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CableMonster ,

Why would it be bad to terminate investigations that are unlawful or contrary to national interests?

CableMonster ,

The free market doesnt align with DEI, its forced by corporations and organizations that are backed up by the government.

CableMonster ,

That could be how you would mean it, but that is not how I interpret it or how they intended it.

CableMonster ,

Thats funny, I was born and raised in Portland and now it sucks due to the type of policies people like you advocate for.

CableMonster ,

Let me get this straight the conservatives in Oregon (which have no power) forced through legistlation... Sure thing bro!

CableMonster ,

You guys literally just claim things without any evidence... You guys have lost to plot

CableMonster ,

You are just making up their intentions based on nothing.

CableMonster ,

How did the Heritage Foundation significantly help Orban?

CableMonster ,

So the issue is that this is not what they are referring to. What they are talking about is when the FBI (and CIA) get involved in politics or directly sway things in direction that is outside of what the FBI is for.

CableMonster ,

They exist for personal gain of organizations inside of the US to use to their sole benefit?

CableMonster ,

Yes because I know what they mean because I have heard them explain the problem. You guys on the other hand dont know what they believe because you dont know anything about them.

CableMonster ,

The FBI shouldnt be investigating the executive branch... The only way it should happen is if the congress calls for it, and that is what they are trying to do.

CableMonster ,

It will be fun to see if the media will try to spin it as him looking good tomorrow.

CableMonster ,

You guys should put in this much effort and hate to the government. Billionaires play very little role in my life, but the government is in every aspect, but for some reason we are focusing on them.

CableMonster ,

I somewhat agree, but the influence on the government spans much more than billionaires. The powerful do control much of the government, but its also a bunch of assholes that abuse their power.

CableMonster ,

I agree but its more than just the billionaires. For instance where I live there are no billionaires and the government is still the biggest thorn in my side.

CableMonster ,

Idaho. How about you?

CableMonster ,

I get your point, but they cant just "print" currency so we could actually not be able to pay when people/countries stop buying the bonds or lose faith in the system.

CableMonster ,

What happens when they run out of people to sell bonds to and they run out of money to tax?

CableMonster ,

How do they make money out of thin air?

CableMonster ,

No they cant, that is illegal. You could say they will change the law so that they can do that, but that is not possible (in america) at this time.

CableMonster ,

I hear what you are saying, but that is changing, america is losing its strangle hold on the world. That became most evident with what we tried to do with Russia after their invasion and the cracks in our system are starting to become more obvious. Unless you think that the US will be the worlds reserve currency forever, there will be a time when it falls.

CableMonster ,

Kind of, but if the US allows itself to just print dollars directly its directly going to turn to toilet paper.

CableMonster ,

I guess there is no proof, but thats not really possible to prove. But what we can see is how much inflation the US has gotten just under the Fed, and then look at examples in the past like germany that used printing of the mark to pay of debts.

CableMonster ,

Thats a seperate issue, that is central banks and over regulation of the housing market. This has devalued your wages and made housing too expensive. And the sad part is BOTH of the parties support these things (if you are an american).

CableMonster ,

The issue is what is defined as capitalism and communism. If by capitalism you mean the most powerful countries with the best weapons and foreign policy that kills people, then I guess capitalism kills lots of people. The caveat is that if a communist governmnet ever got that same amount of power, they would kill even more people. The issue with communism is that you cant disagree with it, whereas you can be as communist as you want in a capitalist country, typically.

CableMonster ,

Regulations help to protect large corporations from competition, and then the larger the government is the more contracts it gives out. Are you saying we need a bigger stronger government?

CableMonster ,

That is kind of true but it also protects corporations from small businesses. For example min wage harms small businesses much more than large corporations. You can like the "protection" but then you will get what you get with corporations and costs. If you opt for the bigger government then you will get things like unaffordable houses and inflation, so dont complain when you get what you asked for.

CableMonster ,

It was a populous example and if you want to get into the weeds on it we could, but it wasnt the important part of the comment.

I love how you guys claim that sort of economics is dumb as you cant afford a house and to feed yourselves. Modern monetary policy is working great!!

CableMonster ,

So your theory is that housing is so expensive because of less regulation? And if we had more regulations in how houses are built housing would be cheaper?

CableMonster ,

That is hillarious, I can tell you dont know anything about how housing built. Have a great day!

CableMonster ,

This is not 1812 anymore. If it were like that why wouldnt you just work for yourself or an employer that treats you well?

CableMonster ,

I understand your frustration but what am I supposed to say to someone that just repeats and believes ANY propaganda that their side tells them? What he said is so so far off from what reality is, its literally turned into a cult at this point.

CableMonster ,

Sure thing bro!

CableMonster ,

From the moment he said we need more regulation to make housing cheaper I knew he was just an NPC. Can you convince NPCs of anything?

CableMonster ,

ZING!!! The difference is that I know exactly why all the thing that are listed is mere propaganda, I have heard and seen the same bullshit talking points over and over. If you guys want to just do what your team says, that fine, just dont think you are are actually thinking for yourself.

CableMonster ,

One big thing you are missing is that I think the other side you are talking about is wrong also.

I dont have a side here, I literally do housing, and I fully understand every aspect of why its expensive. I dont care about narratives, I care about actual facts about why housing is not getting built. You guys are just repeating propaganda that falls apart under the most basic scrutiny. The problem is that if you are not able or willing to do that scrutiny then I am not going to help you, you have made your decision.

CableMonster ,

I will give you the long and short of it; you guys are looking at the insignificant things that account for just a small amount of the problem (cue you googling and finding an alarmist article), the big problem is that its too expensive and hard to build. The reason it is too hard to build is 99% due to what the government does. More regulations will just make it worse.

CableMonster ,

Sure if you dont think about it critically or look at a single basic argument.

CableMonster ,

And those are the bullshit government inflation stats, so he definitely got a pay cut.

CableMonster ,

I was that guy, and its good to some extent, but its also not good, there needs to be a balance. I worked so hard I was able to retire young, but I really didnt need to work as hard as I did.

CableMonster ,

Real estate is a business, it doesnt side with one person or another... I can just explain to you why housing is expensive if you want to know, but I just think you are angry and want to yell at someone. Feel free, but it doesnt help you know the truth.

CableMonster ,

Uh yeah, there is more to real estate than residential housing... I forgive you for being rude and making false accusation. Let me tell you how the system works because you dont get it and maybe it will help you point your anger in the right direction.

I take old structures that are vacant and renovate them and then sell or keep them, I do mainly offices and shops at this point. I had planned on making an old commercial building into 12 or so small apartments that would be affordable, and downtown of the smallish town I live in. The architect made the plans, they would be expensive but not crazy, the local government would not let me do this and would have cost waaaay too make it worth the cost. If the government was not obstructing development, that would be residential units, but its just storage. The government is the thing that you should be yelling at, not people that cant do the work because of them.

CableMonster ,

I wasnt turning offices into residences. And it would be easy but expensive if the government wasnt so involved.

If you are arguing "Put homeless into empty residential units" that is a really ignorant argument, it instantly falls apart if you look at it.

CableMonster ,

Sure dude

CableMonster ,

You really think a house costs $50k to build?

CableMonster ,

I dont know what you are talking about.

CableMonster ,

In the US, the money is created via the federal revserve and it is done by loaning out money, the only reason inflation rate decreases is that they raise the interest rate so people want less money, so they loan out less money. That money is paid back to the fed, but new money has been made. If you are still interested, I can tell you how this takes away wealth from the poor and middle class.

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