
pyre , in General Election 2024: Former Prime Minister Liz Truss loses South West Norfolk seat

why was she running? her biggest achievement is fucking off immediately after being burdened with any responsibility. the absolute audacity.

OhNoMoreLemmy ,

Mostly because of her overwhelming sense of entitlement.

In her head, it's her seat, and she deserves to be elected with a giant majority regardless of how useless she actually is.

pyre ,

i have nothing to add to your comment but i love your username

OhNoMoreLemmy ,

Thank you!

pyre ,
tankplanker ,

She wanted to be in the prime position of rebuilding the Tory party with her anti deep state, libertarian ass hattery. It has been obvious since she fucked up that the Tories were going to lose this election big time and she had one of the safest seats in the Country so she would have been confident she would have retained it.

The other option she would have wanted to achieve this aim, to be promoted to the House of Lords, is out as there is currently a queue of ex PMs as no Tory PM wanted to promote either Blair or Brown and its normally done in order.

Make no mistake, there is going to be a vicious fight of the direction the Tories take with this period of rebuilding.

BestBouclettes ,

Her only achievement was being 2 days in being prime minister when the Queen died

Foni , in Kremlin labels new EU chief diplomat “rabidly Russophobic” and expects nothing good from new EU leadership avatar

The enemies of Europe do not like the new leaders of Europe, I suppose we have not chosen so badly in the elections the other day

DarkThoughts ,

She seemed to be a pretty reasonable politician to me. I think she'll do fine.
If Russia wants to improve their relations with the EU, then they might want to stop acting like an adversary.

Foni , avatar

Well, I don't have exactly the same opinion, another day we can discuss things like Pfizergate or why a Ukrainian is worth more to this commission than a Palestinian. But it is clear that it is much better that whatever the Kremlin considers acceptable, there is no debate on that

DarkThoughts ,

No idea what Kaja Kallas has to do with Pfizergate to be completely honest...

And Palestine & Israel are outside of Europe and both sides are a fucking mess that no one wants to deal with. I also find this whole Palestine argument idiotic and hypocritical when there's been war in the middle East for decades but suddenly everyone claims to care, now that Israel is involved.

Foni , avatar

I am not worried about the war in the Middle East, I am worried about the genocide in the Middle East, and I have been for decades, but if ethnic cleansing accelerates and yet my rulers applaud the genocidaires, they increase my protests, call me a hypocrite if you want, but it seems logical to me, if not it seems like a silly argument, a bit Nazi to me. Killing children indiscriminately has those things

DarkThoughts ,

Yeah, no. Calling me Nazi was the last straw, especially since you people are the ones who are teaming up with them, along with all the other hamas apologists. Have a good one.

Foni , avatar

Or yes, of course, my argument is stupid but saying that yours is a Nazi is the limit, that is, being against the mass murder of children is being an apolygist for Hamas. You seem eager to use logic.

Have a good day and don't be too Nazi

DarkThoughts ,

Sorry I don't talk to Nazi trolls.

Badeendje , avatar

Do you truly not see a difference between people arguing on the internet and an ideology that led to the wholesale slaughter of over 6 million civilians in extermination camps and another 9 to 14 million in Europe?

Calling someone a Nazi like that just dilutes the meaning of the term and shows how little you actually understand of the world.

Foni , avatar

He is telling me that being against the extermination of a people completely is being in favor of a terrorist group. If you think that does not fall within what it means to be a Nazi, you should review your history books

AllNewTypeFace , in Lack of direct trains in Europe is pushing people to take flights, campaigners say avatar

It is. I can accept train journeys (like, say, London to Rome or Stockholm to Barcelona) taking longer than flying, and would be happy with that in many cases (you can do things on a train, after all). Though when they take longer, are comprised of six discrete journeys which either fall apart if one train is delayed (and if Germany is in the path, this is likely) or require defensively allocating hours for waiting at provincial stations just in case, and cost several times the cost of flying, catching a sequence of trains out of principle feels like wearing a hair shirt.

What should be done: scrap the post-WW2 tax exemption for aviation fuel and use the funds to improve long-distance rail connections.

CyberEgg ,

Sat is not friedomm. Greeting, your FDP.

(Explanation, for those not familiar with politics: the liberal party in Germany is infamous for blocking progressive economical legislation reasoning it would impede freedoms. For example they blocked a ban in advertising food containing high amounts of sugar, claimingit would impede parents' freedom to buy candy for kids (it wouldn't).)

