spongeborgcubepants , an Europe in 2024 European Parliament election in Germany

People voted on national issues instead of voting on European issues.

So tired of everybody using this election for petty protest votes.

Don_alForno ,

Even voting on national issues this would be a load of BS.

Senseless ,

I feel like that's the intellect of your average voter.

leave_it_blank ,

I'm tired of calling it protest votes. The last idiot in a cave should have heard by now that they are literally Nazis. People who voted for them are Nazis. Which gives me the creeps as a citizen of Germany.

But on the national issues thing I'm full on your side.

germanatlas , avatar

To anyone still voting for them it’s feature, not a bug

guillem , avatar

No, no, you don't understand, I voted literal nazis because someone of the parties that are not literal nazis said "they" instead of "he".

SaltyOnMobile , (Bearbeitet ) an ich_iel in ich_iel

„Massive Manipulation“ = „Hatte nicht das Ergebnis das wir uns gewünscht haben“

rotkehle , an Europe in 2024 European Parliament election in Germany
voodoocode ,

Ich hätte es Ostsee genannt aber auch gut

Luccus ,

Der Witz hat irgendwann mal mit Bergdeutschland angefangen. Somit ist's aus historischen Gründen der Bodensee geworden.

trollercoaster ,

Hauptsache See, egal, ob Ost oder Boden.

Vincent ,

That's some fine future Dutch soil you got there.

5714 ,
abbadon420 ,


ZombieMantis , avatar

Why'd Bavaria sink? The map shows they voted CDU? Or was that a separate retribution?

instantnudeln ,

Oh Sinking Bavaria was something personal. Every German understands him. That had nothing to do with the Votes.

JayObey711 ,

There is CDU and CSU. Together they form the Union. CSU is only active in Bavaria, but they are even more conservative than the CDU. Both would cooperate with the far right tho so we can sink most of Germany

trollercoaster , (Bearbeitet )

Bavaria voted CSU, which is Bavaria's own, even more "conservative" splinter group of the CDU that has run Bavaria as a de facto one party state for the most part of its post WW2 history. One of the reasons why the AfD doesn't score that high in Bavaria is that the domestic Bavarian parties are so far right that there is virtually no demand for a dedicated Nazi party.

SubArcticTundra , avatar

It's cool that Bodensee is now an actual See

d_k_bo ,

„See“ has 2 meanings in German:

  • der See - lake
  • die See - sea

So, der Bodensee is now die Bodensee.

SubArcticTundra , avatar

*Bodensee becomes trans*

trollercoaster ,

Infuriated AfD noises

hannes3120 , an Europe in 2024 European Parliament election in Germany

Brain drain finally showing itself

Most of the creative and ambitious people left the GDR when the wall came down.

I heard a theory recently from someone that was part of the peaceful revolution in Leipzig and now thinks that many people actually didn't mind the government telling them what to do and then not really having a choice in the matter and being under constant surveillance as long as they had a decent life. And that the protests in hindsight probably were more about them seeing how much better the life in the west was than about the personal and political freedom since the GDR apparently did a pretty good job to get rid of those concepts (at least for many citizens).

Now those same people are again voting only for their personal gains and not for freedom for everyone to live however they want as that was never in their interest to begin with

Strider ,

Not only brain drain. Also real, decades old highly refined Russian propaganda and rampant running capitalism.

az04 ,

I don't know how you can look at a map clearly showing the aftereffects of decades of communism and blame it on capitalism. Why would east Germany vote fascist due to rampant capitalism but the rest of Germany not do that? I just don't understand.

Strider ,

Capitalism is clearly one of the central puzzle pieces of humanity's downfall.

If I need to spell it out, growth. Growth is a requirement. And with it everything else has to scale, too.

And there's always another 'solution' to be sold. Well, let's get on it then, trying to develop a product to sell solving this crisis.

The movie 'don't look up' explains this very well, too.

Then, regarding the far right.
Companies thrive on hate. It sells very very well.

Azzu , avatar

Maybe what will make you understand, is that 1. the black part is also bad, just a different flavor of it, 2. those two things can be separate issues that are both problematic, not one being right, one being wrong and 3. the DDR was never really communism, like most "communist" countries (like current "communist" China is almost entirely capitalistic)

WaterSword , (Bearbeitet ) an YUROP in The first time I went to Spain I learned that they used a different set of playing cards avatar

Omg! One of my obsessions!!!

