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France asks two Chinese spies to leave the country after attempt to forcibly repatriate exiled Chinese dissident ( ) Englisch

The order came from the Elysée Palace but had to remain secret so as not to offend Beijing. The head of the Paris office of the Ministry of State Security (MSE, or Guoanbu), the Chinese intelligence agency, and his deputy were asked to leave France....

grue ,

What the fuck? Put the kidnappers in prison and give the dissident asylum!

grue ,

You could make aliases for each program, but I agree, there should be a way to set it up so they resolve automatically.

grue ,

Agreed, but I also feel like such a thing should be included with Flatpak by default instead of leaving it to the users to solve.

grue ,

In case your immediate question, like mine, was "how'd they do that," here's the answer:

we have flexible work schedules as writers and composers.

grue ,

Do you want a fascist dicatorship? 'Cause letting assholes be dangerously wrong without pushback is how you get a fascist dictatorship.

grue ,

That's when it's time to shame, ridicule, ostracize, and exile. People like that do not deserve the benefits of living in a society.

grue ,

I don't even speak German, but I see "Panama Papers," I upvote. Shit's not talked about nearly enough.

grue ,

Oh. Well, Scheiße.

grue ,

Still less radiation than coal plants release in normal operation.

grue ,

...and she's someone who knows a thing or two about "ideological madness" -- firsthand!

grue ,

This goes for bio fuels too.

That part makes considerably less sense than the rest of your comment.

grue ,

Only if you're stupid about it and overuse them. My diesel VW runs on 100% biodiesel made from waste fat from chicken processing that would've gotten landfilled or something otherwise.

grue ,

They still release harmful particulates, they still release lots of NOx

Frankly, those are just local problems and thus negligible (compared to greenhouse gas emissions).

they are doubly bad in terms of land utilization, where you use huge swaths of land to cultivate plants with the sole goal of making them into fuel, rather than using that land to make food. Moreover, in a lot of places the cultivation of biofuel plants is being done by burning down forests and using that land for farming.

So don't be stupid about it: make as much of them as you can out of waste fats and oils, then stop. Easy-peasy!

I'd also argue that if we 100% switched to biofuels we'd have massive issues in terms of land, farming-related emissions, deforesting etc.

This isn't wrong, but it's a massive strawman argument because doing that would be idiotic anyway. Biofuels are best used for filling the gaps left over after cities are fixed for bikeability and everything reasonable to electrify is electrified. (In other words, they're the answer to "but what about my [insert special-snowflake reason why I can't ride a damn bike/train/electric car]?" pearl-clutching.)

There is no one solution to sustainability, and pretending there is is a fallacy.

grue ,

I was gonna comment "yeah, but Leibniz fucks!" but then I decided to fact-check myself.

"Leibniz never married, and his funeral was only attended by his personal secretary."

...well, shit. The meme checks out!

grue ,

That's possible, but if that were the case I'd expect there to be a bunch of illegitimate children at his funeral.

grue ,

Inb4 the "[Choco] Leibniz — [Fig] Newton cookie controversy!"

grue ,

That's nothin'! You wanna see some weird bombs? Watch this!

grue ,

These are not the same populations.

According to the brexiteers, it was!

It's only fair to use the same measurement standard now, right?

grue ,

That’s all it takes for them to think, “wow, they’re doing a great job!” Even when austerity measures mean they can’t feed their families.

Conservatives think that is doing a great job. Their economic Platonic ideal is serfdom.

grue ,

MLK's protests made the civil rights movement look bad. People fucking hated him at the time, despite how history has whitewashed him.

Every effective protest pisses reactionaries and "moderates" off. If it doesn't piss them off, it isn't effective.

grue ,

Except this doesn’t make me care about oil one damn bit.

So what? Nobody cares what you think, least of all the Just Stop Oil people. They don't have to win people to their cause; they just have to keep making themselves a nuisance until everybody's so pissed off that The Powers That Be are forced to capitulate just to make it stop.

Not to mention, it takes extremists like them to make the more moderate environmentalists look reasonable. It's the same way that the government was eventually forced to concede to the demands of people like MLK: because it became clear that the demands of people like Malcolm X, not the status quo, were the alternative.

grue ,

I barely watched any of them, but Sampson Boat Co (the people rebuilding Tally Ho) put together some moderately high-effort sponsor segments, with a melodramatic plot and hammy acting and costumes made out of construction materials and such.

grue ,

Kubuntu, because I did the "hard"-distro-to-show-off thing with Gentoo 20 years ago and can't be bothered anymore.

grue ,

And not all of us view closed derivatives as a ontologically bad.

