sirico , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

Still need it for arma's radio mods

DawnOfRiku ,

Still hosting TS as the primary place my friends record things because of the audio quality and especially reliability compared to Discord, but not so much for hangouts anymore. Got Mumble in the back pocket in case the licensing goes to crap though

TimeSquirrel , avatar

Me, the mystery dude in the game server who doesn't have a mic, doesn't use any voice features, never text chats, but always shows up and plays.

Retrograde , avatar

Omg.. he finally speaks

KomfortablesKissen ,

Oh, I still use Teamspeak! It's very nice for small groups up to 32 people (after that one has to use the paid tiers). I do not use X though.

Maybe I'll give Mumble a shot, so I can integrate it with Matrix/Synapse/Element.

ganoo , avatar

Does mumble integrate with Element?

doctorzeromd ,

There are mumble -> matrix bridges you can set up. It doesn't integrate with element, it integrates with matrix, for which matrix is a client.

ganoo , avatar

Those are text bridges though are they not?

KillingTimeItself ,

no reason you couldn't implement a voice bridge either, both have open communication standards. There's existing bots/libs out there for similar things already. Probably wouldn't even be all that hard to implement.

KomfortablesKissen ,

I didn't try yet but there are guides.

secret300 ,

Didn't know mumble could work together with matrix but makes sense

KomfortablesKissen ,

Have to test it but guides suggest that it's possible

KillingTimeItself ,

would recommend trying out mumble, it's pretty slick.

MystikIncarnate ,

Yeah, I feel like the OP picture is more of a commentary about the overlap, or lack of overlap, between people who use ts, and people that use the service formerly known as Twitter.

jawa21 , avatar

The real question is: How in the world did Ventrillo continue to exist after TeamSpeak came along?

Vent was an object lesson in hostile UX. It sounded like shit, changing any kind of setting (even basic things like individual volumes) was a a gymnastics routine, and mics constantly clipped despite settings.

ThirdWorldOrder , avatar

A lot of WoW people used vent and so people just used what they were used to

Raxiel ,

Where else are you going to suck balls... All day... Because you like it so much?

SupraMario ,

Vent was super lightweight, and easy to use. It's why it lasted so long.

cheesymoonshadow , avatar

I had completely forgotten about Ventrilo, Team Speak, and Mumble. This whole post is a blast from the past.

SupraMario ,

Yea last vent server I ran was like 10+ years ago now... maybe even longer.

Aria ,

Culturally relevant marketing.

iamjackflack ,

Unpopular opinion, ventrilo was better than team speak. It didn’t sound like crap especially when you had good server codecs and it was extremely easy to use and lightweight.

morbidcactus ,

I don't think that's unpopular at all, I only ever used vent in highschool and uni, some of the groups I ran with even went back to vent from TS becauae of the sound quality. It was simple and easy to use and pretty much everyone had it.

yuri ,

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA...

it’s gonna be stuck in my head all day now

Tum ,

oh man, you've gotten it stuck in my head too!

Flyswat ,

I hear you man

Hotzilla ,

I refuse to use discord, it is basically malware. Selfhosting is the only way, and TS3 works great for that.

putty ,

how is discord malware?

Mubelotix , avatar

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  • lepinkainen ,

    The “servers” are actually called “guilds” in the API.

    Servers are just a marketing term

    JackbyDev ,

    They're called servers in the UI though. Also, confusingly, there is a new feature coming called guilds.

    cobra89 ,

    Lol wut, they never claimed servers were independently controlled. Maybe you just didn't look into what you were signing up for.

    When you go use different servers on Minecraft realms are you under any impression those are not controlled by Microsoft?

    When you choose a different server on World of Warcraft do you think it's a non-blizzard server?...

    Like just because you put yourself into a state of bad false assumptions didn't mean they tried to trick you. People have been saying this about discord from the beginning you just never cared to look.

    Did you actually think this or are you just inventing a person in your mind that this has happened to? Lol

    JackbyDev ,

    They're called direct messages, not private messages. They're not tricking anyone into thinking anything lmao

    Zoot , avatar

    No, but the entire point of renaming Private Messages to Direct Messages was exclusively so people would have the mindset you do.

    odelik ,

    Umm.. People have been using the phrase "Direct message (DM) me" since forever in the game and online comms world. Private message wasn't a concept until after DMs were later encrypted. And we always knew, that if we didn't control the servers, even encrypted, those messages were subject the server operators.

