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Xenon , (Bearbeitet ) in Just one more lane


Guys, I think I've got it...
What if we built another lane but, you know, under the ground, like a tunnel.

scrubbles , avatar

He seemed to casually ignore that at the end of the tunnel was still the concept of an offramp with a 25mph street that everyone was funneling to.

Of course he never planned on building it anyway. It was all just to distract from California High Speed Rail, because that directly gets in his way of selling more cars.

bobs_monkey ,

because that directly gets in his way of selling more cars.

Which is stupid in itself, because the entire goal of the CA HSR project is to link long distance corridors, not putzing around town like most do with a Tesla.

Wirlocke ,

In fact I think there's a missed opportunity for EVs to partner with long distance public transit.

The main limitations of electric cars is distance, but if people knew they could go across the state or several states comfortably without their car, they might be more willing to take a electric car for city driving.

KillerTofu ,

We have ferries. What if we could combine the efficiency of train and the convenience of ferries? People could just drive their own car on a train car of some kind and be shuttled to a destination and then drive off?

Wirlocke ,

I've seen those trucks with a bunch of cars packed on top, something like that (minus truck) could totally fit in a train cargo container.

grue ,
mkwt ,

The loading and unloading is a pain.

KillerTofu ,

Without looking deeper it’s probably cost prohibitive. Looking at long train rides cost a thousand dollars and takes 3-4 days, might as well just fly at that point.

zalgotext ,

Yeah putting cars on trains is the opposite of a solution lol. All that cargo space used on a car probably just ends up driving the cost of the train ticket up for everyone. If you really need a car, rent one at your destination, like you would when flying.

Knuschberkeks ,

that's been done in europe since I think the 1930s

KillerTofu ,

I’m sure the idea is suppressed on over in Merica. Glad it’s not an original thought!

mondoman712 ,

Just to be pedantic, the dumb car tunnels (or Loop), are the weird thing elon "invented" to "solve" traffic and reduce competition for his cars for urban transport. This eventually became one tunnel in LA to get between elon's house and office, and the dumb taxi tunnel in Las Vegas.

The hyperloop, where elon "invented" the vacuum train, is a separate thing that exists to distract from CAHSR, and elon didn't want to work on himself because "he's too busy", and not because it's effectively just a scam and won't work, and most of the companies that started up to develop it have since gone bust.

Annoyed_Crabby ,

I recently watched a video about autonomous car and the dude argue the tech isn't here yet, but it will work if we build a lane just for autonomous car and put every autonomous car on that lane.

Everyone in the comment basically calling him out for reinventing the train lol.

driving_crooner , avatar

Trains are the crabs of transportation.

TheFriar ,

Can’t improve a crab.

dutchkimble ,

And put that in the basement

Viking_Hippie , in Bloody nose

Reminds me of the first time a friend of mine and his dad went to London. They were both more or less fluent, though his dad less so:

My friend's dad, trying to order an extra rare steak:
"A bloody steak, please"

Waiter, without missing a beat: "Certainly, sir. Would you like some fucking potatoes with that?"

Hugh_Jeggs ,

Did ye aye

Kiosade ,

I mean it is kind of weird that “rare” is used to denote “barely cooked”, when it usually means “very scarce or hard to find”.

Viking_Hippie ,

Yeah, as a non-native speaker, I've always considered that really weird too. Same with "well done", which is apparently worse than murder if you're enthusiastic about steaks 😄

Rusty ,
Kiosade ,

Haha this is amazing

hungryphrog , avatar
Jentu ,

Blue or Blue-Rare are the steps above rare afaik (at least in the US, not sure about England). Any restaurant that asks "what does that mean" isn't a restaurant I'd trust to serve me meat that is cool in the middle.

BuboScandiacus , avatar

Made my day

cobysev , in Please be satire

Personally. I don't consider it a vacation until I'm cut off from everyone and everything. Let me relax in peace for a while, without distractions.

TheFunkyMonk , avatar

For real. This is the primary feature of vacation.

MacNCheezus , avatar

For men.

For women, it’s to brag about it and make all their friends jealous.

Repelle ,

I’m a woman and haven’t posted a single thing from any vacation I’ve taken in years, maybe even a decade now.

daw_germany ,

Simply impossible! The species "female" physically cannot do that! I know because I as a man can do that and a basic rule of thumb is "if a man can do it a woman cannot and the things that women do could be done by a man but make him gay"


TheFriar ,

Big yikes.

