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'Zwangsarbeit': Während seines China-Besuchs demonstrierte der türkische Außenminister Hakan Fidan seine Verbundenheit mit den Uiguren in Xinjiang. Doch seine Geste hätte klarer ausfallen können. ( www.dw.com )

Der türkische Außenminister Hakan Fidan zeigte sich aufmunternd. Würde China aktiv werden, um die Wahrnehmung zu verändern, die die Welt von dessen Umgang mit den Uiguren habe, käme das China ebenso entgegen wie allen anderen Staaten, erklärte er während seines Aufenthalts in Xinjiang Anfang Juni....

Forscher über Keime in der Donau: „Abwässer werden direkt eingeleitet“ ( taz.de )

Alexander Kirschner, stell­vertretender Leiter des Fach­bereichs für Wasser­qualität und Gesundheit an der Karl Landsteiner Privat­universität für Ge­sundheits­wissen­schaften in Krems an der Donau in Österreich, hat die Verbreitung von Antibiotikaresistenzen an der Donau untersucht. Sein Fazit: Vor allem menschliche...

0x815 OP ,

If you don't want your payments to be tracked, then it really is.

International Criminal Court (ICC) investigating alleged Russian cyberattacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure as possible war crimes, sources say ( www.reuters.com ) Englisch

International Criminal Court (ICC) investigating alleged Russian cyberattacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure as possible war crimes, sources say...

EuGH-Urteil zu Asylpolitik: Hohe Geldstrafe für Ungarn ( taz.de )

Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat Ungarn wegen seiner Asylpolitik zu 200 Millionen Euro Strafe verurteilt. Außerdem müsse Ungarn für jeden weiteren Tag des Verzugs bei der Umsetzung der EU-Asylregeln eine Million Euro Zwangsgeld zahlen, entschied der EuGH am Donnerstag. Die tägliche Millionenzahlung beginne ab...

G-7 Leaders to Agree to Tap Frozen Russian Assets, Giving Ukraine Additional $50 billion of Aid, France Says ( www.bloomberg.com ) Englisch

Group of Seven leaders are set to reach a political agreement to provide Ukraine with $50 billion of aid using the profits generated by frozen Russian sovereign assets, according to an Elysee official....

British Music Band 'Massive Attack' Cancels Show in Georgia in Protest of Government’s Attack on Human Rights in the Former Soviet Republic ( civil.ge ) Englisch

Massive Attack has canceled a show in Georgia scheduled for July 28, saying the decision was made “in protest of the Georgian government’s attack on basic human rights.” The British band says that playing at the state-owned Black Sea Arena stage “could be seen as an endorsement of their violent crackdowns against...

China state hackers infected 20,000 Fortinet VPNs, Dutch spy service says ( arstechnica.com ) Englisch

- Hackers working for the Chinese government gained access to more than 20,000 VPN appliances sold by Fortinet using a critical vulnerability that the company failed to disclose for two weeks after fixing it, Netherlands government officials said....

0x815 ,

Shenzhen and Hong Kong and many other Chinese cities are really great, I have been there too. The point is that what we see and what you describe is the surface. China is a deeply autocratic regime. It's a shame what the CCP is doing to the Chinese people and their culture.

0x815 , (Bearbeitet )

This is not about EV cars, but it is a perfect real-life example what happens if and when you pursue an economic policy like China's:

China solar panel manufacturers seek government action to halt freefall in prices

Chinese solar panel manufacturers said they are seeking immediate government intervention to curb investment and industry collaboration to arrest a plunge in prices of solar cells and modules, as the industry faces overcapacity.

Financial incentives and a government push have helped China become the solar panel factory of the world, accounting for about 80% of global module capacity. Analysts expect Chinese manufacturers to add up to 600 gigawatts (GW) this year, enough to meet global demand through 2032.

However, with no end in sight for the plunge in prices, industry officials and analysts said intense competition was threatening to drive smaller producers into bankruptcy. Rapid capacity additions drove down prices of China's finished solar panels by 42% last year.

[Edit typo.]

Nach der Europawahl: Union wil das Verbrennerverbot kippen ( www.faz.net )

"Die Unionsfraktion im Bundestag hat sich vorgenommen, das im Jahr 2035 greifende Verbot zu kippen und will dazu einen Antrag zu „technologieoffenem Klimaschutz“ in das Parlament einbringen. Darin schlagen CDU und CSU einen Maßnahmenkatalog für „klimafreundliche Mobilität“ vor, der darauf zielt, Autos mit...

0x815 ,

Vielleicht passt das hier:

The climate crisis is solvable, but human rights must trump profits (Archivierter Link)

Huge planetary problems were fixed in the past, yielding lessons for the current climate crisis — yet this time a solution is justice.

Italian subsidiary of French luxury giant LVMH that makes 'Dior' handbags under court administration after report alleged it sub-contracted work to Chinese-owned firms that mistreated workers ( www.reuters.com ) Englisch

An Italian subsidiary of French luxury giant LVMH that makes Dior-branded handbags was placed under court administration on Monday, after a probe alleged it had sub-contracted work to Chinese-owned firms that mistreated workers....