    Your logic is giving me the impression that you're younger and didn't go through these experiences.

    Zoot , avatar

    Actually I am not younger, DM's had always been Private Messages to me up until Facebook/MySpace and more people began flocking to the internet.

    JackbyDev ,

    I have never been under the impression PMs were unreadable by the people operating the service I send them on.

    Zoot , avatar

    Neither have I. Generally if I want the impression of it being private, it will need to be encrypted and a whole skew of other criteria comes in. Still doesn't change the fact that growing up they were referred to as "PM's" for the first half of my life.

    Hotzilla ,

    Huge RAM usage, wierd crashes, causes random lag in games, constant enshittification on-going. No thanks.

    ILikeBoobies ,

    That’s not malware, that’s just a bad product

    Hotzilla ,

    hyperbole, ever heard about it?

    ILikeBoobies ,

    Can you use it in a sentence?

    Hotzilla ,

    "Discord is bad product, hyperbolically said, it works like a malware."

    ILikeBoobies ,

    I am sorry but I was not paying attention, could you repeat that?

    lemmylem ,

    Isn't TeamSpeak proprietary though?

    Hotzilla ,

    Yes, but free

    lemmylem ,

    If you can't audit the source code of the program, how do you know if TeamSpeak isn't malware?

    Hotzilla ,

    Not everything has to be foss, it is in company's best interest to not make it as malware. In last 20 years that I have had TS installed on my server and client, have I had it act like malware. Discord in the other hand has instantly caused issues. Not saying that TS3 doesn't have had bugs, ofc it has had.

    lemmylem ,

    So you're just trusting them to not do anything bad?

    Hotzilla ,

    I know that discord is doing bad shit, so yes.

    How often you read the source codes of your tool?

    lemmylem , (Bearbeitet )

    I may not read the source code of every tool I use, but even if the average user doesn't read the source code, having it available for inspection by others in the community increases security, trust, and overall software quality. All a user really has to do is look at the license of the software they use, typically a GPL or similar license, and consider how reputable it is. Not only that, but if you're on Linux already, you can just get most of the software from your distro's repositories.

    Hotzilla ,

    So no closed source commerical product should ever exist? Discord is one too, I am just selecting one that I can control.

    lemmylem ,

    No, you should have the freedom to use it if you want. All I'm saying is that you can't really call TeamSpeak a better alternative, when they're both just as bad (they're both proprietary). If you're looking for a better alternative, consider using Mumble, it's FOSS.

    Hotzilla ,

    Other is selfhosting and other is service. I pick selfhosted.

    lemmylem , (Bearbeitet )

    Self-hosting doesn't really fix anything, the developers can still control the program and read all your chats/calls.

    ILikeBoobies ,

    If you can trust them not to do anything bad then they can trust you with the source

    BenchpressMuyDebil ,

    Mumble is super popular with EVE Online players still, no? Because of the support for a large number of users in a single room

    r00ty , avatar

    I remember moving to mumble from teams peak because it allowed pretty cool levels of configuration.

    Back in the late 00s and early 00s I was doing world of warcraft raiding. I had the server setup to have one key for main raid and another to talk to only officers. Quite useful especially in bigger raids.

    Also as I recall for any remotely large ts server you needed to pay. The self hosted one was always gimped. Mumble you could self host with no limits.

    gwen ,

    teams peak real

    Hadriscus ,

    twins peak

    Midnitte ,

    Also supports positional audio which was very cool wheb first introduced for voip

    sethboy66 ,

    Yep, Mumble is the most common, and there are still a couple groups that use Teamspeak.

    Discord caps at 100 people in a call while I've seen good Mumble servers handle over 800.

    stormdelay ,

    For a group our size (we regularly have over 800 people on our mumble, peak is somewhere around the 1.3k mark if I remember correctly), it would also be very cost prohibitive to use TS

    AngryCommieKender ,

    Can confirm. Goonswarm still needs Mumble because we have thousands of players that need to listen to the weekly fireside.

    twinnie ,

    Shit, that’s a real post. The whole account is just talking about how nobody uses TeamSpeak anymore.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    That's a pretty sweet paid gig for someone who does professional PR.