Whenever I travel somewhere, as a souvenir, I buy the local design of playing cards. Even within the colour-regions there are many variations. I might be biased because I’m dutch, but the Dutch Cut is one of my favourites, because of the architecture on the aces!

In Italy every region has their own design! (Even within the ones shown in this map.)

EvacuateSoul ,

even in the colored areas

...of the cards, I eventually understood.

WaterSword , avatar

Oops, maybe that was unclear. I meant even within each area of the map; blue, yellow, orange, green there are regional variations in designs!

calcopiritus ,

In Spain every single playing card company has its own design (even if they are all swords, sticks, coins and cups), probably more than one. I don't think I've ever seen the same design twice, every house I go to has different cards.

WaterSword , avatar

Yeah that happens a lot in the rest of the world too. In Italy there are two main manufacturers and they each have their own slight variations upon every regional design. Here in NL I don’t even see the classic (carta mundi brand) dutch style anymore. It’s mostly American cards here now.

Diplomjodler3 , an ich_iel in ich💻⛵iel

Haben sie einen Moment, um über unseren Herrn und Erlöser, Linus Torvalds zu sprechen?

Flughoernchen , an ich_iel in ich🚗🚫iel

Die Umfrage wird jetzt also so oft bei gestartet, bis die das Ergebnis bekommen, das sie wollen? Das klingt für mich aber schwer nach einem nie gesehenen Ausmaß an krimineller Energie.

Mikufan , avatar

Eine selektive Wahrnehmung der Realität.

tja , avatar

Die haben halt gemerkt, dass sie damit Leute auf ihre Seite locken können. Und das generiert Werbeeinnahmen

federalreverse , an ich_iel in ich🌞iel

Ja, aber in den Neunzigern war es auch warm und um die Messstellen wurde überall gebaut, sodass es jetzt dort lokal wärmer ist und CO2 ist kein Problem, davon ernähren sich Pflanzen und es kann ja auch keiner beweisen, dass das was mit dem Menschen zu tun hat und wenn, dann können wir nichts machen, weil in China machen die ja auch nichts und es gibt viel mehr Chinesen als Deutsche und überhaupt müssen wir verhindern, dass die zugewanderten Messermuslime zu einer kulturfremden Überbevölkerung beitragen, denn das ist das eigentliche Problem, falls es tatsächlich eine Erderwärmung geben sollte, wie es von den linksgrünen Blockparteien und Systemmedien kolportiert wird. Hochachtungsvoll, ihr Tino-Alix von Höcke-Krahpalla

Ranslite OP ,

AfD Redenschreiber bist du es?

d_k_bo , (Bearbeitet )

Vielleicht war es auch AfDGPT

Ranslite OP ,

Bring die nicht noch auf Ideen

catharso ,

hehe, genau wie der eine typ aus meinem büro 😅

hab' mich wund diskutiert mit dem.

bin 'n bissl froh, dass der jetzt woanders ist ☺️

federalreverse ,

Na ja, die Argumente werden ja zentral erdacht und dann breit gestreut. Und weil sie so blöd sind, halten die sich doppelt so lang im Hirn. Kein Wunder, dass ich die mittlerweile kenne.

gigachad ,

Äußerst beeindruckend!

rustydrd , avatar

Diese Nachahmung ist *muah* Koch-Kuss.

mako , an ich_iel in ich_iel

Im mein Firefox auf Android musste man nur die Seite neu laden und konnte schon wieder abstimmen.

CDU und (Internet) Kompetenz oder so.

Tiptopit ,

Internet-Kompetenz kann man in dem Fall auch mit Inkompetenz abkürzen.

foopac ,

Bei mir auch. Hat mich ehrlich gesagt massiv geärgert. Ich wollte doch nur wissen wie es steht :(

Canadian_Cabinet , (Bearbeitet ) an YUROP in The first time I went to Spain I learned that they used a different set of playing cards

This surprised me when I was younger. Heart, diamond, spade, and club seemed so foreign to me. For the record, in Spain we call them copas (cups), oros (coins (literally golds)), bastos (clubs), and espadas (swords).

Also, the pictures used in the map are not the most commonly used ones here. this (top row) is what most cards use

Servais OP , avatar

Feel free to join !esp for a Spanish speaking community!

namelivia ,


federalreverse ,

You do realize that that "club" is a gherkin, right? :)

Fwiw, I like all the properly illustrated variants so much better than the French variant that always feels lifeless to me.

