
JohnDClay , an Memes in We had an r/place at my engineering school

Genocide is definitely politics, but should definitely be talked about.

Mubelotix OP ,
@Mubelotix@jlai.lu avatar

Well it depends on the definition. What I mean is that it's not about opinions, it's about facts

apfelwoiSchoppen ,
@apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world avatar

Everything is political. And yes, genocide should be talked about, especially ongoing genocides.

santa ,

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  • Mubelotix OP ,
    @Mubelotix@jlai.lu avatar

    This statement is political

    santa ,

    How is a fact political?

    Mubelotix OP ,
    @Mubelotix@jlai.lu avatar

    This was for the joke, I'm sorry you got downvoted

    apfelwoiSchoppen ,
    @apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, it all is.

    MossyFeathers , (Bearbeitet )

    Everything is political.


    That's only true in an academic sense. When a layman uses the term "political", they refer to discussion pertaining to things like how a formal government is run, comparisons between types of governance, government policy, etc.

    While deciding what cookie to eat or what color your cat's litterbox is might technically be political in an academic sense, you're just going to annoy people if you try to tell them that those are political decisions. I have found that trying to force academic definitions into common use is confusing at best, annoying on average, and infuriating at worst.

    An example of where a word's academic definition has no place in common speech can be found in "information". The informal definition of "information" typically is seen as referring to knowledge and the transfer of said knowledge. This definition allows you to gain information from a lack of something.

    However, it is my understanding that the scientific definition of "information" does not allow for the aforementioned action, as "information" refers to the properties of physical matter. The result is that you cannot gain "information" from a lack of something. You might be able to come to conclusions based on a lack of "information", but you cannot actually gain "information" from a lack of something because "information" is inherently linked to matter.

    Now. All of that said, this meme is related to something said at an engineering school, so on the one hand, it isn't entirely out-of-place to expect the academic definition to be used because it is an academic setting. Yet, on the other hand, it is an engineering school, not a political science school. As such, while OP should be aware that the academic definition of "politics" may come into play, it's also reasonable to expect that their professors and peers would mainly be using the common definition of the term.

    However again, in my experience, trying to force academic definitions into casual discussion is confusing at best, annoying on average, and infuriating at worst. Please stop trying to do it. Thanks.

    (Also, imo, genocide is like Schrodinger's Cat; it is both political and not political at the same time. Personally, I think it mainly depends on the depth of the discussion; but its "political" nature varies from person-to-person. Imo, saying that genocide is happening shouldn't be considered "political", but talking about why it is occuring is political.)

    Edit: whoops, somehow my comment doubled, within the comment. The fuck happened there?

    Edit 2: I swear I need to find a new phone keyboard, and I need to read over my comments before submitting. I'm finding a lot of stupid auto-correct errors, and it seems like they're becoming more common.

    Edit 3: the reason I got hung-up on it, and I should have mentioned this, is because I often see "everything is political" used to justify bringing heavier topics into places where it's inappropriate (like chatrooms where people are trying to just hang out and have light hearted discussions).

    Sotuanduso ,
    @Sotuanduso@lemm.ee avatar

    Technically, yes, everything is political if you make it political. But you have to make it political first. Petting your cat isn't inherently political unless you bring up the government policies and economical structures that allow you to own the cat in the first place, or compare your attitude towards the cat to a political stance, or something else of that ilk.

    In the same way, everything is scientific if you study it scientifically, and everything is theological if you consider it from a theological perspective. It's technically true, but that doesn't make it useful. It says more about the way you think than the nature of reality, especially as politics are a social construct.

    Bartsbigbugbag ,

    Restrictions on “politics” always and forever mean restrictions on heterodox political positions, while allowing orthodox views.

    Facebones ,

    1000% this. I live in the bible belt and am a big burly bearded bastard so people "quiet part out loud" at me with supersonic speed (1). I'd almost make a mortgage payment if I had a buck for every time someone said some ridiculous shit then I got in trouble for "getting political" aka politely and calmly engaging with the statement just made directly to me.

    I didn't make it political. The person saying trans folk should "wear the right clothing" made it political. I believe the word you're looking for is "uncomfortable," and if you don't want it to get uncomfortable maybe tell HIM not to get political. If he says it, I have a right to respond - and silencing my speech but not his is an explicit endorsement of his speech.

    (1) It has literally happened in like 5 sentences or less between even me and a stranger multiple times. "Hey what's up" "nothing much started a new job" "cool, I haven't worked in a bit but I worked at target for a bit" "why? Target funds ANTIFA TERRORISTS"

    Sotuanduso ,
    @Sotuanduso@lemm.ee avatar

    That's true to an extent. It's more about avoiding arguments, though, and less about whether the view is orthodox.

    For example, some views are so out there and unaligned that people will just think it's a joke and not fault you unless you start seriously arguing for it, like if you say murder should be legal.

    On the other hand, some orthodox views would still get restricted because they're contentious. Like if you start talking about how you believe in equal rights, that's something most people agree with (at least in principle,) and it shouldn't be political. But it's going to ruffle some feathers anyways (especially if you get any more specific than that,) so it'd be restricted.

    So basically, it either has to be so out there that people won't think you're serious, or so commonplace that people won't even consider that it could result in arguments.

    Trudge ,
    @Trudge@lemmygrad.ml avatar

    would still get restricted because they’re contentious. Like if you start talking about how you believe in equal rights, that’s something most people agree with (at least in principle,) and it shouldn’t be political. But it’s going to ruffle some feathers anyways (especially if you get any more specific than that,) so it’d be restricted.

    If this is the best example you can come up with, it is fairly unconvincing that any mainstream political will be restricted.

    Sotuanduso ,
    @Sotuanduso@lemm.ee avatar

    I don't have a strong sense of what's mainstream because I usually only engage with politics in a left-leaning online space that was popularized by a protest against a corporation. Can you think of anything mainstream that's likely to get a pass? I'm 80% sure if you can, it's going to be because someone will see it and not even consider that it could cause an argument because it's such a given... I'll drop that down to 50% if you're trying to pick an example to prove me wrong.

