CuddlyCassowary , an Europe in Swedish court sides with Tesla over blocked licence plates - Aftonbladet

I want to downvote this because it makes me angry, but I don’t want to harm the person who posted it. Ugh! (didn’t downvote)

drdabbles , avatar

The decision is literally only that NordPost needs to deliver the plates. Nothing else has been decided. Still no dock workers, electricians, cleaners, etc. only that plates must be delivered. Which doesn't mean much if the vehicles aren't being offloaded at your ports.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Sounds like the Swedish courts are having a bit of…


( •_•)>⌐■-■


Stockholm Syndrome

gravitas_deficiency , an Europe in Swedish court sides with Tesla over blocked licence plates - Aftonbladet

The courts can say whatever they like. Doesn’t mean the boycott is gonna end. There’s tons of ways to “do your job” creatively without actually doing your job.

gravitas_deficiency , an Europe in Hungary far-right would lay claim to neighbouring region, if Ukraine loses war

And that’s why Orban is so friendly with Putin: he’s hoping he can turn it into a land grab for Hungary.

idegenszavak , an Europe in EU threatens to hit Hungary's economy if Orban vetoes Ukraine aid avatar

This is stupid:

  1. Orbán doesn't care about Hungarian economy.
  2. This will just help Orbán, because he can legit say now that the EU hurts Hungarians on purpose. Not him, but all Hungarians. He was telling this for years, without any proof, but now EU just did him a favor, thanks...
bungleofjoy ,

How would you deal with Orban then?

idegenszavak , avatar

The current freezing of EU fund things are somewhat working. And he can't use them to make himself look like a victim. He likes to speak about himself as "We Hungarians", and this just helps him with that.

gravitas_deficiency ,

This stops working when the matters that Orban is vetoing are time-critical. Like military aid for Ukraine.

Orban is creating a situation where the EU has two bad alternatives to choose from, and he doesn’t think they’ll turn on Hungary. But they might, because at this point, most of Europe seems like they’d prefer Ukraine being in the union over Hungary. So if Orban calls the EU’s bluff, there’s a very good chance that the EU will call Orban’s bluff and kill their voting rights, with full knowledge that it would strongly push Hungary towards leaving the Union. It’s a trade off; everyone’s done the math at this point. We’ll see how it actually pans out in the coming weeks.

gravitas_deficiency , an Europe in EU Parliament, Council agree to ban products made with forced labour

That… wasn’t a rule before…?

GregorGizeh , an Europe in China complains about Dutch news report on Taiwan, saying European public broadcaster should "adhere to the one-China principle" and "not provide [a] platform for 'Taiwan independence' forces'"

West Taiwan should sit down and be content with their independence from the motherland.

Fapper_McFapper , an Europe in US embassy warns of imminent attack in Moscow by 'extremists' [March 8th]

Holy shit. Speculating here but what if it is Islamic terrorist taking revenge on Russia? What if they sense Russia is weak and can be taken down from the inside. Again, just wild speculation.

PinkOwls ,

I think last year there were demonstrations against a mosque in Moscow. The Czechens were not amused and published a video threatening action against Moscow.

tal , avatar


Chechens. Chechnya is in Russia. Czechia is in the EU.

gravitas_deficiency ,

Chechnya was illegally annexed by Russia.

hydroptic , an Europe in US embassy warns of imminent attack in Moscow by 'extremists' [March 8th]

So what do you folks think, is the (supposed!) foiled IS plan somehow tied to this? Is this garden variety islamic terrorism by Chechnyans or Dagestani or Ingushetians etc., or is it eg. separatists (which can overlap with religious motive), or pissed off vets?

tal , avatar

If I had to make a guess, whoever was involved didn't expect to come out alive.

And it targeted the general public, not the government.

I'd guess Islamic stuff is more likely than upset veterans.

But I suppose that if it's part of a larger group, that someone will probably claim responsibility.

hydroptic ,

Yeah my bet is some IS offshoot from the Caucasus, or the FSB.

It's honestly not all that unlikely that Putin's behind this one, just like with the apartment building bombings in '99 that got blamed on the Chechens and were used as part of the pretext for war. I know the Ukrainian HUR is claiming that they know this was a false flag, but I'm going to hold my judgement until more information comes in.

gravitas_deficiency ,
hydroptic ,

Heh yeah I just finished typing a comment that my bet is that it's either IS or the FSB. I'd give 'em about 50/50 odds, really. Maybe 65/35.

rimu , an Europe in EU's new tech laws are working as small browsers gain market share avatar

Vivaldi is employee owned and has no VC involvement. No AI hype, no crypto bs, no ads.

They seem pretty good, as far as non-FOSS options go.

See for more.

