HStone32 ,

Well hey, at least it "just works," right?

linkhidalgogato ,

still less hassle then using linux like dont get me wrong if all u wanna do is internet browsing or maybe do some office work sure its fine but for any else its a huge pain in the ass if its even possible.

IHateReddit ,

How exactly? When using Linux, I get similar problems to those I get in Windows but in contrast to Windows, I'm able to find a solution and some them.

linkhidalgogato ,

in that there is no linux versions of tons of software i use and cant just decide to stop using and trying to get the windows versions working on linux is a pain in the ass and half the time it doesnt work.

FiniteBanjo ,

You're in the wrong neighborhood, pal.

Omega_Jimes ,

Yeah linux sucks unless you want to browse the internet, do office work, or play games.

Anything else is basically impossible.

linkhidalgogato ,

i wouldn't put play games on that list by any stretch.

naevaTheRat ,
@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Basically every steam game just works, most other stuff just works with lutris, all retroarch emulators I've tried just work, there are obviously oodles of native linux games particularly Indies. Nvidia drivers mostly just work if you install proprietary (blurgh).

What doesn't work?

linkhidalgogato ,

plenty of multiplayer games dont work because their anti cheat disallows it including literally the only multiplayer game i play regularly. also tons of older games dont work.

naevaTheRat ,
@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Which ones don't? I don't play many MP games but non of the ones I have played have issues. Easy anticheat works for example, and you can run it in ring 3 and lie which is nice.

linkhidalgogato ,


its not about if anticheat works or not some developers just adverbially decided to disable the ability to play on linux, it sucks but it just is what it is.

naevaTheRat ,
@naevaTheRat@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Weird, I suppose you could also VM it but it tends to have a performance hit without optimised hardware. I wonder how they check the environment it runs in and if you can just lie to the checks.

linkhidalgogato ,

at that point probably easier to just dual boot if u must use linux, but this is exactly the kind of annoyances that make it a deal breaker for me. its just not there yet for my use case.

olutukko ,

literally my whole steam library with 80 something games works with linux. just saying. and they are not some linux specific games either. fallout 4, mafias, baldurs gate 3, the forest, rdr 2, gta v etc.

your opinion is from 5 years ago. when have you last even tried to game on linux? and what are you even doing in linuxmemes with these comments? :D kernel level anti cheat is a different thing though

just go check protondb if you need some proof it has all the games on steam listed with info how well they work

linkhidalgogato ,

last time i tried was when microsoft announced windows 10 would stop getting updates, because windows 11 looks dreadful and i wanted to know how viable linux was. answer not at all atleast for me.

olutukko , (Bearbeitet )

lmao. the fact that kernel-level anti cheat multiplayers don't work don't work on linux don't mean you can't game on linux or that it is bad experience. a lot of people don't play those and they are mostly put on competitive game. steam has literslly brought thousands of games to linux in just a few years

out of 1000 top games on steam 77% has either platinum or gold rating in terms of woking. I'm sorry linux isn't viable for gaming?

and we literally have linux gaming handheld, steam deck. which has over 4000 games with steam verified status and something like 14000 gold or platinum status games

edit: sorry didn't notice the "at least for me" part which makes your comment valid if you happen to play those kernel anticheat games

linkhidalgogato ,

not only was i talking about my use case and experiences, lets be very clear "gold" rating is unacceptable and the fact that "it works when u fuck around with it a bit" is the gold standard for linux gaming and the state of half the games is already terrible. the fact that when i say doing anything in linux besides absolute basic tasks is a pain in the ass yalls response is u that u can make it work which is bizzare making it work IS a pain in the ass.

olutukko , (Bearbeitet )

in my experience gold games work almost alwaus just fine. I don't expect platinum rating on a lot of games since a lot of modern games are just as unstable on windows as they are on linux. In my opinion the meaning of gold rating has changed a lot. 2010s with wine gold used to have quite a lot of tinkering but with proton nowadays it's usually either just fine or solved with 1 or 2 launch commands copy pasted from protondb. some games have even slightly better performance on linux with the right hardware.

sorry for starting the whole argument but I also don't know what kind of answers you expected when you came to linux community trash talking linux with things that a lot of linux users don't agree with. your use cases happens to be one of the worst though on linux.

but the fact that you cant use professional cad software and play games that are specifically made impossible to play on linux don't mean that you can't do anything but use office and browser and I still do think that statement is stupid as hell.

but sorry again for getting so heated, I'm going to stop arguing now since neither of us are going to change their minds and this contributes absolutely nothing

Zoot ,
@Zoot@reddthat.com avatar

Id like to know what means "too much fiddling". So far in my steam library of 400+ games, there has only been one that didn't work with my Steam Deck, and it was because the Devs chose Kernel Level Anticheat over making the game available to Linux users.

Hell, the most "fiddling" i do, is "Add game as a non-steam game" through lutris so my controller works in gaming mode. Or maybe I have to change the graphics preset from high to low? If thats too much fiddling than yeah, I guess I'd be curious what you do on windows that isn't considered fiddling.

olutukko ,

I think you answered to the wrong comment

Zoot ,
@Zoot@reddthat.com avatar

You are right, my apologies.

Trainguyrom ,

The last time I ran Linux on my main gaming rig I had a couple of key problems that largely made me call it quits:

  1. Games with gold and platinum ratings on WineDB (this was about the time Proton was newly released) would require far too much fiddling to get working if I could get them working at all.
  2. A couple of fairly uncommon games I played a lot at the time had weird issues with user-generated content related to filesystem and library case-sensitivity differences.
  3. Game crashes from content conflicts more often than not created system crashes, which both obscured crash dialogues which would normally point me to the content to explore why it was crashing, and extended the amount of time needed to troubleshoot an install and get it working

I'll probably try it again at some point in the next handful of years, especially since the Linux desktop has come so far in the 3 years or so since I last tried it out. I already run Linux on about half of the systems I use regularly, so its not like I'm completely out of the game.

olutukko ,

yeah I definetly know what you mean. with wine it definetly was pain in the ass to make the configuration by yourself to every game. luckily we now have proton doing excellent work for that. and if it's not a steam game we have lutris doing excellent work for that with their install scripts.

we even have glorius eggroll releasing wine-ge and proton-ge where they apply plenty of game specific patches

in steam I feel like maybe 2 out of 10 gold rated games have some little issues, and even then I just have to copy paste launch comand from proton db, no need to fiddle around too much

olutukko ,

did you forget programming? its a breeze with linux

olutukko ,

it's all about learning a new workflow. having to go to a website amd downloading exe and going trough an installation wizard from the most basic things like programming language compiler or a web browser seems so backwards for me now after using only linux for 3 years

linkhidalgogato ,

what are u even talking about getting used to linux wont suddenly make autodesk and a million other software vendors start making linux versions of their software, nor will it make game publishers make linux versions of their games much less stop them from being assholes about drm and anticheat.