MrMakabar , avatar

The answer would be high speed night trains. London - Rome takes a bit over 15h by train today. However that includes waiting for connections and a lot of stops on stations. So a direct train would be siginificantly faster probably more like 12-13h. That would mean you could go into a train station in London at 20:00 and end up in Rome at 8:00 for example.

Stockholm - Barcelona is a much longer journey. 2250km instead of 1400km for Rome - London. So a very long nigh train or a connection in Hamburg or Paris. with a night train going from there to Barcelona or Stockholm respectivly.

isolatedscotch ,

as much as I love trains (I'm on one while typing this) I can't get myself to spend 170€ for a 21 hour train, even if part of it is spent sleeping, when a 2 hour flight could do the same for 50€.

I don't know if it's just cheaper or if there's massive subsidies like other comments were saying, but for now it's highly unpractical and uneconomical

daqu , in Panic rooms and private bunkers are all the rage in Germany

German middle class here. All I can afford is duck and cover.

Badeendje , in Europol says mobile roaming tech is hampering crimefighters avatar

... the only alternative left for law enforcement is to issue a European Investigation Order (EIO), but responses for these can take up to 120 days, which isn't ideal when you want to catch a drug dealer who's only in the country for a weekend. "A solution to the situation described above is urgently necessary."...

Off course they target encryption. Look I understand that it is a drag to actually fix the system.. but they should target the 120 day slog of following procedure.

brlemworld ,

That's kinda the purpose, to make it harder for the government to violate your freedoms. Only go after bad guys that are "wait 120 days bad"

Badeendje , avatar

Nah.. never attribute to malice what can easily be explained by incompetence.

And I sort of get where law enforcement is coming from. I just disagree with their solution.

Now they can just do it easy. If they have to go through another country they might even have to provide a reason that will hold up to scrutiny... Think of the consequences that might have!

Lauchmelder , in Europe’s most liveable cities

And all other European cities are less liveable than Kyiv? I find that hard to believe

waigl ,

Dresden, for example, isn't listed. I'm pretty sure it has fewer problems with missile and suicide drone attacks than Kyiv does.

genfood OP , avatar

They do not monitor all cities in Europe, the listed ones are the 41 cities analysed by the EIU.

Viking_Hippie ,

Some would make the bold claim that a hot war doesn't make for a very good local vibe..

trolske , in Are memes allowed in here?

I'd put the memes rather in c/YUROP

genfood OP , avatar

Can’t find it ☹️

F04118F ,
genfood OP , avatar

But that seems to be less a place for memes than c\europe.

F04118F ,

I see they've lately had some trends around food and architecture, but I assure you that traditionally, yurop is the meme community, where anything goes, while this one is more serious and less appreciative of memes.

federalreverse Mod , (Bearbeitet )

I'd second trolske's thought. !yurop seems like a better fit for memes, as it's a more light-hearted community.

If someone wanted to create an equivalent of c/eur_irl, that would be interesting too though.

idegenszavak , avatar

Be the change you want to see.

But a meme fits better within food and random images than news about war and politics

DragonConsort , in UK's Starmer commits to increasing defence spending to 2.5% of GDP

I can't say I'm especially pro-military, but I think it's worth noting that a simple budget increase like this is definitely going to be vastly more effective at strengthening our armed forces than what Rishi Sunak BASED HIS ENTIRE CAMPAIGN ON, which was mandatory service for young people.

Budget for good weapons, equipment and vehicles is way more important to a modern army than just having a lot of warm bodies to throw at a target- just look at Russia's atrocious waste of lives in Ukraine.

ID411 ,

Which vehicles ?

Thekingoflorda , avatar

Boats, airplanes, jeeps, helicopters etc.

Diplomjodler3 , in Now The EU Council Should Finally Understand: No One Wants “Chat Control”

They understand that perfectly well. But they don't give a shit what the public wants.

DarkThoughts , in Man arrested with explosives near Paris airport was part of vast Russian sabotage campaign

I don't understand how shit like this does not already warrant to enact article 5. Russia sends literal sabotage units to us to physically destroy shit, as well as assassination squads to murder people. Those are and should be seen as direct attacks to our countries.

Swedneck , avatar

because politics, that would anger china and we've made the absolutely galaxybrained decision to make ourselves basically entirely reliant upon that one country to survive :)))

SkybreakerEngineer ,

More like because Russia still has nukes.

federalreverse Mod ,

What would be the benefit of open war against Russia, especially if NATO were to start it? I see absolutely nothing.

There's a lot of room for additional sanctions against Russia too. The EU is still importing fossil gas and nuclear fuel, for example. Countries like Cyprus and the UK can probably still freeze additional Russian funds. [...]