Canadian_Cabinet ,

I don't think so. The other variants of the Spanish-inspired cards are clearly staves. Besides, basto is very, very close to bastón, the word for a staff like a walking stick. Gherkins are called pepinillos

federalreverse ,

It was an attempt at a joke. The one version you linked to is green and kind of looks like a gherkin. That's all.

fah_Q ,

Looks like you

acockworkorange , (Bearbeitet )

Funny enough, in Portuguese, the names for the sets are dirty direct translations of the Spanish versions, but applied to the French icons. It didn’t make much sense to me calling a losange “golds”, or a heart “cups”, a leaf “swords”, and a clover leaf “sticks”.

Edit: autocorrupt

deus ,

Somehow this is the first time I've realized the symbols don't match their names at all. Not really sure what's dirty about them but it's actually pretty handy to have all suits be called the same names in French and Spanish suits since both are widely used around here in Southern Brazil.

Aceticon ,

Not the previous poster but I think the "dirty translation" is because in Portugal some things weren't translated at all (we use the actual word "copas" even though it's not a Portuguese word) and others are translated differently (were the Spanish use "bastos" - clubs - we use "paus" - sticks).

merc ,

Do they have ultra-stylized versions too?

The French symbols are either pure black or pure red, they're symmetrical, and they're fairly abstract. The "diamond" is just a rhombus. The Spade and Club are fairly abstract shapes that don't look like anything in particular.

In the image, all the other versions are multicolored, and still seem to represent real-world objects. But, I'm curious if there are "modern" decks where say the coin (oro) is just a circle, or the club is just a long thin rectangle, or something.

ChapulinColorado ,

Not sure if it is the same as Mexico, but the “oros bastos” set doesn’t have cards 8,9,10 but jump from 7 to sota (fancy lad or something like that), caballo (horse) and Rey (king).

This is similar to the set I was used to:

Because of that we use different sets for different games.

Edit: the aces always had very cool designs, with the gold ace having the card brand on display.

Mikufan , an ich_iel in ich_iel avatar

Demokratie ja aber nur solange alle uns zustimmen.

Ranslite , an ich_iel in ich⚡🖱️iel avatar
EunieIsTheBus OP ,

Die selbe Krawatte in beiden Szenen. Fällt mir erst jetzt auf

Ranslite , avatar

Wusstest du, das Al Bundy über 11 Staffeln immer die gleiche Zeitung gelesen hat?

EherVielleicht , avatar

Haben sie mein Gehirn geklaut?

Ranslite , avatar

brother from another mother
Bruder von einer anderen Mutter

connaisseur , an ich_iel in ich💻⛵iel


EunieIsTheBus OP ,

Mist. Übersehen

trollercoaster , an Europe in 2024 European Parliament election in Germany

Light blue should be brown.

lemmylommy ,

Blue is the new brown

trollercoaster , (Bearbeitet )

You can paint a turd blue, but underneath that thin layer of blue paint, it will stay a stinking pile of brown shit.

norimee ,

"Warum ist Scheiße braun?
Weil Braun schon immer scheiße war."

Brown. Like. Shit.

foopac , an ich_iel in ich🚗🚫iel

Irgendwie tendieren alle Umfragen irgendwann zu einer 2/3 Mehrheit für das Verbrenner Aus.

Wird Zeit für mehr Überwachung und uneingeschränkten, rechenschaftslosen Zugriff der Polizei auf jedes Datenbit der Bürger, damit dieser kriminellen Wahlmanipulation Einhalt geboten werden kann.

Nur so können wir unsere Demokratie und Freiheit schützen!

cron ,

Umfrage nur analog in speziell dafür eingerichteten Umfragekabinen, nur für volljährige Staatsbürger*innen.

EunieIsTheBus ,

Verbrenner Aus ist EU Thema. Dafür können wir ne Ausnahme machen und ab 16 Leute an der umfrage teilnehmen lassen

yournamehere ,

in schreibschrift!

cron ,

Dann besteht die Möglichkeit, dass keiner meine Abstimmung lesen kann. Besser einen Vordruck machen, wo man nur mehr ankreuzen muss.

yournamehere ,

haken oder kreuz!

cron ,

Aber bitte nicht beides.

crispy_kilt ,


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