
Evil_Shrubbery , in Windows 10 EOL PSA
Evil_Shrubbery ,

Or OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

Titou , avatar

Huge respect for not putting Ubuntu

MrSoup , in I really do want to know though avatar

Are you using a white theme terminal? I hope it's just an edited screenshot.

Emerald OP ,

White theme terminal

TheUncannyObserver ,

You monster.

pmk ,
acockworkorange ,

Oh boy, never meet your heroes.

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Bantha Fodder

BCsven ,

Consider Solarized Light, its is easier on the eyes

ulterno , avatar

The name "Solarized" suggests otherwise.

BCsven ,

Ha, it does. I find it great for dark or light viewinng.

brenticus ,

Nord Light was also pretty good when I tried it. I waffle back and forth between light and dark themes now and then and there's always a few good options that brighten the space without flashbanging you.

lessthanluigi ,

Based and anti-dark-theme-cult-pilled

FrankTheHealer ,

What the fuck is wrong with you lol

Hildegarde ,

Light theme used to be the only theme. People now need dark themes because they're eyes are too week from all the worke.

Hupf ,
pmk ,

And before that, black text printed on white continuous form paper.

d_k_bo ,

Paper doesn't fry my eyeballs.

Kusimulkku ,

You could turn down the brightness lol

Hupf ,

Now I'm wondering if historically people started writing on blackboards first or in paper. Etching into wood/stone doesn't count since it lacks contrast.

MrSoup , avatar
pmk ,

If you look at the Lascaux cave paintings, there's great potential for a soft earthy color theme imho. Black and red on off-white, similar colors as medieval vellum with black ink and vermillion red/orange.

Hildegarde ,

No not that far back

AVincentInSpace ,

please let your grammar be indication that this is satire

Sorse , avatar
Sorse , avatar
AllNewTypeFace , in you don't need more 4GB of RAM avatar

The extra space is for two Electron apps of your choice.

lemmyvore ,

Let's start with one and see how it goes.

umbrella , avatar

discord and microsoft teams 😍

TrickDacy ,

You picked two of the crappiest apps ever.

itsralC ,

That's the point

Kusimulkku ,

Teams in browser is okay

beerclue , in AV1 Race

I don't understand what this is about, but I admire the commitment, the story, the CGI. 7/10.

acockworkorange ,



Well it's open sauce now.

dejected_warp_core ,

Is that MIT (munch it today) or GPL (generally pleasing w/lettuce) licensed?

WagnasT ,

BSD (binge some dairy)

deathmetal27 ,

Mozzarella Public License

DeaDvey ,

Apacheat Licence

nossaquesapao , in Types of OS

As someone who worked (trying to) teaching people how to use computers, I can tell you that windows isn't user friendly. People just got used to it. I had a far easier job when teaching how to use android and a gnome gui.

cmgvd3lw ,

Android user experience depends heavily on apps. Most of the popular apps changed their UI many time over the past decade. Getting people especially the elderly to frequently learn these changes is not a feature of a good UI.
(Remember what Microsoft did with Windows 8)

Shady_Shiroe , avatar

Microsoft jumped the gun and thought everyone would be working off of phones, like bro imagine programming on a phone keyboard

nossaquesapao ,

Can't agree more. People get so confused because of those random significant changes out of nowhere. Software companies don't seem to do any long-term planning or previous research on usability, and treat their apps like playgrounds, forgetting that a LOT of people rely on them, most without high tech skills.

goferking0 ,

I only realized today samsung had changed their previous night mode/Grey shade mode to theater mode. But could only do that from watch because I had somehow turned it on while sleeping

Soup ,

I love I have to distinguish between Windows settings and “no, old Windows settings. Go to the control panel” where they haven’t changed it since XP or whatever but you need it for some stuff.

mkwt ,

Some of those dialog boxes have not changed a bit since Windows 3.0.

CarlosCheddar , in Confound you, WSUS!

I fixed this by deleting Windows.

