
IbnLemmy , in Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union


Gobbel2000 , in Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union avatar

I would love for the UK to rejoin the EU, but the survey results mentioned in the article don't really support the claim that there is a general desire to do so. A shift from 52% against to 52% in favor of EU membership is really not that significant.

14th_cylon ,
Eheran ,

There has been no change for 1.5 years now, what trend? The 1.5 years where it changed a little(!) prior?

14th_cylon ,

the trend between 3 years ago and now. also, don't forget to combine that knowledge with my point 2.

Eheran ,

Why specifically 3 years? Any other time frame will not support your argument? There is no trend on either direction currently, has not been for 1.5 years.

PunnyName ,

Brexit happened at the end of January of 2020, so 3 years is really the only viable amount of time to consider {since this year isn't over to be considered).

PunnyName ,

The fact that in 1.5 years there was no change IS a trend.

And notice the overall change after merely 3 years.

azertyfun ,

This is not a "will the UK try to rejoin one day" trend, this is a brexit regret trend.

The people responding "rejoin" to these polls probably imagine that EU accession will be done on the previous terms. If you did the same graph but made it clear to pollees that rejoining would entail a switch to the Euro and many more legislative constraints, it would almost certainly read overwhelmingly "Stay out".

YourPrivatHater , in Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union avatar

Yeah when they fixed their bs and gone through the entire year long joining process and without extras.

benjhm , in Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union

Well such timescale would in any case depend on EU, not on convenience for any british parliament. There are now N. Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, [ Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo ?], Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, [Turkey ?] all in the queue to join EU. On the other hand, it might help from point of view of geographic and economic balance, otherwise the centre of 'gravity' will shift even further SE away from Brussels. I think to expand EU has to reform processes, to end all vetos and generalise multi-speed / opt-outs.
Meanwhile a new british government could implement obviously convenient win-win cooperation step by step, until there isn't so much left to change. And I'd be happy to see Scotland and Northern Ireland take a lead.

14th_cylon ,

There are now N. Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, [ Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo ?], Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, [Turkey ?] all in the queue to join EU

it is not FIFO queue. some of these countries are more prepared to actually join than the others.

benjhm ,

Sure, but diplomacy is not logical, and EU has a habit (mistake?) to do things in mega packages (look at 2004). Last I heard, the gossip was 'by 2030'.

14th_cylon ,

my point is, if they actually asked, i am betting my left hand they would be in in the first possible wave. 2030 would actually be super fast.

benjhm ,

Hmm, did you consult the next french president about that ?

Maggoty ,

Nope, everyone behind Ukraine is now screwed. If they want to speed things up they need to help Ukraine win it's war. Sorry, I don't make the rules I just pretend to know them.

Although... Moldova and Georgia might as well. We all know they're next on Putin's list.

JimmyBigSausage , in Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union


executivechimp , avatar


JimmyBigSausage ,


IndiBrony , avatar

When the EU turns around and predictably tells us to fuck off:

onion ,

The EU won't turn you down, but you won't want to meet the necessary conditions

Aceticon ,

As the vote for new EU Members is one with veto rules, my bet is that it's going to be an opportunity for all manner of EU members to make demands, such as Spain demanding Gibraltar back.

retrospectology , in Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union avatar

This kind of cycle back and forth between full-throated conservative idiocy and then demanding to be saved from the consequences of their own actions is what really makes me so depressed about the majority of voters.

I could excuse a young person maybe for being naive and inexperienced enough to think conservativism might have some kind of merit, but grown-ass adults have literally no excuse to ever believe the right-wing ever about anything.

Not just in the UK, but everywhere.

AlexisFR , avatar

Well their voting system that overinflates the seats of the winning party does not help either.

FreudianCafe , in Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union

You guys look at ursula van der liar and the shit EU is doing and think "we need that"? Wow

Dekkia , avatar

If there's anything to be learnt from Brexit, it's that the EU is (despite its shortcomings) better than no EU. Even for wealthy countries.

FreudianCafe ,

As far as i can see if you guys join EU again you will be going to war. What does the EU has to offer in return?

PhlubbaDubba ,

Ah yes, because any scenario where the rest of the EU going to war wouldn't also basically mean automatically that the UK was also going to war already!

with that .ml tag you'd think someone would be better at remembering NATO is still a thing and the only non overlap between the two are countries that are defacto protected by it anyways.

14th_cylon ,

with that .ml tag

.ml is not .mil

i am not going to blame you, you are not alone in making that mistake 😆

e8d79 ,

No, is full of tankie brainlets.

14th_cylon ,

that's my point. read what i am reacting to.

e8d79 ,

I read the original post as 'a tankie shouldn't forget that NATO is a thing' not as a confusion between .ml and .mil.