DarkThoughts ,

How would NATO start it after Russia repeatedly attacked us?!

federalreverse Mod ,

Russia emits misinformation, Russia attacks through Interwebs, Russia employs espionage, Russia sabotages. But Russia has not performed a full-scale military attack on any NATO country. And unless they do, in the eye of any onlooker, NATO would be the one to start the altercation.

DarkThoughts ,

When would you say the Russian invasion of Ukraine started?

federalreverse Mod ,

Ukraine is not a NATO country, for better or worse. (It's anyone's guess whether Russia would have attacked Ukraine if they were a NATO member.)

jumjummy ,

The best sanctions we could impose is a complete shutdown of all of Russia’s Internet access. You’d see massive reduction in disinformation across the web.

AlexisFR , avatar

I like not having to survive a nuclear apocalypse thanks you.

DarkThoughts ,

Better than the slow cooking & societal collapse through climate change.


Not really, no.

AngryCommieKender ,

WhAt ArE yOu TaLkiNg AbOuT FaLlOuT76 was great!

echodot ,

Yeah because nuclear war doesn't cause climate change.

You need some air holes drilled in your skull, might let some of the idiot out.

cheddar , avatar

Because nobody wants to start WWIII. And you shouldn't want that too.

DarkThoughts ,

So just bow to our new Russian overlords. Got it.

TheDorkfromYork ,

Sink one Russian warship per attack. Russia doesnt seem to mind losing ships.

eleitl ,

You're reading a news article, and everything is instantly clear to you. Great work, Holmes. Now please list the evidence for us Watsons.

anzo Mod , in River Seine unfit for swimming one month from Paris Olympics, tests show

Let's have a contaminated river for years and just clean it for the event. What could wo grong? /s

stoy , (Bearbeitet ) in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland

This is dumb.

I have a 2021 SEAT Leon, my dad has a 2016 Volvo V90.

Both of our cars have cameras for lane keeping and reminding us of the speed limit.

Neither works 100%

My car recognize the "end of no overtaking" sign as being a speed limit sign for 90km/h

Then there is an area where it allways detects a change in the speed limit despite there being none, it is from 60 to 50, not a huge deal, but there is nothing stopping it from going from 120 to 30 instantly.

Then there are time when you might need to speed for safety.

I have been in that situation, example:

Me and my dad was driving on the back roads between Uppsala and Stockholm at night, dad was driving, there was an oncomming car when suddenly dad accellerated hard, swerved into the oncomming lane and back again.

There had been a moose that decided to cross the road just as two cars passed eachother, we would not have had time to stop, the only thing to do was to speed and swerve.

The moose incident may be an edge case, but the road sign detection issues are not and the EU should wait untill the system is reliable before forcing it out.

Wizard_Pope , avatar

Same here my mum just got a new electric BMW and the speed limit the car thinks to itself is constantly not being 100% correct. It just makes up speed limits sometimes.

grue , in We went on a trip to Europe 3 years ago and never left. Our kid's life is way better here than it was in the US.

In case your immediate question, like mine, was "how'd they do that," here's the answer:

we have flexible work schedules as writers and composers.

weeahnn , in French parliament elections: Left projected to win most seats, ahead of Macron's coalition and far right avatar

Although the projection is better than what I was dreading, it's still not over until the last results are in. With that being said, if these projections are right, the current and upcoming French government should really start thinking about how to combat the far right. Incidentally it's the same task the new Labour government should also do.

Aceticon ,

The new Labour government is basically the political equivalent of Macron only in some ways further to the Right (for example, they support Israel).

That party is controlled by the neoliberal faction who brought down Corbyn with a smear campaign orchestrated with the Tories and most of the British Press and who have even been busy kicking out from the party any lefties.

There's not a single leftie bone in the leadership of that party and the party is now straightforward Right (per broader European standards, it's not even Center-Right).

If one is in any way for of shape left of center, Britain's Election results isn't anywhere the level of good news that the French Election results are (if the polls are right).

Random_German_Name , in French parliament elections: Left projected to win most seats, ahead of Macron's coalition and far right avatar

First Scandinavia, then Britain and now France! We can defeat the far right!

aasatru , avatar

And with any luck they won't successfully manage to leave the entire continent in ruins this time around. Whenever it works, defeating fascists at the ballot feels so easy that it's almost anticlimactic.

Everyone involved with organisation these last months know damn well that it wasn't easy, though. Super proud of the French today! 🇫🇷

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