MajorHavoc ,

Yeah. This crap was the last straw for me to stop dual booting.

stevedidwhat_infosec , in Shit...

Please don’t fucking touch anything to do with Linux Musk. Please.

psmgx ,

Crazy, rich South Africans is how we got Ubuntu

Steamymoomilk , avatar

But would you like to upgrade to Ubuntu pro?

ichbinjasokreativ ,

Ubuntu pro is not at all a bad thing. It's free to consumers but you can also just ignore it if you don't need it.

BeardedGingerWonder ,

Can we disable the prompt?

ichbinjasokreativ ,

The ssh prompt? I think you just need to mess with the files in /etc/update-motd.d

Technoguyfication ,

The prompt on the desktop that says there and pending updates that can only be installed with Pro.

ichbinjasokreativ ,

I've been using Ubuntu for about 3, years now on the desktop and I don't know what you're talking about. Where exactly is that prompt?
And they're not hiding updates behind pro, it's just extra on top of the updates you'd get on other distros.

QuaternionsRock ,

It’s free?

ichbinjasokreativ ,

It is for up to 5 devices, so small-scale homelab stuff can be covered without cost.

QuaternionsRock ,

How tf does one do that

ichbinjasokreativ ,

Does what? Sign up for ubuntu pro? For that you just need to go to their website and register. For the homelab stuff you could start small - maybe a linux nas with a few VMs for a pihole or something.

Sunny , avatar

Could you elaborate on this for those of us who don't know the context?

lemmyvore ,


dustyData ,

Canonical, the company that is responsible for Ubuntu, was founded by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth to sell B2B Linux tech support.

Sunny , avatar

Aha thanks for letting me know 👍

stevedidwhat_infosec ,

Par for the course

rwhitisissle ,

It's also how we got snap packages and apartheid, and I'm not even sure which of those is worse. (yes, I'm joking)

palordrolap ,

Linux Musk sounds like the evil counterpart to Mint. A fork of Red Star OS, etc.

foofiepie ,

Linux Musk Cinnamon. Yours for a modest subscription.

josefo , in GNU-Linux

wow, I could read and entire book of this. It's a new genre of erotica I think. Very high quality

GladiusB , avatar

Do you want the pegging scenes to be implied or graphic?

deadlock ,


extremeboredom ,

Can it be implied that they're very graphic?

Haaveilija ,

No, a real linux user only needs a cli

CrazyLikeGollum ,

So, not graphic, just verbose.

pegging -v

psmgx ,

Not verbose enough, needs the -vvv

buttfarts ,

I am so scared and aroused

josefo ,


brbposting ,

Parts of 4chan’s take on the Big Bang Theory may fit the bill:

db2 , in you don't need more 4GB of RAM

Just install Chrome or Firefox. Problem solved.

j4k3 , avatar

weak. compile them

EddyBot ,

compile in tmpfs

Kusimulkku ,

I compile them in swap and swap is of course Google Drive

dditty , avatar

Yup I max out 32GB building librewolf from source

eldavi ,

and a vm or 2

PhreakyByNature , in mv Windows Linux

Anyone who has to use Windows and suffers this, PowerToys is your friend. Locksmith identifies what's locking your file and allows you to free it up. Dunno why PowerToys isn't bundled by default tbh.

the_crotch ,

There's a list of locked files under shares in computer management

errer ,

Cause they’re too busy finding new ways to bundle ads.

Car ,

I always thought it wasn’t included by default to mitigate malware damage to a system. Malware needs to be just a little bit more advanced if it can’t hijack Powertools to do what it wants

palordrolap ,

Any self-respecting malware writer will download and decompile the Powertools to find out what API calls are being used. Especially if they're calls to an undocumented API.

Having Powertools on your computer is thus not the security hole it might appear to be.

The fact they exist at all - well that's not really a security hole either. Their existence just more quickly dissolves any security-by-obscurity that might have existed. Someone would have found those calls another way.