ArtVandelay , avatar

That's exactly why I'm taking my first cruise this year, and I'll be damn sure that the Wi-Fi doesn't work

MotoAsh , (Bearbeitet )

Oh don't worry, you won't have to try to break the wifi.

Gormadt , avatar

Spitting facts right there

Hell my favorite places to go hiking don't even have cell service

variants ,

But ehat if you think of a good hashtag while you're hiking

TexasDrunk ,

I love taking a motorcycle up to the Radio Quiet Zone in VA and WV. There ain't shit up there and no one can get in touch with me for days.

Just slowly cruising through the mountains and disconnected in a way that I haven't been since before my first work cell phone.

Gormadt , avatar

It truly is bliss being disconnected from everything every now and then

No Internet, no phone calls, no texts, nothing.

Being truly disconnected from the world at large.

If people need me, they can wait until I get back from my hike or my vacation as I'm truly unreachable unless someone hikes out there too.

Holyhandgrenade , avatar

I went on a 2 week holiday earlier this year and I barely took a single picture lol

stefenauris , in Windows 7 avatar

What's it called when you backport modern features to retro systems like this mockup? I swear there's a word for this...

bradv ,


Hadriscus ,


jaybone ,


Hadriscus ,

oh my god brilliant

Mango ,


nossaquesapao ,

It would be awesome if there was a community focused on that

Maven OP , avatar

Be the change you wish to see in the world

HootinNHollerin ,

I’d call it techlapse

DmMacniel ,


clubb , avatar


TimeSquirrel , avatar

Ok...someone do this but in an Atari 2600 theme. I wanna see what loot boxes and modern gaming shit would look in 160x192 128 color resolution.

gazby ,

I think you're looking for "anachronism": A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists.

DashboTreeFrog , in Lazy Duck

After trying a search, opened Lemmy to see if it was my connection, immediately see this meme. Thanks for the troubleshooting confirmation Lemmy

DmMacniel ,

Remember when we did that on that R-Site? Things never changes.

ekZepp OP , avatar

Sites does 😂

tkk13909 , in Piracy avatar

God bless this professor. Piracy is a victimless crime!

dogsnest , avatar

Aaar, matey.

pete_the_cat ,

The name of my Plex server has been "The Pirate's Booty" for about a decade 😂

30p87 ,

Piracy is a victimless crime, most of the time.

SirSamuel ,

Like punching someone in the dark!

J/K, I have a pavlovian response to the phrase "victimless crime"

LostXOR , in Chad VLC

Me opening /dev/urandom as a raw video stream to watch some nice relaxing RGB static.

CosmicTurtle0 ,

Weird. Anytime I do that I get Rick rolled.

samus12345 , in Thank you Raymond Hill avatar
samus12345 , in Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now. avatar

The irony of Homer Simpson representing safe nuclear energy...

MyOtherInstanceIsDown ,
uis , avatar

Well, it took much effort for Homer to blow up NPP

cyborganism , in Just use Firefox

I'm just so fucking furious at how every company I work for ONLY supports Chrome (and by relationship, Edge). And as soon as I get issues using Firefox their response is "we don't support Firefox".

Like what the fuck???

Our company just installed a proxy system on our PCs that fucked everything up in Firefox and when I called IT for help, that was their response.

land , avatar

Same with extensions. “We don’t have any plans for bringing xyz to Firefox.

brbposting ,

s/o to devs servicing the thousands* of us on FF

*allegedly <200 million vs. 3.5b Chromeadware users

NoUsernameAvailable ,

I work for an international corporation and we were told to stop using Chrome and use Edge only as it's more secure. Firefox was out of the question and not even installed.

R00bot , avatar

Lol. I have no idea how Microsoft convinces these companies that they're the "secure" option. My workplace has banned any AI except copilot, because Microsoft told them copilot is secure.

brbposting ,

Maybe Microsoft signed on a line promising security. Hopefully another line isn’t a forced arbitration clause.

mexicancartel ,
MrSoup , avatar

use Edge only as it's more secure.

Just try to look at its default settings. It's really the worst option maybe even more than Chrome itself.

NoUsernameAvailable ,

It's okay. They disabled profile syncing. Your credit card information is safe with us.

Lost_My_Mind ,

Why are you people soooooooooo worried about viruses? I think the last virus I got was on WindowsXP.