olutukko ,

just addressing your "paim in the ass" statement. it is true what you're saying about propiertary software that is not available to linux but there are linux alternatives. which like I said, is the matter of a new workflow. work enviroment is a different though if they require certain software to be used. what comes to gaming, huge steps are made towards gaming on linux and most games work just fine with proton. games with heavy kernel level anticheats are a different thing though.

edit: and everything except browsing internet and office work is a big fucking strech

linkhidalgogato ,

there are no linux alternatives for some stuff i use, i would need to use wine or emulate and whether it works properly if at all its basically random. and sure gaming on linux is the best it has ever been but considering the starting point that says basically nothing its passable at best, and sure u could just decide not play certain games but like u could also just use windows and play what u want.

also sure internet browsing and spreadsheets or writing stuff, just basic office work is the entire use case for a lot of people which is why i clarified that its fine for that but thats just not the use case for me.

olutukko ,

I would like to know what software are you using that don't have linux alternatives.

and you're still downplaying linux a lot. programmin is huge thing on linux and propably most people use it for that. there are a lot of digital art software which is made for linux. you can do cad work with freecad, altough it has quite different workflow than a lot of other cad software

linkhidalgogato , (Bearbeitet )

just autodesks suit of cad programs. and free cad is not an acceptable replacement at all much less the free versions of autocad and revit, not only are alternative versions less powerful, most of them fuck up when exporting in the file formats for the programs most people use which creates problems for them which is just not acceptable.

then theres stuff i need for school like lockdown browser and multisim are the main ones multisim has a web version but its borderline useless. plus a bunch of other weird ancient software ill used for like one semester cuz the professor was feeling it and its very hit an miss whether those have a native linux version or not.

look im sure u could make it work but thats my point in windows everything just works, u could fuck around with these programs and get some of them working and get adequate replacements for other and dualboot for fucking lockdown browser, but thats my point exacly its more of a pain in the ass to make this shit work and make everything else in the future work than just fucking around with windows once to turn of all the anti pravacy shit, u know which is what i said in my comment the original one, which yall are ignoring because ur brain is so linux poisoned that when someone says doing x in linux is annoying ur response is "u can make it work tho so its fine and ur wrong and doing x is overated anyways why don u do y instead"

olutukko ,

my point was still originally that in most cases it's just change of a workflow. even if something needs a tinkering at first time after thst you know how to do it and it's not a chore anymore. I would definetly feel thst even if in windows thinf just work it would be pain in the ass for me to do the stuff in windows way because I'm used to linux way.

but also I have very different use cases than you, since I'm a programmer that does 3D modeling as a hobby on blender, and I don't play competitive games. so for me the linux is "everything just works" os, since if I had any problems at start when I didn't known how to do something, that's not most certainly the case anymore

Shareni ,

Wait a bit Ubuntu is next. They already added terminal ads, embedded affiliate links for amazon, and sold user data to amazon.

lurch ,

AFAIK the "terminal ads" were suggesting Ubuntu Pro when using the package management. It's very far away from actual ads. Just the free version suggesting the paid one. Not ad space sold to third parties.

thenumbernine ,

For now...

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Just the free version suggesting the paid one. Not ad space sold to third parties.

You've read it here, folks. Microsoft just needs to promote Xbox deals and such, then it's not an ad space sold to third parties. (Either that or you're holding Canonical to a different standard than Microsoft.)

InternetCitizen2 ,

It would be more like MS selling extended support, which is fair and relevant to something being on the update page.

Would it be bad if a community driven distro had a donations link once a year in the package manager? Not really. A bit annoying, but we still live in a world where they need money too.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

which is fair and relevant to something being on the update page.

The Ubuntu paid ad doesn't show just in the updater either. Seems like double standard allowing Canonical advertising their paid product every time the terminal is opened and Microsoft would be only fine to be allowed to advertise paid updates in the updater.

Would it be bad if a community driven distro had a donations link once a year in the package manager? Not really.

I'm a packager of a small but public repository. Over the years some of the packages were actually picked up by the upstream distribution (minor stuff to scratch my own itch, nothing noteworthy, IMO, but still). I was never offered a few cents of whatever donations came in. Such money goes to the distribution leaders, not the actual community and even less so to the actual upstream software developers. If anything, the upstream software developers should get the money, not a downstream distribution where most of the work is automated anyway and yet replacing bookmarks in the default browser to customized ones for the distribution is common practice. Back when people still bought MP3 music, Canonical replaced the affiliate IDs for MP3 music stores to funnel money off upstream developers into their own pockets.

A bit annoying, but we still live in a world where they need money too.

Windows 10 started out as a free upgrade to Win7 and Win8 users (at least the Home variant, not sure about Pro and higher). Since then Win11 has also been a free upgrade. Do we live in a world where Windows developers need to make money from their product then?

InternetCitizen2 ,

So how are people going to know who you are and how to support you? First time I'm hearing from you. Leave a note somewhere. Your altruism is appreciated, but you do need to eat too! Don't passively let capitalism take advantage of you. You don't need to extend your values to corporate.

Money still runs the world. Windows or FOSS devs. I wish things were different, but you are wasting your political support on something that is not a big deal.

Ubuntu Pro is hardly an ad and not comparable to candy crush. Letting people know of a service to get more support is within scope (which is a target for enterprise anyway). To be clear there are better things to criticize about Canonical.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

So how are people going to know who you are and how to support you? First time I’m hearing from you. Leave a note somewhere. Your altruism is appreciated, but you do need to eat too! Don’t passively let capitalism take advantage of you.

I do have a regular job. I'm doing fine. I don't want or need money donated to Linux distributions. Updating a few packages is hardly any work at all because the majority of tasks is automated (as I said: my repo is small and for my own use. I don't advertise its existence but I also don't hide it either). Actually developing software is. I don't want distributors nagging users for money to then put in their pockets. Distributors can promote pledge drives to fund hosting on their website.

Ubuntu Pro is hardly an ad

Yes, it is.

Letting people know of a service to get more support is within scope

Cool, so Microsoft's "Back up to OneDrive" once per month and "Get more OneDrive storage" don't count then...

InternetCitizen2 ,

Look my you ran an update and the update program is letting you know how you can get extended support if you needed. It is with in the scope of the activity in a way that Candy Crush and One Drive are not. If Kden live was more explicit about being part of the KDE universe I don't think there is harm to that either. Ubuntu pro is not malicious or vendor locking (in its current state). What is the big deal that you spend so much energy here? Letting people know how to get 12 years of support instead of just the standard 5? There is a cost to doing that and ensuring quality. The discussion on the distribution paying upstream is important, but kind of a separate matter (and yes they could be doing more).