Please explain how allowing a third-party to limit computer users' ability to control and modify their own property is anything other than ontologically bad?

grue ,

If you're the copyright holder, nothing stops you from releasing your work under more than once license. It is not necessary to use permissive licensing; you are perfectly free to release your stuff to the general public with a copyleft license while also granting your company a separate license even with proprietary terms if you want.

grue ,

Permissive licenses are truer to the spirit of free software

Yeah, which is why the person who popularized the concept of Free Software invented copyleft -- oh wait.

"The spirit of Free Software" is freedom for the end user; as such, copyleft is much more truer to it. Remember, the whole thing started with the notion that Xerox shouldn't be able to stop you from fixing your fucking printer by withholding the source code to it.

grue ,

Sure, but I was taking "all my own OSS stuff" at face value.

grue ,

I'm not convinced something being your "perogative" and it being "ontologically bad" are mutually exclusive, so I don't see how that's a rebuttal.

I want to know why you think it isn't bad, not why you think you're allowed to do it.

grue ,

People aren't cucks for not deigning to make every piece of code they write part of some statement.

Factually speaking they are, but I'll concede that sometimes they don't realize it.

[Thema, Post oder Kommentar wurde durch den Author gelöscht]

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  • grue ,

    Even if Liz is dead now, using the meme format this way just isn't right.

    grue ,

    No, you're thinking of an orgy. Trains and gangbangs are both many-to-one, with the difference between them being that the former is sequential while the latter is simultaneous.

    grue ,

    More community meetings should bribe people to attend by offering food.

    grue ,

    It is mostly South America, though. The US asserts much more hegemony over it than it does over Africa, for instance.

    grue ,

    I wholly support the idea of kicking everyone older than 15 off social media.

    grue ,

    I thought GEGL was supposed to fix that. Does it not, or are we still waiting on it, or what?

    grue ,

    I've worked professionally both using and developing (proprietary) CAD software, but even I have trouble getting FreeCAD to do what I want.

    grue ,

    Frank Herbert spent his entire family fortune building his time machine, and even had to sell his family ranch in California and the family's stock in General Electric.

    Woah, that's heavy.

    grue ,
    grue , (Bearbeitet )

    A true anarcho-capitalist would want to abolish copyright (being a literal government-granted monopoly), so companies like Microsoft would have a hard time existing.

    grue ,

    You say that as if billion-dollar megacorp Microsoft would've sprung fully-formed from Bill Gates' forehead. In reality, no proprietary software company would ever have gotten big and powerful in the first place.

    grue ,

    Some anthropologist centuries from now is going to get a whole thesis paper out of decoding that shit you just wrote.

    grue ,

    Have you considered GUIX instead? Same concept, but with added GNU and configured entirely with Guile Scheme, apparently.

    grue ,

    [rest of post]
    Anti Commercial-AI license

    Hey look, the trend is spreading: you're the second user I've seen doing that.

    It'd be nice if the Lemmy devs added some sort of metadata field to support that so that (a) we could have a preference to insert it into every new comment automatically, and (b) it could be reduced to a badge on the comment header or something so that it would be less obtrusive to those of us who aren't trying to do anything that would require us to pay attention to it.

    grue , (Bearbeitet )

    The key is that both adding car lanes and adding alternatives like transit are subject to induced demand, but the consequences of it are different for transit than for cars. Not only is the limit of the added capacity much, much higher for a train than it is for a car lane, adding more traffic to the lane up to that limit makes the performance worse and worse (increasing congestion), while adding more transit ridership up to its limit makes the performance better and better (increasing train frequency and therefore reducing wait times).

    Similarly, induced demand for walking and biking is a good thing because more people doing those things improves public health, doesn't pollute like cars do, and takes up much less space.

    So it's not that induced demand is bad, it's that inducing demand for cars, specifically is bad.

    grue ,
    grue ,

    This is the kind of dark pattern that trains Windows users trying to switch to Linux to do dumb things like blowing straight through a

    You are about to do something potentially harmful.
    To continue type in the phrase 'Yes, do as I say!'


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