    JPAKx4 , an Memes in Get rich quick

    Now where is the shovel head maker, TSMC?

    kautau ,

    And then China popping their head out claiming Taiwan is part of China because they want to seize TSMC

    yogthos ,
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar
    sparkle , (Bearbeitet )
    @sparkle@lemm.ee avatar

    The US state department doesn't decide which countries own or control which territory, now does it? How exactly can you say territory you don't control (neither legally nor militarily) and likely will never control is part of your own country? Furthermore, why would the US risk ruining trade relations with China over unnecessarily pointing out reality, when it doesn't benefit the US to recognize Taiwanese independence?

    yogthos ,
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    This is also the position of the UN, and vast majority of countries in the world. Taiwan is part of China, get over it.

    sparkle , (Bearbeitet )
    @sparkle@lemm.ee avatar

    I'll say it again: Why would countries risk ruining trade relations with China, one of the three most important trade powers internationally, over unnecessarily pointing out reality and thus contradicting China? And how can you seriously say territory a country doesn't control in any capacity at all theirs? Why do you think a majority of world powers are independently trading with Taiwan if Taiwan isn't independent from China?

    Don't you think China would, you know, not be constantly complaining about not having control over Taiwan for the past few decades and making bluffs about invading if Taiwan were already part of China? That's a pretty obvious sign that "no, China doesn't own Taiwan in any capacity".

    yogthos , (Bearbeitet )
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    What you're doing here is called sophistry. Taiwan being part of China is a fact that's recognized by international law. It's really that simple. The reality is that China could remove US sponsored regime in the rogue province any time they want. However, they realize that it's much better to remove burgerland influence in a peaceful way, and that's what will happen. It's incredible how people have trouble grasping such basic things.

    edit: I aboslutely love how utterly enraged lemmy radlibs get when faced with reality

    sparkle , (Bearbeitet )
    @sparkle@lemm.ee avatar

    What you're doing here is called sophistry. Taiwan being part of China is a fact that's recognized by international law.

    Tell me you have no idea how the UN works without explicitly saying so. A majority of countries not recognizing Taiwan doesn't mean it's "international law" that Taiwan isn't independent.

    It's really that simple. The reality is that China could remove US sponsored regime in the rogue province any time they want.

    LMAO this is such a cope. Yeah I'm sure the extremely aggressive all-bark-no-bite and constant "you better not do <x diplomacy with Taiwan or military action in Taiwanese strait/South China Sea> again or we'll do something about it, I swear!" empire is suuuper capable of taking Taiwan. They know if they tried full-out war against the US or its allies (Taiwan), the US navy would cut off their international trade and turn their country upside down – it's why they're trying so hard (and failing) to seize full control of the South China Sea.

    However, they realize that it's much better to remove burgerland influence in a peaceful way, and that's what will happen.

    Again, absolute cope. They've been at it for over 75 years and haven't made any progress, considering Taiwanese have developed significantly more national identity and even more people in Taiwan support the country participating in international relations under the name "Taiwan" (80%) and consider themselves primarily Taiwanese (90%), and only 6% consider themselves more Chinese than Taiwanese (more people considered themselves primarily Chinese many decades ago but that has long since dwindled).

    It's incredible how people have trouble grasping such basic things.

    It's incredible how you have trouble grasping the situation and think China is going to "peacefully" absorb Taiwan when Taiwan is farther from China than ever in terms of national identity and international participation.

    Several polls have indicated an increase in support of Taiwanese independence in the three decades after 1990. In a Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation poll conducted in June 2020, 54% of respondents supported de jure independence for Taiwan, 23.4% preferred maintaining the status quo, 12.5% favored unification with China, and 10% did not hold any particular view on the matter. This represented the highest level of support for Taiwanese independence since the survey was first conducted in 1991. A later TPOF poll in 2022 showed similar results.

    yogthos ,
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    Tell me you have no idea how the UN works without explicitly saying so. A majority of countries not recognizing Taiwan doesn’t mean it’s “international law” that Taiwan isn’t independent.

    I think you just told us that about yourself.

    LMAO this is such a cope.

    Proceeds to write a bunch of cope. 😂

    . They know if they tried full-out war against the US or its allies (Taiwan), the US navy would cut off their international trade and turn their country upside down – it’s why they’re trying so hard (and failing) to seize full control of the South China Sea.

    You losers can't even prop up Ukraine against Russia, and think you can take on China. The sheer delusion here. Burgerland economy would collapse overnight. Go check where all your shit comes from sometime. 😂

    Again, absolute cope.

    read and weep ignoramus https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4657439-china-doesnt-need-to-invade-to-achieve-taiwanese-unification/

    It’s incredible how you have trouble grasping the situation and think China is going to “peacefully” absorb Taiwan when Taiwan is farther from China than ever in terms of national identity and international participation.

    You're like the living embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

    Latest polling shows that vast majority of people want to maintain the status quo, and very few people want independence, but do go on child https://esc.nccu.edu.tw/PageDoc/Detail?fid=7801&id=6963

    sparkle , (Bearbeitet )
    @sparkle@lemm.ee avatar

    I'll keep this short since you already seem extremely unhinged and half the stuff you wrote is basically empty insults.

    You losers can't even prop up Ukraine against Russia, and think you can take on China.

    Remind me how long that "10-day special operation" is taking again? Seriously, how can the "2nd best military in the world" falter so hard against their tiny neighbour with 1/4 of the population just because they got weapon donations from other countries? It shouldn't be that hard to counter right, I mean Russian military technology is allegedly so advanced and totally not stuck in the 80s. I would understand if it were half-way across the globe or something, but they're LITERALLY ON THEIR DOORSTEP. It's also concerning that China has repeatedly failed Russia when it comes to Ukraine and has caved into international pressure quite a few times, maybe it's because China also realizes that the war is completely embarrassing Russia?