This is supposed to be for a company that has multiple machines and needs security back ported. Any regular desktop user can just opt out. Real question, what changes do you want to see to make things better? Like we do need to improve communication on how to support FOSS in general. I am not a particularly good programmer, so don't commit bug fixes. I live in the shit hole US South and 50% below median for the state, so my money contributions are never that high. If we are allergic to Ubuntu Pro or x packages are looking for funding. in npm, how do we really address anything? I get that ads are very invasive, but i think you are picking the least impressive hill to die on here.

someacnt_ ,

Yeah, I don't get extreme criticism against any monetization. Isn't Ubuntu Pro basically paid version of ubuntu?

lengau ,

And for most people, Ubuntu Pro is free in practice (since most folks are unlikely to have more than 5 machines that need the features Pro provides).

lemmyreader ,

The Amazon story is really old and Ubuntu did hear the critical voices and reverted the change. The terminal ads can be annoying on servers but you can turn them off.


If you want to throw dirt on Ubuntu, let's talk about Snaps and the messy Snap Store and how the current Ubuntu site looks like (not desktop user friendly really), and what they did to LXD

ILikeBoobies ,

but you can turn them off.

Isn’t that line of thinking the same as this post is making fun of?

rickyrigatoni ,
@rickyrigatoni@lemm.ee avatar

If being able to turn off ads make them ok then i guess we can't complain about windows ads yet either.

possiblylinux127 ,
@possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

Not to mention all the bugs in a so called LTS. They really should delay a release if it isn't stable

caseyweederman ,

They delayed the beta, is the full release having issues?

dan , (Bearbeitet )
@dan@upvote.au avatar

what they did to LXD

I still don't understand what LXD does that LXC doesn't do. LXC is significantly more popular. All the major control panels (like Proxmox, SolusVM, Virtualizor, etc) support OpenVZ or LXC but not LXD.

lemmyreader ,

Okay.I'm not going to argue about this but here's a description : https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/lxd

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

I'm not trying to argue? I legitimately don't know what advantages LXD has since I don't see it used widely in the industry, whereas LXC is everywhere.

3w0 ,

LXD is to LXC what Podman or Distrobox is to Docker (if I'm correct, it's just a convenient wrapper that does extra bits/builds on LXC)

lengau ,

LXD also has some cool features like launching VMs in a way that's nearly indistinguishable from containers, which can be useful if you need to do something like run a distro that uses cgroups v1 (e.g. CentOS 7) on a more modern distro.

3w0 ,

Yep I was trying to remember, it's been a long time since I used it!

Shady_Shiroe ,
@Shady_Shiroe@lemmy.world avatar

Wait that was real? I thought that was a joke someone made cuz I believe I saw an image of it on one of the meme communities.

redcalcium ,

Now that I think about it, the decline of ubuntu began when they inserted amazon affiliate links in their ui a long time ago. The final straw for me is forcing snaps when attempting to install some apps via apt. I replaced all my ubuntu machines with debian without any issue.

cybersandwich ,

This is such horseshit. The drama of the Linux community never ceases to amaze me.

KillingTimeItself ,

i thought we were just shitposting about this one

Grass ,

Using Ubuntu is a mistake to begin with.

NaoPb ,

Ah yes. MicroCanonicalSoft. Ubuntu used to be great. But they are working hard to ruin it.

I am currently looking for an alternative that has a similar allround-ish support for hardware. Ubuntu supports my Macbook and my Acer Tablet out of the box while others do not competely do so. I could write a whole rant about the tablet with 64-bit processor but 32-bit eufi bios and intel processor that kinda obscures access to the audio and wifi devices unless you use a specific driver.

I'd prefer something debian based but I can't stand flicking in video playback or scrolling through a webpage. Which is why I like Wayland at the moment, since it fixes those things.

Shareni ,

It was ok at best. I first tried Linux around the time opensuse was released, and even then the only reason it was more popular was due to coming out a bit earlier and sending live CDs. Then Suse fucked the Linux community alongside MS for like a decade, and now it's canonical's turn to help out.

I could write a whole rant about the tablet with 64-bit processor but 32-bit eufi bios

If you have <4gb RAM, just use a x86 version of the distro. AFAIK it essentially has no downsides, and possibly requires less resources.

I'd prefer something debian based but I can't stand flicking in video playback or scrolling through a webpage. Which is why I like Wayland at the moment, since it fixes those things.

So why not use Wayland on Debian?

linearchaos ,
@linearchaos@lemmy.world avatar

Latest Debian has all the ease and little of the worry.

Shareni ,

Oh i know, I'm running MX

currawong ,
@currawong@lemmy.ml avatar

Run W10Privacy and use NextDNS. Oh, and create a local user account.

mypasswordis1234 ,
@mypasswordis1234@lemmy.world avatar

And in Linux, you install the system, create an account.... and that's it

ReveredOxygen ,
@ReveredOxygen@sh.itjust.works avatar

Unless it's Ubuntu

Fish ,

[Thema, Post oder Kommentar wurde durch den Author gelöscht]

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  • KillingTimeItself ,

    all you have to do to block ads on linux:

    brian ,

    there was that one time Ubuntu added ads to the search menu tho

    olutukko ,

    well ubuntu is a shit stain in linux world anyway

    rasakaf679 ,

    I'm planning to shift to mint. Any problem with that?

    olutukko ,

    nah it's still good. I do prefer fedora myself though, but that's just a preference

    Lyricism6055 ,

    Use EndeavourOS

    KillingTimeItself ,

    i messed with eos, it's alright. I had some problems with the mirrors breaking, to which the solution to fixing the broken keyring trust was "untrust the key, and forcibly install it" which i didn't really like. Other than that it seemed ok.

    Lyricism6055 ,

    Run the eos updater tool and it takes care of all of that for you. The broken mirrors isnt an actual issue either since there's redundant mirrors on the mirror list I believe

    KillingTimeItself ,

    oh believe me i did, it was fucked. The problem was that the keyring for EOS was out of date, and since i hadn't updated in long enough, there was literally zero chain of trust for that keyring to be updated somehow. So i had to forcibly update it.

    I tried a variety of things, including updating eos mirrors iirc, nothing worked until i fixed the keyring lol.

    ikidd ,
    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    LMDE and don't look back.

    KillingTimeItself ,

    ubuntu isn't real and doesnt exist.

    And even then, all you would have to do is just stop using ubuntu. Which given the lifespan of a linux user, is a pretty normal occurrence.

