
xilliah , an ich_iel in ich_iel
@xilliah@beehaw.org avatar

Das sieht aus wie ne horror film

trampel , an ich_iel in ich_iel

Die Playmobil-variante hat die beste Bildkomposition. Schade, da eigentlich Lego viel cooler ist!

Spezi ,

Klemmbausteine > Lego

trampel ,

Stimmt, wobei Klemmbausteine > Lego > Platmobil m.M.n. genauer ist.

manucode OP ,
@manucode@infosec.pub avatar

Dafür hat die Lego-Variante eine vernünftige Anzahl an Kanonen

Zacryon , an ich_iel in ich🩵💬🚫iel


Für die Angelsächsischungelernten:
Wie man jemanden durch das Internet ohrfeigt.

TheDarkQuark , an Memes in Don't leave me hanging like that...

The secret is to have no friends! 😎

30p87 , an ich_iel in ich🔥iel
Ephera ,

Hier im Mehrfamilienhaus gibt's eine Tür mit Aufkleber, dass die Tür immer frei gehalten werden muss. Direkt vor dem Aufkleber hängt aber eine Wäscheleine, die die Tür blockiert. 👍

connaisseur , an ich_iel in ich🎱iel

Trump gefällt das nicht (zu früh?)

haerrii ,

für trump kann es nie zu früh sein

YourPrivatHater OP ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Doch, seine Wiederwahl vor seinem Tod wäre zu früh.

YourPrivatHater OP ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

:( schade das er nicht weg ist...

Diplomjodler3 ,

Ich gönne sie ihm.

YourPrivatHater OP ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar

Wir alle

AhismaMiasma , an Memes in AR15's are not Hunting Rifles.

Assuming proper training and ammunition, they're perfectly capable for hunting small to medium game such as rabbits, coyotes, tyrants, wild hogs, and whitetail deer.

nondescripthandle , (Bearbeitet )

I don't think some people know how much damage a pack of wild hogs can cause to crops and farmland in short order. If it wasn't going to be an AR-15 keeping them off the farm it would be another intermediate or higher caliber semi-automatic rifle that accepts standard magazines. Everyone want's to laugh at that excuse until the farmer has a bad season and has to sell his land to Bill Gates or Chinese investors, they don't exactly make large margins.

Greg ,
@Greg@lemmy.ca avatar

The magazine capacity is an issue though. The standard 30 round mag is far to large for any realistic hunting purposes (you can also get up to 100 round drum mags). While you can hunt with an AR-15, it's not the best rifle for the task.
I live in Canada and the government is in the process of banning semi-automatic centre fire rifles capable of holding more than 5 rounds. Given that 3D printers exist, this pretty much bans all rifles with interchangeable mags. I'm a gun owner on a rural property and I think that's a reasonable compromise. I can still own a decent bolt action hunting rifle and a semi-automatic rim fire rifle with no mag limit.
It does suck for people who's rifles are getting banned though.

Dettweiler42 ,

You've obviously never been surrounded by a pack of coyotes or hogs.
.223 is also an excellent caliber for that size game.

Transporter_Room_3 ,
@Transporter_Room_3@startrek.website avatar

Anecdote time!

I was once semi-surrounded by coyotes while hiking in some back country with a friend.

I did not have anything except my camping knives and a very small axe for splitting kindling.

My buddy had a compact 9mm in his waistband.

Honestly, I can say an AR would not have made me feel safer. A larger capacity on my sidearm, on the other hand, would. The AR is just too bulky to move quickly in close quarters.

Luckily a single round to the trailside was enough to scare them off, since yelling and throwing things wasn't. We then ran/sprinted a few miles down the trail toward the vehicle before we even considered slowing down.

Not many situations in which either one is something I'm desiring though, and while I'm not a fan of limiting people, I can't say I've ever needed 30rds at once. Honestly, I buy 10rd mags just because they fit very nicely in some cases I already had, and the 30rds don't.

Rambling anecdotes over, have a nice day!

Maggoty ,

Coyotes? Literally just shout at them. They're scavengers not fighters.

Dettweiler42 , (Bearbeitet )

In the late Winter/early spring they start getting a bit braver and start moving further into the cow pastures. That's when we have to cull the pack to keep them away from the cattle.

Maggoty ,

Oh yeah, I thought you meant in regards to humans. I've never seen a coyote so much as growl at a human without a cub nearby.