    The sheer delusion here. Burgerland economy would collapse overnight. Go check where all your shit comes from sometime. 😂

    The US navy has a larger airforce than the entire Chinese airforce, and the US has a larger and more advanced air fleet than the next 5 countries (Russia, China, India, SK, Japan) combined, and invests 3x as much as China into the military (and that's what, 13% of the US' budget?). The US navy also has over 2x the displacement of the Chinese navy. Spending is DEFINITELY not a problem considering that.

    read and weep ignoramus https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4657439-china-doesnt-need-to-invade-to-achieve-taiwanese-unification/

    Damn, an opinion piece news article. Guess that destroys the entire American military and truly shows that China numba one.

    Latest polling shows that vast majority of people want to maintain the status quo, and very few people want independence, but do go on child https://esc.nccu.edu.tw/PageDoc/Detail?fid=7801&id=6963

    I literally said that exact same thing in my original comment, it goes against your point lmao. The status quo is defacto independence and "Taiwan, not China". Notice how unification is by far the least popular response in what you linked, and has decreased in popularity significantly over decades. And of course, gaining independence eventually has increased in popularity over multiple decades. Is this part of China's grand plan, to make unification with them less popular over time?

    yogthos ,
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    Remind me how long that “10-day special operation” is taking again?

    Yes, let me remind you that it's now publicly known that Ukraine was about to make a peace deal within the first couple months. Then the west tanked that deal, and started pumping weapons into Ukraine.

    Seriously, how can the “2nd best military in the world” falter so hard against their tiny neighbour with 1/4 of the population just because they got weapon donations from other countries? It shouldn’t be that hard to counter right, I mean Russian military technology is allegedly so advanced and totally not stuck in the 80s. I would understand if it were half-way across the globe or something, but they’re LITERALLY ON THEIR DOORSTEP. It’s also concerning that China has repeatedly failed Russia when it comes to Ukraine and has caved into international pressure quite a few times, maybe it’s because China also realizes that the war is completely embarrassing Russia?

    Wow that's a fascinating assessment of the situation. Let's see how it compares with what people with an actual clue have to say https://rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/attritional-art-war-lessons-russian-war-ukraine

    The US navy has a larger airforce than the entire Chinese airforce

    Last I checked US lost every one of their war games, but keep going kiddo.

    Damn, an opinion piece news article. Guess that destroys the entire American military and truly shows that China numba one.

    Maybe you should read up what the American military has to say before making a clown of yourself


    I literally said that exact same thing in my original comment, it goes against your point lmao.

    LMFAO you claimed that people in Taiwan want independence, where actual polling shows that practically nobody wants it. 🤡

    Zombie , (Bearbeitet )

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  • yogthos ,
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    LMAO, China can just blockade the province and the economy there would crash overnight.

    The only real metric to determine whether Taiwan is part of China is to ask the people who live there. And guess what, this is what they say:

    Yeah, I agree, especially after all the NED sponsored propagandists are kicked out. Meanwhile, even despite US having a massive presence in Taiwanese media, the only reason DPP got in power was using first past the post mechanic.

    Latest polling shows that vast majority of people want to maintain the status quo:



    Zombie , (Bearbeitet )

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  • yogthos ,
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    Do you honestly think a military blockade is the way to get people on the side of your cause?

    I don't think that at all, and that's why China hasn't resorted to this option.

    “After all the people I disagree with are got rid of” Do you honestly think that makes you the good guy? Removing political opponents is the methodology of authoritarians.

    Entire books have been written explaining in great detail how media is used to manipulate public opinion, and here you are bleating about AuThoRiTarIanS. 🤡

    You claim international law on one hand as if it means something and then threaten with the big stick with the other.

    Not sure what the contradiction in your mind is of a country enforcing its laws within its borders. You'll have to enlighten us on this fascinating political theory of yours.

    Put simply, you’re an asshole.

    Put simply, you’re a cheap propagandist without a shred of intellectual honesty.

    Zombie , (Bearbeitet )

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  • yogthos ,
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    I’m not American nor have any loyalty to the Western hegemony. I’m an anarchist living in a country with its own independence movement attempting to get out from the boot of colonialism.

    Anarchists are just edgy liberals, thanks for confirming that once again in this thread.

    When you’re finished your work for the day propagandising, I hope you go home and think on your morality. Think on who you are as a person. Is defending Chinese bullying, violence, and threat really the best thing you can be doing with your life?

    Hope you'll take your own advice, but we both know you won't. Clearly defending US colonialism is how you choose to spend your life. Peak anarchism right there.

    umbrella ,
    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    the us has literally asserted taiwan is part of china for decades now.

    under the kissinger term, no less.

    ssj2marx ,

    China's puts about as much effort into developing their own shovel head manufacturing capability as we do fearmongering about a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, which is why they're rapidly closing the shovel head manufacturing gap.

    kautau ,

    Those things aren’t mutually exclusive. Yes, they are dumping massive resources into SMIC. Yes, they also want to maintain imperialism over Taiwan, and TSMC is a part of that. Some of it is fear-mongering sure, but China is consistently confrontational in the South China Sea and beyond. There’s a reason they enforce an abrasive naval presence there and continue to press against the Philippines.


    davel ,
    @davel@lemmy.ml avatar

    they also want to maintain imperialism over Taiwan

    Not to deny the realities of the tensions there, but liberals are relatively loose with term imperialism. There is a difference between an imperialist state like the US and an anti-imperialist — and until recently imperialized — state like China.

    China is consistently confrontational in the South China Sea and beyond

    Yeah why so confrontational, China?

    Foreign Policy, 2013: Surrounded: How the U.S. Is Encircling China with Military Bases. And that article is a decade old; it’s only gotten worse.