14th_cylon ,

i read it as "with that .ml, you might be military enthusiast, so you should know about nato"...

FreudianCafe ,

I made a question and you came up all offended. The downvotes makes me think you are not alone. What to think about it?

Dekkia , avatar

I'm not British.

What war?

idk, all the stuff that worked just fine before brexit maybe.

Maggoty ,

They're still a NATO member....

homesweethomeMrL , in Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union

Also, lol

mrgreyeyes , in Exclusive: Majority Of Voters Want Next Government To Take UK Back Into European Union

Can we just first have Scotland back in? Just to fuck with England.

homesweethomeMrL ,


IndiBrony , avatar

Thirded so long as we can drop the border down to include Cumbria, Northumberland, and Tyne & Wear... maybe North Yorkshire, too. I'd love to be Scottish if they'd be happy to have us!

ThePyroPython ,

If Greater Manchester declares itself a city state, please can we join? Maybe let Wales in too as long as they take responsibility for Liverpool.

IndiBrony , avatar

Manchester should be fine, and Wales is a given. Who wants to pay £4bn for a project which only benefits England?

We may need to include Merseyside, Lancs and Cheshire just to have a land connection between New Scotland and Wales so we don't have to consider touching England.

Beaver , avatar

Pass some pro-trans laws too

Parodper , in [Meta] It seems that communities are moving to, is it going to be the plan for this one too?

What's the matter with this instance? I see that the main page doesn't load.

Servais OP , avatar The admin has been having issues, which is why they started

You can see that in their sidebar

Wir sind eine deutschsprachige Lemmy Community und entwickelten uns aus heraus. dient als Reddit-Alternative im Fediverse.

neeeeDanke ,

Afaik the (sole) admin is inactive so the website wasn't fixed when it went down.

pleb_maximus ,

There's two actually. The second one hopped on board shortly before the first one went to Asia on some work (IIRC).
And the second one has trouble with the SSH-key and a case of RL-stuff going on.

copacetic ,

Web access doesn’t work for months now and the admin has disappeared.

poVoq Mod , in [Meta] It seems that communities are moving to, is it going to be the plan for this one too? avatar

This English speaking “” was always a bit out of place on a primarily German speaking instance. The same would be true for, I guess. Maybe we should just depreciate this community and see if another English speaking Europe community takes over? As long as it isn’t the one on (which has major moderation issues), I think I would be fine with that. I only stepped up moderating it on because it was very active at the time and the previous mod stepped down.


This community is the biggest one by far. Shutting this would be bad IMHO. Is there a way to move it to another instance?

Servais OP , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

I agree. This one is definitely the most active one.

@poVoq, maybe can be an option? The .ee domain name suggests its' European, and all of the communities are English-speaking.

d_k_bo , seems to be hosted in the USA. I would very much prefer a european instance. and could be an option.

sunaurus , avatar

Hey, admin here - it's actually hosted in Finland!

Servais OP , avatar is hosted in Europe, that's why it hosts !yurop

ardorhb , avatar

I also think that choosing another instance as Feddit is a good idea. Also in terms of „supporting the concept of federation“.

So another not to big but also stable, european instance would be the perfect solution in my eyes.

Parodper ,

Is there a way to move it to another instance?

Hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

Servais OP , avatar

You can pin a message to a new one, and lock the old one down, that works for most of the people

Parodper ,

In that case mods should do that ASAP, to give enough time to people to notice it before the server shuts down.

Also should probably create the new community, doesn't seem to have one already.

poVoq Mod , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

There is /c/

Edit: the problem with is that their block-list lacks some instances that are likely to be problematic for this community specifically, as seen on the equivalent.

DarkThoughts ,

Which ones? has at least hexbear and lemmygrad blocked. is probably still a bit too big on some communities for many to outright block yet.

poVoq Mod , avatar

The community on has the problem that there are some very persistent users that constantly post pro-Russian propaganda or similar mis-information to it, and the admins refuse to appoint a new mod and seem to be generally fine with that. I certainly wouldn't want to moderate a similar community where Hexbear and Lemmygrad users have full access to like they would on if fact I wouldn't even be able to as my home instance is defederated from these instances and thus such posts would be invisible to me.

DarkThoughts ,

I'm not saying to move to .ml, I'm saying it still has quite too many large communities for most instances to consider defederating from them. Personally I block all .ml communities manually since kbin / mbin does not have a universal instance blocking feature.

sunaurus , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

To be honest, neither Hexbear nor Lemmygrad has caused any noticable issues for I recently compiled some stats for rule breakers by home instance, and as you can see in this post (in the "Administration" section), neither of those instances even made the top 10.