Pretty sure viruses don't exist. I'm using a windows 7 pc for 10 years, and the only virus protection is whatever they put on windows 7 by default, with no updates ever, and I STILL don't get viruses. I'm at a point where it seems like virus makers just gave up.

UnRelatedBurner ,

Edge and Chrome are the viruses.

TwoCubed ,

You get that idea because no one actually browses the internet anymore. All people ever do is use fucking social Media and that's about it. No one's using Limewire to download porn/music, no one's using warez websites anymore, there are trustworthy porn aggregators so no one needs to visit dubious websites anymore.

Viruses are still a thing, and as someone already mentioned, chrome and edge themselves are spyware. Phishing is the more prodominant modus operandi nowadays.

stephen01king ,

Hard to argue with them not wanting to support a browser that only makes up 3.3% of browsers used worldwide. Actually, it's probably not even their decision, but the decision of some higher ups that want to save development or software cost.

You might try convincing them by polling how many people in your company wants to use Firefox, though. There could be a significant enough proportion of you guys that do.

brbposting ,

Super sad

Wish I could undo my days of recommending Chrome to IE users. Hey, it had Adblock [Plus] ‘n’ tabs ‘n’ stuff…

stephen01king ,

If we all didn't recommend Chrome, we would still be using IE now, probably.

brbposting ,


Cheers Stephen zero one King

Lost_My_Mind ,

Am I the only person who's been using Firefox for roughly 20 years? Fuck chrome, fuck internet explorer, fuck oprah, fuck edge, fuck netscape........actually netscape was kinda cool. I liked it.

But, this idea that it's chrome or IE is baffling to me.

UnpledgedCatnapTipper ,

I've been using Firefox since like version 1.5 and never found a reason to switch off of it. I have Chrome as a backup for shit sites that refuse to work in anything else, but that's all it gets used for.

edit: It's also the only browser I tend to recommend to people and has been that whole time as well.

maccentric ,

Nope, I’m with you 100% on the browser front

Also, fuck Oprah

TrickDacy , (Bearbeitet )

There is no fucking way Firefox is that unpopular, but actually yeah it's trivial to argue that browser choice is hanging by a thread and it's not a good thing

ulterno , avatar

A lot of Linux Distros seem to have Firefox telemetry disabled by default (even the minimal, one-time ping, telling Mozilla to know there is another user), so that might be skewing some of the stats.

Source hover text

NovaPrime , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

100% feel you on the overall sentiment. I've reached an age these days where I don't do anything other than work stuff on work equipment, which not only helps re-enforce the work/life segmentation, but also absolves me of having to worry about and be responsible for stuff like this. Gotta say, it's very nice for mental health and sanity

OpenStars , avatar

I've heard web developers say that a lot of that is due to Firefox's annoying (to them) choices.

I happen to know HTML, CSS, & raw JS even though nothing at all from the last roughly decade, and I guarantee you that I can, and have, written webpages that work on any browser. More to the point, Firefox does not fully support HTML5 - and while tbf none of the browsers do(:-P), it does lag noticeably behind. Then again, it has made major pushes forward in terms of security... though seemingly at the cost of its basic functionality, to the point where if you want to use some even moderately complex coding framework, then you pretty much have to use Chrome.

So what I do is use Firefox for personal use, and Chrome at work. I then also use Chrome at home for personal use, unless I want to view a commercial site (where ads make every experience not only slower but practically unusable imho). Sadly, that's the only option I have, if I want to be able to "view websites".

In the past, Microsoft used to encourage features that would work only in their shitty-AF browser. But I got the sense that this is not what is happening now, b/c it's simply HTML5 - did Google somehow have some "in" with whoever designed that, hoping to give themselves an edge?

Anyway, I use Firefox, but I wish it was better.:-( I'm always so frustrated with it that I keep telling myself I will replace it someday, perhaps with LibreWolf?

mexicancartel ,

Well yeah. If you want features that screws up user privacy, then its already bad to do it that way. Use js obfuacation and webassembly so thay you can hide the js running, make more and more of device info availiable to the websites you use so that they can have a tiny little featute at the cost of privacy, etc.

OpenStars , avatar

Not the particular web developer I had in mind, who prefers raw JS and resents having to use libraries, but sadly yeah far too common it's that, for basically no other reason than that - like, there's other ways to make "pretty" and "functional":-(. The web has truly enshittified, and I'm glad Firefox is still fighting against it.:-)

TheBat , avatar

I believe it is because unlike Chrome and Edge, Firefox doesn't have enterprise policies or it's equivalent.

