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olutukko ,

linux can have some pretty weird quirks though. (don't get me wrong I've been dailydriving linux for several years and I'm not going to use windows unless I'm forced)

one time I was about to do presentation, I has multiple files and windows in order to present the whole program we had developed, some powerpoint, demo, and the source code.

then came my time to do the presentation and I plugged in the hdmi cable and my fucking account just logged out. dunno if the session crashed or something, but I had to quickly scramble everything back since all my apps were closed lol.

I do have older quadro nvidia though

olutukko ,

nah propiertary, sometimes happens randomly and gnome

olutukko ,

you literally have to run installation script or follow instructions from arch wiki. slap some de to it and you're good. doesn't take a smart person to do.

to properly maintain it for longer periods forever though, takes some more skill.

olutukko ,

or musX

olutukko ,

windows has normalized all that shit so well that this image is genuinely disturbing compared to the win 11 start menu. I am glad my windows days ended years ago

olutukko ,

I mean it's currently kinda ridiculously bad sometimes but you gotta remember this this level AI has been around for like less than 2 years, it's going to be a lot better in few years. chatgpt got launched in november 2022 and look at the leaps it has made in that time

but why the fuck did they put it anywhere at that state? unless it's their strategy to get data to improve the ai, would make sense. kinda shitty move though, classic microsoft

olutukko ,

I think it really tells something about the tourists behaviour in sex clubs

olutukko ,

no I'm talking about rich white european and american sex tourists that are a big problem in some countries because they behave like shit

olutukko ,

I really don't but I do know the reason for their policies

olutukko ,

I mean she does have a t-shirt that says "white american privilege"

hope that answers to your question

olutukko ,

I take it as patriotic america first -slogan. the woman is some patriotic nutjob who has her podcast called truth uncensored of something like that so it's pretty safe to assume she is one of those christian maga idiots who would definetly lose their shit for seeing "sacrifise child" in their tv

olutukko ,

apparently wsl 2 enabled option to run gui apps too so I would imagine desktop or wm would work too, but I don't think it would be possible to enable super key for those without windows registering it too. this is just my speculation though. but traditionally people use it to run linux cli applications etc.

at least my classmates have been using it for classes that require usage of linux. I have never touched it myself since I converted to the church of linux before wsl was a thing

olutukko ,

the neat part is they don't. unless you tell them about the trip. I too only take pictures of my surroundings, with my camera app, for myself, without the intend of sharing more than maybe one of them. unless I happend to put something on a family group chat or something

olutukko ,

well ubuntu is a shit stain in linux world anyway

olutukko ,

it's all about learning a new workflow. having to go to a website amd downloading exe and going trough an installation wizard from the most basic things like programming language compiler or a web browser seems so backwards for me now after using only linux for 3 years

olutukko ,

just addressing your "paim in the ass" statement. it is true what you're saying about propiertary software that is not available to linux but there are linux alternatives. which like I said, is the matter of a new workflow. work enviroment is a different though if they require certain software to be used. what comes to gaming, huge steps are made towards gaming on linux and most games work just fine with proton. games with heavy kernel level anticheats are a different thing though.

edit: and everything except browsing internet and office work is a big fucking strech

olutukko ,

literally my whole steam library with 80 something games works with linux. just saying. and they are not some linux specific games either. fallout 4, mafias, baldurs gate 3, the forest, rdr 2, gta v etc.

your opinion is from 5 years ago. when have you last even tried to game on linux? and what are you even doing in linuxmemes with these comments? :D kernel level anti cheat is a different thing though

just go check protondb if you need some proof it has all the games on steam listed with info how well they work

olutukko ,

did you forget programming? its a breeze with linux

olutukko ,

I would like to know what software are you using that don't have linux alternatives.

and you're still downplaying linux a lot. programmin is huge thing on linux and propably most people use it for that. there are a lot of digital art software which is made for linux. you can do cad work with freecad, altough it has quite different workflow than a lot of other cad software

olutukko , (Bearbeitet )

lmao. the fact that kernel-level anti cheat multiplayers don't work don't work on linux don't mean you can't game on linux or that it is bad experience. a lot of people don't play those and they are mostly put on competitive game. steam has literslly brought thousands of games to linux in just a few years

out of 1000 top games on steam 77% has either platinum or gold rating in terms of woking. I'm sorry linux isn't viable for gaming?

