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hannes3120 ,

Who are those 50.000 that went from green party to afd? What kind of reason could there possibly be for that?

Also interesting how it's the same as in the us where the answer to "how's the country doing economically" vastly depends on your news sources since only a very low amount of people in Germany are out of work, the Dax is hitting multiple records in recent months, the economy is growing, inflation is going down and the unions are achieving raises above the inflation level

But for some reason all you hear about is the food prizes which actually didn't increase that much compared to the normal shrinkflation. Or everyone was portraying how there would be disastrous power outages after the switch off of the atomic generators but nothing like that happened. Or how Germany had the lowest inflation amongst most European countries despite having the biggest dependency on russian gas because the political decisions made where actually really on point.

But for some reason nothing of this is reaching AFD voters so they keep ignorant and think the economy is failing.

Kind of similar to how regions with the fewest migrants are the most racist since the media has full control over the scare tactics targeted at them without any reality interfering

hannes3120 ,

Yeah but the green party is like the official antagonist for the AfD

Of all the parties there are their favourite target to delegitimize at any possiblity

hannes3120 ,

I would imagine those would go vote for the Bündnis Sarah Zarenknecht instead

hannes3120 ,

Brain drain finally showing itself

Most of the creative and ambitious people left the GDR when the wall came down.

I heard a theory recently from someone that was part of the peaceful revolution in Leipzig and now thinks that many people actually didn't mind the government telling them what to do and then not really having a choice in the matter and being under constant surveillance as long as they had a decent life. And that the protests in hindsight probably were more about them seeing how much better the life in the west was than about the personal and political freedom since the GDR apparently did a pretty good job to get rid of those concepts (at least for many citizens).

Now those same people are again voting only for their personal gains and not for freedom for everyone to live however they want as that was never in their interest to begin with

hannes3120 ,

Es sind ja auch immer explizit nur die gemeint die man nicht persönlich kennt weil man im direkten Kontakt feststellt dass die alle doch nicht so böse sind wie immer behauptet wird.

Deswegen sind die Wahlquoten von rassisten ja auch fast immer dort am höchsten wo es die wenigsten Ausländer gibt die einem die eigenen Vorurteile widerlegen können

hannes3120 ,

Why only those 3? Aren't the visegrad states all under attack by disinformation? Or is it not valid since it's coming directly through state officials in Slovakia and Hungary?

hannes3120 ,

Gegen die Politiker? Nicht wirklich

Nur gegen Wahlplakate - oder halt lächerlich machende Aktionen gegen die Person - aber nichts was ernsthaft verletzen könnte.

Das Problem ist halt, dass rechte Politiker das sich relativ oft aus dem Arsch ziehen mit den Übergriffen (Giftnadel, Kantholz, etc.) so dass bei vielen erstmal Skepsis da ist wenn sowas kommt statt das direkt zu verurteilen.

hannes3120 ,

Wäre nur gut wenn es bei der audiothek auch rss geben würde.

Finde es immer nervig dass ich die Podcasts immer erst bei NDR, br, WDR, usw suchen muss zum hinzufügen weil's bei der audiothek keinen einfachen Weg gibt zu einem Feed der Dateien zu kommen

hannes3120 ,

Fast so als hätte man ein Thema nur mega aufgebaut um damit populistisch Stimmung zu machen

hannes3120 ,

Boss, LV, Gucci - all those "Luxus" brands tbh.

Their only selling factor is that they are too expensive for really poor people to buy.

Their quality is medium at best

hannes3120 ,

Yeah they are not part of the very expensive luxury lineup for sure - but their point of sale is pretty similar imho

hannes3120 ,

Interesting that it's not the steam logo used for that meme...

hannes3120 ,

Yeah - but the situation there is literally the same as with all the other launchers besides GOG

For some reason steam just has a huge fanclub that doesn't accept any kind of criticism

Jewish Voice for Peace in Germany had their bank account frozen. Bank demands names and adresses of all members the organization alledged ( www.juedische-stimme.de ) Englisch

EDIT: The header of the english statement has been updated in the statement on the website of the group. The term confiscation has distinct legal meanings that could be confused and the way the term is often used in common language is inaccurate for the legal meaning. See @geissi s comment showing the legal distinction....

hannes3120 ,

The text mentions them supporting the "don't buy from Jews"-BDS movement

Sounds very weird for a Jewish organisation indeed

hannes3120 ,

Habe auch meine Probleme mit der Partei (gerade bei Homöopathie und Gentechnik) aber bin im Januar trotzdem eingetreten weil die doch von allen Parteien noch mit Abstand die sinnvollste progressive Politik machen wollen

Und gerade diese Hetze hat für mich dann zu einem "jetzt erst Recht"-moment geführt

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