ,

    Wobei ich 100k jetzt gar nicht so viel finde. Wenn die Umfrage von ein paar Leuten mit viel Reichweite in sozialen Medien geteilt wird, klingt das schon plausibel.

    cows_are_underrated ,

    Es ist halt nur ggf etwas unrealistisch, wenn die so schnell hoch gehen.

    boredsquirrel OP , avatar


    myster0n , an Memes in YARRR

    Well, Ubisoft, you should be comfortable not owning my money then. Lead by example.

    t7tis , an Memes in Uncanny Valley

    It would be a evolutionary benefit to fear / avoid any person that is behaving strangely in certain distinct ways. Could be a dangerous transmittable disease, i.e. rabies etc.

    Etterra ,

    It's probably the entire reason people lost their shit over the idea of catching leprosy.

    Bogasse , avatar

    That makes a lot of sense👍

    ptz , an linuxmemes in I respect people who don't like snaps, but Canonical will not abandon a successful project avatar

    I don't mind Snaps in a vacuum, but the unforgivable thing is that they messed with the package repo so that instead of installing a deb package as I intended, it installs a Snap stub which I did not want. If Canonical hadn't forced them on users in that way, I'd have been fine with them.

    Instead, back to Debian I went (sorry I ever left, actually)

    mipadaitu , an Memes in *Cough Cough...* Chrome... *Chough*...

    The ISP can see every domain, but not every page. That's what HTTPS everywhere was all about.

    TimeSquirrel , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

    They can see the entire URL, not just the domain. They just can't see the contents themselves. But they can still see ""

    Edit: I might be wrong

    meekah , avatar

    Are you sure? The file path after the domain would not be necessary for an ISP to see, only the domain. I'm not sure how all that works, but it's definitely not a technical requirement thay they can see the complete URL.

    TimeSquirrel , avatar

    After more research, you might be right. I could have sworn I saw full URLs in my router logs on encrypted sites though. I'll have to check again.

    mipadaitu ,

    It's actually more secure than that.

    They'd see the URL, but not the specific page.

    They'd also theoretically see the size of the URL, and the size of the page, along with the transport type. So they can infer a lot of information from the exchange, but they couldn't say for sure what you were viewing on a specific website.

    Dirk , avatar

    When it comes to HTTPS, this is just plain wrong on a technical level.

    TimeSquirrel , avatar

    Yeah, I corrected myself.

    agentshags , avatar

    The example link doesn't work :'(

    I was ready to go down a rabbit hole there

    bjoern_tantau , avatar

    And hopefully in the future they won't even he able to see the domain. I wonder why they never considered giving out certificates for IPs to solve this problem. Seemed like the easiest solution to me.

    magic_lobster_party ,

    They need the IP address to know where to forward the packet to. Hard to avoid that without VPN or TOR.

    JDubbleu ,

    There was a demo for a technology put out recently that circumvents this. I don't remember the exact mechanisms, but it obscured DNS such that your ISP couldn't see the DNS record you requested, and then used a proxy to route traffic before it hit the final endpoint eliminating exposing the IP to your ISP. It worked very similar to a VPN, but without the encrypted connection, and had some speed focused optimizations including the proxy being proximate to your ISP. It was pretty interesting.

    mipadaitu ,

    It doesn't really help. The ISP needs to route you somewhere to get the data, so they'll need to know who you want to talk to. Even if they don't see the DNS name (like if you used a third party DNS server) they can still associate the IP address with someone.

    There's things like TOR and VPNs that can route your information through other third parties first, but that impacts performance pretty significantly.

    bjoern_tantau , avatar

    Yeah, but often enough multiple sites share a single IP. It would already be better if the ISP (and everyone in between) didn't know whether I wanted or

    CosmicTurtle0 ,

    Depending on where you're going even IP addresses are getting to the point that they aren't helpful. IP addresses are likely to belong to a cloud provider, and unless they are hosting email or a service that requires a reverse record, all you'd get is the cloud provider's information.

    joyjoy ,
    bjoern_tantau , avatar

    SNI says no.

    Album , avatar

    ECH/ESNI says yes

    bjoern_tantau , avatar

    Yeah, that's what I meant originally. But I still don't know how to enable that in my Apache. My Google-Fu isn't good enough. All I see is ads for CDNs and conflicting information about whether it's supported in Apache or not.

    theneverfox , avatar

    How does that help? You can tell any computer it's or IP you can tell your device that the other computer is correct, and middle man yourself

    Except, we have one key to rule them all, one key to bind them. There's literally a group of people who split the root key among themselves, and scattered it across the world (when they went home). They get together ever year or two, and on a blessed air-gapped computer, unite the key to sign the top level domains again. Those domains sign intermediate domains, and down the chain they sell and sign domains.

    If any of these root domains fall to evil, these brave guardians can speed walk to the nearest airport and establish a new order

    (I think we actually just started installing all the root and some trusted intermediate domains on every device directly, so I'm not sure if they still bother, but it's a better story)

    The solution you're looking for is DNSS, where we encrypt the DNS request too so they can't see any of the url. Granted, they can still look at you destination and usually put the pieces together, but it's still a good idea

    Ultimately, packets have to get routed, all we can do is do our best to make sure no one can see enough of the picture to matter. There's more exotic solutions that crank that up to 11, but the trade offs are pretty extreme

    TheBlue22 , an Memes in Uncanny Valley

    Yes. A dead body.

    Entropy , an Memes in Uncanny Valley

    The humanoids we evolved from were at one point, not the only humanoids around. We coexisted with other, different species (neanderthals being an example). Homosapien is just the one that survived.

    hondaguy97386 ,

    This guy knows.

    unexposedhazard ,

    Yeah this is just leftover racism from a time when racism had a reason to exist.

    AnarchistArtificer ,

    I mean, racism has as much reason to exist now as it ever did. "I'll protect me and what's mine" has been the dividing line between species for thousands of years, and we have to choose whether we'll continue it. A "Kill or be killed" mindset might keep you safe, but you'll never know if the person you killed did indeed mean you harm, or if you could've instead lived without killing, and broke bread with a rival. The logic still applies

    DumbAceDragon , an linuxmemes in Love me some arbitrary executed code /s (Plasmoids are not themes) avatar

    Technically linux users need third party tools to even boot into a usable OS.

    festnt ,

    if everything is third party then nothing is? my guess is thats the idea at least

    boredsquirrel OP , avatar

    Thats why you have RedHat, SUSE, Canonical etc. Legal entities that offer warranty for that random bundle. Insurance that issues will be fixed.

    Because if you are just "a racoon digging for free code" you have nothing to request from anyone.

    TrickDacy ,

    Big akshually vibes

    FiskFisk33 , (Bearbeitet )

    difference is you dont need a third party tool to change the thing, if you're unhappy with the thing, you change the thing out itself, you are not stuck with it.

    jol ,

    Yes but we get to choose the bloat we want. Windows uses need bloat to cover up the native bloat.

    merthyr1831 ,

    Not if you call it GNU/Linux 🤓☝️

    Presi300 , avatar
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