and we literally have linux gaming handheld, steam deck. which has over 4000 games with steam verified status and something like 14000 gold or platinum status games

edit: sorry didn't notice the "at least for me" part which makes your comment valid if you happen to play those kernel anticheat games

olutukko , (Bearbeitet )

in my experience gold games work almost alwaus just fine. I don't expect platinum rating on a lot of games since a lot of modern games are just as unstable on windows as they are on linux. In my opinion the meaning of gold rating has changed a lot. 2010s with wine gold used to have quite a lot of tinkering but with proton nowadays it's usually either just fine or solved with 1 or 2 launch commands copy pasted from protondb. some games have even slightly better performance on linux with the right hardware.

sorry for starting the whole argument but I also don't know what kind of answers you expected when you came to linux community trash talking linux with things that a lot of linux users don't agree with. your use cases happens to be one of the worst though on linux.

but the fact that you cant use professional cad software and play games that are specifically made impossible to play on linux don't mean that you can't do anything but use office and browser and I still do think that statement is stupid as hell.

but sorry again for getting so heated, I'm going to stop arguing now since neither of us are going to change their minds and this contributes absolutely nothing

olutukko ,

nah it's still good. I do prefer fedora myself though, but that's just a preference

olutukko ,

my point was still originally that in most cases it's just change of a workflow. even if something needs a tinkering at first time after thst you know how to do it and it's not a chore anymore. I would definetly feel thst even if in windows thinf just work it would be pain in the ass for me to do the stuff in windows way because I'm used to linux way.

but also I have very different use cases than you, since I'm a programmer that does 3D modeling as a hobby on blender, and I don't play competitive games. so for me the linux is "everything just works" os, since if I had any problems at start when I didn't known how to do something, that's not most certainly the case anymore

olutukko ,

yeah I definetly know what you mean. with wine it definetly was pain in the ass to make the configuration by yourself to every game. luckily we now have proton doing excellent work for that. and if it's not a steam game we have lutris doing excellent work for that with their install scripts.

we even have glorius eggroll releasing wine-ge and proton-ge where they apply plenty of game specific patches

in steam I feel like maybe 2 out of 10 gold rated games have some little issues, and even then I just have to copy paste launch comand from proton db, no need to fiddle around too much

olutukko ,

I think you answered to the wrong comment

olutukko , (Bearbeitet )

this is the stupidest comment I have read all week. chromenis fucking INFESTED in IT field. literally almost everyone uses it in my class, I'm a third year student in ict-engineering. literally everyone used it in my last school too, which was also IT related. if you actually believe that you must not really see other IT people outside the linux circles

olutukko , (Bearbeitet )

I'm going to need some sources for that claim or I'm calling bullshit. I have never heard anyone claim that and I have seen absolutely zero evidence suggesting that.


these are the closest things I could find,



and neither is bad. meta is a questionable choice for privacy cooperation but even in that it makes sure no one, not even meta, can read those match keys

olutukko ,

after reading the privacy site that doesn't sound too bad. or at least "tracks you private data and shares it with their business partners" bad which makes it sound like they are literally spying on you.

they do send telemetry data yes, but not your ip or anything that could be used to track against you, they do share some data while using the search function from url bar which is prettt much necessary and that seems to be only the stuff you typed.

most of it seems to just be about sponsored content where they send the amount of clicks and time when those clicks happened so advertisers know some statistics and advertisors get their royalties. firefox does suggest you content based on your browsing history but that happens locally. in no point does you browsing history go outside your computer, which is the most important part to me. they do know what was suggested, but not how it was suggested

so in conclusion, they do send some device information, information about your clicks and where those clicks happened and some other very basic telemetry with no information that could be tracked to you.

of course if one want the ultimate privacy that can be a dealbreaker. but to say that they collect your private data is quite an overstatement imo. I couldn't give a damn if my browsing is part of some anonymous statistics.