    The US has over 750 overseas military bases around the world, and is building more to further encircle China. Meanwhile China has one anti-piracy base in Djibouti.


    linkhidalgogato ,

    has been part of china for 2000 years, anglo imperialism wont change that

    ExperiencedWinter ,

    Pretty sure China has actually been a part of Taiwan for 2000 years

    yogthos ,
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

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  • Nythos ,


    It just writes itself lmao

    yogthos ,
    @yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

    the angry wasp nest has spoken

    frostysauce ,

    Tankees. Tankees everywhere.

    VeganCheesecake , (Bearbeitet )
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    You have an island governed by a democratically elected government, with a population that from what I remember mostly doesn't want to be assimilated into the PRC. The PRC taking it by force would, in my eyes, be rather imperialistic.

    linkhidalgogato ,

    democratically elected? arguable and only for the last few decades at that. it was run as a brutal single party dictatorship backed by amerikkka until fairly recently. And last time i checked the vast majority of people in Taiwan want to maintain the status quo which is that Taiwan is part of China.

    VeganCheesecake ,
    @VeganCheesecake@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Yeah, fuck the KMT. But as you have recognised, they aren't a dictatorship anymore.

    And the status quo is that they are de facto a small independent island nation, that is de jure claiming mainland China.

    frezik ,

    Eh, they'll have plenty of demand for their nodes regardless. Non-AI CPUs and GPUs are still going to want them.

    itslilith , an Memes in Linkedin
    @itslilith@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    AI = 0 □

    InputZero ,

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  • Technus ,

    (MC^2 + C√P)^2 wouldn't give you that result though, because you have to FOIL.

    Instead you'd get M^(2) C^4 + 2MC^(3)√P + PC^2

    And that's not even the correct formula. It's

    E^2 = (mc^(2))^2 + (pc)^2

    You can't just naively apply a square root unless one of the terms is vanishing (momentum for a stationary mass, giving E = mc^2, or rest mass for a massless particle, giving E = pc = hf).

    The way to remember this is that it's equivalent to the Pythagorean theorem, A^2 + B^2 = C^(2).

    So it in fact only makes sense if AI = 0.

    itslilith ,
    @itslilith@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    In my experience, when E=mc² is written, physicists generally mean relativistic mass, making the formula extract, whereas m_0 is used for rest mass, as seen in the expansion E = m_0c² + m_0v²/2 + O(v⁴)

    Technus ,

    Where does that expansion come from? As far as I can tell, m0v^(2)/2 only gives you the kinetic energy of the object where v << c, in which case the difference between relativistic mass and rest mass is negligible?

    And where does the O(v^4) term come from?

    Redjard ,
    @Redjard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    This really seemed like a good simplification until you threw in that d'Alembert operator at the end

    basilisa , (Bearbeitet ) an Memes in Why haven't you taken the bear pill?
    @basilisa@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

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  • Gonzako ,

    Yeah, the bear pick is the sneaky way women try to rob the average man of status by implying that we are mindless beasts willing to do the worst at the first chance we get.

    Agrivar ,

    Incel said what?

    Gonzako ,

    https://youtu.be/SSVXbgR4JFs here's my point better explained. You can reply the moment you feel like actually discussing and not dismissing me based on my gender.

    TachyonTele ,

    Your gender is incel?

    derGottesknecht ,

    Can I dissmis you based on linking this channel with hardcore incel vibes?

    AsherahTheEnd , (Bearbeitet )

    gets called an incel

    posts incel shit in response

    TachyonTele , (Bearbeitet )

    demands he isn't dismissed based on gender

    Edit. I think people misunderstood. I was pointing out the irony of the incels comments.

    Gonzako ,

    Man, I'm so glad I found people like contra points early in my life because you certainly aren't helping. If you are a lonely man out there, it's fine to feel alone and isolated. This worlds harsh and changing for the worst. Remember to keep your empathy, even for those that won't give it to you back.

    Zink ,


    mrcleanup ,

    The fact that you think the point of this is your status and not someone else's safety says so much.

    Gonzako ,

    Because it is about insulting men. No one's actually getting trapped with bears because they're answering either way. It's there to prove a view, would you rather be stuck with a bear or a black person? A gay person? A trans person? A jew? A Muslim?

    It's there to rile up people about their prejudices and I'm just sad we're all getting piled on like this.

    mrcleanup ,

    Look, I'm a man, I'm not feeling insulted by this at all. If you are, maybe it's time to ask why.

    I have no problem being a man while also acknowledging that sexual assault by men is a problem that is big enough that it has created a "caution culture" where people teach their daughters to be vigilant and women will cross the street if someone is walking behind them to stay safe. It isn't like this is overblown, studies vary but all agree it's somewhere more than one in ten women are victims of sexual violence in their lifetime. That's a non-dismissible statistic.

    Sure sexual assault by women is a thing too, but men tend to handle it differently than women do. All we are doing here is acknowledging that in our culture "male stranger danger" is a thing that exists and is pervasive and strong enough that many women would be willing to risk the bear because at least it won't rape them.

    Why would you be taking that personally?

    KillingTimeItself ,

    personally i'm not insulted, i get it, i understand the problems, but i also don't understand this at all.

    It's like it's hyper polarized almost. The second someone says something or asks a question the response is almost verbatim "yeah but bear wont rape me" (incredibly shitty verbatim quoting but this isn't a fucking PHD paper so dont @ me lol)

    Like i get that there's a problem we should be talking about. Why aren't we? We're just reiterating the same statement over and over again, expecting for something to change suddenly.

    It's almost an over abundance of caution, similar to "stranger danger" when in reality, the person most likely to abuse your children, is you or someone you know. Not just a random stranger. Which in it of itself can breed an anti-safety culture, where people aren't concerned about people they know "because they would never do this" only to find out that, yes, in fact, they would do that.

    Grumpy ,

    I think hyper polarization is one of the greatest societal issues we face currently. Whether it be war of genders, politics, etc. We are losing the calm middle ground that should be the majority without outside influence.

    It's so incredibly easy to polarize. We see it in this thread too. The top of this comment thread is a polarization too. Essentially dividing men into 2 distinct set of groups. You're either good or a villain. This dichotomy is ridiculous and every social community eats it up like crazy, this Lemmy included. These create effects of over abundance, as you mention of caution, fear and hate.

