Soup , an Europe in ‘Crime is out of hand’: how young people turned to far right in east German city

That would include, for many of the party’s young supporters, explicit backing of “remigration” of Germans with immigrant roots who “fail to integrate”. News in January that top AfD officials had discussed such a proposal prompted widespread outrage and sent tens of thousands of Germans on to the streets in protest.

However, among many AfD voters, the notion has become an unabashed talking point. “Not everyone should have to go but at least the criminals, like in Mannheim – this can’t go on,” said Konstantin, 17, referring to the killing of a police officer in the western city just days before the election, allegedly by an Afghan asylum seeker with a jihadist motive.

Oh for fuck’s sake are we doing this bullshit again?! C’MON, GERMANY, GET IT TOGETHER.

makeasnek , an Europe in EU to put tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles as trade war looms avatar

Tariffs and moving away from free trade makes us all poorer. We need EVs to be cheap and abundant now more than ever. People complain it's "uncompetitive" when china subsidizes the shit out of their EV industry, but the US did the exact same thing with "build back better", and the EU got pissed about it. Just as the US has been doing for decades with agriculture and the defense industry.

I agree subsidies are contrary to the best methods of free trade but until we can force countries to stop (and stop doing it ourselves), they are a part of life. Let china win the EV race, we all get cheap abundant EVs, and America can win the space race and we'll all get cheap satellite services, and Europe can win idk whatever it is they're working on over there and we'll all get a bunch of cheap copies of that.

cosmicrookie , an Europe in EU to put tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles as trade war looms avatar

Why not put the tariffs on gas powered cars though?

RidderSport ,

Because there's no meaningful chinese competition that is also heavily subsidised by China that it warrants tariffs

0x815 , (Bearbeitet ) an Europe in EU to put tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles as trade war looms

This is not about EV cars, but it is a perfect real-life example what happens if and when you pursue an economic policy like China's:

China solar panel manufacturers seek government action to halt freefall in prices

Chinese solar panel manufacturers said they are seeking immediate government intervention to curb investment and industry collaboration to arrest a plunge in prices of solar cells and modules, as the industry faces overcapacity.

Financial incentives and a government push have helped China become the solar panel factory of the world, accounting for about 80% of global module capacity. Analysts expect Chinese manufacturers to add up to 600 gigawatts (GW) this year, enough to meet global demand through 2032.

However, with no end in sight for the plunge in prices, industry officials and analysts said intense competition was threatening to drive smaller producers into bankruptcy. Rapid capacity additions drove down prices of China's finished solar panels by 42% last year.

[Edit typo.]

JubilantJaguar , an Europe in EU to put tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles as trade war looms

Personal anecdote. I have recently been in China, specifically Shenzhen and a couple of other southern megacities.

Let me tell you all something: China is getting ahead of us. Shenzhen used to be known for its smokestacks. It is now at least as pleasant as any European city. Not only does it have an excellent metro, loads of green space and trees, wide sidewalks and cycle lanes. It also has silent streets with shockingly clean air. And for a simple reason: all the buses, all the scooters and motorbikes, and at least 40% of the private cars (not very numerous because of the great transit) are electric.

Europeans might be surprised to discover what a difference this electrification makes to a city. From personal experience of both, I can tell you that (IMO) Chinese cities are putting Swiss ones in the shade. This should be a pretty shameful situation for the supposed quality-of-life superpower that Europe imagines itself to be.

Instead of punishing China for getting ahead in a technological battle that will benefit us all, Europe should be copying it.

0x815 ,

Shenzhen and Hong Kong and many other Chinese cities are really great, I have been there too. The point is that what we see and what you describe is the surface. China is a deeply autocratic regime. It's a shame what the CCP is doing to the Chinese people and their culture.

JubilantJaguar ,

We all agree on that and nothing stops us from doing things differently.

makingrain , avatar

Go to the North in winter and experience true choking pollution from rampant coal furnaces. Even Beijing doesn't escape that.

Don't forget where all that electricity comes from to charge those electric vehicles.

Source: me, who lived in China for 6 years until 2022.

thanksforallthefish ,

They have also been installing solar powerplants at a lightning rate. They installed more solar in 2023 than the US has in total according to an article I read a few months ago.