    Grass ,

    Does this fuck up other stuff though? I used the old telemetry set before but it prevents you from signing in on Xbox account in games

    Fish ,

    I've been using it for 6 months and it hasn't fucked anything up. I use my Xbox account pretty regularly

    dan ,
    @dan@upvote.au avatar

    How did you build this list? This is likely to break other things. Azureedge isn't just for ads, and msftconnecttest is literally only used to detect if your internet connection is working.

    Vilian ,

    i guess he booted up the system and saw what was using the internet

    Fish ,
    NaoPb ,

    Nice. Thanks for sharing!

    GladiusB ,
    @GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

    And people think Linux is complicated...

    ikidd ,
    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    Can't tell if joking...

    Agility0971 ,
    @Agility0971@lemmy.world avatar

    what? shouldn't blocked domains be routed to instead of loopback? This might cause the system generally to wait for a response instead of instantly realizing those domains don't exists

    user224 ,
    @user224@lemmy.sdf.org avatar


    Windows meme

    Checks out.

    ignotum , (Bearbeitet )

    Shitting on windows is the most Linux thing you can do

    nexussapphire ,

    I could take it or leave it. I just feel bad for my family and friends when they have issues..

    Duamerthrax ,

    I feel bad for myself when they bring their problems to me.

    lurch ,

    they chose this lifestyle

    nexussapphire ,

    When it's family or a close friend it's worth it.

    wreckedcarzz ,
    @wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar


    pmk ,

    Theo de Raadt of OpenBSD once said: "Linux people do what they do because they hate Microsoft. We do what we do because we love Unix."

    pimeys ,
    @pimeys@lemmy.nauk.io avatar

    It is such a beautiful system too. I would love to use it more, but nix and NixOS have kind of ruined every other operating system for me...

    refalo ,


    nossaquesapao ,

    And we don't even need to, because windows users already complain about windows all the time.

    Thann ,
    @Thann@lemmy.ml avatar

    Tell me again how Linux is hard to use

    oo1 ,
    IsThisAnAI ,

    Fucking with display drivers to get your shit to boot is several magnitudes harder than ignoring an ad.

    lemmyvore ,

    At this point I'm not sure if this is a meme or what...

    Last time I switched distro a few years ago I tried a dozen of them (dropped the ISOs on a Ventoy drive). None of them had trouble getting a usable desktop of correct resolution.

    Now sure, if you want an optimal, accelerated driver, on some of them you may have to figure out that distro's preferred way of doing it. But that's also true on Windows. And on Windows the vast majority of people don't bother beyond the install, because it makes no difference to them.

    Optimal drivers are essential only to a small subset of users like gamers and I expect a PC gamer to be able to figure out how to install a driver.

    But I repeat it's not even an issue on most modern distros. (I have an Nvidia card too.)

    ture ,

    Exactly this.

    I've seen "computer illiterate" folk using windows computers without properly working graphic drivers causing scrolling to look horrific or being limited to something like 1280x800 while owning a FullHD screen that I'm 100% convinced something like this doesn't matter for most "normal" users.

    The main issue for them is getting it installed in the first place. They buy a computer, turn it on, windows with all its bloatware is there and they use it. Would it boot to any kind of Linux desktop they would use this and most probably wouldn't even consciously recognise that they aren't using windows anymore.

    ArbiterXero ,

    The main issue is ms office.
    The way people use MS word is so ingrained that even Microsoft has problems when they moved to the ribbon menus.

    There was a straight up user revolt.

    That’s why MS will make sql server work on Linux but NEVER office.

    ture ,

    To a certain extent this is correct, especially if this person works or used to work an office job in the last let's say 15 years. But even then what are the use cases of office suites at home, mainly writing letters and maybe for the slightly more tech literate something like logging personal finances in a spreadsheet. In case of writing a letter those files are usually printed and the spreadsheet are usually considered confidential data. These people rarely, if ever, share those files with anyone, so interoperability is likely not an issue.

    I'm therefore convinced if you just guide those persons to e.g. libre office writer and just say that's "The word" on this machine, they're going to be fine with it. Also almost all of these people use webmail instead of mail clients so the absence of Outlook is usually also not a problem.

    Imho this includes 90% of the 50+ years computer user that can be migrated to Linux this way. The "problematic" ones are the ones who know some stuff, like how to click by click import my mail account into Outlook 2016 and want their new computer to behave exactly the same way and will go bananas otherwise. If I encounter one of those in my circle of relatives who need help with their computer I usually just leave them with their windows 7 machines or whatever they're using cause it's not a battle worth fighting.

    IsThisAnAI ,

    Absolutely not. Just the other day I saw a post about one of the desktops getting something close to working DPI scaling out of the box. And no, you don't need to figure out shit on Windows. You download the driver, double click and it's done. The only thing even moderately annoying is HDR calibration which is a mess in itself on Linux. I understand Linux is getting closer, but it's not on par with ease of use.

    woelkchen ,
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    And no, you don’t need to figure out shit on Windows. You download the driver, double click and it’s done.

    Manually downloading drivers? How savage.🧐 *AMD and Intel master race has things working out of the box since many years*

    IsThisAnAI ,

    Jesus Christ, of course Nvidia has the base drivers. Y'all are just pouty over the reality check. Until Linux desktop is easier and better supported Windows will continue strong.

    woelkchen ,
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    Fucking with display drivers to get your shit to boot is several magnitudes harder than ignoring an ad.

    Found the Nvidia user.

    nexussapphire ,

    Nah, the last time this user tried Linux was probably 2005. You can get to a desktop and install proprietary drivers from the app store relatively painlessly on most distros.

    IsThisAnAI ,

    Commits to tf, open tofu, CNCF, Apache. You've used my code today in all probabilty. You ain't got shit for an answer to the constant support questions for Linux desktop so you back to baseless claims.l on my resume.

    Now, send me the copy pasta with do you know who I am as if you weren't the one making up crap for karma points.

    swab148 ,
    @swab148@startrek.website avatar

    Karma doesn't exist on Lemmy as of version 19.0

    nexussapphire ,

    What ever makes you feel like the bigger man. The most annoying thing I run into are distros not supporting proprietary codecs and formats out of the box.

    If that's where we're at right now I'm pretty happy with the state of Linux, especially since it's only a couple of distros that intentionally do that.

    woelkchen ,
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    What ever makes you feel like the bigger man.

    But that person claims to have contributed some code to server software, so he's clearly super qualified to comment about 2005 desktop stuff!!11!1

    The most annoying thing I run into are distros not supporting proprietary codecs and formats out of the box.

    It's not like Windows supports all the codecs out of the box either. Downloading something like VLC (or insert your competing favorite playback thingie here) is pretty much required when dealing with offline media files.

    nexussapphire ,

    Your post is confusing friend. Also if you can figure out how to get heic image formats working on fedora I'd love to know. I fixed it by SSHDing into my mother's desktop and converting everything heic into jpeg from my arch instance.