One might suppose that they contain something special that's not in the stock OS, but then we're back to the malware writer's reverse engineering which would lead them to learn and implement their own versions of whatever it is that Powertools does.

dan , avatar

will download and decompile the Powertools

PowerToys is open-source, so no need to decompile.

This is the code that determines which processes are holding on to the specified files (or any files in the specified folders):

Called from the UI code here: which also has the code to kill the processes

Car ,

I would not say

any self-respecting malware writer will download [powertools] and…

I’m not as familiar with mass-market malware, but APT-level gear generally doesn’t try to make use of such easily observed events. The more network traffic malware appropriates, the greater the probability that it’s caught.

Simply put, Powertools puts several functions within arms reach for malware looking to stay under the radar. Without it, malware needs to bring more of its own code which increases footprint. Living off the land exploits in particular love the presence of these kinds of programs

ProfessorProteus , avatar

Dunno why PowerToys isn't bundled by default tbh.

PowerToys give the user more power, which goes directly against Microsoft's own goal.

Also, less seriously, "toys" implies the user might enjoy the experience, and you know they can't let that happen.

alqloe ,

Shut up. It is literally made by Microsoft. As a place to experiment what to include in Windows. Don't argue with strawmen

danc4498 ,

Shut up. I also think power toys that feature basic functionality and have been around for decades should be included in Windows. I can’t always install this on a computer that needs it.

Agent641 ,

I was using image resizer for years before Microsoft meddled with it. Why is it slow to start up now?!

Caboose12000 ,

Shut up. I agree with you it should be included in windows, I just wanted to feel included

dlpkl ,

It's a Linux circlejerk community, what did you expect?

Brkdncr ,

They definitely don’t go through the same amount of QA as other apps.

elvith ,

Also please pre-install the sysinternals suite, thanks

Omgboom ,

Psexec can be pretty dangerous. Psexec.exe -i -s gives you access to the NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM account, which is higher than Administrator. One time at work I was trying to do something and was getting permission denied so I decided to use that to get around the problem, I got to spend the afternoon talking to our security administrator because he got a bunch of alerts from our antivirus.

surewhynotlem ,

Well that was the mistake. The first thing you do with SYSTEM is disable the security software.

elvith ,

Never thought about that, but since these tools just work, when you copy them to your PC.... how does psexec do that? It'd either need you to be an administrator (and then it's not really a privilege escalation as you could have registered any program into the task scheduler or as a service to run as SYSTEM) or it'd need a delegate service, that should only be available when you use an installer - which again wasn't was has been done when just copying the tool.

0xD , (Bearbeitet )

You need Administrative permissions for psexec. It uploads a file to the target computer's \admin$ share (just C:\Windows) and starts a service to execute it. Services run as SYSTEM so that's why you get those privileges.

(Hah, I forgot your message while typing mine and just copied you :)

Edit: fixed c$ to admin$

elvith ,

I found a blog post outlining exactly that. If you use it locally, it will install and start a service temporarily. That service runs as SYSTEM and invokes your command. To succeed, you need to be a local administrator.

If you try the same remote, it tries to access \\remote-server-ip\$admin and installs the service with that. To succeed your current account on your local machine must exist on the remote machine and must be an administrator there.

So in short: It only works, if you've already the privilege to do so and the tool itself is not (ab)using a privilege escalation or something like that. Any hacker and virus may do the very same and doesn't need psexec - it's just easier for them to use that tool.

0xD ,

Thank you for clearing it up!

And regarding your assessment: Exactly!

kuneho , avatar

I recently discovered Resource Monitor (resmon) can do that, too!

I was using Unlocker waaaay back, I loved it. Since then I wasn't looking for alternatives, but since resmon also can do that, it's more than enough.

lunachocken ,

I just use process hacker and the handles part of it

0xD ,

Because it's still in development, but afaik it is the goal to include it once it's stable.