It's not about saving the planet though, they import the bulk of their fossil fuels, moving to renewables reduces their fuel import dependency

makingrain , avatar

Increased solar and wind means little in terms of saving the planet when coal usage is increasing. I look forward to the day when we have some honest data from CN on electricitymaps

I agree with your point on curbing fuel import and dependence.

thanksforallthefish ,

Got any stats on coal increasing to share ? Last I saw they were decomming significant quantities of coal stations

makingrain , (Bearbeitet ) avatar
thanksforallthefish ,

Damn, that's disappointing at a quick scan. Will read in properly and fact check later. Thanks.

Granixo , an Europe in EU to put tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles as trade war looms avatar

Anyone with a brain would think it twice before riding a chinese vehicle anyways 🧠🚗

Granixo , avatar

Dammit Jerboa, stop giving me "timeout errors" when you clearly published my comment.

Blaubarschmann ,

This prejudice is no longer valid. Chinese OEMs have been getting really good at making cars. I would recommend doing some test drives and trying to be open and unbiased about it

Granixo , avatar

How about some test crashes?

autotldr Bot , an Europe in EU to put tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles as trade war looms

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The EU has notified Beijing that it intends to impose tariffs of up to 38% on imports of Chinese electric vehicles, triggering duties of more than €2bn (£1.7bn) a year and a potential trade war with China.

The tariffs will be applied provisionally from next month in line with World Trade Organization rules, which give China four weeks to challenge any evidence the EU provides to justify the levies on imported EVs.

However, senior sources say that the question of EV dumping is also causing concern in non-EU member states and there is a determination to ensure that China cannot have global dominance in electric cars and other green tech products.

The subject is expected to come up at the G7 summit in Italy on Thursday with the EU hoping to persuade other leaders that the response to China’s overcapacity in cars, steel and other items including solar panels and electric vehicle batteries needs to be “targeted”.

Leaders gathering at the G7 are expected to raise the topic of small Chinese banks funding deals with Russia amid concern this is bolstering the Kremlin’s war effort.

Lin Jian told a press briefing in Beijing that politicians and industry representatives from many European countries had expressed opposition to Brussels on the matter of tariffs, in what could be a reference to Germany, which is concerned about counter-measures on its own car exports to China.

The original article contains 865 words, the summary contains 232 words. Saved 73%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

HowRu68 OP , an Europe in EU to put tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles as trade war looms

Under the plan, the EU will apply five levels of tariffs. EV manufacturers that cooperated with Brussels investigators will face a tariff of 21%, while those who did not will be hit with the top tier of 38.1%.

SAIC faces the top tariff, Geely faces a tariff of 20%, while a 17.4% duty will be applied to BYD brands, which include the Dolphin and Seal cars launched in the EU last year.

It is understood that Tesla cooperated with the EU and may initially face the 21% tariff. The EU indicated this could be revised next month to its own individually calculated duty rate after assessing evidence submitted by the US company.

autotldr Bot , an Europe in Hungarians rally for former ally leading the charge against Viktor Orbán’s rule

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Thousands of people rallied in Budapest on Saturday as a political newcomer led a push to mobilise voters against Hungary’s populist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, ahead of European elections on Sunday.

“We defeated apathy,” declared Péter Magyar, a former government insider who switched sides and launched an opposition movement, as he stood in front of a vast crowd which filled the capital’s Heroes’ Square.

Magyar, who used to be married to Orbán’s former justice minister, became a sensation in Hungary earlier this year when he broke ranks and began criticising the government, stressing concerns about alleged corruption.

The political newcomer’s informal style, social media savvy, and willingness to criticise both right-wing and left-wing politicians has resonated with many voters.

“What is completely new is that he can speak essentially to the whole left-liberal side and also a significant segment of Fidesz voters,” said Róbert László, an election expert at the Budapest-based Political Capital Institute.

“Magyar’s appearance means a serious threat for everyone: obviously now much more for the opposition parties than for Fidesz,” László said, adding: “We don’t expect that Orbán will be packing his bags on 10 June.”

The original article contains 709 words, the summary contains 189 words. Saved 73%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

HowRu68 OP , an Europe in Hungarians rally for former ally leading the charge against Viktor Orbán’s rule

" Thousands of people rallied in Budapest on Saturday as a political newcomer led a push to mobilise voters against Hungary’s populist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, ahead of European elections on Sunday.

