@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar



I'm that snarky, sometimes cranky YouTube person who told you about how dishwashers work.

I post many things which should not be taken too seriously (on account of the cranky snark thing). If you think I'm mad at you, I'm almost certainly not!

Friendly and helpful, if strongly opinionated.

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TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

This again?

This again.


TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

I'm gonna be trying something different out tomorrow. Something between a re-do and a re-run.

It's a new shoot using almost entirely old B-roll and a significant re-work of the script. Basically, I wanted to combine the two dishwasher videos into one sub-half-hour video focused more on "tips and tricks" and less on my opinions on detergent (though you bet it still contains opinions on detergent!).

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@sudo_whoami I just want more people to buy the powder in a box!

I don't need no stinkin' pods!

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@billatq I have noticed the same thing! Tin foil hat says they want you to buy their more profitable pods and are sabotaging their cheap products.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@IzzyOmega @sudo_whoami This is a brain thing I cannot understand. It's soap! Who cares if you spill a little on the door of the dishwasher. It's all just going in there anyway!

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@jimcullen @IzzyOmega @sudo_whoami Either you didn't watch the original dishwasher vids or you might be talking from an angle I'm not picking up on but that's not placebo at all!

That's the pre-wash section which is designed to do just that. Let some detergent in on the first fill, then let more detergent in on the second fill when the dispenser door pops open.

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

My charge from last night on a 30A charger (7.2 kW at 240V).

This is why I'm always harping on the "stop installing giant charger circuits" thing! Even this is a luxury - I only charge about weekly or if I make a long trip.

For USians, a 10 gauge run of wiring will deliver 5 kW sustained. You'll only ever think that's slow if you drive a TON and/or have a really big vehicle.

Especially if you're thinking of DIYing an install, 10 gauge is so much easier to deal with.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

There are a lot of factors to consider if you are able to install a charger circuit, but you can open up many headaches if you insist on running a 50 amp circuit. Especially if you've got limited electric service.

5kW chargers deliver roughly 15 miles of range per hour. So in an 8 hour overnight charge you can expect 100 miles easily.

My personal opinion is that unless you have an extreme commute or a big truck of an EV, 5kW is plenty, 7kW is luxurious, & anything above is probably not needed.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@ironiridis at level 2 speeds I doubt there's a difference. The battery pack is so big that even on an 11kW charger it's more of a trickle charge than a phone on a 5V 1A USB brick.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@chloeraccoon 200A service is reasonably common in the US. At least for single family homes built in the last few decades.

Keep in mind though that's single phase, and technically it can only sustain 80% load. So in practice you end up with ~40kW

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@jdiller I mean, energy is energy. The only reason an EV is going to need more energy is if it's larger.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@wolf480pl @chloeraccoon Need is a funny word.

Our electric code is designed to make tripping the main breaker almost an impossibility. So when load calculations are done, they are assuming someone will be cooking a meal, using the dryer, running hot water, and blasting the heat all at the same time.

This rarely ever happens, but the code presumes people aren't smart enough to manage their power draw. Unfortunately I think that's correct.

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar
TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar
TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@brad indeed I saw it, and it's part of why I went for a walk just now! I can hear them clearly at home now so figured I'd go out and grab some pictures

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@gikiski @joop Not only at night but also in the rain or, I think, cloudy days. They only got loud today once the sun came out.

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

Who wants to get tilted?

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@bytor I appreciate your thoughts here, but in Aztec it is only 10 point bumpers that bump the match unit. No other point values cause it to advance and the 10 point bumpers are the smallest value.

sol_hsa , an Random Englisch
@sol_hsa@mastodon.online avatar

I've seen this kind of stovetop design in some (primarily american?) media, and I wonder..

Why are the controls that control the hot things on top of the hot things?

Sounds like a really unsafe design to me.

@TechConnectify might be able to comment?