SatansMaggotyCumFart , in Using any DE be like:

I find having an operating system is bloat.

crispy_kilt ,

Magnetised needle and a steady hand is all you need.

mexicancartel ,
M-x butterfly
massive_bereavement ,

I just use butterflies.

alsaaas , avatar

there is an emacs command for that

db2 , in "LiNuX uSeR iNsTaLlInG A BrOwSeR haha" meanwhile :

Web search on the start menu.


adam_y , avatar

Web in the search, AI in the search, personal assistant in your files, things in your things that you don't want, didn't ask for and are struggling to extract.

rwhitisissle ,

things in your things that you don’t want, didn’t ask for and are struggling to extract.

We have a word for these. It's called "parasites."

GregorGizeh , (Bearbeitet )

I wouldn't mind that as an optional function, having a single global search field that brings up whatever you are looking for seems really convenient on paper.

Of course not the way msoft does it, where you never get the thing you want unless you are being really precise (like searching for appdata only yielding web results until you specifically type %APPDATA%).

errer ,

Also if I could pick my search engine rather than getting one of the shittiest ones rammed down my throat

Rustmilian OP , avatar

Luckily on KDE plasma this is just a GUI setting.

GoosLife ,

Its even worse than that. It is completely unpredictable and just does what it want. When I type in "Vi", the first choice is Visual Studio. It will stay on Visual Studio until I have typed in "Visual Studi". But if I'm a fast typer, and I type in the entirety of "Visual Studio", it opens Visual Studio Code.

So the fastest way to open up Code is to type "VSC". This doesn't work with "VS" for Visual Studio.

I have to type out "Spot" specifically to open Spotify. Typing out Spotify opens edge.

There are also files and programs it cannot find despite having been installed for years, even though I've MANUALLY added the paths to the searched directories.

If anyone of you is on Windows for whatever reason and want your mind blown, try downloading a little program called Everything. It can literally find every single program on your computer as fast as you can type. And it looks up exactly what you type in. It also supports wildcard characters etc. This is the kind of behavior I expect from my computer. Sure, make a shiny frontend for casual users who don't need to see every single file on their system, but please, why do I have to go through third parties to get this experience on an OS that my company paid for, when I can get the same experience out of the box on any free Linux distro?

BilboBargains ,


pufferfisherpowder ,

Powertoys Run is really good as well, and developed by MS which is just en extra layer of absurdism considering how bad the start menu search is. I mapped powertoys Run to the windows key and have not looked at the start menu since, literally.

CleoTheWizard , avatar

I honestly thought I was the only one that has those problems. I think the thing that gets me is when you install a program, the installer closes, you don’t know where in gods name it just installed to, so you type the name of the program and windows is like “sorry never heard of it”, so you go to the programs list and it’s right there.

What you mentioned is particularly frustrating because I too will type full program names and it often switches on the very last letter. It’s even more frustrating that the user can’t manipulate the search by typing a few letters, realizing those letters are shared by two programs, and then typing a few more letters to lead it to your program without moving to the mouse. Instead it acts like you’ve added no info and recommends the same thing.

Also if you go to uninstall a program by right clicking it in start or search and instead of uninstalling it presents you with a list of programs which you then have to go find the program again in and then hit uninstall again. Been that way for 8 years now.

gedaliyah , avatar

For about a year or two, windows had an amazing search from the menu that used a blazing fast index search to search files, directories, and file contents locally and almost instantaneously. It was a glorious thing.

I cannot think of a case in which a user would not need to distinguish between web search and file search (other than the convenience of a single click). I do use a unified search on my phone that includes files, apps, and contacts, and if it's not in any of those, it will launch a web search using the query. That is more than adequate. If it were performing the web search in real time, I wouldn't be able to easily access apps and contacts, and the results would slow and change while typing.

GregorGizeh ,

I remember that, pretty sure it was in win7 or early win10, before they crammed cortana in there and you had to start jumping through hoops to disable all the garbage they added.

As for the search results, I'm not saying the user shouldn't be able to distinguish them; in fact the way I imagine it is that the results are grouped by category and in a user determined order of priority.