0x815 ,

Good. But European firms must also stop putting European intellectual property and national security at risk by outsourcing the making of sensitive technology to China or other countries, and Chinese and other foreign companies shouldn't be allowed to take over European companies (the latter being a corresponding rule in China for foreign companies btw).

0x815 ,

Tariffs make us all poorer in the long run. Did we learn nothing in the 20th century?

A bold statement without any economic or political context. It is Tthngs like that which make the foundation of misinformation and disinformation imo, and, in that case, play into the hands of Chinese disinformation campaigns.

0x815 ,

@makeasnek, this may be fine if and when all countries apply to the same rules, but this is not the case. China is heavily protecting its market, and they do so much more than the EU or the US. In China, foreign companies can't even run a subsidiary in the country, they need a Chinese parther firm to create a joint venture. Recent Chinese 'security laws' even make simple market research almost impossible as it may be seen as 'espionage' by China, which made many consulting firms close their Chinese offices. And these are just two examples.

0x815 ,

@makeasnek, it's not only that you are using a lot of words to say nothing, it doesn't address the issue either (because China, among other things, close its own markets, they don't play by the rules they want others to follow, see my other post in this thread).

[Edit typo.]

Massive Drohungen gegen Taiwan: "China dreht beständig den Konfliktregler nach oben" ( www.n-tv.de )

Die Vereidigung des neuen taiwanischen Präsidenten Lai Ching-te wurde vom massiven Säbelrasseln Pekings begleitet. Das passe zum chinesischen Tonfall der vergangenen Jahre, sagt Taiwan-Experte Klaus Bardenhagen.--...

0x815 OP ,

@Amoxtli, do yourself a favour a stay away from wherever you receive this stuff.

France: Chinese billionaire's money laundering conviction shocks Bordeaux as officials found some deals were financed illegally with Chinese government funds ( www.winespectator.com ) Englisch

Haichang Group founder Qu Naijie purchased 27 Bordeaux châteaus in just a few years, but French officials found some of the deals were financed illegally with Chinese government funds...

Deutschlands Brandmauer der CDU Thüringen: Für die AfD sitzt Frank Böwe in einem Kreistag, für die CDU in einem Stadtrat – ohne Konsequenzen. Die Parteispitze äußert sich nicht dazu. ( taz.de )

Frank Böwe gehört keiner Partei an, ist aber bei der Kommunalwahl am 26. Mai in Thüringen auf den Listen zweier Parteien gewählt worden. Auf der Liste der CDU zog er erneut in den Stadtrat Ruhla ein, auf der Liste der AfD wieder in den Kreistag des Wartburgkreises. Dabei gilt bei den Christdemokraten eigentlich ein...

Russian court orders $56 mln Germany's Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg asset seizure ( www.reuters.com ) Englisch

A Russian court has ordered the seizure of 51.8 million euros ($56 million) of assets from Germany's Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg (LBBW), court filings showed, in a lawsuit related to an aborted gas project....

Deutschland: Kanzler Scholz warnt EU-Präsidentin von der Leyen vor einer Wiederwahl mit Hilfe rechter Parteien ( www.n-tv.de )

Der deutsche Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz hat Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen davor gewarnt, sich nach der Europawahl mit den Stimmen rechtsextremer oder rechtspopulistischer Parteien im Europäischen Parlament (EP) in eine zweite Amtszeit wählen zu lassen. Die SPD stehe zwar zu dem Spitzenkandidatenprinzip, "und...

German Chancellor Scholz Warns European Commission President Von der Leyen Against Coalition With Populists ( www.bloomberg.com ) Englisch

Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Germany would only support European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for a second term if her center-right European People’s Party can build a stable majority in the next European Parliament without support of the far right....

0x815 OP ,

This somehow on topic as someone mentioned 'lobbying':

Pfizergate: Belgian court postpones case to December taking pressure off von der Leyen --- (Archived version)

The latest hearing in the Pfizergate scandal has been postponed until 6 December by a Belgian court to give parties additional time to examine certain aspects of the case, a decision likely to be a relief for European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, who is currently busy on the campaign trail ahead of the June EU elections.

In April 2021, the New York Times broke the ‘Pfizergate’ story, revealing that von der Leyen had negotiated a contract for 1.8 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses during the pandemic with Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla through mobile phone texts that remain undisclosed to this day.

In June 2022, the European Ombudsman concluded that the contract negotiation was a case of ‘maladministration’.

0x815 OP ,

Doesn't it make more sense for people to have the option to move ....

Certainly. The most important outcome of this study imho is that there is a significant gap between the public/political debate and the peoples' sentiment.

Europawahl: Wie stehen die Parteien zu Transparenz und Lobbyregulierung? ( www.lobbycontrol.de )

Am Wochenende ist Europawahl, und es ist wirklich wichtig, seine Stimme abzugeben. LobbyControl -ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, über Machtstrukturen und Einflussstrategien in Deutschland und der EU aufzuklären- hat zusammengestellt, was die Parteien in den Bereichen Transparenz und Lobbyregulierung...

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