
RacoonVegetable , in I like C programs for their speed

And I like rust programs for their memory safety

possiblylinux127 , avatar

Or even JavaScript as it takes away all the difficulty with complex applications

misterwu , in Sorry to intrude. There's no BSD memes community.
h0bbl3s , in I like C programs for their speed avatar

I used c++ in college, and I think it's useful to know c because so much relies on it. That said if I'm going to do something that needs performance I'll look to go first, then rust if go isn't a good fit, but that's mostly because I know go better. Both are excellent languages.

If I just need something functional quick and easily I'll turn to Python. If I need a net service quick node.js is great.

PenisWenisGenius , (Bearbeitet )

I use c++ whenever possible because I like classes and objects and having more versatility to make more dynamic programs. I made an entire kernel that way one time because fuck the police.

h0bbl3s , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

Haha I love it. c++ is definitely super useful. I never got that deep with it but I've certainly benefited from many things written in c++. Wrote small things and I've had to debug it on occasion just to get something working. It usually ended up being a compiler flag I had to set. I ended up going into web and network related stuff after college. Perl was my goto back then but I'm loving these newer languages and the thought put into some of it. For example the struct, interfaces, and type systems in go could probably replicate a lot of what you would use the classes and objects for.

umbraroze , in 5 years of experience, yet still not clue what "Underfull \hbox" means

A "hbox" in TeX is a horizontal box. In 99% cases when laying out text, it's a line of text. "Underfull hbox" means "I couldn't stretch the content of this line far enough, so it will look janky as f due to the increased spacing". "Overfull hbox" means "Well, I tried my best to hyphenate and line-terminate, but this word will stick out of the margin and will look stupid as f."

Most of the time this is caused by a word that auto hyphenation can't deal with. You need to add a manual hyphenation exception. I can't remember how to do that, sorry, because it's been a while and also I'm mildly drunk, sorry.

Sammy , in I like C programs for their speed

Honestly, love to see a lil CatchyOS representation. So far my favorite Arch flavor.

missphant , avatar

It's fitting for this image too since CachyOS kernel + packages + defaults go zoom.

danikpapas , in 5 years of experience, yet still not clue what "Underfull \hbox" means

Reminds me of c++ linker errors

UpperBroccoli ,

Surely, you really mean C++ compiler errors for anything involving temples, yes? 5000 pages of errors because you misplaced a sign somewhere.

CapeWearingAeroplane ,

-Wfatal-errors is my friend

renzev OP ,

Those template errors feel almost passive-aggressive to me. Almost as if the compiler is telling you "Here are all the ways in which I tried to make your shitty code make sense, and yet it still doesn't work" lol

eskuero , in I like C programs for their speed avatar

As someone who only codes solutions for himself I don't relate. All the extra time I would spend writting a C solution it would never attone the runtime loses of doing it in maybe python.

sxan , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

Anyway, this is only relevant if you're writing only for yourself. It's your poor users who suffer for your expediency.

adhocfungus ,

I used to write extensively with C++, but it has been a long time since speed mattered that much to one of my applications. I still marvel at the cache-level optimizations some people come up with, but I'm in the same mindset as you now.

My workload split of Data Movement vs Data Transformation is like 95:5 these days, which means almost all the optimizations I do are changing batch/cache/page/filter settings. I can do that in any language with http bindings, so I choose those that are faster to write.

wuphysics87 , in 5 years of experience, yet still not clue what "Underfull \hbox" means

Use entr it's a godsend! It watches when you write a buffer and then runs a command, which can be a script. Save your LaTeX often, and you never ger those errors!

agelord ,

Latexmk has built-in option to watch a Tex file and recompile upon changes.

renzev OP ,

For vim users, there's also vimtex, which, on top of doing what entr does, has a "quick fixes" feature that basically creates a split with a concise list of errors that's much more readable than pdflatex (or similar) output

WalnutLum , in I like C programs for their speed

I like hyfetch because it has the largest os compatibility.

It feels like the spiritual successor to neofetch tbh.

DmMacniel , avatar

yeah and it allows for queering up the distro logo, which I absolutely love.

Mio , in Comment on a YT video about Windows on ARM

They differ a lot. I don't understand why Microsoft does not want to improve on this situation. At minimum take all questions at once, or collect answers from existing installation. Maybe have some profiles of answers like wipe disk and privacy mode.

DieserTypMatthias , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

privacy mode

Keep dreaming. Only Apple has privacy mode they call Lockdown mode. Linux distros have real lockdown mode.

Mio ,

I meant - privacy mode just means answer no tracking on all the questions. Yes, they will still turn those back on when the next Windows update happen, but that is beside the point.

stinerman , avatar

Microsoft's most important customers are businesses, who generally don't deal with this (they have corporate images). Home users also generally don't deal with this given they buy a computer that has already been configured.

Linux-based systems have always needed to be better because almost no one buys a computer with $DISTRO already installed and configured.