I tried their browser the other week and was pleasantly surprised by some innovative features.

freedomPusher , (Bearbeitet ) an Europe in Belgium, Czech Republic seek sanctions for Russian interference in EU elections

I would also like to see Belgium take action against its own political parties who allow Cloudflare to block some demographics of voters from seeing election info. These political parties are running exclusive websites:

  • PS/Vooruit (Socialist / Parti Socialiste [fr/nl])
  • Défi (previously part of the MR, now more at the center [fr])
  • CD & V (center / Christen Democratisch en Vlaams [nl])
  • Groen (Green Party [nl])
  • Open VLD (liberal [nl])
RunawayFixer ,

Which demographics are being blocked?

I can enter their websites just fine from an anonymous browser and I'm not in Belgium atm.

freedomPusher , (Bearbeitet )

Cloudflare is not transparent about who they block. They essentially (and falsely) say they only block baddies, in so many words. A list of groups found to be marginalized can be found here:

A consequence of the non-transparency is that the list is inherently incomplete. Certainly if you use Ungoogled Chromium to reach the websites of those parties over the Tor network, you will be blocked hard and fast (not even a CAPTCHA offer).

For example:

RunawayFixer ,

Those sites do need ddos protection, so it's no surprise that they use a very popular one. Not everyone is a tech wizard of the highest order, so I really can't fault their web masters for using what's easy and convenient.

Someone who uses degoogled chromium over tor is also more than tech savvy enough to know what to do if they want to check out a website behind cloudflare. These "demographics" are not being excluded, ATM they're just being inconvenienced.

I do agree that we need better browsing neutrality, I just don't think haranguing individual websites is the way to go about it.

freedomPusher , (Bearbeitet )

These “demographics” are not being excluded, ATM they’re just being inconvenienced.

Have another look at that list. People using public libraries are not necessarily tech savvy; more likely the contrary. People whose ISP chose to implement CGNAT don’t necessarily even have any idea that they are sharing a WAN IP address. AOS ≤6 users are likely clueless; they will just blame their phone and buy another.

I’m not sure it’s fair to say all Tor users are hackers considering Tails is simply a matter of booting with a USB stick inserted. Many VPN users are avg Joes just trying to reach BBC or torrents. VPN services have had to lower the bar to be usable by low tech folks.

Not everyone is a tech wizard of the highest order, so I really can’t fault their web masters for using what’s easy and convenient.

I agree it’s much more likely a case of ignorance than malice. But nonetheless they have a professional duty to become informed about the consequences of their choices. Using CF is a proactive move¹. They are responsible for excluding people and should be held accountable until they get it right.

¹ OTOH, 4 of those parties have apparently outsourced to “Nationbuilder”, whereas Défi apparently did their own CF deployment. Whoever is behind Nationbuilder owns their incompetence. It’s reasonable to expect an outsourced contractor to know what they’re doing. The political parties should choose a different contractor who can do the job without excluding people.


Digital exclusion is a big problem in Belgium. Current politicians are dismantling analog infra and forcing people online for government transactions. And those gov resources are often broken and/or exclusive. People are often forced to disclose more info than necessary (in violation of the GDPR minimisation principle). So it is actually becoming quite important to elect people who oppose digital exclusion.

oDDmON , an Europe in Pornhub, XVideos, Stripchat face strict EU rules, Commission says

Whoa! That’s some profit limiting legislation in action.

vzq ,

Is it? In the end, it’s about trying to get them to take responsibility for the content they host and the services they provide. Just like the DMA does for all other providers.

oDDmON ,

I should have used an /s flag on the post, it was meant as sarcasm.

thisisbutaname , an Europe in Pornhub, XVideos, Stripchat face strict EU rules, Commission says

The companies will also have to meet additional transparency obligations, including related to ads, and providing access to data for researchers.

Yeah, you know, for science

rikudou ,

I can legitimately say that I visited a porn site for research! Nothing sciency, though, just a project that regularly calculates which country has the most porn actresses per capita.

pulsey ,

And? What were your results?

Ringmasterincestuous ,


rikudou ,
tal , an Europe in Pornhub, XVideos, Stripchat face strict EU rules, Commission says avatar

"These specific obligations include submitting risk assessment reports to the Commission, putting in place mitigation measures to address systemic risks linked to the provision of their services," it said in a statement.

I feel like systemic risks from lack of pornography from said platforms until a replacement can show up are rather limited.

This isn't quite Gazprom here.

DozensOfDonner , an Europe in Dutch privacy watchdog recommends government organisations stop using Facebook

Meanwhile the post service, railways, prolly more: you can only contact us via twitter or Facebook!!!1!1!!!

fristislurper , avatar

Post, Railway, just FYI.

Badeendje , an Europe in Dutch privacy watchdog recommends government organisations stop using Facebook avatar

Maybe they should start a discord too

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