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hydroptic OP , (Bearbeitet )

Exactly so!

While I'll definitely do what I can to try and influence the trajectory we're on I'm just one person, and I'm not exactly optimistic about how things are going and figure that at some point something like this meme will be the best I can do

hydroptic OP ,

Which, I guess, is part of the problem

hydroptic OP ,

Why do so many folks dislike webp? I really have no strong feelings towards it one way or the other

hydroptic OP ,

Ah well that's certainly fair enough, I had no idea it's a Google-encumbered format.

Not sure I've ever "voluntarily" converted something to webp. Many Lemmy instances' pict-rs setups seem to use it, my home instance sopuli.xyz obviously being one of them, which I guess is a sort of a funny choice considering

hydroptic ,

I'm actually somewhat surprised that "smart" TVs and phones don't already have attention-aware ads

hydroptic , (Bearbeitet )

But they haven't released a TV with that feature yet though, and if I remember right that patent's fairly old – something like 10–15 years.

Wonder what's kept them from actually doing it. Maybe even Sony suits understood it'd be a fucking disaster from a marketing perspective?

Edit: the patent was filed in 2009

hydroptic ,

Oh yeah it's obviously a shit idea, but that generally doesn't stop executives when they think there's money to be made – considering how eg. YouTube's trying to stop you from blocking ads and will apparently start showing ads when videos are paused, requiring attention seems like a logical next step to drive that CPM up to fund the CEO's new yacht

hydroptic ,

Honestly the way society is currently looking, I fully expect to either be put in a concentration camp or murdered by some brownshirt-equivalent in the near-ish future. "Moderate" conservatives seem to have no problems collaborating with fascists

hydroptic , (Bearbeitet )

It'd be funny if they were eg. Revolutionary Socialist Party and Socialist Revolutionary Party, or Communist Party of India and Indian Communist Party. Now it's just… well, two parties with very different names and different politics (socialism ≠ communism) (edit: see reply comment re politics of the RSP)

hydroptic ,

Ha now see, those would definitely fit the bill

German Chancellor Scholz Warns European Commission President Von der Leyen Against Coalition With Populists ( www.bloomberg.com ) Englisch

Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Germany would only support European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for a second term if her center-right European People’s Party can build a stable majority in the next European Parliament without support of the far right....

hydroptic ,

Funny how all these "moderate" conservatives have no problem collaborating with fascists. Gee I wonder why that is?

hydroptic ,

The movie that this is from is 26 years old.

Well fuck.

In the same vein:


hydroptic ,

Same with flying cars. At least with regular ground cars you won't have a car come crashing through your wall if you don't live on the bottom floor – although I'm sure some bright spark has managed to do that with a regular car, it takes real dedication to stupidity to manage without a flying car. Or if someone cuts you off in traffic, they're usually coming from either your left or right side, not from above or below too

hydroptic ,

Wait, they're really doing that?

hydroptic ,

Definitely not no, I was more just wondering whether this is actually something that's happening over on Reddit

hydroptic , (Bearbeitet )

unzip && strip && touch && finger && grep && mount && fsck && more && yes && fsck && fsck && umount && clean && sleep

Edit: and yes, this joke is older than the gods as evidenced by the presence of finger, and I'm not sure clean is a thing in modern UN*X distros. Not in FreeBSD at any rate

hydroptic ,

Ah, this is great news. Hopefully they can actually come up with something that Hungary and other reich-wing shitholes can't scuttle.

The best possible world would have Hungary ejected from the Union so that they could reapply for membership if they manage to unfuck themselves, but unfortunately I don't think there's any sort of a mechanism for anything like that (or much chance of Hungary getting unfucked, by all appearances)

hydroptic ,

Showing once again that fascism is much too palatable to most "moderates". FdI is a literal offshoot of the original Fascist Party and many of its members, Meloni included, have publicly said they idolize Mussolini. Naturally they had to say they're sorry for saying it out loud, which means they definitely changed their views, right?

hydroptic ,

Murder fits reich-wing values just fine. Consensual sex, gay or otherwise, doesn't.

hydroptic ,

US companies probably use those subsidies to raise executive pay & bonuses

hydroptic ,

Recluse houses are better for debaucherous parties of all types anyway.

All houses are great for debaucherous parties of all types! Your neighbours may not agree but they need to loosen up, maybe join one of those debaucherous parties for once

hydroptic ,

Poe's Law and all that; conservative opinions are nearly universally idiotic enough that it's hard to tell them apart from parody / sarcasm

hydroptic ,

LINE GO UP! This is good for economy! You want line to go up don't you? If you don't, you let the communists win

hydroptic ,
hydroptic ,

The first thing that popped into my head when I saw that "fence" is Tengwar:


The elves must really hate dyslexics

hydroptic ,

That indeed is the joke, yes

hydroptic ,

Ha, true, it can be almost as hairy as Tengwar especially if you write nonsense. Quick, name all the letters:


edit: made it worse

revenge of the edit: "minimum" isn't exactly easy to read either:


hydroptic ,

Ok that's hilarious.

In a few decades maybe it'll officially be "keming"

hydroptic ,

At least shapewise it's like close-ish; the one that really gets my goat is how the fuck does т turn into m.

hydroptic ,

The Son of God? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of Israel? Localized entirely within this tomb?

hydroptic ,

Honestly you're both twats.

hydroptic ,

So, are the terrorists one or more of these:

  • islamic terrorists from one of the Caucasus "republics"
  • disgruntled vets
  • separatists
  • FSB agents

I'd figure it's some IS offshoot, although regardless of who actually did it the FSB will likely blame it on the Chechens as is tradition. Especially if they did it themselves

hydroptic ,

So what do you folks think, is the (supposed!) foiled IS plan somehow tied to this? Is this garden variety islamic terrorism by Chechnyans or Dagestani or Ingushetians etc., or is it eg. separatists (which can overlap with religious motive), or pissed off vets?

hydroptic ,

Yeah my bet is some IS offshoot from the Caucasus, or the FSB.

It's honestly not all that unlikely that Putin's behind this one, just like with the apartment building bombings in '99 that got blamed on the Chechens and were used as part of the pretext for war. I know the Ukrainian HUR is claiming that they know this was a false flag, but I'm going to hold my judgement until more information comes in.

hydroptic ,

Heh yeah I just finished typing a comment that my bet is that it's either IS or the FSB. I'd give 'em about 50/50 odds, really. Maybe 65/35.

hydroptic ,

New, revised version of Russian history in a nutshell: "Russia has reached a new low"

hydroptic ,

Warnings won't do anything. They need to be hit with fines that hurt

hydroptic ,

This is starkly visible here in Finland. Outside of the old Eastern Bloc countries we're the most racist country in the EU (see eg. the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights study called Being Black in the EU from 2018), and it's often incredibly difficult for someone with even a foreign name to actually get employed here as anything but eg. a janitor, waiter, Wolt/Foodora delivery driver etc., completely regardless of how educated someone is. Westerners might have an easier time although that's not guaranteed at all, but especially Black, and Middle-Eastern folks struggle to find any sort of employment that's not menial and criminally underpaid (sometimes literally.) Immigrants form a huge underclass here and everybody seems to do their damndest to pretend that this isn't happening

hydroptic ,

Yeah. Trump can get fucked, but so can Swift.

There are no ethical billionaires

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