TechConnectify ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@sol_hsa I suspect the main reason for this is technical - generally, electric stoves have them in the back panel which would make wiring easier, and gas stoves have them at the front which makes piping easier.

Personally, I don't find them at the back to be dangerous at all. First, as others have identified, they are harder to accidentally bump. And much harder for small children to get to. Second, the outer knobs almost always control the front burners. You reach around for them, not over.

TechConnectify ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@sol_hsa but most importantly, with an electric stove, if you've found yourself with an emergency like a grease fire, shutting off the burner isn't going to help you. You have more pressing needs, and the dangers of not shutting the gas valve off immediately (i.e. open flames below or gas leaks if they go out) just aren't there.

TechConnectify ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@crit @sol_hsa having lived with and gotten used to both, having them at the back is not even an inconvenience that goes through my mind at all.

And as a matter of fact, being able to see the full circle and where exactly the knob is pointing to is helpful compared to only seeing the top of the knob as you look down at it.

I actually think this is part of why some people prefer electric or gas stoves - you judge output mostly by flame size on gas and don't need to see the scale

TechConnectify ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@crit @sol_hsa elucidating a little further, one thing I've never really understood in the debate of which is better is how the blatant non-linearity of the gas valve doesn't bother people.

I have never used a gas stove where the knob had a perfectly smooth gradient. There were always several pronounced steps. So you could not use the knob's position to mean anything; you had to react to the output and fine-tune.

Electric doesn't react quickly, but you can plan ahead since the dial is linear

TechConnectify ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@erincandescent I'm pretty confident that they're not perfectly linear. I suppose the more proper term is repeatable.

If I'm doing the same cooking task on an electric stove, then I know the number I need to point to for it to work correctly. Or for instance, there's a dish I like to make. To get perfect results to my taste, I need the dial to point straight down.

I was never able to operate in that paradigm with a gas stove. I had to fiddle with it a lot and couldn't be sure it was right.

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

Scantron, Pennsylvania

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

New Internet Annoyance Unlocked:

Nitpickers who know a lot about specific things chipping away at (and not seeing) a holistic argument.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@lienrag No, I'm saying that some facts which are important to one person's understanding of a situation may not actually be that important in the broader context. They're fixating on issues they know sometimes come up and not questioning whether those issues are pertinent to the discussion at hand.

Oftentimes these folks have specific knowledge which they don't understand is irrelevant in the moment. So they're arguing things which don't matter and they don't realize it.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@jeffm @lienrag It's kind of similar, but I'd say it's closer to making a mountain out of the molehills which are pet issues.

Snow build-up on traffic signals is a real problem. But it can be fixed.

There are other folks who think some things are problems which just... aren't.

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

Just having a wild night over here.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@EmuAGR I won't tell you that, in no small part because the car won't let you do that. It knows it's plugged in even if the station is dead!

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@monorailtimes it's not mine, I'm prepping it for install though

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@nul42 ah, this isn't for me. I have a Clipper Creek already.

But I hope you're enjoying your Ioniq as much as I am!

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@craigtheguru I won't go so far as to call it bonkers but because J1772->NACS adapters exist (and vice versa) I didn't see that as important.

This will be charging my folks' Bolt until it dies and if/when they replace it with a car with a NACS port, then sticking on the adapter is all that's needed and that's effectively permanent. It would only be annoying (and even then only slightly) if they got a second EV but I don't think that's in the cards for them.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@craigtheguru Why not just stick the adapter on and leave it on forever? That's what I mean.

Sure, it's less elegant, but I'm generally not a fan of paying more for elegance.

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

Real thought:

What depresses me most about the state of the world at present is that we've stopped caring to live up to the spirit of our ideals.

When we fail them and are pressed, we can rationalize our terrible actions based on technicalities - and large swaths of our culture have normalized doing this very thing.

It is my most sincere hope that we can walk our way back from this. I see some signs of this, but would prefer to see many more.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@glyph First, this isn't helping. Congrats?

