Tar_alcaran , an Europe in Russia: Loss of state-owned energy giant Gazprom, the first in decades, shows the Kremlin's struggle to fill EU gas sales gap with China

And you can be sure that if Gazprom is reporting a 7 billion loss, you can be sure they worked as hard as possible to make that number as small as possible. I'm willing to bet a lot of money the actual loss is a lot bigger.

Jagermo ,


crispy_kilt ,


hydroptic , an Europe in Once ostracised, Italy's Meloni is now centre stage in Europe

Showing once again that fascism is much too palatable to most "moderates". FdI is a literal offshoot of the original Fascist Party and many of its members, Meloni included, have publicly said they idolize Mussolini. Naturally they had to say they're sorry for saying it out loud, which means they definitely changed their views, right?

rimu , an Europe in Staffer of Germany's right-wing AfD arrested over China espionage suspicions avatar

AfD, in bed with the chinese AND the russians.

RootBeerGuy , avatar

China and Russia, the alternative for Germany.

DarkThoughts ,

See? The AfD is very diverse, very progressive.

Barbarian , an Europe in EU agrees on start of accession talks with Ukraine, Moldova avatar

While most people are understandably pumped about the accession talks withs Ukraine, I think I can speak for the majority of Romanians when I say that this is an amazing step towards safety and security for Moldova. Our little brother deserves more than just being used as a political battleground by Russia.

Skua ,

Given the Transnistria situation I fully expect that had Russia been more successful in Ukraine, Moldova would have been next

Barbarian , avatar

Belarus revealed the plans at the beginning of the war to go into Moldova right after Ukraine, so yes. That was exactly the plan

cygnus , avatar

I'm still convinced Luka did that on purpose.

gravitas_deficiency ,

I’m convinced Putin was absolutely RIPSHIT with Luka over spilling the beans so completely.

cygnus , avatar

Absolutely, along with the many other "mistakes" that Belarus made that conveniently minimize its entanglement in this war.

woelkchen , avatar

this is an amazing step towards safety and security for Moldova.

Looking at how the EU dealt with Cyprus: Nothing will change. All of Cyprus is EU member, yet the EU happily accepts Turkish occupation in the northern half.

sparky , avatar

I think this is a little different as (Greek) Cyprus joined after the island had already been divided, the conflict already frozen. Versus if an EU member is attacked anew, the collective defence article would be triggered. Still, it’s unfortunate that Cyprus still remains divided.

woelkchen , avatar

I think this is a little different as (Greek) Cyprus joined after the island had already been divided

So exactly like Transnistria?

AllNewTypeFace , an Europe in Russia blames Baltic countries for the severing of most ties avatar

Big divorced-man-blames-“crazy”-ex-wife energy there

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

Gaz(prom)-lighting your enemies

manucode , an Europe in Staffer of Germany's right-wing AfD arrested over China espionage suspicions

Meanwhile Mr G's employer, Maximilian Krah, was questioned by the FBI about receiving funds from Russia. (

slaacaa , an Europe in Staffer of Germany's right-wing AfD arrested over China espionage suspicions

When will the EU finally realise that Russia and China is waging an information war against us? Yet we let their billionaires buy up our real estate, our companies deal with them, and we allow their products into our markets.

Guntrigger ,

Is there anything we don't let our billionaires do?

MrMakabar , avatar

Pay taxes

NateNate60 , an Europe in Russia turns to blackmail and 'financial incentives' to hire Germans to spy to make up for expelled diplomats, German agency says

Glad to see that charging people who betray their country with high treason is back in style.

Mikufan , avatar

Should have execution on the possible results list. The current outcomes are less than murder.

NateNate60 ,

Or maybe ten months in Landsberg Prison

Mikufan , avatar

10 years in the mines.

pleb_maximus ,

Should have execution on the possible results list.


Mikufan , avatar

High treason is a crime that could cost thousands their life.

pleb_maximus ,

Doesn't matter.

Mikufan , avatar

It does. It absolutely does. You cant just sell thousands of lifes for your own gain and then get less punishment than a murderer.

pleb_maximus ,

I know that you damn well know that we don't murder murderers here either.

In fact I know that you are, like me, German and should know what our constitution has to say on the death penalty and the right to live.

Mikufan , avatar

People that break the constitution in favor of money don't really deserve to be given a judgment based on our constitution. They broke not only that, but endangered the existence of said constitution.

