
Diplomjodler3 , in Unhappy lives linked to recent rise of right-wing populism in Europe

Shit's fucked, yo. So let's vote for the kind of people that make everything worse. I will never understand this kind of mindset.


Especially since the populists thrive on it which gives them exactly zero incentive to improve things.

SlopppyEngineer ,

Some people need an answer that's easy and quick. That answer is also always wrong but by then they stopped thinking anyway and are hooked on easy and quick.

Diplomjodler3 ,

"The rich stole all your money" is also an easy answer and much closer to reality. People who fall for right wing bullshit do so because it panders to their hate and resentment.

Kaboom ,

Theyre comcerned about immigration, and theres literally only one option for that. Thats the actual problem here

LordCrom , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland

No car that is sold to consumers need to go 120 mph... There's no reason for it. Yet sports cars that go 200 are sold to anyone with a check.

It's crazy

mettwurstkaninchen ,

It's really crazy. Many standard, not luxury cars are able to go 200km/h or even faster. There is exactly one place in the world where you are legally allowed to drive that speed: The German Autobahn. But even there you won't be able to do that due to traffic, speed limits etc. in many cases. It's totally crazy that car manufacturers are building cars for those 70% of Autobahns without speed limit.

Honytawk ,

Autobahn is one. But that is only Germany.

federalreverse Mod ,

Weird how the autobahn with its promise of unlimited speed manages to attract the motorized psychos of Europe, to the degree that almost every episode of Top Gear had a segment set in Germany.

SomeGuy69 ,

I regularly drive 150km/h, that's far from motorized psycho, on an empty long highway. Wtf, you guys are wimps.

GenosseFlosse ,

That's a myth from the past. The Autobahns are usually packed with lorries from eastern Europe, long stretches of construction sites, detours via villages and 50km speed limits to avoid crumbling bridges and of course the everyday traffic with people driving to work.

Germany has been pumping large amounts into extending the Autobahn network in the last 30 years while ignoring rail, so now everyone wants to drive because the train is unreliable, slow and expensive.

KISSmyOS , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland

tl/dr: every new car sold in the EU will have a button that drivers will push every time they start the engine.
If they don't push the button, the car will beep at them when they go over the speed limit.

Dkarma ,

Lol 2 min video on how to clip that speaker wire incoming...

elvith , (Bearbeitet )

*10 minutes - shorter videos cannot be monetized, IIRC

Reddfugee42 ,

A/V systems are $2000 computers now. There is no separate speaker unless you're going to clip your car stereo speakers

Delphia ,

Yeah canbus systems are an absolute fucking nightmare too. The same wire controling several systems.

cows_are_underrated ,

Than 2 minutes on how to manipulate the switch in a way so that it detects a press every time you start your car.

Reddfugee42 ,

I guess you missed the part in the article where it said it's been optional but that will change

nbailey , avatar

So instead of clipping a wire you plug in a Bluetooth OBD interface and flip a bit in the car’s memory that the engineers conveniently forgot to remove which disables the beeps…

GenosseFlosse ,

Lol, no! The ODBC port allows readouts only, you cannot change the programming of any of the components in your car.

Reddfugee42 ,
perviouslyiner ,

Someone who worked on design for a previous iteration of this said that their company deliberately routed the 'beep over a certain speed' signal via a wire between two modules for precisely this rrason.

SomeGuy69 ,

But I already have to do that with the annoying auto-start-stop. This is becoming a whac-a-mole game.

sunzu , in Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status”

Westoid will accept better, just name it a credit score, it feels more capitalism

carl_dungeon , in Unhappy lives linked to recent rise of right-wing populism in Europe

“I’m unhappy, let’s put people in camps and start a secret police force!! That’ll make me SO happy!”

CosmicTurtle0 ,

"As long as someone else is getting hurt more than me!"

  • every conservative
mjhelto , in Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status”

Wasn't this a Black Mirror episode? No... I think it was The Orville, maybe.

bjoern_tantau , avatar

That's reality in China.

LennethAegis , avatar

Yeah, I was thinking Black Mirror too. Looked it up, Season 3e1, Nosedive.

mettwurstkaninchen , in Starmer kills off Rwanda plan on first day as PM

The UK has already paid £270 million, with the latest £50 million instalment handed over in April. Nobody was deported, although two failed asylum seekers went to Rwanda voluntarily under a separate agreement that saw them offered a £3,000 incentive to go.

Just imagine what useful stuff could have been done with that money.

rmuk ,

They could have spent that on no PPE, or on not building a high speed railway, or failing to improve migration, etc.

iAvicenna , in Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status” avatar

I thought this was gonna be a Boring Dystopia topic

the_fourth , in Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status”

“But who knows what these figures will mean for you in the future?”

The perfect sentence to read with a heavy russian accent.

DieguiTux8623 , in Unhappy lives linked to recent rise of right-wing populism in Europe avatar

If we need a behavioral science paper to understand such an elementary thing, really we have lost as a society.

the_fourth ,

The idea behind such papers is to put actual proof behind "Duh, that's obvious." That is never a bad thing.

bier , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland

If this would also mean I can drive at the max allowed speed and can't get fines I would actually like this. I don't really feel the need for speed anyway, the maximum allowed speed usually is fine for me. But some countries like France switch a lot between 130 and 110, so most of my speeding tickets are because I didn't see the 110 sign immediately and there is a speed camera.

If this solution let's you go a max speed with zero tickets I would use it.

Obi , avatar

France loves to put the camera at the bottom of a hill, just after a speed reduction... Honestly the way it currently works feels like it's adding more danger than anything. I drive at/below the speed limit always but you see everyone's behaviour changing before the cameras in ways that don't always seem safe.

ClassifiedPancake , in Panic rooms and private bunkers are all the rage in Germany

All the rage for like 20 people

ID411 , in Russia launches "social rating" platform to determine a person’s comparative “social status”

Edited, clickbait title

Hawk , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland

The article says they expect a 30% reduction in collisions. I very much doubt that

InFerNo , in Mandatory speed limiters come into force in the EU and Northern Ireland

Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, it must be installed but can be disabled. The choice is left to the driver.

rapist1 ,

For now

InFerNo ,

Of course. I understand that point, but I just needed to make this point because it's often overlooked or deliberately not mentioned to work as rage bait.

Anticorp ,

It's not rage bait. These things are always incremental. The end result will be a mandatory installation that you can't disable.

gnu ,

The choice is left to the driver.

This almost certainly means you'll get the choice to inconvenience yourself by performing a deliberately long procedure to disable the feature every single time you turn the ignition on, otherwise it'll turn itself back on again by default.

Hawk ,

The article confirms that this is the case.

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