
gaael , (Bearbeitet ) in Macron accuses Israeli minister of interfering in French election in call with Netanyahu

Edit: this is a rant and does not address the issue, just points out Macron's shittiness.

Well, Macron openly and blatantly assisted Le Pen's far right party for the past sevent years. Idk what he's playing so shocked about.

It was Macron and his cronies who started the train of "well the far right is bad but the left is anti semitic" on which the far right happily jumped. Nevermind that Le Pen's party was actually created by an ex SS and that some of their candidates were seen having some nazi fun with friends.

A french newspaper just revealed that there have been secret dinners and meetings between people close to Macron and the far right's leadership these past month, the latest happening 3 days after the national assembly surprise dissolution.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

I mean yes but this and that are different things. The US is somehow okay with it but generally interfering in other countries' elections is not okay.

gaael ,

I agree with both of your statements, I wrote my post while being pissed and frustrated about Macron's anti-left schemes. It wasmore of a rant than an actual useful answer, and I should have made it clearer.

federalreverse Mod , (Bearbeitet )

[Edit: It's correct.]

Please either remove or add a source for this:

Nevermind that Le Pen's party was actually created by an ex SS

Afaict, Jean-Marie Le Pen is the founder of FN/RN. He was born in 1928, and was trying to join Resistance in 1944:

In November 1944, aged 16, he was turned down (because of his age) by Colonel Henri de La Vaissière (then representative of the Communist Youth) when he attempted to join the French Forces of the Interior (FFI). -- source

Of course, he did beat up communists not much later when he was in uni.

gaael ,

The English wikipedia article is not complete about the party's foundation: Jean Marie Le Pen did found it, but not alone. Since he was the party's president for almost 40 years, he's the most known founder.
Among the co-founders were two ex-Waffen SS, Pierre Bousquet and Léon Gaultier.
See the french wikipedia article for more details.

Of course, he did beat up communists not much later when he was in uni.

And he did not stop there. During the Algerian independance war, he is believed to have tortured and supervised the torture of prisoners.
He's been condemned at least 25 times for antisemitism, inciting hatred and discrimination, minimizing/excusing war crimes and piblic outrage (not sure about my translations, these are serious offenses in the french law). For example, he stated multiple times that the nazi's crematory ovens were a detail of the ww2.
He's been riling up the country against non-white and non-hetero people for the last decades.
And he's been president of a party that's had litreral nazis and neonazis in its ranks, which he never seemed to care about.

federalreverse Mod , (Bearbeitet )

I stand corrected, thanks!

La version « officielle » de la naissance du parti privilégie le rôle fondateur unique de Jean-Marie Le Pen

It seems like an issue then that English Wikipedia seems to adhere to the FN version of its own history. :/

gaael , (Bearbeitet )

Most of us frenchies tend to forget the outer world exists, and we're usually much more active on the french wikipedia pages than the global ones - especially for topics such as details regarding our political parties. Even in French newspapers it's often implied that JM Le Pen was the sole founder of the FN.

intelisense , in Keir Starmer gives go-ahead for British 'Storm Shadow' missiles to be used in strikes against targets inside Russia

Storm shadow seems to be bunker busting missiles, so I don't think they're a great fit for taking out planes, unfortunately.

CyberEgg ,

Not planes in the air, no. But they're talking grounded planes, depots, etc.

intelisense ,

I am thinking of grounded planes. Surely you want a wide area of impact to increase your chances of success, not a 100m deep crater where one plane was.

TheGrandNagus OP ,

Like I said in the body, grounded planes and munitions facilities, not planes in the air

apfelwoiSchoppen , in European football federation UEFA's due diligence questioned as 'EURO 2024' sponsors Alibaba, BYD, Vivo linked to forced labour and other controversies avatar

They, like all leagues, have kits that are made by slave labor and changed every year for no other reason than fast fashion capitalism. They don't have ethics. Money talks.

makeasnek , in The EU and China are destined for a protracted trade war avatar

This will make us all poorer and make everything more expensive. I'm down with making countries comply with free trade laws, China subsidizing cars is no different than America subsidizing chips or Europe subsidizing factories and agriculture. Let countries subsidize since we can't seem to stop them, let the best country & industry combo win.

Maalus ,
~pro china stance for no reason

Color me surprised.

makeasnek , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

Not a tankfie fam, check my post history if you doubt. Might have been nice to do before making an accusation that somebody is a bot or a tankie. I am pro free trade, mostly post about Bitcoin and privacy apps, half the things I post about would get me black-bagged in CCP-land.

makeasnek , in Keir Starmer gives go-ahead for British 'Storm Shadow' missiles to be used in strikes against targets inside Russia avatar

Let's go 🔥🔥🔥

Treczoks , in European football federation UEFA's due diligence questioned as 'EURO 2024' sponsors Alibaba, BYD, Vivo linked to forced labour and other controversies

UEFA: "Who cares? It's just about the money!"