PlexSheep ,

Pretty sure it does? It says so on all my machines.

TheBat , avatar

Can you create a policy (not allowing users to install extensions, defining starting page etc) and roll it out to thousands of Firefox installations across the enterprise?

RmDebArc_5 OP , avatar


taxet_ , avatar

Wanna know what’s funny? I work for a company that develops web application for business use. Officially, we claim to support Chrome, Edge (this was pre-chromium Edge but the terms haven’t been updated), Safari and Firefox.

Unofficially? Most of us only test in Chrome and call it a day. I’m literally the only one in the company actively testing Firefox first, and then MAYBE checking if Chrome works. Because 99.99% of the time if it works on Firefox it works on Chrome.

Now, that has at times brought some problems to light that would have been undetected since from what I’ve understood, Chrome is big enough to start introducing ways of doing things that are not officially part of any standard and just.. brute force their way to make it de facto standard. But each and every time someone tries to get away with using breaking non-standard things, it usually gets caught because I’m apparently the only one left who actually gives a fuck about the promises made to customers, as well as the web diversity. Even if we are a small company with a website that gets used mostly by Chrome users, I’m looking out to that 1% or whatever the most recent statistics for our user base was.

But I did also mention Safari is supported. That’s a different beast and I don’t think anyone in our company tests on that, since it’s mainly windows PCs all around. I had a chance to get a new work laptop just recently but didn’t dare to go for a Mac because our test automation code base might have still some windows dependencies and I didn’t wanna start dealing with those just yet, but next time I probably will. On another, newer project I work on I’ve picked Playwright as the test automation framework which has capability for testing on Chromium, Firefox and WebKit, so that should at least be covered. The legacy projcet could maybe be ported on that as well (currently using selenium on that one) but it’s a big hassle and there’s no way I’ll get the green light from higher ups to do so without proper justification and proof that it would improve something.

But yeah, when ever I test manually and go elbow deep into it? It’s Firefox first and whatever I have time for afterwards. It’s worked so far, can’t see why I would need to stop doing it this way now.

cyborganism ,

I really truly appreciate the effort. I don't know why people stopped caring about these things. The internet has become so commercial that the open standards seem to have become an afterthought to most companies. It's important to have people like you to ensure the standards are still respected.

jadedwench ,

Thank you. I admit I don't use Firefox right now due to issues I ran in to during my trial run earlier this year. Once the battery drain issues are fixed on the Android client I can at least switch back to it on my phone.

My company surprised me last week as we did an install and things didn't work right in Firefox for the customer. My boss and the team are committed to fixing it and doing better on browser testing. There was not a moment of hesitation on this decision. We of course told them to use Edge, Safari, or Chrome in the meantime, but by no means are we throwing it on the bottom of the "fix" pile. Team is almost done and ready to send to QA. Super proud.

Ghostalmedia , in It has already been removed again avatar
brbposting ,

Being debated on the Talk page

SkyezOpen ,
PaupersSerenade , avatar

I haven’t edited a wiki page, so maybe I’m missing something. Isn’t that an accurate statement? Until yesterday we didn’t know the verdict, and we still need the sentencing. Both of those absolutely should be added to the page once result are known. Hence why information would/will change.

They’ve locked the article, and it still states the ‘criminal status’.

Maggoty ,

Conservatives are in there arguing we can't call him a convicted felon until he's exhausted his appeals.

lolrightythen ,

I get that folks are engaged for various reasons, but Wikipedia isn't at it's best when it comes to current events. I feel like that battle will slow as time passes.

Still - a big thank you to those who strive to combat misinformation.

*And you make a great point. Make the edits to Trump's page after the dust settles and there is no argument about the facts.

Maggoty ,

Oh his page is going to be locked for years after this if they don't allow any inclusion. It's the only way to prevent it from being repeatedly added. We'll see how it goes. For what it's worth half the problem seems to be that he has a leading sentence instead of a leading paragraph.

Stupidmanager ,

The double standard by conservatives is just… stupid. That’s not how the legal system works. He is now a convicted felon. In a normal American’s world, Donnie would be waiting for sentencing, and often he could be sent to jail to wait for this sentence to occur, before he’s sent to prison(or probation, or home arrest, or whatever). The right to an appeal does not make him “sorta kinda, not a criminal, yet”. If he wasn’t who he is, he’d be in prison for 3-5 years, maybe 10.