But second, the reasons these thoughts are intensifying for me come from many places. An acute one right now is what media is popular and how much of it doesn't seem to have any spirit behind it.

Watching older television (I'm on a Perry Mason kick atm) and being able to see that there were overt principles being demonstrated and the writers were true to their morals makes it feel like we once had a healthier understanding of our duties of care.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@yacc143 There is some cynicism which is healthy, but I don't think this is.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@franktaber @glyph The trouble, as I see it, is that two things were shattered: the illusion of our moral superiority (a good thing to have shattered) and the idea that we need to care for one another (the terrible thing I'm lamenting).

There's some combination of fatalism, nihilism, and narcissism which seems disturbing popular at the moment. If I have a guiding light, it's that things can change and we can learn from each other. I hope my work speaks clearly enough to that.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@shandrew It may be more acute in the US but I don't think we're alone.

stephen , an Random Englisch

@TechConnectify would you consider doing a video in J3068? More V2X opportunities plus North America joining the type 2 AC standard (with some tweaks). Will it catch on or remain niche to commercial?


TechConnectify ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@stephen In a world where J3400 also exists, I suspect it will remain very much commercial.

However, part of the J3400 standard includes moving to a more European-like system for public charging where you are expected to carry your own whip - with the Type 2 connector on one end and whatever your car takes on the other. That might fix the compatibility problem between various EVs and various connectors in a really elegant way.

rickscully , an Random Englisch
@rickscully@mastodon.social avatar

@TechConnectify watching your informative rain sensor video and have a(n) unrelated question(s):

Are those OEM seats or do you have 3rd party covers? If the latter, what did you install, and do you like them?

My partner is interested in covers for her new Kona EV and I am looking for 1st hand recommendations.


TechConnectify ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@rickscully they're OEM, no covers

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

Anybody need a wet wipe?


TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@LyleDAL absolutely! I have a few small irritations with it as you do any car, and boy should it have a rear wiper. Really dumb miss on Hyundai's part, there.

But on the whole it's by far the best car I've ever owned, and its extremely fast charging makes it very future-proof. The only thing I'd say is avoid the matte paint options. They're a pain to take care of and will show scuffs you can't buff out - in fact I'm considering having a clear coat put on my car. But gosh it's pretty.

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

Proposal to refer to solar arrays as amp farms.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@teotwaki I think it has potential, personally.

root42 , an Random Englisch
@root42@chaos.social avatar

Great video about simmerstats in stovetops:


@TechConnectify Can you also explain European stovetops with
A) 3-phase 400V power compared to the two 120V phases?
B) knobs with individual positions, compared to the continuous cams?

I am especially wondering about the latter. I remember our stovetop from my childhood having something like 6 discrete steps or so.

TechConnectify ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@root42 I'm not intimately familiar with the three-phase setup but I think it's likely that each element is wired phase-to-neutral and thus only has 230V across it. Access to all phases just allows for better balancing.

As far as those with discrete positions, it depends. Some hot plates have multiple resistors and you're selecting different combinations (apparently this was big in Germany?), others might be stepped simmerstat-like controls.

TechConnectify , an Random Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

Things are really heating up in this new video:

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@trantion Yes, induction is a whole other kettle of fish relying on very high frequency switching through copper windings.

TechConnectify OP ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@cs My guess is that these select between different resistor values to heat up the bimetallic strip at different rates.

I have seen really thick coils which could have multiple heating elements going through them but that doesn't look to be the case here, so I think it's more likely this is basically a conventional simmerstat but with several discrete settings (which would absolutely annoy the living daylights out of me)

mwichary , an Random Englisch
@mwichary@mastodon.online avatar

Doing something in LaTeX for the first time in my life and I am so NOT impressed!

(Granted, I’m trying to make a poster with images which might not be the main use case, but… what a mess.)

TechConnectify ,
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

@mwichary This is wonderful!

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