For the loading times I have nothing, that isnt really avoidable with my idea.

Perhaps with some visual trickery that fades or slides the results in over a second or two, ending on the web results. It would give the web search part time to run behind the scenes, seemingly appearing as quickly as the others.

gedaliyah , avatar

Part of the issue with web results is that it would generally update as you type which is just a bad fit for a general menu search. I personally don't see a place for it. If you are searching the web, you're going to open the browser anyway. Maybe some users would use it to navigate directly to common websites, sort of like bookmarks? I don't know.

Rustmilian OP , avatar

That's why KDE Plasma just makes the searches shortcuts in a similar manner to the !bang feature of duckduckgo. Though it'd be nice if the used ! in the shortcuts alies by default. !ddg is just more reliable than ddg.

joyjoy ,

math in start menu is also powered by bing.

helenslunch , avatar

LOL just another way to mine data and extract value from you, rather than providing it.

Matriks404 ,

Start menu 🤮

Honytawk ,

You mean easily accessible shortcut folder?

What is wrong with that?

Matriks404 ,

Everything. I don't have time for accessing it and searching for what I am looking for.

RobotZap10000 ,

Candy Crush and Ad-ridden Solitaire

DmMacniel , in Not a Coincidence

That explains so much

dogsnest , avatar

# apt upgrade estrogen

Norgur ,

Do I have to enable backports for that package?

DmMacniel ,

It could become glitchy. Consider enabling Frontport as well.

Evil_Shrubbery ,

You guys don't run several updates in parallel on the same system??

DmMacniel ,

Sounds dangerous, aren't you scared of catching the c standard library?

DarkDarkHouse , avatar

# man estrogen

cupcakezealot , avatar

yum estrogen

trainden ,

yay estrogen

MenacingPerson ,

I just add it to my nix config

PoolloverNathan ,

Installed NixOS but don't like NixOS? Try nix-env -iA estrogen.

gm_blahaj727 , avatar

doas emerge estrogen

cupcakezealot , avatar

me: more estrogen

uk government: less estrogen

Hobbes_Dent ,
pkg_add estrogen

is I believe most appropriate.

Endorkend , in To be honest, it is quite complicated now as well with all of the proprietary software avatar

This is major league bullshit tho.

On linux, where the config file for a specific program is, can vary annoyingly greatly depending on what distro you're using and sometimes the same config file exists in several places and somehow certain parts of the configuration parameters get taken from several of those files, so if you think you've found what the actual config file should be and remove the duplicates, suddenly the program uses defaults or doesn't even work at all.

Rustmilian , avatar

XDG Base Directory & XDG User Directories will help you immensely. At least, for the programs that follow the XDG specs. Also, check out XDG Ninja.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Yup. Is it in /usr /var /etc or /opt? Maybe in some hidden home folder? Sure, you can Google it, but there's no guarantee you'll find the right answer.

There are only a handful of places Windows sticks stuff, and it's pretty predictable.

ManniSturgis , avatar

Disagree. Take game saves on windows. They can be in appdata\local, appdata\roaming, documents\company-name, documents\savedgames\company-name
I'm sure there are more.

Demdaru , (Bearbeitet )

Nah. 3 places.

  • Appdata subfolder
  • Documents
  • Game installation folder

Savegame folder is then placed either ina folder with game name or studio name, so easy to check all these locations within minutes.

Let's not talk about rpgmaker games tho. I've seen them do some wacky shit with gamesaves.

Edit: To make my point clearer, I disagree with person above me about their disagreement. Savegames on windows are predictable as hell. Thanks to person below for pointing out I didn't convey. :<

Mardukas ,

Yes but appdata subfolder is local, locallow or roaming so the poster above you is still correct.