    I wanted her to have a good experience with Linux so I avoided Ubuntu.

    knexcar ,

    Nope, last Christmas I struggled to get Linux Mint to play a Steam game using Proton. Booting would lead to a crash, adding some flags would lead to the game being incredibly laggy. Mint had an option for proprietary drivers, but the game would crash regardless of the flags. In the end, turns out Mint was downloading the wrong drivers, and I had to manually download the correct ones from Nvidia’a website to finally get the game to work with average performance.

    It took multiple hours of troubleshooting during my one Christmas vacation of the year. Meanwhile my brother, who had an identical laptop playing the same game on Windows, ran it flawlessly with great performance.

    nexussapphire ,

    I'm sorry to hear that, dual graphics can be a pain. If you feel like trying it again I'd love to recommend pop os, it should handle dual graphics out of the box. It's just something that isn't well supported thanks to Nvidia's proprietary graphics.

    someacnt_ ,

    It is interesting how many people reports that distros does not work out-of-the-box. While for me, most things work. It's hard to partition things correctly but that's that..

    IsThisAnAI ,

    And? Oh look at me I bought the best product in it's price class, I'm a niche user or something.

    Year of the Linux desktop 2024.

    woelkchen , (Bearbeitet )
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh look at me I bought the best worst product...

    ... for use with Linux



    NVidia being the worst choice for Linux is hardly news.

    Year of the Linux desktop 2024

    https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/9/23954205/valve-steam-deck-multiple-millions 🤷

    IsThisAnAI ,

    Valve invests billions of dollars and loses money on 4M decks and everyone is screaming success 🤷‍♂️

    EA resold more copies of Skyrim on switch.

    woelkchen ,
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    Valve invests billions of dollars and loses money on 4M decks and everyone is screaming success 🤷‍♂️

    You're the one who bought the wrong tool (NVidia GPU) for the job. Blame nobody but yourself. Intel and AMD is fine since at least 15 years.

    IsThisAnAI ,

    No, I didn't. I have a faster GPU at a lower price with my timing and I can play every single one of my games. It's easy and I don't have to do shit. I don't have to make sure drm doesn't work and I don't have to find some utility it script to get DPI resolution scaling working. You're just pouty because Linux isn't a good solution for a large chunk of users.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    If it weren't Nvidia's fault, like, as in they don't support linux on purpose "because fuck you, you do not matter, you'll use the OS we choose and like it," maybe you'd have a point. They could do it, easily, but they don't because they do not care about their users.

    IsThisAnAI ,

    Doesn't matter to the users. Yeah it sucks. Doesn't change the hurdles it adds.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Doesn't change the fact that those hurdles are caused by nvidia on purpose and they could fix it tomorrow if they wanted, either. Don't be mad at linux about falling victim to it, be mad at nvidia for doing it. That matters to the users, even if they falsely blame linux about it.

    IsThisAnAI , (Bearbeitet )

    Completely ignoring the thread 🤣👌👍🤷‍♂️

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Oh sorry I thought you were an adult, my mistake.

    IsThisAnAI ,

    You're the one angry and completely ignoring the thread 🤷‍♂️ raging over the popularity of Windows making up excuses for third parties that don't make a difference for end users.

    Windows is popular. It will be popular until Linux desktop gets its shit together and gets rid of it's compatibility issues.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    Well, if you're complaining about how nvidia doesn't support linux, seems like it matters to their customers to me. Stop your crying about it then if you don't care so bad.

    nvidia gets its shit together and gets rid of it's compatibility issues.

    FTFY chump.

    IsThisAnAI ,

    Not complaining. I use Windows for games. I don't deal with any of that right now. I'm stating reality. Again, you're off thread and just looking for an argument. Some how mad that I pointed out most users won't change a thing because of Linux challenges. Then starting on some off topic rant about Nvidia being assholes.

    Yes they are assholes. It doesn't change a thing and this enrages you.

    ArcaneSlime ,

    I'm off thread? I'm directly responding to your comment, so you're off thread then. Guess you should stop commenting "off thread" lol.

    By "linux challenges," you mean "nvidia challenges." Again it is nvidia's fault whether you accept that or not. You're complaining about problems with nvidia and pretending they're problems with linux, I'm simply trying to inform you that you incorrectly place the blame on the wrong party, you in turn are being obtuse, this is a you problem lol.

    "The users" meaning "the company nvidia?" Because they're the only ones that need to change anything to support linux, linux users just use AMD or Intel, or one of the workarounds to get nvidia supported by the hacked together drivers that "the users" have made. It is nvidia themselves that prevent their hardware from running well on linux.

    I'm not enraged by nvidia, I just don't give them money, I use their competitors. I'm not even enraged by stupid people putting blame on linux or "the users" for something done by their precious god-company and then doubling down on being too stupid to understand why anyone would have the audacity to point out why you were wrong and misplace your blame, I'm not enraged at all, I'm laughing at you.

    IsThisAnAI ,


    ArcaneSlime ,

    What is that, how you masturbate? B/t thumb and pointer with the other thumb up your ass? 'Scuse me, I mean 👍🍑 maybe that'll help you understand.


    IsThisAnAI ,


    ArcaneSlime ,


    IsThisAnAI ,


    ArcaneSlime ,

    Back to your masturbation technique again eh?

    IsThisAnAI ,


    pro_grammer ,

    Found the Nvidia user.

    Nvidia? That small gpu maker? They are so rare in the market!

    possiblylinux127 ,
    @possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

    They also historically are terrible on Linux. Now that AI has taken off there is a little more incentive not to suck

    woelkchen ,
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    Now that AI has taken off there is a little more incentive not to suck

    Their AI accelerators don't have graphics output ports.

    possiblylinux127 ,
    @possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

    I said a little

    Empricorn ,

    Yep. I have a PC that was given to me by a friend, we aren't all able to afford the most FOSS hardware and software...

    Omega_Jimes ,

    I don't even know what my display drivers are.

    They're handled and updated by the operating system.

    Once a week I check for updates, and click a button to install anything I want updated.

    I literally have no clue what you're talking about.

    Teon ,
    @Teon@kbin.social avatar

    It's SUPER hard to use. I had to download an .iso from my distro's website, make a bootable USB drive, plug that into my computer and boot into it, answer a few questions and wait a few minutes, A FEW MINUTES... can you believe that??
    And then It had the audacity to give me a super easy, working, private OS! Like what the fuck!
    How bloody dare you make my life difficult. I was expecting to be TRACKED and EXPLOITED and BOMBARDED with ads all day.
    Instead I get all this calm and happiness??

