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DragonTypeWyvern , (Bearbeitet )

When your purges actually violate literally every Marxist principle and sabotage the revolution, isn't it kind of fair to accuse Bolsheviks, or at least the leadership, of being fake communists?

Stalin was a counterrevolutionary, die mad about it, we're Menshevik posting in this bitch.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Pure Ideological Marxism Gang Will Rise Eventually

DragonTypeWyvern ,

The trick is not falling for the lie that social democracy is meeting socialism in the middle.

Social Democracy is just liberalism with enlightened self interest. Is it better than other capitalists models?

Sure. That doesn't make it the end goal.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Traditionally the "Third Way/Position" is fascism. So, ultimately, kinda, but with race science.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

I mean, it's just literally what they call themselves. Sure, they lie or don't know what the fuck they're talking about, but that's kind of their whole deal.

DragonTypeWyvern , (Bearbeitet )

If you didn't willingly ignore the sins of "your side" that'd be valid.

Meanwhile, the only criticism you launch at the Mensheviks is... They wanted to keep fighting the imperial powers?

Don't get me wrong, it was just a bad decision, but it wasn't, ya know, genociding fellow socialists.

I'd personally criticize them for thinking they needed to follow the traditional Marxist thought that economic liberalism was a required stage on the path to socialism.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Describe what you consider the "third way" that isn't capitalists owning the means of production, workers owning the means, or the state owning the means.

DragonTypeWyvern , (Bearbeitet )

The imperial powers that were direct threats to the revolution and they were already fighting, buddy, aka the Ottomans and the Germans. Hey, remind me how that worked out in the end? Did the People's Government get a seat at Versailles? No? Had to fight a war against fucking Poland first and then get even more people killed by Germany later?

And your argument is "the decision was unpopular," not that it was wrong.

You also find that they were not overthrown. Their political alliance was couped, like what happens in a "real democracy" when you push an unpopular policy. Even then, they supported the Bolsheviks anyways in the civil war.

Generally speaking, it's considered rude to murder all of your fellow socialists anyways if that happens.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Eh, as you mentioned, it was deeply unpopular.

But yes. It would have.

Why would you think changing history would not change history?

DragonTypeWyvern , (Bearbeitet )

Sure bro. I'll stop thinking "Russia having a seat at Versailles would have changed history" because it would somehow not change history, and that's something you can objectively prove, lol.

I'll tell you what definitely wouldn't have happened though.

The repeated Bolshevik genocides of Jewish people.

I'll not comment on your apparent belief that Nazism was some fated historical inevitability, which sure seems like something a Nazi would believe and not a Marxist.

DragonTypeWyvern ,


DragonTypeWyvern ,

TL;Dr Human Revolution was clearly unfinished and it's both pretty obvious and fairly disappointing.

The final product is fun, but you can tell it was supposed to be something bigger.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Yeah, people don't give up power willingly, they have to be forced. Especially when they think it's something they rightfully own.

At the end of the day it's just self interest in action.

You could do it non-violently... In the sense that the Civil Rights Movement or Indian Independence were non-violent.


And there was certainly violence directed against them.

And it only worked because there were enough people who very, very firmly believed in the cause... And there's always, always the implication of or else.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

The remaining question is whether you have the rest of the outfit

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Republican House:


Blue Dog Dems Everywhere:


DragonTypeWyvern ,

If we didn't pay for our forever wars with credit, I'd agree.

DragonTypeWyvern , (Bearbeitet )


Just among so many other things, like the lead poisoned baby food from March this year, you clown, the FDA was established in 1906, and Republicans are, right now, trying to abolish child labor laws and hiring 12 year olds in meat packing plants.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

You have to smoke weed on 4/20, otherwise it's the birthday.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

That's actually the theory of the origin of the split, believe it or not, formal vs casual tone in writing and speech.

British papers would print the current date as Fifth of September or whatever, American papers would print it as December 18th. There's exceptions in the record for both, obviously, but that's the leading theory last I heard.

