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PhlubbaDubba ,

Ah yes, because any scenario where the rest of the EU going to war wouldn't also basically mean automatically that the UK was also going to war already!

with that .ml tag you'd think someone would be better at remembering NATO is still a thing and the only non overlap between the two are countries that are defacto protected by it anyways.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Another means I've heard of is limiting apartment/home rentals to a 1 month minimum

Maintains a minimal open door for people who actually wanna get emersed while also redirecting all but the most lucrative properties back into local residential living.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Normally I'm tepid on this kinda headline getting, but I feel like Stonehenge of all things is not the ideal target for the supposed intent of these kinds of protests.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Because it was built by Naturepath druids.

They vandalized a structure that represents the purest distillment europeans may have achieved of their ideal vision thus far in human history.

That'd be like me demanding bike infrastructure by bombing Amsterdam.

PhlubbaDubba ,

It was the Bronze and Iron age, even the people who swore they didn't do human sacrifice had sneaky backdoor rituals that played out human sacrifice, cough cough Romans cough cough

PhlubbaDubba ,

No it really doesn't, getting called stupid is far below the standard of even the minimal consequences oil and gas companies have faced in those 50 years. Or the public condemnation of such.

These people are the "bUt DeMs SaMe!" of facing the consequences of their own actions. The only way you could genuinely think nothing is being done and that some forever student college kids are getting harsher treatment than the most hated companies in the world is if you're in a position of blinding privilege that obscures the real world movement in the situation.

PhlubbaDubba ,

You're just saying all this because you think anything short of guillotining them is "too little too late", I work in renewables, I literally have a paycheck because of how flat out objectively wrong you are about almost everything you just said.

They want you to despair and to think they're untouchable, don't be the idiot who actually buys what they're selling.

PhlubbaDubba ,

I actually do use acrobat for legal document work

It good for adding signatures and making changes to pdf format schtuff

PhlubbaDubba ,

China is planning to circumvent the Bosphorous straight, I'm surprised Turkey doesn't respond to such a suggestion with a stream of umlauted profanities capable of even making an average HBO drama blush!

PhlubbaDubba ,

Brics is basically the "we don't like the west!" club of countries that think they're entitled to being great powers for.... basically just cause.

Brazil is basically just trying to manifest being a fully developed industrial economy, Russia is clinging to the dying scraps of being the second great power, India has all the potential, manpower, and material but is currently hanging itself with a nationalist noose in terms of being able to so business with anyone besides maybe Surinam, China tries to act like they're not bothered by having to do work to achieve international standing but VERY OBVIOUSLY resent that the world hasn't just reverted to the pre-age-of-colonialism status quo of China being the top of the world in terms of trade, and South Africa has apparently collapsed five times since 2020 alone with how many headlines you hear about it.

G-7 Leaders to Agree to Tap Frozen Russian Assets, Giving Ukraine Additional $50 billion of Aid, France Says ( ) Englisch

Group of Seven leaders are set to reach a political agreement to provide Ukraine with $50 billion of aid using the profits generated by frozen Russian sovereign assets, according to an Elysee official....

PhlubbaDubba ,

Do we have a running total on how much the Russians have dumped into this vs how much has been used to keep the Ukrainians in the fight?

PhlubbaDubba ,

They gonna vote for rancid ass people and then blame it on us for looking down at them for voting for rancid ass people.

This is why I can't stand le intellectual rural vote understanders,

They have no reasons, they have no causes, they have no explanations or histories, what they have is a blind hatred of anything outside their own horizon, and a ballot they'll cast for whatever rancid ass person makes them feel the most like they'll get to express that without being rightfully called out as a bigot.

We've tried to reach them on class consciousness, and they asked "but can we still say the N-Word?"

PhlubbaDubba ,

Why are nonaligned shown to the right instead of in the middle?

PhlubbaDubba ,

Because I'm sure your house getting swept away in the third flood to break records that month is REALLY gonna help your bills!

PhlubbaDubba ,


PhlubbaDubba ,

Getting (CONSENTUALLY) gangbanged by A LOT of guys, like enough that it starts to involve logistics planning to accommodate that many people being in a single space at one time.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Less a formalized word and more a turn of phrase

We have a lot of them for sex related stuff due to a looooooong history of how the culture around what's considered vulgar has developed

PhlubbaDubba ,

Because the reasons are the last thing you should report on in a terrorist attack?