    If anyone actually thinks that they'd be better off with an encounter with a wild bear than a man, they're just stupid and insane. Just walking down the street, I encounter 1000s of men. If there were 1000s of bears, I'm sure no one would go there. But we're not appealing to logic. We're appealing to feelings that's been derived from these polarizations and sadly I see no way for this to end.

    KillingTimeItself ,

    It’s so incredibly easy to polarize. We see it in this thread too. The top of this comment thread is a polarization too. Essentially dividing men into 2 distinct set of groups. You’re either good or a villain. This dichotomy is ridiculous and every social community eats it up like crazy, this Lemmy included. These create effects of over abundance, as you mention of caution, fear and hate.

    yeah, i just don't understand how people engage in this and don't feel even the littlest bit of fascist tinge to it, because this is how fascist power structures come into play. This is literally how they work. You have an in group, and an out group, anybody in the in group is loyal to you, and anybody in the outgroup is fucking dead.

    Gonzako ,

    Well, because it's prejudice being directed and reinforced towards us! I am the average man, and so are you! I am down for all the movements ya'll need but it needs to be pointed towards specifics. I won't allow to be put in the same cage I supportedsome people to get out of.

    endhits ,

    Or maybe people don't like being roped in with terrible people based on a part of them that they have no control over? Just a thought.

    explodicle ,

    In this scenario the woman has limited information. She has no choice but to assume average chances of a man or a bear killing her, regardless of the individual.

    When you're facing down a threat in the woods, how much they enjoy being stereotyped isn't your problem.

    endhits ,

    If you believe you're less likely to be in danger with a bear than a man, you're just sexist.

    explodicle ,

    That begs quite a few questions.

    berkeleyblue ,
    @berkeleyblue@lemmy.world avatar

    Which would be?

    It’s nonsense. Out of 100 bear encounters about 1 turns violent. Now, how many men does the average women come in contact to daily and how many of them turn violent? I’m pretty sure the numbers are much, much lower than that for a bear encounter.

    My Wife walked passed approximately 1’000 just today. No one even talked to her in a weird way. This whole argument is just fear mongering with sociallly acceptable sexism. This doesn’t solve any problems.

    Also, statistically, strangers are the last people tk worry about. The overwhelming majority of abuse victims know their abuser or are even related. You should be more afraid to see uncle Frank and aunt Jenny in the woods than any random man.

    explodicle ,

    This is a gish gallop so I'm just going to highlight that the scenario in question is alone in the woods, not walking past men on a busy street.

    Please consider that you might be getting defensive, and will misinterpret both the initial premise and any explanations as a result.

    berkeleyblue ,
    @berkeleyblue@lemmy.world avatar

    Not at all. You said being alone in a forest with a man is more dangerous than a bear, and I said that’s statistically nonsense.

    Just because I wrote more than 2 sentences, doesn’t make that a gish gallop.

    There are 2 premises:

    1. Bears are dangerous (I agree)
    2. A random man in a forest is more dangerous to a woman than that bear (I strongly disagree)

    I showed my numbers for that 1 argument and that’s it. I’m happy to be proven wrong, if you have anything more than “it just is”.

    I’m not defensive I find this comparison to be simply ridiculous.

    explodicle ,

    Now, how many men does the average women come in contact to daily and how many of them turn violent? I’m pretty sure the numbers are much, much lower than that for a bear encounter.

    My Wife walked passed approximately 1’000 just today.

    The only person you're fooling is yourself

    berkeleyblue ,
    @berkeleyblue@lemmy.world avatar

    I still don’t see what you’re getting at, neither do I see any gish gallops here.

    1 is the claim, the other an example on the same subject.

    KillingTimeItself ,

    i'm just trying to figure out why this is becoming a colloquialism, i mean we've had would you rather for a while. But this is a very different format from it, and it's rather, obtuse. Is the most polite way i can think to explain it.

    I hate that i enjoy sociology sometimes, this is one of those times. People suck.

    SharkEatingBreakfast , an Memes in Why haven't you taken the bear pill?
    @SharkEatingBreakfast@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Context: Some woman on the internet said she would feel safer spending a night in the woods with a random bear rather than with a random man

    Some woman

    Not "some woman" — quite a few women. Lots of women.

    SuperSaiyanSwag ,

    I’m a man and even I would pick a bear

    lud ,

    Really? What people do you usually hang around with?

    Bears are incredibly strong and dangerous and will kill you just for fun.

    I would honestly prefer a random man to a fucking moose.

    SuperSaiyanSwag ,

    Man is more unpredictable than bear. I know A bear can kill me, but I have no idea what a random man has in mind for me.

    lud ,

    Sure. I guess it depends on what odds you are comfortable with. I prefer the very small odds of something worse than death or anything happing at all with Man than the high odds of death with a bear.

    SuperSaiyanSwag ,

    Where are you getting these odds from? For how many people live in bear regions, go camping/hunting/biking etc there, there have not been that many bear attacks. Source

    lud ,

    From this scenario I'm obviously assuming you have to be close to the bear for the entire day.

    It's not like the bear/man is at the other side of the forest.

    And as to where I got my odds from? Well out of my ass. There are no statistics on this extremely specific scenario.

    Kusimulkku ,

    This has a strong "at least they're honest about wanting to kill me!" energy lol.

    Or maybe the whole thing is a joke. I honestly can't tell

    Darkenfolk ,

    The random man probably hasn't anything in mind for you, just minding his own business.

    berkeleyblue ,
    @berkeleyblue@lemmy.world avatar

    Bear: Couldn’t tell you what he’s up to even if it wanted to

    Men: Can actually listen and talk their intentions.

    Why is a man less predictable in this case? You all just claim things without the slightest bit of argument behind it… so please tell my why that would be the case.


    acockworkorange ,

    The scale is shark > bear > man > moose. Don’t fuck with moose.