Dettweiler42 ,

They will definitely come after humans if they are hungry enough and their pack is large enough. It's around that season that they start getting a bit braver because they are hungry coming out of winter and it's breeding season. Usually they run after the first shot, but sometimes they don't notice you dropped one and they keep coming until the follow-up shots. It's not out of the ordinary to bag multiple coyotes in one spot.

Dkarma ,

5 rounds for a pack of dogs or pigs??? Ok buddy 🙄

anachronist , (Bearbeitet )

In the arctic standard bear protection is a five shot bolt action 30.06. You'd load them with three FMJs to scare the bear away and two hollow points in case that didn't work.

The truth about predators is they aren't interested in dying for their meals. Prove to them that approaching will be deadly to them and they won't approach. You don't have to kill the entire pack, you just have to kill or wound one, or even just blast some rocks in their path.

Maggoty ,

Honestly external magazines need to just be banned. That way it's immediately clear a rifle is legal or not. It's also great for hunting still, and okay for self/collective defense. But not great as a mass casualty producer.

Jumpingspiderman ,

Wait til you get those fucking murder hogs up there.

Schadrach ,

While you can hunt with an AR-15, it’s not the best rifle for the task.

It's not the best rifle for any task. But it's a good enough rifle for most tasks, and between real AR-15s and the various clones they are cheap, in common calibers, and have accessories widely available.

Which is why it's the most common rifle in the US by a fair margin.

It being the most common rifle in the US by a fair margin is in turn why it's so often used in public mass shootings, as those are usually done with weapons of convenience rather than something bought for purpose. Likely also why the guy who shot Trump used one.

If a public mass shooter wanted the best gun for the job, they'd get something closer to a PS-90 (the civilian version of the P-90 which is a military rifle designed for urban combat).

anachronist , (Bearbeitet )

You'd really want something bigger for hogs and deer. Never known anyone who hunts deer with .223. You really want one of options in thirty caliber.

While I'm sure someone hunts rabbits with a rifle you'd really use a shotgun or a really small rifle for them.

.223 is a good coyote round though. There are better coyote rounds available and there are better coyote rifles in .223.

ouRKaoS ,

.300 Blackout for hogs.

You can get an AR-15 chambered for this, or easily swap a few parts if you already have one.

AR-15's are popular because it's an easily modifiable platform. It's not the best for any one thing, but it's pretty good at a variety.

LordCrom ,

Actually, are we allowed to shoot coyotes in the city limits? Alligators are mostly chill and will just take off, but coyotes hunt around at night here.

bloodfart ,

I’ve taken deer with 556. Even if I hadn’t, I know people do because all the heavy loads sell out around deer season.

Reverendender ,
@Reverendender@sh.itjust.works avatar

There's nothing like some good tyrant jerky

EunieIsTheBus , an ich_iel in ich🚱✍️📩iel

Eigentlich ein recht hübsches Gemälde

moosetwin , an linuxmemes in Sorry to intrude. There's no BSD memes community.
@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

damn what happened in this comment section

Psythik ,

What do you mean? There's only 21 comments, only one top level comment is inciteful, and pretty much everyone is calling them out. There's nothing unusual going on in here.

moosetwin ,
@moosetwin@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

when I wrote that comment, there were 0 top level comments (one removed by mod, one deleted by user)

BobGnarley , an Memes in AR15's are not Hunting Rifles.

Its a good thing the second amendment doesn't just include a clause for hunting! People often forget it says

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

Rivalarrival ,

Too many people don't understand that "militia" and "people" are synonymous as used in 2A.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

If said people are a part of a well-regulated militia, sure. I don’t know of many who are…oh wait, I know of none because militias in the terms the founders would define don’t exist anymore. The closest thing is the National Guard.

But yeah, whatever the courts say is always right and never wrong. So militias are all people, corporations are people, and a collection of cells are people. But veterans coming home from war? Nope, get a job slackers. Can’t afford a home? Live on the streets, slackers. Oh homelessness is illegal now? Time for prison, slackers.

Rivalarrival , (Bearbeitet )

If said people are a part of a well-regulated militia, sure

This is the exact misconception I was talking about.

The militia consists of the "whole body of the people". We know this from various contemporary writings, including descriptions in the Federalist Papers. We know how the term was used in the constitution, and we know it was used to refer to "We The People".

In the constitution, it is always referred to as a singular entity. It is never referred to in the plural: there are no such thing as "militias"; there is only one "militia".

You mentioned the National Guard. In constitutional terms, the National Guard would be a "[provision] for calling forth the militia" (Article I, Section 8, part 15). The members of the national guard haven't been called forth to the militia. They have been called forth from the militia. This becomes obvious when we look at the other major provision for calling forth the militia: Selective Service. The Draft.