Getting their word out is literally the entire reason they did a terrorism, publicizing that info is literally assisting the terrorists.

As far as responsible reporting should be concerned, all terrorists are of the same cloth, scum, and they can all die mad together about all being seen as the same.

PhlubbaDubba ,

About the same rates of mental health crises, so makes sense in a "not doubling the problem" sense

PhlubbaDubba ,

Ok why do european countries even let political parties have private funding? This really feels like a "you all should fucking know better!" kinda deal

German carmaker Volkswagen says forced labour in one of its sub-supplier's plants in China was not identified as 'no full supply chain transparency exists' ( ) Englisch

- Volkswagen (VW) in 2023 commissioned a deeply flawed audit at a plant in China's Xinjiang province operated by a subsidiary of Volkswagen’s joint venture with SAIC, a Chinese state-owned carmaker....

PhlubbaDubba ,

They're trying to avoid the conclusion that the answer is a supply chain that doesn't involve unaccountable uncheckable firms all the way through, because that will mean a supply chain that primarily works through countries that have actual labor protections, and capitalist owners hate nothing more than labor protections.

PhlubbaDubba ,

From someone who has been having out this fight across the pond,

For the love of god country and cadbury, drag every last man woman and anyone else you can to the polls to vote for the most viable non Tory candidate, even if you have to do it by their hair. The militant non voters will be upon you to rally for the tories under your noses soon, and if you fail to take them seriously when you have this chance to obliterate the tories you'll truly have your own Trump as consequence.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Has Ukraine been making a lot of progress on the benchmarks the EU normally requires?

PhlubbaDubba ,

I think a Unified Europe is the current great project of the democratic world.

If it can happen, a new superpower of democracy will appear overnight, if it is stopped, the current chasers of multipolarity, the Russias and Chinas, will keep the initiative

PhlubbaDubba ,

This is literally "Look what you made me do!" as geopolitical apologism.

French President reaffirms possibility of sending troops to Ukraine ( ) Englisch

"I'm not ruling anything out, because we are facing someone who is not ruling anything out," said French President Emmanuel Macron when asked if he stood by comments earlier this year not excluding the sending of Western troops that sent shockwaves around Europe....

PhlubbaDubba ,

Russian leaders will answer that Tsar Alexander reached Paris when asked how far is far enough for them.

Putin's the idiot that's gonna see a French man sit and watch in Paris as the soldiers reach Moscow.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Are there any acts that would be likely to make a public stand like that?

PhlubbaDubba ,

Yes others have them, the difference is that Russia's are going to be pointed at you if they get used.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Hamas doesn't have Nukes, that's why.

Enforcing a no fly zone is an act of war against anyone you shoot down over it, and direct war with Russia is a terrible idea.

The only scenario where it doesn't end in nuclear fire is one where the US somehow has discovered every single hidden missile silo and has an unbeatable decapitation strike planned to destroy Russia's nuclear capabilities before they can be deployed.

That would require a degree of aerial supremacy unheard of in world history.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Presumably the decapitation strike would include the subs but yes, there's a bunch that would have to be taken out of commission all at once

It'd go down in history as the battle of seconds, because that's how quickly you'd have to complete the operation after starting to avoid the effects of the enemy realizing what's going on and activating anything you haven't reached yet in retaliation.

PhlubbaDubba ,

I genuinely wonder how many government systems are vulnerable to being broken by someone issuing a command to update to the latest software version

PhlubbaDubba ,


Oh good!

in Poland

Oh that poor poor bastard

PhlubbaDubba ,

I was talking more about being a known Russian agent in Poland but that certainly doesn't help lol

PhlubbaDubba ,

This does make me wonder how a press corps can be properly fostered which is not beholden to either private or state interests

PhlubbaDubba ,

There are exactly two kinds of folks in IT, soon to be or fully out anime queer folks and furries, and 60 something industry gurus who all always wear polo shirts and live in an upper middle class house despite apparently being rich as sin, also they are so hard for home security measures their backup security footage server in Montana has its own backup in a bugout bunker in New Zealand.

I was neither so I ended up being a number cruncher for a solar company instead.

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