but yeah in a way you're correct, they do collect data. like almost literally every application does in the modern era

olutukko , (Bearbeitet )

yeah I can trust them with no ip logging because I live in eu and if that big of a company breaks their own rules it's going to get noted and addressed

and without the ip you just keep sending quite basic stuff anonymously. nobody is getting tracked by that. it's just pretty anoymous data which ingludes general stuff like tab count, information about your ROUGH location (ip based, not accurate), hardware, clicks, count of clicks, times page visited etc... so just basic stuff that has literally nothing to do with the actual user.
the link to your telemetry ends at the moment they don't tell the actual stuff that identifies you like your ip. please if you disagree, what part of that data don't you want to be shared because it has something to do with your privacy? it's all anonymous.

firefox is an opensource software where literally anyone can view the source code and check themselves what is actually sent. you argument all you want with the "but can youn trust them?" but literally anyone esle except some guy on youtube didn't feel like complaining about firefox

it's an opensource software, running with the expenses of a big browser. the fact that you let firefox use your anonymous telemetry for royalties is the least you can do to support browser like that. it is literally your specs, location by city, amount of clicks, where the clicks were, when it happened, and possibly some other stuff that I can't remember. all which is sent without you ip or other indications? what about those is actualy sacred?

also the sharing with third party service is only current with the current search service so you can choose yourself where you want to give your data in search engines.

and the google ad sevice only gets your ad-id which doesn't get linked to you if you don't use other google services in which case this conversation is pointless.

sorry if I missed something I'm high as fuck

But I see no reason for fearmongering or untrust. they are literally OPEN FUCKING SOURCE!

edit: and of course they are doing a lot of businnes with googe it is literally the biggest and easiest advertiser and they need money from somewhere. doesn't meen they spy on YOU and track YOUR data as your own and sell it with your info slapped on it.

they have 1100 employees to pay for and a LOT of servers for almost 15 million users. think about the costs with the mind that they also have to take profit to grow and get more customers. they cant stay completely still with growth and profits if they want to get more users and servers space. it takes a lot more resources to get as any users as it took in the firefox glory days

olutukko ,

asking in support group can lead to some annoying answers in my experience. I rarely get the answer I want, mostly just people questioning why I want to do the thing I'm trying to do in the first place, or mansplaining the thing that I already know. the straight to the point -answers are rare

olutukko ,

anything with a large user base and easy installer. but since I use fedora I must say, fedora

olutukko ,

no there is also a second use. to search answers for questins you're too embarassed about

I'd like to interject for a moment. ( lemmy.ml ) Englisch

What you’re refering to as Windows, is in fact, GNU/Windows, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Windows. Windows is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another closed component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising...

olutukko ,

gtx 980 gang! I got mine free my from the dad of my ex back in like 2019

olutukko ,

I have a little bit, but due to gaming I stick with Xorg. also I just use i3wm nowadays which helps me get better performance in some games

olutukko ,

baldur's gate 3 was really unstable with gnome for me, and the fps was like half of what it's supposed to be. but with i3 I get decent fps and it's really stable! I'm not that sure about other games because I havent been paying attention to the fps but I feel the performance is generally better. no other game has shown that drastic change though :D

olutukko ,

I have no clue. I've been wondering the same thing, since I have 16gb ram so ram shouldn't be the issue

olutukko ,

I don't think that's it, I just checked out and the game only takes around 25-26% ram and it was running reasonably well with 4,5gb ram already taken. that 25gb ram sounds like someone is playing the game with 4k graphics or something. bg 3 lists only 8gb ram as mimimum requirement and 16gb is recommended

edit: I don't know if gnome takes up some grpahics card or cpu resources which affect the game performance since it's a lot bigger program than i3wm

olutukko ,

yeah it's quite odd. but at least I want to use i3wm anyways so it doesnt really matter

olutukko ,

My biggest pet peeve in internet is people who state something as a fact eve though they are just really confidently wrong

olutukko ,

If I had a nickel every time I see meme that is just some anime characters with linux world logos slapped on them...

olutukko ,

Actuslly wine was closest thing to proton, play on linux was nothing but a front end for managing wine software

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