    DeviantOvary ,

    As a Linux main, I don't think it's hard, but it's also still not as good as Windows in some ways I find important. Fractional scaling for instance. I had a different resolutions multimonitor setup, and I definitely had more issues than on Windows. Also, now with two same reso monitors, I still have to switch to Windows to RDP into my work Win machine, because on Linux it's so blurry due to difference in scaling, it hurts my eyes. Of course, I'm most likely in minority of a minority, but it's still a thing.

    possiblylinux127 ,
    @possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

    The biggest strength is also its biggest weakness. Linux just has so many different ways to configure it

    NateNate60 ,

    The Linux infiltration of PC gaming communities has been one of the most successful covert operations in the history of espionage. So successful that the agents don't even need to hide their identities.

    Sammy ,
    @Sammy@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    They came for the gamers-….

    someacnt_ ,

    Sorry, joke just flew over my head

    HorreC ,
    @HorreC@kbin.social avatar

    I just dont get it, you pay for the OS, they monitor you like a hawk and sell that shit. Now they are like we need to make sure they get all these ads too, also we are going to ruin any app that you use, like search or notepad. We will milk this mother dry then claim users dont understand how much it costs to run the company.

    CaptainEffort ,
    @CaptainEffort@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Notepad is horrible now, how tf do you mess that up??

    pumpkinseedoil ,

    What happened to notepad?

    CaptainEffort , (Bearbeitet )
    @CaptainEffort@sh.itjust.works avatar

    In Windows 11 it saves every text file you open as a new tab, so every time you open a text file you’ll have tabs upon tabs of every previous text file you’ve ever opened.

    Here’s a Reddit post with some people talking about how to disable it, how frustrating it is, and even how it’s causing problems by straight up opening the wrong file if it’s named the same as a text file you’ve opened in the past.

    Black616Angel ,

    Not only that. Opening the same file again, opens it in a new tab ffs. I noticed this, when my ssh-config file (which has no file extension and is thus not linked to a program) had like 10 tabs open... Why would someone do that?

    I mean tabs are fine, I guess, but this shit?

    foofiepie ,

    This stinks of panic MVP.

    dev_null ,

    Wow finally. I remember when I moved to Notepad++ a decade ago when I still used Windows, to get that behaviour. Being able to close it without losing all the open tabs was a game changer.

    saltesc ,

    Yeah, I noticed it in the new Notepad. Nifty feature. Notepad++ is still my go to for everything. Especially dumping "temporary code" in unsaved tabs, then like 6 months later trying to figure out if any of its still relevant or safe to finally close.

    Player2 ,

    Textadept is also pretty cool, it's portable and FOSS unlike Notepad++

    woelkchen ,
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    Here’s a Reddit post with some people talking about how to disable it, how frustrating it is

    Virgin Windows users on Reddit: *Crying in a corner instead of looking in settings on their own and make 3(!) mouse clicks*

    Chad Linux users on Lemmy: *Editing .conf files in vim*


    wreckedcarzz ,
    @wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

    So what's the deal with vim? I spooked up a vps recently and decided to forgo the gui options, like a real Linux server admin. I have been using nano and it seems to do all I need from a basic text editor in the terminal. I get that vim/emacs meme-bantering but actually why. It accepts texts and stores them in files. What is the actual point/difference?

    SlopppyEngineer ,

    Notepad++ was gaining some traction so Microsoft figured they nip that in the bud with a half-hearted attempt?

    woelkchen ,
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    Notepad++ was gaining some traction so Microsoft figured they nip that in the bud with a half-hearted attempt?

    Microsoft's competitor to Notepad++ is VS Code.

    datavoid ,

    VSCode is a telemetry filled delight - easily Microsoft's best product

    plofi ,

    Notepad++ is a text editor while VS Code is an IDE. They are intended for different use cases.

    woelkchen ,
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    Notepad++ is a text editor while VS Code is an IDE. They are intended for different use cases.

    No, both are source code editors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source-code_editor#Notable_examples

    Visual Studio is the full IDE, VS Code isn't. Visual Studio and VS Code are completely different products, even though both carry Visual Studio branding.

    cygon ,

    What would be missing from VS Code or VS Codium that an IDE needs?

    I'm an ex Visual Studio user, now writing all my code in VS Codium. I organize my project tree in VS Codium, I build from it and, like a Visual Studio user, I press F5 to debug, set breakpoints and inspect variables.

    And that's just the default install using the vanilla C/C++ extension it ships with, not some complicated setup that takes any time to get working.


    woelkchen ,
    @woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

    What would be missing from VS Code or VS Codium that an IDE needs?

    Snipped from the first question in the FAQ:


    More details on the Visual Studio website.

    If you disagree with the assessments of both the VS Code developer and Wikipedia, please discuss it there.

    lazynooblet ,
    @lazynooblet@lazysoci.al avatar

    It can be reverted in settings. I just did this it was driving me mad. Why have the option for tabs without a close all option.

    shrugal ,
    @shrugal@lemm.ee avatar

    If you have a monopoly and need to maximize profits then the question becomes: Why not?! You could extract more money this way, and it's not like your users would go anywhere else at this point.

    That is why it's so important to fight and break up monopolies, and to limit what these companies can do. Because they have no reason not to squeeze every penny they can get out of you!

    jkrtn ,

    I wish our indolent government would do its job breaking this shit up.

    ZILtoid1991 ,

    Issue is, I don't think even the current competition is helping them to get better, if they became smaller for some reason they'd just go back to their active sabotage days.

    What I'd think would help to actually wither Microsoft's monopoly in addition of breaking it up is forcing them to open source Windows, thus taking their main leverage on the market. Windows would be a good (not great) OS if it wasn't for MS and its shareholders trying to monetize it as much as possible, and trying to make all computers like what the Junkman had in the Superhero Team vs. Genocidal Purple Guy Part 3.

    someacnt_ ,

    Sad that Windows basically have stronghold in OS market. It's a hurdle for linux to even hit 5%, and there is no alternatives for generic hardware..

    DaddleDew ,

    This is the norm of what shareholder-driven companies in a situation of monopoly will tend to do. They try to see how much they can abuse their position of dominance on the market to maximize their profits. Microsoft's primary goal isn't to make a good user experience, or even a good OS. Their main goal is to milk as much money as possible from its assets for its shareholders. They've been playing that game for decades, only backtracking when the consumer backlash is strong enough to threaten their sales or when the government threatens to break them up.

    On top of that, Microsoft has a long history of letting arrogant elements of top management take control of projects who will then force their "vision" down the throats of their customers who don't want any of it. They will only backtrack once the sales numbers become disastrous enough. Then usually the control returns to more competent people and a decent product tends to result from it. Think how Windows Vista lead to Windows 7. And how Windows 8 lead to Windows 10. Or even how the XBox One was originally designed and marketed as some sort of stupid way to watch NFL games on your TV with Kinect controls until they realized they were losing the console war and then started treating it like a gaming console again.