We don't kill murderers, yes, they kill at worst a handful of people. We do kill terrorists when they have weapons on hand to kill civilians. High treason is just terrorism with informations.

Let's be real, you would be against life without parol in that case as well. I would be ok with that, i just don't see how its economically viable. People trying to destroy our state shouldn't get a life financed by our state. And the current laws are obviously not punishing enough.

pleb_maximus ,

So in short: you are fundamentally opposed to the core values of our constitution and are an enemy of it. Got it.

Mikufan , avatar


Successful_Try543 , (Bearbeitet )

Um Dir auf die Sprünge zu helfen GG Art. 1

(1) Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt.

(2) Das Deutsche Volk bekennt sich darum zu unverletzlichen und unveräußerlichen Menschenrechten als Grundlage jeder menschlichen Gemeinschaft, des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit in der Welt.

(3) Die nachfolgenden Grundrechte binden Gesetzgebung, vollziehende Gewalt und Rechtsprechung als unmittelbar geltendes Recht.

und GG Art. 102.

Die Todesstrafe ist abgeschafft.

Davon, dass diese unantastbaren Grundsätze für irgendwen, Verfassungsfeinde eingeschlossen, nicht gelten steht da nichts.

pleb_maximus ,

Und dazu auch Art. 2 II S. 1 GG

Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit.

Komisch. Da steht schon wieder nix davon, dass manche davon ausgeschlossen seien. Wie kommt das nur?

DarkThoughts , an Europe in Staffer of Germany's right-wing AfD arrested over China espionage suspicions

And 1/4th of young people willing to vote for those xenophobic traitors.

trollercoaster ,

That's what you get for the entire political spectrum shitting on the interests of young people, while also normalising xenophobic bullshit by parroting those xenophobic traitors' rhetoric to fish for votes.

DarkThoughts ,

If you're young & worried about the future, then rooting for climate change denying morons is not the best course of action either. Especially when they literally admitted that "the worse Germany is doing, the better for the AfD". I'm sure the AfD would love a few million climate refugees and a destabilized society.

trollercoaster ,

Of course it's not a good idea. I'd even say it's fucking stupid. The only ones who would possibly benefit from those morons getting into power are a few very rich old people. The problem is that the entire political system has been very busy in the last few decades to manufacture a social climate in which those Nazi morons can thrive.

thisisbutaname , an Europe in Pornhub, XVideos, Stripchat face strict EU rules, Commission says

The companies will also have to meet additional transparency obligations, including related to ads, and providing access to data for researchers.

Yeah, you know, for science

rikudou ,

I can legitimately say that I visited a porn site for research! Nothing sciency, though, just a project that regularly calculates which country has the most porn actresses per capita.

pulsey ,

And? What were your results?

Ringmasterincestuous ,


rikudou ,
connaisseur , an Europe in Estonia says Russia removed navigation buoys on border river

F*ck Putin

NoIWontPickAName ,

Don’t forget your cactus 🌵

eran_morad ,

Blyat needs a bullet to the face.

tal , an Europe in Estonia says Russia removed navigation buoys on border river avatar

Russian border guards have removed navigation buoys from the Estonian side of a river separating the two countries, the Baltic nation said on Thursday, adding that it would seek an explanation as well as a return of the equipment.

Setting aside the broader border dispute issue and just focusing on boat navigation, I'd also point out that Russia is jamming GPS, which probably doesn't help navigating the thing.

Tar_alcaran , an Europe in Staffer of Germany's right-wing AfD arrested over China espionage suspicions

Ahh the good old conservative right, never missing an opportunity to make things worse for everyone.

CyberEgg ,

AfD is not "conservative right". AfD is anarchokapitalism with fascist rhetoric

Tar_alcaran ,

I would personally put "populist, authoritarian, eurosceptic, anti-immigration, protectionist, deregulation-loving" under "conservative right".

But pretty far right, and only slightly conservative.

CyberEgg ,

That's what I mean by fascist rhetoric. Their election program is more economically libertarian than the FDP though.

Badeendje , an Europe in Poland to limit movement of Russian diplomats on its territory due to Moscow's involvement in hybrid war against the EU avatar

This needs to be done by the EU in general.

eran_morad , an Europe in Russia: Loss of state-owned energy giant Gazprom, the first in decades, shows the Kremlin's struggle to fill EU gas sales gap with China

The West and our allies should deploy all covert means and most overt means, short of a shooting war, to destroy the russian state. Fuck the blyats.

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