MrMakabar , in Saudi Arabia threatened to sell off European debt if G-7 seized Russian assets: Report avatar

So we need the ECB to start QE in a big way to buy back government bonds. However the Saudis do not own too many.

We also have to go electric on transportation and that much much faster. Only a third of the EUs oil comes from the US and Norway. The rest comes from mainly dictatorships. Going green means supporting democracy. Staying on fossil fuels means supporting dictatorships.

jonne ,

Yep, even if you didn't care about the environmental aspect (which you should), not having to rely on dictatorships all over the place for your energy needs should be enough reason to transition away from fossil fuels.

makeasnek , avatar

Glad my money isn't wrapped up in EUR. QE = inflation.

I'm all for going green, it's worth mentioning that having trade with dictatorships is a two-way street, we can also use that trade as leverage to hold them slightly accountable.

MrMakabar , avatar

In this case it gives the Saudis central bank money, which then leads to more money being removed over the coming years. Since the Saudis want to dump it, they have to sell it below market value. Due to that at intresst this means the ECB is moving money out of the monetary system. Hence this is deflationary. We actually saw that in the real world as well. QE meant low intresst rates. The intresst rates shot up as soon as QE was stopped.

meldrik ,

I’m in agreement, but who produces the batteries? China…

MrMakabar , avatar

There are a lot of battery factories being built in the EU right now. Even if they come from China, it is a one time purchase and not a total dependence.

meldrik ,

True, but right now, a lot of the resources come from China. Solar is also something that is mainly from China. EU dropped that ball pretty fast.

cows_are_underrated , (Bearbeitet )

This might change in the near future some time ago(not to sure how long exactly) I read an Article about a massive ore field of the resources needed for electrical components being discovered in Denmark Sweden.

federalreverse Mod ,

Iirc: For certain materials like Lithium as well as Rare Earths, China basically has a monopoly on processing currently. E.g. with Lithium, Australia and Chile are major sources of the raw materials but virtually all of it is processed in China. Even if the raw materials come from the EU, there may be a major piece of the supply chain missing.

cows_are_underrated ,

Okay, that's fair. I'm not entirely sure but I know that Intel is building a processing plant in Germany. I don't know if they use raw materials, or they also rely on other manufacturers to produce stuff for them.

federalreverse Mod ,

Chip plants are another matter yet again. They usually work with silicon wafers into which they a chip surface.

I don't know where Intel get their materials from either. The silicon processing industry is largely Chinese again—I think Western and Japanese countries do have the appropriate factories and technology too though.

cows_are_underrated ,

I just read, that TSMC also plans on creating a processing plant in Germany(near Dresden) so in the near future we might see chips made entirely in Europe.

lud ,

It was in Sweden. Denmark got jack shit when it comes to natural resources.

cows_are_underrated ,

Thanks. My comment got corrected.

TheGrandNagus , in European football federation UEFA's due diligence questioned as 'EURO 2024' sponsors Alibaba, BYD, Vivo linked to forced labour and other controversies

The level of corruption in sporting organisations is wild. FIFA, UEFA, the FIA, the Olympic Committee, and undoubtedly many others.

It's annoying to like a sport but have to put up with brazen corruption from the top.

Vinny_93 ,

We, the people, like to think football is about uniting to enjoy something special. We like the game, so we will watch it and put up with a lot to do so. World Cup Qatar was a prime example, people spoke of boycotting but didn't.

These huge sporting events are about one thing, and one thing only: money.

It is because of this that our daily lives are packed full of ads. And because of this oversaturated advertising market, advertisers have to advertise more and grander to stand out.

The result is that advertising space goes to the highest bidder and China just blatantly bids more. Hisense made no secret of their reason to advertise: they want to be number 1 globally.

The DFB and the UEFA would've done good to select advertisers based on merit. They wanted it to be a 'green' tournament, but trains didn't go so the teams had to take airplanes, the buses were diesel powered and the biggest sponsors are giant pollutors or exploiters. BYD is nice window dressing with their electric cars, just as VAG usually sponsors these things with EV focus.

If advertising works so well, why can we not replace all these for-provit ad campaigns with campaigns to save our planet, be kinder to each other, reinforce our norms and values?

Wahots , in "Unable to find room": Orbán's big Hungarian presidency speech blocked by EU Parliament avatar

Pardon my ignorance, but why was Hungary added to the EU in the first place? How did it ever get to this point?

Tar_alcaran ,

Because Hungary had been strongly social democratic basically since WW2 (though much of that was behind the iron curtain), and they'd been hugely improving up to their entrance to the union, with only a little mistake of electing Orban once, before going back to a sane Premier.