“We defeated apathy,” declared Péter Magyar, a former government insider who switched sides and launched an opposition movement, as he stood in front of a vast crowd which filled the capital’s Heroes’ Square."

Akasazh , avatar

Good news, it will be a rough road to oust him though.

idegenszavak , avatar

This is EP and local government election, parliamentary elections will be in 2026. Orbán is expected to get 40-50% today. On a parliamentary election that could still result in a supermajority, or close to it. Orbán wil be ousted by colesterol, not by election.

Akasazh , avatar

Orbán wil be ousted by colesterol, not by election.

I'd laugh if it wasn't so serious. Hurrah for cardiac arrest then!

fubarx , an Europe in Turkey rejects claim Lord Elgin had permission to take Parthenon marbles

Museums that have non-indigenous material will have a tough time justifying why they are entitled to foreign heritage goods without running into a buzzsaw.

Waiting for the ultimate "finders, keepers" defense.

RunawayFixer ,

Totally, in the end it boils down to that. England holds cultural heritage treasures that were undoubtedly stolen/robbed and they have no intention of giving those back either.

An example is this Portugese book collection:

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , an Europe in Turkey rejects claim Lord Elgin had permission to take Parthenon marbles avatar

Any relation to high demon lord elgrim? Asking for a friend...

kbal , an Europe in Turkey rejects claim Lord Elgin had permission to take Parthenon marbles avatar

On actually reading the article the headline seems misleading. They do not "reject the claim." They say that they don't have as much evidence to as would be necessary to fully prove it. I imagine they'd probably prefer not make the suggestion that they should have any involvement in the affair at all.

makeasnek , (Bearbeitet ) an Europe in European Central Bank cuts main interest rate by 0.25 points avatar

Inflation is caused by inflationary currency. Any other inflation caused by supply chain issues, corporate greed, lack of market competition, etc is just added on top of that. Fiat inflationary currency is a rather new invention in terms of the human timeline. They aim for 2-3% inflation in "good years". Central banks are not to be trusted.

Think of it: in the last 50 years, everything has gotten cheaper to produce thanks to increasing mechanization, outsourcing to cheap labor/low regulation countries, and extremely efficient supply chains. Yet so many things "costs more" than it did 50 years ago. Even basics like bread. How is that the case? Shouldn't it cost less? Where is that "extra efficiency" going if not to lower prices? The answer: bread is the same value it's always been, the money has gotten less valuable. This is how they keep working class people running on a treadmill, never able to achieve economic mobility.

Inflationary currency devalues the currency you worked hard to earn by increasing the supply. It hits the middle class the worst because they have more of their net wealth in cash, often in the form of emergency funds, savings, and putting together enough money for a down payment on a home. Rich people have their money in assets which aren't harmed by currency inflation. Poor people live hand to mouth. If you want to identify the causes of increasing wealth disparity, the inability of people to save money is a major one.

ZC3rr0r , an Europe in Turkey rejects claim Lord Elgin had permission to take Parthenon marbles

I'm happy to hear England's argument is crumbling before their eyes. These statues belong in Greece.

echodot ,

No one in England even cares about this. It's literally just the government making random arguments up to throw at the right wing groups, it's all political. Pretty much everyone would be absolutely fine if we gave them back.

The only people that care about any of this are basically fascists anyway and they won't go and look at them they just want no one else to have them.

yetAnotherUser ,

Even if they had permission from the Ottomans - it's beyond meaningless.

It's like arguimg Britain had permission from France to take [random African artifact located im a French colony] and therefore any and all claims by the affected country are now void.

SplashJackson ,

I doubt the Ottomans had permission to take them from the Romans

ZeffSyde ,

I wonder if there is a statue of limitations for situations like this...

Cort ,

How big is your army?

MrMakabar , avatar

The Brits are claiming that they had permission of the sultan, the governor and the city of Athens. However somehow no documents proving any of that are available in Turkey or Greece.

However Athens was part of the Ottoman Empire for 350 years and they had a lot more influence over it, then France had in Africa. It really is more like the Tsar giving permission to sell some mosaics from the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

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