In general, mods haven't complained about those two instances either, and the stats for community bans by independent community mods are more or less very similar. If any users creates issues in a community, then the community mods are free to just ban those users, regardless of what instance their account is hosted on.

if fact I wouldn’t even be able to as my home instance is defederated from these instances and thus such posts would be invisible to me

Preventing such situations for mods is actually one of the many reasons we don't want to use defederation as a moderation tool on - we rather use site bans etc. Too much collateral damage with defederation, especially when dealing with larger instances which probably have vastly more innocent users than problematic ones. We reserve defederation for more extreme cases, like spam instances & CSAM.

Servais OP , avatar

Thank you for your input

Servais OP , avatar

There is /c/

Which is a laid back community, so no news, probably not a good replacement for !europe

onion ,

Afaik there are no plans to shut the server down

Servais OP , avatar

Even if the server keeps running, not being able to access the frontend is a bit worrying

benjhm ,

Is this intentionally english speaking, or does this just reflect the population of lemmy ?
I'd prefer a multilingual europe instance, ou chacun parle sa langue, para aumentar la diversidad.

poVoq Mod , avatar

I didn't create this community, but there is another German speaking "europa" community on and this one was as far as I know always near 100% English.

DarkThoughts ,

I specifically voted for with this community in mind during the name poll, because it was more international sounding than the other options.

poVoq Mod , avatar

If someone wants to create an English speaking Europe community on I would certainly not be against it. Ultimatly it is up to the subscribers to decide where to go.

I pinned this thread in the community, so people can promote their proposed alternatives here.

DarkThoughts ,

So from that I gather that you personally do not have an interest in moving the community over to it.

Servais OP , avatar

To be fair, the whole sidebar of is in German, and specifically mentions being German speaking

DarkThoughts ,

It's presumably mostly taken from the original instance. Maybe something to talk to the admins about. Personally I think a European instance makes more sense than a purely German one.

Servais OP , avatar

Wir sind eine deutschsprachige Lemmy Community und entwickelten uns aus heraus.

I doubt they took that from the sidebar

DarkThoughts ,

I clearly meant the standard issue text below that... But since you're apparently here to look for pedantic arguments I'm gonna end it here anyway now.

Servais OP , avatar

Sorry if I came up as pedantic, I thought you hadn't seen that sentence

Ranslite , avatar

Hi, i am the one who wrote the sidebar. Yes i took the text from as a template.

Servais OP , avatar

Thanks for the explanation

Servais OP , avatar

@admin, @BurningTurtle @Ranslite @surprised_pikachu, what do you think?

Is a good place for an English speaking !Europe community, or do you prefer to keep the instance German speaking?

surprised_pikachu , avatar

thanks for bringing this up, we'll discuss this in the team and provide an answer soon

Servais OP , avatar


BurningTurtle , avatar

I'm an admin. You're welcome to migrate over to us.

Servais OP , avatar

Thank you for your feedback! @poVoq FYI

poVoq Mod , avatar

I would much rather someone else takes over moderation, yes. Both because of various federated moderation bugs in Lemmy making it hard to moderate a community that isn't on your home instance and because I have way to many communities that I moderate already.

If needed, I would be willing to help with moderation, but not be the main moderator of such a new community.

Servais OP , avatar

To be honest, I didn't volunteer because it's a news community with a large audience. Debates can get nasty, and that's something I try to avoid.

I guess a lot of other people are in the same case, and why you were the only mod here

DarkThoughts ,

/r/europe became pretty much a Nazi cesspool and I feel on the fediverse it could quickly become a Tankie cesspool. I personally would not have nerves for that either. Would be sad to see this community die if the instance inevitably vanishes though.

Servais OP , avatar

The tankie cesspool is probably !europe

Hopefully there will be some people willing to moderate !europe, or !europe, it doesn't matter that much in the end

brainrein , in Name a legendary musical hit in your country. Rule: must be over 30 years old


The title of this song from 1974 became a German saying.

Udo Lindenberg, originally a jazz drummer, was the first German to make authentic German rock and pop music, in the German language, without it being "Schlager".

Alles klar auf der Andrea Doria (All clear on the Andrea Doria):

Socsa , in Finland’s free contraception initiative reduces teen abortions by 66%

Stories like this only serve to reinforce the mistaken idea that conservatives actually care about abortions. They don't. Conservatives care about power and control, and abortion is just a proxy for the kind of individual freedom which threatens them.

Nomecks , in Name a legendary musical hit in your country. Rule: must be over 30 years old
eran_morad , in Russia: State-owned energy giant Gazprom is expecting difficult decade due to loss of European markets, new report commissioned by its management finds


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