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CableMonster ,

Sure if you dont think about it critically or look at a single basic argument.

CableMonster ,

And those are the bullshit government inflation stats, so he definitely got a pay cut.

CableMonster ,

I was that guy, and its good to some extent, but its also not good, there needs to be a balance. I worked so hard I was able to retire young, but I really didnt need to work as hard as I did.

CableMonster ,

Alright, I thought I had forgotten all my grade school history there for a second.

CableMonster ,

Housing in not expensive because of one group buying all of the housing, its expensive because housing is hard to do due to government regulations, expensive due to same regulations, and the currency has been destroyed infavor of the rich for decades. The only reason a large corporation would own SFH is because of how the fed controls the money supply and how housing is incentivized.

CableMonster ,

As a person in real estate, I am directly telling you guys what makes housing expensive, if you guys think its big corporations, then you really are not thinking logically or factually on the matter.

CableMonster ,

I am not trying to ignore what you are saying, but every building over 10 units will probably have vacancies due to turnover, and even if they dont currently have a unit turning over they will in the near future and will be getting as many applications as they can.

And based on the other parts of your comments I dont really think you actually want a real discussion, but to be edgy.

CableMonster ,

That makes sense, they probably never take it down because a good renter is very important. If they havent filled a unit in a year, then that is just strange. Maybe they have the rent too high, not filling a unit in that long doesnt make sense.

CableMonster ,

There are multiple things happening here that make it complicated and there are too many unknowns. If the issue is that they cant find people that qualify due to not making enough money, then this is the government currency control issue coming home to roost, which I can explain if it helps. If its an issue where the units need to make a minimum to pay for the mortgage, then its a problem with too little supply of units to buy pushing up the cost of ownership of multifamilies. I dont know what is going on in your area.

But the post seems to be about owning SFH or something owned. That is a separate issue with similar root problems.

CableMonster ,

There is a series of things you are wrong about here and I dont really want to waste my time arguing. Real estate is my business and I am sucessful at it, is there any question you want answered, because I am not going to argue anymore.

CableMonster ,

Real estate is a business, it doesnt side with one person or another... I can just explain to you why housing is expensive if you want to know, but I just think you are angry and want to yell at someone. Feel free, but it doesnt help you know the truth.

CableMonster ,

Uh yeah, there is more to real estate than residential housing... I forgive you for being rude and making false accusation. Let me tell you how the system works because you dont get it and maybe it will help you point your anger in the right direction.

I take old structures that are vacant and renovate them and then sell or keep them, I do mainly offices and shops at this point. I had planned on making an old commercial building into 12 or so small apartments that would be affordable, and downtown of the smallish town I live in. The architect made the plans, they would be expensive but not crazy, the local government would not let me do this and would have cost waaaay too make it worth the cost. If the government was not obstructing development, that would be residential units, but its just storage. The government is the thing that you should be yelling at, not people that cant do the work because of them.

CableMonster ,

I wasnt turning offices into residences. And it would be easy but expensive if the government wasnt so involved.

If you are arguing "Put homeless into empty residential units" that is a really ignorant argument, it instantly falls apart if you look at it.

CableMonster ,

Sure dude

CableMonster ,

You really think a house costs $50k to build?

CableMonster ,

I dont know what you are talking about.

CableMonster ,

Inflation is the biggest tax on the middle class and poor, its also the most effective one because they dont realize its happening.

CableMonster ,

Inflation, price gouging is the boogeyman they use to pretend someone else is doing it.

CableMonster ,

I am sure. I can teach you have this works if you truly are curious, but I am not going to argue if you dont understand. The Fed only creates inflation, at best they can create less inflation.

CableMonster ,

In the US, the money is created via the federal revserve and it is done by loaning out money, the only reason inflation rate decreases is that they raise the interest rate so people want less money, so they loan out less money. That money is paid back to the fed, but new money has been made. If you are still interested, I can tell you how this takes away wealth from the poor and middle class.

CableMonster ,

Maybe true in the 90s, but now the liberals seem to be just as war hungry.

CableMonster ,

The problem is there is a completely different perspective here. I dont want politicians to give people things like welfare not because I hate people, but because I think it turns them into dependents, and I think it actively harms them.

CableMonster ,

Its too big or a job for a politian to manage, it has to be run well at the street level.

Going to the doctor is a bad analogy, it would be more apt to compare it to someone taking pain medication because their back hurts, and they get hooked on the pain pills, but the reason their back hurts is because they are morbidly obese. We need to go after the problem, not enable the problem.

CableMonster ,

Sorry, if you are not able to apply that analogy, I dont care to re explain every scenerio.

CableMonster ,

This is how the government and government supported large corporations work. I dont even know how you think this is related to capitalism.

CableMonster ,

America is the least capitalist is has been probably in its history. Just because it was founded on something that was quite capitalistic doesnt mean it still is.

Why not push for less regulations so that small business can thrive?

CableMonster ,

And you keep encompassing more things in capitalism than belong. Why not push for less regulations so that small business can thrive?

CableMonster ,

I dont like monopolies either, but what monopolies are causing you the most harm? Mine would be the governemnt monopoly.

I think you have fundamental mistake in that you seem to believe that the economy is a zero sum game but its just not how it works. The only zero sum game that I am worried about is the control of our rights with the governmnet.

What specifically is it that you want peoples lives to look like?

CableMonster ,

How can I opt out of the government if its not a monopoly? Its literally the only true monopoly and its on our rights and force.

When you talk about all the money doesnt just go to the rich, there is more wealth created and you have the option to accumulate wealth or trade it to others.

Do you understand how what you are advocating for will just make everyone poorer? When you say "Nu-uh", answer this question, for the people that work a lot of hours and work hard, what is the reason to continue to go above and beyond when our labor is being taken and given to others?

CableMonster ,

No one believes in trickle down economics nor did they ever, it was literally propaganda term. Please explain to me why I would have worked so many hours or so hard if I didnt get the benefit of my labor? Simple question that you will not be able to answer because its why your ideal system never ever ever works.

CableMonster ,

Like I said, no one believes in trickle down economics... and that is not what capitalism is. China isnt communism. Please explain to me why I would have worked so many hours or so hard if I didnt get the benefit of my labor?

CableMonster ,

China is not, its controlled by a centralized party but it lets people do their own thing. I noticed you didnt mention Cuba as a great example of communism, "Because sanctions they cant get ahead!!!!" You should check out the vox video on how well their system works.

Please explain to me how cooperative ownership means not getting the benefit of your labor.

Because the harder I work it doesnt directly benefit me, it benefits all the owners. So I would not be incentivized to work harder or longer because I dont get the direct benefit.

CableMonster ,

China is not communist... You literally dont undestand what any of these systems are. All you do is insult and say nothing.

How does owning my own business not benefit me? I am one of those rich people you are jealous of.

CableMonster ,

China is communist, you can keep repeating the idea they are, but you are wrong.

I retired in my 30s using only my labor and no one elses. How does owning my own business not benefit me?

CableMonster ,

You can not beleive me, but retiring in your 30s is not impossible if you work really hard. Did you notice how you dont answer any of my questions?

CableMonster ,

Please quote what your answer was because I have not seen anything that relates to an answer.

CableMonster ,

How does owning my own business not benefit me?

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