    OurToothbrush ,

    Large prey animals in general. I see a hippo im running

    Taleya ,

    Won't help, those fuckers go 30 mph. Usain bolt only managed 23 dot something for comparison

    OurToothbrush ,

    I mean... on sight doesn't mean they're already chasing, the point is to avoid that

    Taleya ,

    Don't make eye contact, don't attract attention, get the almighty fuck out.

    idunnololz ,
    @idunnololz@lemmy.world avatar

    I too prefer chubby hairy men.

    problematicPanther ,
    @problematicPanther@lemmy.world avatar

    finally, someone who gets me.

    Default_Defect ,
    @Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar


    Ragnarok314159 ,

    Because a nice bear is going to ask for consent, and might snuggle you and…wait. What kind of bear are we talking about?

    beardown ,

    Some woman on the internet said she would feel safer spending a night in the woods with a random bear rather than with a random black man

    Changes their answers considerably

    Arcturus ,

    Why do you feel the need to make this racist

    Mammothmothman ,

    Don't feed the troll.

    El_guapazo ,


    apotheotic ,
    @apotheotic@beehaw.org avatar

    "If you change the context, the context changes"

    ondoyant ,
    @ondoyant@beehaw.org avatar


    did... did you make this account just to insert racist bullshit into the bear meme?

    GiveMemes ,

    Even more surprising is that it's a reference to a show that makes fun of racism and racist people all the time. 'Bear down for finals'

    umbrella , an Memes in Get rich quick
    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    meanwhile i just want cheap gpus for my bideogames again

    frezik ,

    You can buy them new for somewhat reasonable prices. What people should really look at is used 1080ti's on ebay. They're going for less than $150 and still play plenty of games perfectly fine. It's the budget gaming deal of the century.

    linkhidalgogato ,

    it probably the best performance per dollar u can get but a lot of modern games are unplayable on it.

    frezik ,

    Lot of those games are also hot garbage. Baldur's Gate 3 may be the only standout title of late where you don't have to qualify what you like about it.

    I think the recent layoffs in the industry also portend things hitting a wall; games aren't going to push limits as much as they used to. Combine that with the Steam Deck-likes becoming popular. Those could easily become the new baseline standard performance that games will target. If so, a 1080ti could be a very good card for a long time to come.

    micka190 , (Bearbeitet )

    Edit: Here's another comment I made with links and more information on why this is going to be more common going forward. There's a very real and technical reason for using these new rendering strategies and it's why we'll start seeing more and more games require at least an RTX series card.

    You're misunderstanding the issue. As much as "RTX OFF, RTX ON" is a meme, the RTX series of cards genuinely introduced improvements to rendering techniques that were previously impossible to pull-off with acceptable performance, and more and more games are making use of them.

    Alan Wake 2 is a great example of this. The game runs like ass on 1080tis on low because the 1080ti is physically incapable of performing the kind of rendering instructions they're using without a massive performance hit. Meanwhile, the RTX 2000 series cards are perfectly capable of doing it. Digital Foundry's Alan Wake 2 review goes a bit more in depth about it, it's worth a watch.

    If you aren't going to play anything that came out after 2023, you're probably going to be fine with a 1080ti, because it was a great card, but we're definitely hitting the point where technology is moving to different rendering standards that it doesn't handle as well.

    uis ,
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    Can you reference those instructions more specifically

    levzzz ,
    micka190 ,

    "Instructions" is probably the wrong word here (I was mostly trying to dumb it down for people who aren't familiar with graphics rendering terminology).

    Here's a link to the Digital Foundry video I was talking about (didn't realized they made like 5 videos for Alan Wake 2, took a bit to find it).

    The big thing, in Alan Wake 2's case, is that it uses Mesh Shaders. The video I linked above goes into it at around the 3:38 mark.

    AMD has a pretty detailed article on how they work here.

    This /r/GameDev post here has some devs explaining why it's useful in a more accessible manner.

    The idea is that it allows offloading more work to the GPU in ways that are much better performance-wise. It just requires that the hardware actually support it, which is why you basically need an RTX card for Alan Wake 2 (or whichever AMD GPU supports Mesh Shaders, I'm not as familiar with their cards).

    uis , (Bearbeitet )
    @uis@lemm.ee avatar

    Ah, mesh shaders. Cool stuff. AMD retroactively added them to their old GPUs in drivers. I think same goes for Intel's post-Ivybridge GPUs(I think send opcode can throw primitives into 3d pipeline, if you are interested, you can go read docs). I guess Nvidia can do something similar.

    And even if they don't have such straightforward way of implementing them, they probably(my guess, can be wrong) can be emulated in geometry shaders.

    What I don't like is apparent removal of vertex fetcher, but maybe there will be extension that will return it.

    micka190 ,

    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Nvidia has patched them into the GTX series, they're just really slow compared to RTX cards.

    frezik ,

    So here's two links about Alan Wake 2.

    First, on a 1080ti: https://youtu.be/IShSQQxjoNk?si=E2NRiIxz54VAHStn

    And then on a Rog Aly (which I picked because it's a little more powerful than the current Steam Deck, and runs native Windows): https://youtu.be/hMV4b605c2o?si=1ijy_RDUMKwXKQQH

    The Rog seems to be doing a little better, but not by much. They're both hitting sub 30fps at 720p.

    My point is that if that kind of handheld hardware becomes typical, combined with the economic problems of continuing to make highly detailed games, then Alan Wake 2 is going to be an abberation. The industry could easily pull back on that, and I welcome it. The push for higher and higher detail has not resulted in good games.

    SailorMoss , (Bearbeitet )

    I own a 1080ti and there was recently a massive update to Allan Wake 2 that made it more playable on pascal GPUs. Digital foundry did a video on it: http://youtu.be/t-3PkRbeO8A

    I don’t know of any current game that can’t run at least 1080p30fps on 1080ti. But of course my knowledge is not exhaustive.