BlackRoseAmongThorns ,

Lol, appdata subfolder is already 3 different places 😂

exu , avatar

Generally /usr should be managed by the package manager, /etc is for global custom configs and the user home is user specific.
/var shouldn't really be config, mostly logs or webservers for some reason.

lemmyvore ,

You should never be expected to edit anything in /usr, /opt or /var. That's highly unusual. For which software did you have to do this?

Opisek ,

Brother scanner utilities: /opt
Pretty sure I had to change something in /usr once, but I forgot what.
Now, /var would be very unusual.
But most of the time, all the configuration files happen to be somewhere in /etc.

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Docker on RHEL saves everything in /var/lib, for example. Tenable and Nessus stick it in /opt. I'm currently doing a rhel7->8 upgrade, and that shit gets stuck everywhere.

But, I also have issues on my Pis. For a lot of the packages I use, I'm lucky if they actually put their .service file in /etc/systemd. Having to run a find / command on a pi can take forever.

hperrin ,

What system wide software stores their configs in anything but /etc? Data, sure, but not configs.

Opisek ,

nginx at the very least, but there's way more

hperrin ,

Nginx’ default config location is

Opisek ,

Yeah I missed the "anything but", sorry

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

Docker installs in /var/lib. Tenable and Nessus use /opt.

There are tons of packages that store config files in places other than /etc.

hperrin ,

I don’t know what Tenable and Nessus are. I’m guess you have to install them from outside the package manager or build them from source, in which case, yeah, using /opt for config would be acceptable.

Docker’s config file is located at:

pearsaltchocolatebar ,

It's not in RHEL. Tenable and Nessus are vulnerability scanners, and Nessus at least can be installed via yum.

shrugs ,

TLDR; Windows crap, I love Linux

Long read ahead, this resulted in a pretty big rant, but I feel better now:

Windows has way more silly places. From registry to ini files, assemblies, common files, services,'s everywhere.

Do you know how an MSI packages for software installation work? Let me tell you, it's a mess. An utter and complete garbage format. A database with hundreds of buggy functions, empty lines and internal inconsistencies. There wasn't even a way to create them comfortably without paying for expensive software back then. Yea, im looking at you, flexera admin studio.

I automated hundreds of custom software installations on 2000 clients from windows 2000 to XP to Windows 7 to Windows 10... for >10 years, so I know what I'm talking about.

On Linux 99% of apps save global settings in /etc and usersettings in /home/user/.* or the newer way XDG_CONFIG_HOME.

But since all is a file on Linux every config can simply be copied to restore or backup settings. Almost every tool has man pages. How hard is it to run man tool and read the specifics if you need help? Windows? Sometimes you got some help files in a strange format (.hlp?). Other then that, start the browser and ask Google.

Linux package managing since 2003 has been better then it ever has been on Windows to this day.

One command to update all components? Packages will be installed and removed automatically to fulfill the dependencies of the software you want to install? Every package is build by a trusty maintainer of the OS instead of some overworked windows engineer that needs to create profit.

Do you know how Deb files work? They are simpel zips of the folder structure and files the software consists of. A textfile with metadata like maintainer, name, version and, very important: dependencies. Last but not least there are a two or three files that can contain scripts that need to be executed prior or past installation. That's it. And you can do everything with it.

On Windows you often are forced to find the right combination of weird parameters to ensure a program starts. commandlines like "c:\windows\powershell.exe -e cmd /c program name", happen way more often then you would expect.

On Linux I get: Global package manager and updates with trusted packages, no telemetry, more safety, no ads, better privacy...and many more.

My personal opinion: I don't understand how people can even question the superiority of Linux for personal devices.

Rustmilian , avatar

To add to this, Dotfiles is a very helpful Arch Wiki page.

0x4E4F OP , avatar

Trust me, that is not Linux specific, Windows has that bullshit as well. Everything depends on how the devs wanted to solve the local settings problem, and if you have devs that work 1 or 2 years on the project and then quit, which in turn are replaced by other devs, you get this bullshit. The new ones usually don't wanna touch the old one's code, or if they do, they only make minor changes, just enough to make something that's not working, work.

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