Now, Donnie must file an appeal. This takes a while because he needs to prove the conviction was in error, new evidence, something wrong about his defense attorneys or jury tampering. The judge then needs to approve or deny this. Denied appeals, go up the justice food chain to the next court, and the next, and all the way to the Supreme Court who can all but void that conviction and Donnie gets his appeal (unlikely they even view the case). But hey, let’s pretend he somehow gets an appeal.

Now, 2-6 years from now (because our justice system is slow), Donnie can have another trial and have his conviction overturned. But this time he’ll need to basically bribe, threaten and distort all the criminal charges that they used against him.

Is unlikely his conviction will be overturned. His appeals process is just going to muddy the waters, but never bring anything to help. His one saving grace will be the “one juror” he knew would hang the jury, who could say he was forced, or something, to vote guilty.

Until this soap opera is over, Donnie is still a convicted felon. There is no gray area. Ask any other “innocent“ convicted felons serving time while they wait for appeals. Appeals don’t make them less convicted.

Liz ,

I have such a hard time imagining a conservative, much less a Trump fan, thinking the general concept of Wikipedia is a good idea.

Maggoty ,

They aren't there in good faith.

Fades ,

Should be because of election interference via business fraud

9point6 , in We should have taken it more seriously.

are you telling me that cyberpunk pop culture might have been warning me of an impending dystopia?!


alcoholicorn ,

TBF, for the last 30 years even Cyberpunk authors completely missed the point that capitalism will subvert these amazing technologies to make everything worse if we don't do something. Neal Stephenson is a crypto shill.

BigFatNips ,

Damn, that surprises and saddens me. I've only ever read one of his books, Diamond Age/A young lady's illustrated primer, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and also thought there were some great critiques of the upper class

nilloc ,

Manna got rampant capitalism + AI pretty close, and has predicted McDonalds payment kiosks, Amazon worker abuse, and probably some of the tech layoffs too.

name_NULL111653 ,

Wow... I've worked in the fast food industry for 2 years, and that really hits close to home. With the kitchen display systems and headsets, with modern technology it would be easy to implement that... very easy. We'd still need one manager on the line for de-escalating angry customers but that would end up essentially the same as the book synopsis described. And the subsequent dystopia... I could literally see this occurring tomorrow. Kinda scary.

SitD ,

gets worse. they tried to warn you again and this time someone's taken action before it could reach you: relevant news article

cypherpunks Mod , in agile is far left too. I will die on this hill avatar

shoutout to the person who reported this post with "Reason: Bot meme, you can't even read it. whoever replies is a bot too" 😂

PsychedSy ,

What's funny is they could have made an actually funny joke about marxists.

manicdave OP ,


Prox ,

beep beep boop


Valmond ,

Text is unreadable though

manicdave OP ,

I'm blaming imgflip, not my incredible laziness

cypherpunks Mod , avatar

i guess maybe if you're using a device with a tiny screen and a lemmy client that doesn't let you zoom in on images

dessalines , avatar


DAMunzy ,

Beep boop, comrade.

-pinko bot probably

darkphotonstudio ,

I am a meat popsicle.

caseyweederman ,


FlihpFlorp , in Checkmate

Wait is his chest censored

Track_Shovel OP ,

No. Just rendered by a PS1

FlihpFlorp ,

Makes sense

Iheartcheese , avatar

I'm also noticing a disappointing lack of giant blue dong

FlihpFlorp ,

I don’t swing that way but it’s truly unfortunate 😔

Tylerdurdon ,

He's just not whole without the blue kielbasa. Kool aid with no sugar, ham with no burger!

Bertuccio ,

If you've seen the film, it will do all the swinging for you.

LittleBorat2 ,

Something was clearly wrong with this picture.

altima_neo , avatar

Can't have those man nipples.

Sparky , avatar

It kinda looks like there was text someone removed

frightful_hobgoblin , in There's a reason he was shot.

The existence of Harambe implies the existence of Halalbe

tpihkal ,

Wasn't Epstein a gorilla?

NotSpez ,

All I know is he didn’t kill himself

doingthestuff ,


ILikeBoobies ,

We call them Bumblebees

Pantherina ,

There is no existence or Harambe anymore 🥲

heartpatcher , (Bearbeitet )

Haraam means forbidden, but haram actually means sacred.

Haram ·​ be = sacred being

Annoyed_Crabby ,

Both english and malay adopted the term with the spelling "haram" as forbidden, but i do acknowledge haram might mean something in another language.

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