    I wouldn’t expect every “next-gen” game to get the same treatment as Alan Wake 2 going forward. But we’re 4 years into the generation and there has probably been less than 10 games that were built to take full advantage of modern console hardware. My 1080ti has got a few more good years in it.

    Crashumbc ,

    I suspect that's the exception and will be for most games.

    umbrella , (Bearbeitet )
    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    not in my country lol. getting used cards were already the norm before, for a while you could literally only get used ones for a good price on aliexpress.

    and now our gvmnt imposed 100% tax on anything from china, so its really just not affordable.

    Baguette ,

    You can still look for used ones locally either through hardwareswap or fb marketplace (unfortunately thats the best secondhand marketplace atm). Other options include liquidation companies, sometimes universities also have a big market (from both staff and students)

    Its been pretty rough still though, good luck on your search

    umbrella ,
    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    no such thing as hardwareswap in my country. our marketplaces are overpriced because we want to resell our shit with prices proportional to what we overpaid for it.

    importing used shit is cheaper because the value of, say, an rx580 is much lower outside the country.

    Baguette ,

    Yea lots of the secondhand tech market exists purely in the US. The market outside of there and a couple other countries (uk, ca, de) dont really exist afaik

    Venator ,

    Could import from Taiwan instead?

    umbrella ,
    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    not really a good way. we can mostly only afford used and theres no outlet to buy used from taiwan that ships internationally in a trustworthy way.

    brand new will probably be taxed too anyway.

    Venator ,
    kameecoding ,

    Meanwhile I dont think I have played more than 30minutes on my ps5 this year and its june, and I have definitely not played any minutes on the 1080 sitting in my PC...

    Oh fuck scratch that I may have played about 2 hours of Dune Spice Wars

    Geobloke ,

    How are you finding dune? I watched a few let's plays of the demo and it looked interesting...

    kameecoding ,

    Honestly, I don't have an opinion on it, it didnt capture me like old world did last year, so probably not as good or I am just preferring more slow, thought out turn based stuff.

    But mostly I am just kinda over gaming as a whole, I realized it's mostly cheap dopamine chasing for me and I don't really enjoy it.

    11111one11111 ,

    Crack cocain is 10000x's more rewarding and less of a come down when you realize you only spent 1/10th of the price of a console or gaming pc.

    fin ,

    How about GeForce NOW?

    umbrella ,
    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    nah, its gonna become the next enshitified netflix. i stream games from my own pc.

    good thing about small screens is that you don't need the best resolution so it does better on older computers.

    not to mention the monthly cost instead of being a once every handful of years thing.

    not judging though streaming can be fine.

    Meowie_Gamer , an Memes in Get rich quick
    @Meowie_Gamer@lemmy.world avatar

    Nvidias being pretty smart here ngl

    This is the ai gold rush and they sell the tools.

    Meltrax ,

    Yes that's the meme.

    Venator , an Memes in Get rich quick

    Edited the price to something more nvidiaish:

    8osm3rka ,

    Gotta add a few more 9s to that. This is enterprise cards we're talking about

    xenoclast ,

    Literally about to do same.

    Jensen also is obsessed with how much stuff weighs. So maybe he'd sell shovels by the ton.

    kopasz7 ,

    Nobody expects the "4 elephants" GPU.


    captain_aggravated , an Memes in We had an r/place at my engineering school
    @captain_aggravated@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Both of those statements are categorically false.

    mumblerfish ,

    In Sweden they seem to be trying to make the first one true. A university made it forbidden to have 'any conversation that may be interpreted as political to a passer-by' anywhere on campus. It was celebrated by the minister for higher education (liberal party member) as a brilliant step against "wokeness". It was retracted, because it is not possible to enforce. But the government is doing an investigation against universities to root out "wokeness".

    mindbleach ,

    But the government is doing an investigation against universities to root out “wokeness”.

    Which is a course of action rooted in politics.

    Specifically, fascism.

    basilisa , an Memes in Why haven't you taken the bear pill?
    @basilisa@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    [Thema, Post oder Kommentar wurde durch den Author gelöscht]

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  • starman2112 , (Bearbeitet )
    @starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

    A bear won't try to convince you that you weren't really assaulted and accuse you of just wanting attention

    Denvil , an Memes in When your profile matches the job

    Oh boy here I go killing again

    bolexforsoup , (Bearbeitet )


    MajorMajormajormajor ,

    How do you feel about sand?

    bolexforsoup ,

    angry slaughter sounds

    MajorMajormajormajor ,
    zakobjoa , an Memes in Get rich quick
    @zakobjoa@lemmy.world avatar

    They will eat massive shit when that AI bubble bursts.

    umbrella ,
    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    one can only hope

    r00ty ,
    @r00ty@kbin.life avatar

    I mean if LLM/Diffusion type AI is a dead-end and the extra investment happening now doesn't lead anywhere beyond that. Yes, likely the bubble will burst.

    But, this kind of investment could create something else. We'll see. I'm 50/50 on the potential of it myself. I think it's more likely a lot of loud talking con artists will soak up all the investment and deliver nothing.

    frezik ,

    It's looking like a dead end. The content that can be fed into the big LLMs has already been done. New stuff is a combination of actual humans and stuff generated by LLMs. It then runs into an ouroboros problem where it just eats its own input.

    r00ty ,
    @r00ty@kbin.life avatar

    Yeah, I was thinking more if there's either an evolutionary improvement or revolutionary (or some movement toward AGI). For me it's better if not, so I get to keep my job for a few more years. But, my general feeling is with the cash injection, there's some chance of a breakthrough.

    greenskye ,

    I mostly agree, with the caveat that 99% of AI usage today just stupid gimmicks and very few people or companies are actually using what LLMs offer effectively.

    It kind of feels like when schools got sold those Smart Whiteboards that were supposed to revolutionize teaching in the classroom, only to realize the issue wasn't the tech, but the fact that the teachers all refused to learn and adapt and let the things gather dust.