And then 2010 arrived, and the entire country took a swing Hard Right and down shit street, but by that time they were already in.

atro_city ,

The EU countries in general just cannot get over the right wing tendancies and xenophobia of which they are a deep cause. By exploiting developing countries and shitting toxins into the environment we make their countries worth fleeing from, and where else to flee than prosperous countries. They are only following the wealth that was extracted from their countries.

Our reaction is to act surprised and say "no room here, we're struggling too", after having voted for parties that will take the wealth and move it upwards away from the common people. So instead of using our "superior" education to vote for parties that want to redistribute wealth, we vote populist - people who find scapegoats in the poor. "Immigrants are the problem!", "Leftists are the problem".

lud ,

Lol, sure

atro_city ,

Are you ignorant or just unwilling to accept that the cheap products you buy are made by children, minorities, and people living in abject poverty? Do you not know about the workers of fast fashion or are you just blissfully unaware? Have you never heard of the cobalt mines in Congo? Or are you conveniently ignoring it to buy yet another smartphone that will end up in a landfill in Asia because we ship our trash there?

Or do you just not give a fuck because you have to "take of me first"? Fuck the brown people right? Fuck the poors of other nations. They were born to make products for us, right? They have no right to try and flee the conditions we helped create and continue to create. They should just accept their fate and die as teenagers in mine while citizens of their age in exploiting countries can enjoy tiktok.

Wimopy ,

I'll just add that Fidesz (the right wing governing party) started out centrist in 1990. In 2010 they'd moved towards the right, but in a lot people's minds they were one of the big, reasonable parties since the end of Soviet control. And also just in general "the opposition".

The social democratic governing party also was inept and admitted as such (see Őszöd sleech).

So what happened was the left side of the spectrum lost all support, and what in many people's minds was the centrist or centre-right opposition picked it all up. Just over half the votes gave them a supermajority and from that point they gradually attained complete control over all institutions as a result.

federalreverse Mod ,

had been strongly social democratic since WW2

Except they weren't democratic at all:

Please update the comment.

0x815 OP ,

We in Europe have a similar problem in Slovakia at the moment with PM Fico with a similar autocratic (and pro-Russian) approach. Europe will have to adapt to the rise of the extremists from the right (and soon from the left too?) and other global development.

Wahots , avatar

You are in good company. We are trying to fight off the yoke that autocrats are planning for our own country. Bastards just don't know when to quit.

runwaylights , in European football federation UEFA's due diligence questioned as 'EURO 2024' sponsors Alibaba, BYD, Vivo linked to forced labour and other controversies


metaStatic , in Czechia lifts ban on blood donation by gay men

on one hand it is a higher risk

on the other hand we've had the ability to screen those risks out since forever and using it as an excuse was always about discrimination.

Meanwhile I was in the UK in the 80s so I'm off the list forever anyway

anzo Mod ,

The risk is having a high frequency of partners and anal sex (passive or active) without condoms. That can very well be the case of an heterosexual male. A lucky one, by the way.

Wahots , avatar

Not higher risk in this case! This should actually lower risk by raising the bar for everyone:

The new regulation excludes individuals who have had protected or unprotected anal intercourse with a new sexual partner in the past four months, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

This hedges against sexual tourism, with further restrictions on donors who have recently gotten tattoos or tick bites, which can be potential vectors for disease.

This is good, as blood-borne pathogens are on the rise in different populations these days, and this will keep recipients safer.

voodoocode , in Volkswagen may close Brussels factory as low EV demand hits Audi

How about they design more affordable EVs

MrMakabar , avatar

EVs are not the problem. The problem is that Belgian workers are more expensive then Chinese workers. Especially the workers forced to work for Volkswagen in Chinese concentration camps.

Badeendje , avatar

Have you seen those horrible things. The people that thought that was an option are insane.

jprice , in Macron accuses Israeli minister of interfering in French election in call with Netanyahu

Israel is a terrorist state as long as Netanyahu and those fucking weirdos are in charge.

ByteJunk , avatar

True but how does that even relate to a Terrorist State's right to influence another state's election to push a sympathetic nutjob into power?

What's next? Speaking against Russia's leading role in America's ongoing "culture war"? Or against using spies to bribe politicians or judges into undermining democratic institutions?

Pff crazy guy.


Eyck_of_denesle ,

Has always been a terrorist state and netanyahus opposition is no worse

Mrkawfee ,

It's been a terrorist state from before it was founded.

dactylotheca , in Keir Starmer gives go-ahead for British 'Storm Shadow' missiles to be used in strikes against targets inside Russia avatar

Good that more and more countries are making this decision, there's no point in limiting where Ukraine can use the weapons they have

Badeendje , in Keir Starmer gives go-ahead for British 'Storm Shadow' missiles to be used in strikes against targets inside Russia avatar

550km range, let's go.

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