Congress's authority to institute a draft, compelling "We The People" to report for military training and service against our individual will comes from their power to "call forth" the militia. We are members of the militia, and we are called forth. We are called forth from the militia, not to it. Congress would have no power to draft us if we were not members of the militia, and subject to their provisions established under the militia clauses. Which means that We The People are, in fact, the militia described in Article I and the Second Amendment.

If you don't feel you and your fellow militiamen are adequately "well regulated", you should petition Congress to impose more requirements than what they currently deem necessary and proper regulation of the militia, and I'll see you at the next muster.

ulkesh ,
@ulkesh@beehaw.org avatar

What you describe is an interpretation that the courts have laid out, nothing more. And the point I make is that the courts are many times wrong. And in this case, it is wrong. One aspect is that women were not called to (sorry) FROM militia. Yet women are afforded this right today, yes? So a single woman prior to the courts' various opinions over the centuries would not have such a right, since they would not be a part of the militia -- thus, the founders did not intend on it being every person. In fact, women were not even considered full citizens then since they did not possess the right to vote. Then there's the subject of slaves which I have no interest in diving into since that's an even bigger can of worms.

The point is that interpretations is what has won, not original intent. You can hand-wave this as a misconception all you want, but there is logic in it. And that logic is that the Constitution was designed to change over time solely because the founders could not envision the future state of existence, only lay the groundwork for such. Therefore as the second amendment is written, women at minimum should not have this right because, even today, they cannot be drafted -- by your own statements: "the militia: Selective Service. The Draft."

Rivalarrival , (Bearbeitet )

You raise a very, very good point.

So a single woman prior to the courts' various opinions over the centuries would not have such a right, since they would not be a part of the militia

What you are describing are the provisions Congress has made under their authority in Article I. They have created a legislative definition of "militia" (10 USC 246) that is restricted to male citizens. Female national guardsmen are the only women that fit within this legislative definition.

I think we can agree that Congress is fully empowered to change its legislative definition. We would probably agree that the current definition is unconstitutionally sexist and ageist. Congress could change their age limit from 45 to 60, and remove their "male" limitation. They could expand their definition to include a very, very broad range of people, if they wanted to. They probably couldn't expand it to include 8-year-old kids or quadriplegics; the court would probably rule that sending kids and severely handicapped people to war is unconstitutional, but they can certainly include far more people in that legislative definition than they actually did.

Constitutional rights do not originate from legislature, and cannot be revoked by the legislature. Congress can, indeed, change the legislative definition of "militia", but they cannot change the constitutional meaning except through an amendment.

So, if Congress could rewrite its definition and compel women to register for the draft tomorrow, then women were members of the "Well Regulated Militia" yesterday, and 200 years ago. Congress's failure to provide for calling forth female members of the "well-regulated militia" has zero impact on the rights guaranteed by 2A.

Schadrach ,

In fact, women were not even considered full citizens then since they did not possess the right to vote.

Like most things, this was up to the individual states. Like anything up to the individual states, it was all over the place depending on exactly where you were. For example, at the founding women in New Jersey could vote, presuming they owned 50 British pounds worth of wealth because the wealth requirement was the only requirement New Jersey had for who could vote. Ironically, the spread of Jacksonian democracy (aka universal male suffrage) actually cost women in New Jersey the right to vote in the 19th century.

Maggoty ,

According to the court 175 years later.

Jumpingspiderman ,

Then why does the amendment refer to a Well Regulated Militia? If "People" were synonymous, the amendment doesn't make sense. "Well regulated people"?

Rivalarrival ,

Go back to Article I, Section 8, and perform that same substitution. Replacing "Militia" with "People" does not change the meaning of Article I in the slightest.

The term "militia" was used in the second amendment specifically to reference the militia clauses in Article I. If Article I had referred to "Yeomanry" or "Snorglubben", the Second Amendment would have used those terms instead.

Maggoty ,

Indeed it doesn't protect hunting or self defence at all. Only the collective defense.

Liz ,

Which arguably makes the AR-15 one of the most protected guns, if we're using the wording of the second amendment as the only justification for firearms rights.

Maggoty ,

You can do a lot of damage with medium caliber rifles running internal clips. Such a limit would be more than enough for a militia unless everyone is practicing their tactical magazine changes and fireteam movement drills.

Seven Mod , an DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz in Montag-Laberfaden - Hier gehen wir wieder
@Seven@feddit.org avatar

Müde, weil Montag. Aber ich hab nur ne kurze Woche.