There's also a bit about the British papers being more readily available so more people read it daily and the day was more important, versus American papers having a more rural audience where the month was more important and daily events not so much but I'm not sure I buy that one.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Technically the Blade Runner universe is the Aliens universe too, so, don't worry, it will get worse.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Cybernetics (or technology in general) are both the hope of humanity and its likely doom through abuse by powerful interests.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

And there's this:


There's also some commentary from Ridley Scott, one of the displayed replicant body designs in 2049 is clearly an Engineer, and I believe a billboard for Weyland in one of the Blade Runners, but I can't find that screenshot so maybe I'm misremembering that one.

Most of it is Easter Egg level stuff but there's enough that it's canon if you want it to be. Or not.

Really, the biggest takeaway I learned from this connection hunt back in the day was that the Blade Runner humanity had multiple colonies on other planets, which was just not something I remembered being a thing from the movies.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Everyone is good at writing.

You might just not be popular in your lifetime.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Philisitine, that is creation at its most raw and untamed

DragonTypeWyvern ,

What was fun was seeing children turning coughing on people into an actual game

And my parents wonder why I'm determined to end this cursed line

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Based on my modding experience?

Fucking everything beyond simple reskins.

The mod scene is a jury rigged house of cards slapped together by the kind of people that get mad that they aren't allowed to pull out the foundations at will.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Hail Satan

DragonTypeWyvern ,

I've always found it curious that a religion that hated women so much would make a ritual out of a genital mutilation that makes men last longer.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Inflation was 3.4% in the US in 2023 and is already 3.2% in 2024. That's actually better than a decent number of industrial nations.

Chances are, you didn't get a raise, you got a pay cut.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

People like the Shaq one too, but it just made me realize he's an asshole. That makes it a good interview, sure, but that doesn't seem to be why people liked it.

How do you deal with the situation where you are invited to play a game, only to find it's wildly complex and takes 4 hours to finish, and you find yourself not wanting to play it within minute 5? Englisch

This has happened to me a few times. One I remember was the game Alchemist, where I just sat there confused as hell for 4 and a half hours while three guys were all talking about strategies. Tonight it was Terraforming Mars, where I was told it would be a 3 hour game, but by hour 4 we were halfway done. This time I said "it's...

DragonTypeWyvern ,

There's certainly something to be said for playing Monopoly on a might makes right basis

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Funnily enough, that was actually the goal

DragonTypeWyvern ,

I do, because I also avoid using Amazon as much as possible

It sucks

DragonTypeWyvern ,


DragonTypeWyvern ,
DragonTypeWyvern ,

Weird. None of that actually mentions Jeeeeeeesus or the things he supposedly said and did.

Weird how all the hate comes from things the apparent Son of God didn't do, but they chose to believe in those things instead.

It's like they're hypocrites. False shepards.

Fake Christians.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Lol, because I'm a Christian. Good spot, Sherlock.

I definitely don't consider all theists basically non-sentient.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Sure bro. Because there aren't atheists who have noticed the discrepancy between the messaging in the Gospel, the rest of the Bible, and what parts bigots love to point to and what they love to ignore, and they can't possibly think some kinds of theists are worse than others

Ya clown.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Themes and dialogue? It pretty clearly favors the more anti-authoritarian forms of socialism while heavily criticizing communism and fascism. The ultra-liberals come off the best of the lot but it's also made clear that they offer no solutions to the problems the city has and capital will always call the shots at the expense of workers.

Also, on a meta level, the creators got screwed over by capitalists because that's just what a scorpion will do if you give it a ride across a river.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

"Hey, all the creators keep saying this went down, but I do love the taste of corpro cock, so I'm just going to make up my own version."

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Widely documented that all the creatives blame a corporate takeover, yeah, bootlicker.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

I did listen, and said "Hey, this useful idiot is lying!"



DragonTypeWyvern ,

Lol, my primary choices 2024:


Democrats completely gave up on local elections in a purple county because it's in a red state.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Problem EXTRA solved, those jackasses were too lazy to hit the emergency brakes and they can answer to FSM for their crimes.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Imagine being some art history dork and your grand contribution to humanity being making some rich dude richer

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