    IsThisAnAI ,

    Because you could replace the text of this mene with Nvidia drivers or any number of pain in the ass sub systems. Fuck even anti cheat for many games as well. Windows for the most part just works. Search works just fine and 98% of users couldn't give two fucks about notepad.

    StaticFalconar ,

    I get the point you're trying to make but they made a free version of windows a while ago. The price for it is the ads.

    Valmond ,

    Well then is it free?

    onlinepersona ,

    There's a free version of windows? 😮 Did they just give up because everybody cracks it?

    Anti Commercial-AI license

    jkrtn ,
    1. Pay for the hardware

    2. Pay for the software

    3. Subscribe to your own machine

    Get your wallet out, serf. The landlords renting your computer to you need another yacht.

    alsaaas ,
    @alsaaas@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    we making it into techo-feudalism with that pattern 🗣️🗣️🗣️

    helenslunch ,
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    I just dont get it

    I mean it's not complicated. If you don't want to use Windows, your options are:

    1. Pay thousands for a Mac computer that may not have the features you want, and never be able to upgrade or repair it, or

    2. Get a software engineering degree so you can figure out how to install, use and regularly debug Linux. Because even techy people you know that might want to help you don't know anything about Linux.

    There just aren't many options for "normies".

    ikidd ,
    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    I walked my 83 year old dad through a Linux Mint install on his laptop over the phone a few weeks ago when the Windows install shit the bed. All he needs is a browser, he's good now.

    Get out of here with that "software engineering degree" BS.

    helenslunch ,
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    And this is why it will never be more popular: A community that refuses to acknowledge the shortcomings, and animosity for anyone who questions it or asks for support.

    Croquette ,

    It is easier more than ever to install linux today.

    The issue boils down to the fact that the number of people that never installed an OS is pretty high.

    Most people buy their laptop and roll with the OS installed. Microsoft paid a lot to be the default choice and we have the market we have today.

    But if you check your email and browse internet, any OS will work.

    The strength and weakness of Linux, is that there is many ways to skin a cat. But it can get confusing really fast, even if you are tech savvy.

    Habits die hard and Microsoft and Apple were pretty good at capturing the market.

    helenslunch ,
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    It is easier more than ever to install linux today.

    People like to use words like "easy" and "hard" to describe clicking buttons and typing letters into a display. These are the wrong words. The word is "complicated".

    Doesn't matter if it's easier, the fact remains that it is complicated and likely always will be.

    Croquette ,

    The process to install Ubuntu vs Windows is pretty much the same.

    Create a user, choose a timezone, connect to Wi-Fi or LAN and wait for setup to finish. It is not complicated by any mean.

    As I mentioned, most people never install an OS in their life, so they don't know how to create a boot drive and install an OS.

    So the issue isn't that installing Linux is complicated, it's that installing an OS on an empty drive is not a thing that the vast majority of pc users has done or will ever do.

    helenslunch ,
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    So the issue isn't that installing Linux is complicated, it's that installing an OS on an empty drive is not a thing that the vast majority of pc users has done

    It's both

    Croquette ,

    Have you tried to install Ubuntu recently? It is as straight forward as it is.

    It is not a complicated process no matter how you look at it.

    helenslunch ,
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    I've installed a dozen distros. I've also tried to assist others in installing them. It doesn't go well.

    Installation is only the beginning of the problems though.

    timbuck2themoon ,

    I think you'd be better off stating people are too lazy to install Linux.

    Just because they proved you completely wrong and millions of others using Linux daily prove you wrong too doesn't mean they're bringing "animosity."

    Just accept the L and move on.

    lazynooblet ,
    @lazynooblet@lazysoci.al avatar

    Linux is great until it isn't. As soon as you venture outside of whatever packages user interfaces offer you, the "degree" analogy applies. For some, the thought of editing a text file to configure an option blows their mind.

    helenslunch ,
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    you'd be better off stating people are too lazy to install Linux.

    Call it what you want, the fact remains and will persist until something changes.

    Just because they proved you completely wrong

    LOL they did no such thing.

    and millions of others using Linux daily prove you wrong

    Well if you're going to put it that way, billions of Windows users prove that I'm right daily.

    Just accept the L and move on.

    Back at ya.

    aStonedSanta ,

    Lmfao guess he doesn’t need you to help him setup his email port settings or have any issues with audio drivers or any of the other common issues we see with Linux installs.

    ikidd ,
    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    No, because like 99% of people on this planet, he uses webmail, and I haven't seen audio fail out of the box on a Linux install in 15 years.

    Roflmao lol omg bbq

    aStonedSanta ,

    99% of the planet don’t use webmail. Fair that you haven’t seen one. I’ve read it recently and often though so :shrug:

    _tezz ,

    Why would a random 83 year old set up his own email port configs? He signs into gmail.com like everyone else, let's be realistic if we're gonna talk shit

    aStonedSanta ,

    I worked for an ISP residential tech support for 3 years. Don’t tell me what’s realistic lmfao. I experienced it very, very often. And they sure as fuck couldn’t do it in windows.

    _tezz ,

    We can compare anecdotes if you want, I've been in tech twice as long as you were and I can count on one hand the number of people doing their own IMAP setup. That remains the same if you go back to me being a child.

    There's no need to be a dick man, this is a nerd forum for awarding fake internet points. Chill out.

    aStonedSanta ,

    Still in tech, 9 years now lol. Again. People do and they run into issue with it. Denying my perspective and acting like it’s invalid is obnoxious.

    RustyShackleford ,
    @RustyShackleford@programming.dev avatar

    Pay thousands for a Mac computer that may not have the features you want, and never be able to upgrade or repair it, or

    M1 Air costs USD $750 where I live.

    Get a software engineering degree so you can figure out how to install, use and regularly debug Linux. Because even techy people you know that might want to help you don't know anything about Linux.

    Hyperbole to sell an easily disprovable false narrative. For what?

    Calm down and eat your lunch, Helen.

    helenslunch , (Bearbeitet )
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    M1 Air costs USD $750 where I live.

    That MacBook will have 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, which is completely useless, not to mention fucking highway robbery when you can buy a Windows laptop for half of that with better specs.

    Hyperbole to sell an easily disprovable false narrative.

    LOL I'd love to see you prove me wrong. Go on ahead. It's easy!

    gallopingsnail ,
    @gallopingsnail@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    LOL I'd love to see you prove me wrong. Go on ahead. It's easy!

    God, debate perverts are annoying.

    RustyShackleford ,
    @RustyShackleford@programming.dev avatar

    That MacBook will have 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage, which is completely useless, not to mention fucking highway robbery when you can buy a Windows laptop for half of that with better specs.