Ich habe gestern für meinen fast 8 Jahre alten PC ein identisches 16 GB RAM Kit gefunden und werde irgendwann nächste Woche Wärmeleitpaste erneuern, die Riegel einbauen und dann das System neu aufsetzen. Lohnt sich Windows 11 auch bei einem PC, der nicht dafür zugelassen ist? Habe aktuell einen i7-6800k.

DmMacniel ,
@DmMacniel@feddit.org avatar

Reicht dir nicht Windows 10? Oder anders was erhoffst du dir von diesem "Upgrade"?

Seven Mod ,
@Seven@feddit.org avatar

Eigentlich nix, dachte nur Sicherheitsupdates. Hier hat jemand aber von Windows 10 LTS gesprochen, da werde ich mal recherchieren. Neue Features brauche ich nicht, wurde eh immer nur schlechter.

Sailing7 ,

Win11 sollte klar gehen.

Win10 hat aber noch bis nächstes Jahr Security Update Support, wenn du also nur auf kurze Zeit das teil planst zu betreiben, wäre Win10 auch eine Option.

Es hieß damals dass Win10 etwas Ressourcenschonender als 11 sei. Ob das aktuell noch so ist weiß ich nicht.

Win11 basiert halt auf Win10, von daher ist da jetz net soo der fette unterschied. So oder so hab ich Win11 auf nem Surface Pro 3 installiert, wobei windows update behauptete es wären die notwendigen Specs nicht erfüllt. Absoluter bullshit. Rennt supi.

Zum entfernen von den ganzen requirements kann ich empfehlen, eine Win11 iso von der microsoft seite zu laden und mit Rufus auf nen usb stick zu jallern. Der Rufus bietet einem dann einige optionen an.

Wenn du nur den installer heruntergeladen bekommst: nimm einen UserAgentSwitcher für deinen Browser, oder öffne die download seite von egal welchem gerät, hauptsache das betreibende OS ist nicht Windows - dann kriegste immer die .iso als download angeboten (ja auch vom handy aus sollte das gehen)

Seven Mod ,
@Seven@feddit.org avatar

Danke für die Info! Ich lese mich da mal ein, falls ich wirklich wechseln will.

You OP ,

Wir haben noch einen alten PC von Lenovo von 2013 (frag mich aber nicht nach Specs). Der kann auch noch Windows 11.

viking ,
@viking@infosec.pub avatar

Windows 11 ist richtig schlecht. Das hat sich mal eben 4 GB RAM reingefahren, im Ruhezustand, und dann spielt das System selber noch Werbung aus. Hab das ne Woche lang getestet und bin dann wieder auf Windows 10 zurück. Da gibt's eine long term support Version von, damit bist du noch für die nächsten 10 Jahre sicher...

Seven Mod ,
@Seven@feddit.org avatar

Welche Versionen sind das genau? Eine LTS Version wäre für mich denke ich die richtige Wahl. Ich brauche eigentlich keine neuen Features, der Rechner wird fast nur zum Gamen verwendet. Ich hätte nur gerne Sicherheitsupdates.

Notfalls kann ich auch auf Linux wechseln. Dank Proton ist ja Emulation inzwischen echt super einfach.

EherNicht , an ich_iel in ich🎱iel


YourPrivatHater OP ,
@YourPrivatHater@ani.social avatar


instantnudel Mod , an ich_iel in ich🎱iel
@instantnudel@feddit.org avatar

Is das eine Idee von der UBahn leute davon abzuhalten aufs gleis zu springen indem sie alternativen anbieten?

federalreverse , an ich_iel in ich🌟🪨iel

13000 Teile? Hoffentlich ist da ein Motor und eine Glocke drin, die sich via Verstandesstürme ansteuern lassen.

wieson OP ,

Da ist ein Automatismus der durch ein Hintertürchen irgendwelchen Ölbaronen Geld zusteckt.

federalreverse ,

Dann handelt es sich also bei der Mehrzahl der Teile um Geldscheine und schwarze Koffer?

connaisseur ,

Lass da besser die Experten ran *CDU betritt den Raum

shlomek , an ich_iel in ich💡🍑iel

Irgendwas ist mit dem Sternenlicht nach Reihe eins aber passiert, oder? Ich habe eine nicht ganz so gut gelungene Gesichtsschnippelei in Verdacht.

tux0r OP ,
@tux0r@feddit.org avatar

Schlechteres Machauf?

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