    Very pathetic in any other scenario though.

    Zkuld ,

    people will come back if the bloat/ad-trend of discord continues... hopefully?

    Ozzy , avatar

    nah I'll just continue to mod my client until the death of it. If discord ever decides to ban mods, then most likely yeah I'll move. Default discord is so fucking bloated and unusable.

    missphant , avatar

    ✋ paying for discord nitro

    👉👉 paying your favorite client mod dev

    Sloogs ,

    Are there modded clients for mobile?

    Ozzy , avatar

    Yes. Aliucord is stuck in the past BUT is running the NATIVE version of the app (not the shitty slow electron one).

    Vendetta Manager, discontinued but there is a fork that works. Up to date with discord.

    pezhore , avatar

    Shit, there are discord mods? Is there a list somewhere of popular mods/what do you recommend?

    Ozzy , avatar

    vencord, hands down best modding client for the job. Just browse their catalog of avalabile plugins and get yourself a better experience ;D

    Scrappy ,

    Didnt know discord could be modded. Do you have any privacy enhancing mods you'd recommend?

    Ozzy , avatar

    As long as you're on discord, privacy is just not a thing. However, there was this 1 plugin i really liked, called File Name Randomizer or something along those lines. It would just rename any image you upload to the platform to someone generic. Other than that, there's the disabled telemetry that some clients come with, but that's the extent of what I know.

    oscardejarjayes , avatar

    just for ARMA stuff, like ACRE

    Flyberius , avatar

    That TS integration plugin was sooo good

    Strider ,

    It seems many don't remember why there was a ts2 mass extinction. It was because of the horrendous ts3 licensing.

    Why the masses went to yet another closed system like discord I'll never understand while being very satisfied with mumble/murmur.

    AngryCommieKender ,

    The absolute largest group of players in any game stuck with Mumble. That would be The Goonswarm Federation in EvE Online. We have just over 25,000 people, and well over 100,000 characters in the Alliance. In fact, AFAIK, all of the major alliances have to use Mumble because it allows more than 100 people in a room

    Sanctus , avatar

    Revolt should be next in the cycle

    summerof69 ,

    Don't you have to host Mumble somewhere? With Discord anyone can create a server and invite friends for free with no technical knowledge required. That's a huge plus. I also remember RadCall was a thing for a while, at least where I am from.

    Strider ,

    Yes, you need to run the service somewhere. But anyone can do so (Foss).

    With discord my experience is limited but I currently understand it's a service model so you're dependant on a company, which can pull the same sh*t teamspeak did at any time.

    Not needing any technical knowledge just means someone else is running it, possibly being able to lock you in. And in the case of discord, you already are locked in and have to accept whatever they think up.

    At some point, monetization will take over.

    summerof69 ,

    I don't think that people are trying to find an eternal solution. Nothing lasts forever. When Discord turns to shit, something else will take its place. There is no need to worry about that when it offers too many advantages today.

    Strider ,

    Fair point, but if you need to switch anyway you might want to pick an available option that solves at least the issue being currently faced.

    The again, we've moved back a lot to throw away mentality.

    cerement , avatar
    altima_neo , avatar

    "Get off vent or get bent "

    gofsckyourself ,

    Blow it out your ass

    RiQuY ,

    Past memory unlocked.

    bruhduh , avatar
    Amaltheamannen ,

    Vi sitter här på venten och spelar lite DOTA

    rand_alpha19 ,

    Ventrilo was the shit back then.

    Technus ,

    My friends and I still use TS3. The audio quality and voice activation is better than Discord's, and the desktop app doesn't take ten fucking gigabytes of RAM to run.

    Traister101 ,

    Nah bro that's just the memory leaks, your supposed to force close and reopen it every so often so the OS cleans up after their shitty application

    starman , avatar

    Memory is cheap nowadays, so that's a feature /s

    Hexarei , avatar

    I bought the whole RAM, I'm gonna use the whole RAM

    sub_ubi ,

    Good to hear ts3 is still rockin.

    If you use discord, access with a web browser. No need to ever download discord the app

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