    You said thousands of dollars. They're not thousands. And yeah, you can get a cheaper machine. And put some flavor of GNU/Linux on that too!

    LOL I'd love to see you prove me wrong. Go on ahead. It's easy!

    Highest market share ever, these days!

    I don't think you need a CS degree to run through this guide.

    Here's all the "techy people you know that might want to help you don't know anything about Linux" coming together as a community to share what they know about the distro I linked to.

    Stop being hyperbolic.

    helenslunch ,
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    You said thousands of dollars. They're not thousands.

    But they are...

    And yeah, you can get a cheaper machine. And put some flavor of GNU/Linux on that too!

    Not pre-installed.

    None of those links prove me wrong. Try again.

    RustyShackleford ,
    @RustyShackleford@programming.dev avatar

    But they are...

    Once again, here's one at $750.

    Not pre-installed.

    Here's some great laptops with GNU/Linux pre-installed.

    Here's another company!

    There are vendors supplying workforce laptops and miniPC's running MintOS for less than $350 per unit, in bulk!

    None of those links prove me wrong.

    All of them prove your silly, bogus assertions wrong.

    Try again.

    Nah. Don't have to.

    helenslunch , (Bearbeitet )
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    Once again, here's one at $750.

    Once again, completely unusable.



    Niche suppliers normies have never heard of. Can't find them on retail sites or in stores. Also very expensive.

    I know all of these things. I use Linux. I think Linux is better than Windows. I'm just answering the question of why so many people continue to use Windows.

    Moorshou ,
    @Moorshou@lemmy.zip avatar

    They do for me!

    Iapar ,

    That is not how it works. You have to proof your claim. If you want to be taken serious at least.

    helenslunch ,
    @helenslunch@feddit.nl avatar

    That's exactly how it works when someone else calls your claim "easily disproven".

    fidodo ,

    Cost to run the company? They will proudly milk as much money as they can to maximize profits. Having a bigger margin is a point of pride for them. Watch any shareholder meeting. They will publicly brag about it.

    FiniteBanjo ,

    "Monitor you like a hawk" is a pretty extreme exaggeration of the easily disabled telemetry data. Unless you were referring to Edge browser?

    Michal ,

    Meanwhile Linux users trying to ger wifi to work

    PoolloverNathan ,

    I just add this to my system config:

    networking.wireless = {
      enable = true;
      networks = import ./networks.nix;

    Then I define my networks in a gitignored file and I'm good to go.

    Presi300 ,
    @Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

    it's the never ending cycle, we struggle getting wifi to work and then laugh at windows users trying to get windows to work

    zalgotext ,

    we struggle getting wifi to work

    No we don't

    Presi300 ,
    @Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

    I feel like my joke went over a lot of people's heads

    werefreeatlast ,

    Every kernel update on Ubuntu kills my wifi driver. So I automatically recompile and add my new driver....same driver each gaddam time. But it's not an ad 😂 lol.

    ikidd ,
    @ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

    Get the maintainer to PR it to the linux-firmware team if its unique.

    areyouevenreal ,

    I rarely have WiFi issues on Linux. At least not with internal WiFi cards. USB ones can sometimes be a problem, but not often.

    NegativeInf ,

    Yes, but like 10 years ago. That was probably the last time I ripped out chunks of hair and snapped off teeth trying to configure a half supported broadcom wireless card.

    vinyl ,

    I just use ameliorated windows 10, never been bothered by anything else.

    h3mlocke ,
    @h3mlocke@lemm.ee avatar

    What's that?

    neutron ,

    3rd party modifications to windows iso that basically amounts to trusting an internet stranger.

    vinyl , (Bearbeitet )

    You are talking about the old Ameliorated, the new one doesn't modify an iso instead its a tool that modifies an already installed windows instance.

    Also kinda weird to word it like that since with any open source tool we are trusting internet strangers

    neutron ,

    My bad. Sorry.

    vinyl , (Bearbeitet )

    Its an open source tool for modifying existing windows installation preferably start with a fresh one. It does quite a lot with removing anything spyware related. Removing a bunch of features that really no one uses in order to mitigate the attack surface from vulnerabilities.

    Do watch out if you use UWP it will remove those too, including Edge.


    mypasswordis1234 ,
    @mypasswordis1234@lemmy.world avatar

    We need to make more memes like this. Now we are considered crazy using Linux. They need to be repaid for it 🥰

    SaltyIceteaMaker ,

    Im just gonna stick with windows 10. I only use it for gaming so idc about security updates.

    GladiusB ,
    @GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

    I have it too, but I didn't duel boot with Linux Mint. I use the Mint more. I liked 10. But the graphics on Mint just looks better to me. Maybe because it doesn't hog resources like Windows.

    crispy_kilt ,

    Who won the duel? The boot or Mint?

    GladiusB ,
    @GladiusB@lemmy.world avatar

    Mint. But 10 is still there because I'm pragmatic. And I have some blender renders I haven't transferred over yet.

    glitchy_nobody ,

    You see, the joke is that "dual boot" means you have two drives/partitions you boot from.

    "Duel boot" would imply your boot drives will take 10 paces apart from one another, turn, and shoot each other, one dying and the other emerging victorious.

    LostWanderer ,

    A lot of the ‘ads’ can be turned off with a toggle or two, it’s wild that people are losing their minds over this. Microsoft is shitty for making the call, but it’s an avoidable thing which doesn’t warrant this level of reaction.

    People with this level of energy should be complaining about the online search not being a user facing option to turn off easily in Windows Home edition!

    pacoboyd ,
    @pacoboyd@lemm.ee avatar

    Litterally two sliders.

    Or use shutup10

    Gallardo994 ,

    Linux community needs to assert dominance in one way or another, so let it be the way it is

    Jonnsy ,

    Yes and I love to do it again after every major update ..... not

    stebo02 ,
    @stebo02@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Ads on windows? Where?

    nature_man ,

    Windows 11 introduced start menu ads recently in update KB5036980, thankfully they can disabled, but I'm not 100% sure it will stay that way

    relevant article from The Verge:

    stebo02 ,
    @stebo02@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Right, ever since the release of Windows 11 I'm using Explorer Patcher to hide that annoying recommended section, and to restore the windows 10 explorer.

    nature_man ,

    That's a smart solution, I'll have to look into trying it on my work PC (where they force me to use windows 11), thank you for the recommend!

    possiblylinux127 ,
    @possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

    More like where are they not

    stebo02 ,
    @stebo02@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I literally don't have any. I disabled the recommended section in the start menu and as far as I know they don't appear anywhere else.

    possiblylinux127 ,
    @possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

    One drive, edge, one drive some more, copilot and then office365 for good measure

    stebo02 ,
    @stebo02@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    I use OneDrive every day, there's no ads. And nobody uses Edge anyways...

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