    I think modern LLMs should be used almost exclusively as an assistive tool to help empower a human worker further, but everyone seems to want an AI that you can just tell 'do the thing' and have it spit out a finalized output. We are very far from that stage in my opinion, and as you stated LLM tech is unlikely to get us there without some sort of major paradigm shift.

    micka190 ,

    only to realize the issue wasn’t the tech

    To be fair, electronic whiteboards are some of the jankiest piles of trash I've ever had to use. I swear to God you need to re-calibrate them every 5 minutes.

    linkhidalgogato ,

    bubbles have nothing to do with technology, the tech is just a tool to build the hype. The bubble will burst regardless of the success of the tech at most success will slightly delay the burst, because what is bursting isnt the tech its the financial structures around it.

    ssj2marx ,

    Well, the employees who were hired to service the bubble and get laid off will eat massive shit, I'm sure NVIDIA and its executives will be fine.

    frezik ,

    See Sun Microsystems after the .com bubble burst. They produced a lot of the servers that .com companies were using at the time. Shriveled up after and were eventually absorbed by Oracle.

    Why did Oracle survive the same time? Because they latched onto a traditional Fortune 500 market and never let go down to this day.

    TheRealKuni ,

    I doubt it. Regardless of the current stage of machine learning, everyone is now tuned in and pushing the tech. Even if LLMs turn out to be mostly a dead end, everyone investing in ML means that the ability to do LOTS of floating point math very quickly without the heaviness of CPU operations isn’t going away any time soon. Which means nVidia is sitting pretty.

    umbrella ,
    @umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

    the WWW wasn't a dead end but the bubble burst anyway. the same will happen to AI because exponential growth is impossible.

    DogWater ,

    No they won't, this tech isn't going to go away Even if it plateaus. All the gpus they make will still get used.

    yourgodlucifer ,

    The internet didn't go away but there was still a .com bubble

    zakobjoa ,
    @zakobjoa@lemmy.world avatar

    As far as I understand, the GPUs that LLMs use aren't exactly interchangeable with your regular GPU. Also, no one needs that many GPUs for any traditional use cases.

    Blaster_M ,

    It means having a shot at getting a good gaming gpu for cheap

    zakobjoa ,
    @zakobjoa@lemmy.world avatar

    As far as I understand the tech, those things aren't really interchangeable :(

    justme , an Memes in We had an r/place at my engineering school

    In Germany it's normal to discuss politics in school, is even part of the curriculum. It's just highly prohibited to discuss parties.

    trolololol ,

    Discuss politics for 40 hours without mentioning a party

    The American mind cannot comprehend this

    justme ,

    You are allowed to mention them and explain what they officially stand for, we even made roleplays, to simulate how the parliament works (the class was distributed into parties according to the distribution of Parliament at that time and everybody tried to pass a law), it's too tricky for me to explain the fineprint in english , sorry ;)

    captainlezbian ,

    It is in America too. I had to debate shit like gay marriage in high school. We even have mandatory civics classes that teach you how the government works and my teacher told us how jury nullification works and why you should never talk to cops

    Mirshe ,

    We sure do NOT have universally mandatory civics, not anymore. I graduated in 09 and my school district didn't teach anyone anything beyond the basics of the voting system.

    velox_vulnus , an Memes in Linkedin

    Let me guess, some Indian boomer? They come up with the wildest shit.

    Norgur ,
    @Norgur@fedia.io avatar

    Sounds like some bullshit artist motivational speaker

    Mubelotix OP ,
    @Mubelotix@jlai.lu avatar

    Probably an AI expert too

    Norgur ,
    @Norgur@fedia.io avatar

    And a Bitcoin Scholar

    Mubelotix OP ,
    @Mubelotix@jlai.lu avatar

    Bitcoiners are old-school, serious people. They highly dislike such bullshit as they have seen the entire "crypto" shitshow, and the AI bullshit is similar in many ways

    lol_idk ,

    WTF does Indian have to do with anything?

    Imgonnatrythis ,

    So you feel this is perhaps racist but no concern for it also being perhaps ageist?

    lol_idk ,

    Ok sure. I'll endeavor to be more perfectly critical of people if that pleases you.

    UckyBon , (Bearbeitet )

    Nothing. There is a lot of anti-asian racism going on here on Lemmy.

    velox_vulnus ,

    I am Indian myself, so I have a better understanding about the internet sub-culture intrinsic to my country. This is a neutral stereotype about 'WhatsApp Unkils'. It is a counter-reaction to ageism towards younger people, whose intelligence is mocked, simply because they're younger - the Asian culture of "elders are always right" snubs Gen-Y, Z and younger folks. Now that internet has blown up in India, old people who are literate and take pride in this sort of elitism are embarrassing themselves with their "confidently incorrect" takes on the internet.

    Deckname ,
    @Deckname@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

    Basically the same is happening to boomers, e. g. in Europe, too. Also ageism is happening here too. I don't know, how much worse it is over on your part of the planet, but here you're also not taken seriously when you're young

    Kalkaline , an Memes in Get rich quick
    @Kalkaline@leminal.space avatar

    Don't forget AMD, good potential if they bring out similar technology to compete with NVIDIA. Less so Intel, but they're in the GPU market too.

    Thekingoflorda ,
    @Thekingoflorda@lemmy.world avatar

    Does ARM do anything special with AI? Or is that just the actual chip manufacturers designing that themselves?

    SeekPie ,

    As I understand it, ARM chips are much more efficient on the same tasks, so they're cheaper to run.

    AdrianTheFrog ,
    @AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world avatar

    I think its largely the chip manufacturers, but ARM is still making money on licensing fees for Nvidia's new ai chip (with an integrated 72 core arm cpu) for example

    ARM is in the perfect place where, if a company using their architecture succeeds, they get tons of money, and if the company fails, they lose nothing.

    Blaster_M ,


    Thekingoflorda ,
    @Thekingoflorda@lemmy.world avatar

    Does ARM make the designs for those also?

    lolcatnip ,

    Don't forget Qualcomm either.

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