Mio ,

You are right, most don't need it. Yet they still have the wizard guide, and with several new GUI questions implemented. So they are maintaining the setup wizard - just does not want to improve it. I am sure Microsoft have the money to improve on it and make more users happy(read not leaving Windows).

Windows have come to a point where they don't need to improve much more. So they only focus on the stuff that might bring in extra money instead(ads and data harvesting). This will be their downfall if it does not align with what the users want. It will be interesting to see how the deal with ARM - problem to bring legacy programs. Yes, one day we will move to ARM on all new computers as they are just so much better. A good opportunity to rethink a lot and for Microsoft lose its big walls around Windows. Easier for competitors to come in.

Linux have also improved due to users always want a friendly GUI. And the users have more power to actually make a difference due to the nature of being open source. Automated installs here are still needed. A few sell OEM with Linux.

Just look at Apple, how big market share they have despite Microsoft have existed for so many years. 15%
The competition have started.

Sabata11792 , avatar

I don’t understand why Microsoft does not want to improve on this situation.

Windows is the side hustle, They sell server space now.

Mio ,

Right, so lets shutdown Windows as it does not bring in enough money.

I don't think that would be a good idea, to let it rot away. It is a business that brings in money after all, and it keeps the users using Microsoft office(Office 365) and all their products. They need to keep it alive.

Sabata11792 , avatar

They can half ass it, stuff it with ads, rake in the income and not lose enough users to worry. They have a monopoly and can just keep milking users.

Mio ,

It works for a while but they will lose market share over time. The home users are mostly not locked in to anything. It is just them that might use their pc at home for work(they should use their work laptop for that). Nowadays most things are webbased. Console/Steamdeck/Android/Chromebooks exists.
Microsoft even made Visual Studio Code for any OS so coders can use any OS.
The need for Windows is shrinking as people development alternative software for other platforms. It just take time.

Sabata11792 , avatar

It works for a while but they will lose market share over time.

The average user thinks their having a spell cast on them if they hear Linux. People are too afraid to learn how to use Windows let alone switch.

Mio ,

I think many is afraid. It is unknown OS. No one likes change. Many thinks IT is hard. especially elder people.

  • There is to few places to even buy a computer with Linux on it.
  • No ads on TV or similar, nowhere to test, not a single .exe file to run and test it out
  • Works differently - need to relearn.

A kid does not have any problem with the above. This is why Steam Deck is selling. It is just fun to test something new with your friends and see what all the buttons do. Seen as cool. Any guess where this is going when they get adult?

Sabata11792 , avatar

The people able to figure out Linux will move over, but I don't think a typical Windows user that goes on Facebook and uses Excel is going to understand or care enough to leave. They are use to being abused.

Mio ,

That will put sticks in the development. A lot of people think like you say.

jj4211 , in Comment on a YT video about Windows on ARM

Related, I predict Windows on ARM will be a massive failure, again.

Windows is Windows because a critical mass of their market is terrified of being vaguely incompatible with any software they use today. Wine will never give them enough confidence just like ARM emulation of x86 will never give them confidence.

Extra bizarre, from what I've seen the Windows devices vendors are treating the ARM variants as a premium model and charging more for them, despite having no real compelling story for the customers. You can either have an x86 offering that's from all appearances just as overall capable and absolutely able to run your software today, on an ARM offering that is more expensive and maybe a bit less compatible, with maybe better battery life (either sincerely or at least a belief).

Mac is able to force the issue because the hardware and software all wanted to make ARM happen and forced it, but with Windows on ARM, only Qualcomm really cares, Microsoft and all the device vendors would prefer to hedge their bets, which in this case tie goes to the incumbent.

mrvictory1 OP ,

I believe this time Windows on ARM will make an Intel Arc-like launch. It won't be a failure but it won't capture a massive audience either. QC will keep developing chips and some Windows users will be able to daily drive ARM.

Davel23 , in Type in Morse code by repeatedly slamming your laptop lid

There's something like this in Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson.

KingJalopy ,

Awesome author

pageflight ,

Part of my inspiration to learn to program was that I wanted to blink my capslock key. Did learn to program, did learn Morse, never did that project.

laurelraven ,

Okay, this is only encouraging me to finally crack open that book, it's been sitting on my shelf for too long apparently

sic_semper_tyrannis , in Type in Morse code by repeatedly slamming your laptop lid

Wayland support too. A forward thinker

dual_sport_dork , in Type in Morse code by repeatedly slamming your laptop lid avatar

What a casual strat. Real men wear one of those magnetic rings and use it to diddle their laptop's Hall effect lid sensor.

too_high_for_this ,

diddle my hall effect lid sensor daddy

pewpew , in Type in Morse code by repeatedly slamming your laptop lid avatar

Do we have something like this on Lemmy?

mesamunefire ,

No idea but don't let your dreams be dreams. Make it and post lol

ReveredOxygen , avatar

Looks like there's !bad_ui_battles

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