
empireOfLove , an Memes in I'd saw off my leg for my grocery store to start carrying something besides shitty IPA's and Budweiser

Depends where you live. Areas with a smaller craft brew scene do end up with the "nothing but IPA" problem. But where I live in the PNW there's simply so damn many that even with 50% of them being IPA's, you still get a huge selection of other pilsners, stouts, amber ales, hefenweizens... its pretty nice.

chemical_cutthroat ,
@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

I work for a brewery in Portland, and we'd like to make over varieties, but hazys and IPAs are what sell.

brambledog ,

About 10 years ago it was probably closer to 80% IPAs. It was a big joke here that IPA stands for I Pretend (I'm not an) Alcoholic.

The only reason there is more on the market now is because we all stopped pretending the taste of motor oil with grapefruit gave us a better buzz.

Even now, most breweries will only seem to offer 4 varieties of IPAs, a pilsner/lager and a stout. Maybe an Amber but I feel the Mac & Jack's copycat scene has mostly died out now.

qyron , an Memes in Defediverse

It's intriguing how everyone that views themselves as moderates/liberals forget (or are unacquainted with it) about the paradox of tolerance.

Tolerance implies everyone has a right to express their ideas and you want that. You want everything out in the open, so you can pick at it, dismantle it and render it pitiful, ridiculous and useless.

You want the intolerant crying out loud that you are intolerant as that means you are doing the right thing. The intolerant want silence, forced, while the tolerant want noise, anger, tension.

Remember that anything worthwhile needs to be fought for. Don't regret being vocal and harsh towards intolerance.

yata ,

That is a pretty ironic comment because that is not what the paradox of tolerance is at all. The paradox of tolerance is that intolerance needs to be suppressed for tolerance to exist, since tolerance can't exist alongside intolerance.

The paradox is that tolerance needs to be intolerant towards intolerance in order for a tolerant society to exist, literally the exact opposite of what you wrote.

bi_tux , an Memes in Double standards or something, I don't know...
@bi_tux@lemmy.world avatar

Ukraine is simply more important to the countries bordering russia, the EU and it's allies

camelbeard ,

Ukraine is a sovereign nation that got attacked by another country.

Palestine just carried out a horrible attack on Israel. Plus the history of Israel and Palestine is totally different. It's just apples and oranges. I'm not claiming in any way Israel is right here, but Hamas is definitely scum of the Earth.

tyler , an Memes in It's the same fake argument every time they try to take away your rights

Man people really set up the strawmen here. Congress has literally said it’s about foreign influence, not about protecting children. It has absolutely nothing to do with kids. It has to do with China influencing the citizens of the United States to do things that are beneficial to China, against the interests of the US government.

It’s not a ban, if China gives up control of the app to a United States entity then there’s no problem. It has absolutely nothing to do with protecting children.

Viking_Hippie ,

Congress has literally said it’s about foreign influence

Which is also a lie. The likes of Twitter, Facebook and Google are just as beholden to foreign governments such as the fascist regimes of India, Israel, Myanmar and others. They pay the people in Congress a lot more in legal bribes, though, so they can basically get away with anything.

It’s not a ban, if China gives up control of the app to a United States entity then there’s no problem.

Imagine the uproar if China demanded that Google stopped being a US military contractor..

What the whole thing is about is empty symbolic rhetoric and xenophobia in an election year and oppressive measures to go with it.

BirdyBoogleBop ,

Google was blocked in China in 2014 for refusing to censor search results. Now search results are censored and must go through their Hong Kong subsiduary. The last part is what the US Government is asking for TikTok to do right?

China already bans and censors loads of apps and websites already so I don't think looking at what they do in this instance is a good idea.

Gabu ,

So it's okay for me to rob you because someone else was robbed by a thief?

BirdyBoogleBop ,

Okay. Which part of what I written makes you think that? I thought my second paragraph was enough to say China doing things is not a reason to do things.

Bahnd , an Memes in ts moment

I still self host my TS3 for my nerd herd, and as an EvE online player (currently trying to win, but thats hard), you have to be fluent in all voip solutions as they all have different requirments and say a lot about your group.

Discord - small group, utilizing free services, may have an auth tool, used to keep in contact with people from old groups. Remember kids, if the product is free, you are the product

TS3 - mid-sized group (100-1000 players) requires a real IT team, will have an authentication system and generally will have their shit together. Ease of set up is handy, but admin user accounts can break servers.

Mumble - Welcome to the big leagues. (1K+ players) The resources you require now require resources in meat-space and are rather substantial. You need real IT security and people on a payroll. It will drive your admins nuts for about a week setting everything up, but once its done, you wont have to touch it again.

Ventrilo - old school WoW player...

Manifish_Destiny ,

How would mumble take a week to spin up?

Bahnd ,

There is a difference between having it turn on and hardening it against DDOS attacks while haveing 500 nerds try to use it as coms for massive videogame fights (this has happened, its against the games rules, but it has happened). If you can do that in a day, please empart your wisdom.

Manifish_Destiny ,

Yeah. Just implement an IP whitelist.

CaptainBlagbird ,
@CaptainBlagbird@lemmy.world avatar

What about Skype though?


jimrob4 , an Memes in Simple Truth
@jimrob4@midwest.social avatar

Yeah cause the whole middle east isn’t singing “from the mountains to the sea” and talking about shoving Jews into the Mediterranean Sea.

Does it hurt being dumb?

Feathercrown , an Memes in Defediverse

I'm so glad that the comments have (mostly) finally unified in agreement that defederating Nazis and other hideous people is the right move.

AlexWIWA ,

I'm not up to date on the drama. Who got defeded?

ThePac , an Memes in Defediverse

What a simple, stupid argument.

Cqrd ,

You can’t enter a discussion with somebody who’s just trying to bombard you into submission. OP is wildly ignorant or just somebody sad they’re being defederated on a different account.

jerieljan , an Memes in It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.

I don't get the point of this.

Since when did Sync masquerade itself as FOSS?

Just use whatever you want. Isn't that why we're all here?

Is the Sync noise getting to you? Just ignore it. It's natural since the app just opened up and there were a significant amount of Reddit refugees that badly wanted their app back.

aaaa ,

Seems to me this has spawned a fair bit of discussion... Which is the actual reason we're all here.

Sync has gotten a lot of buzz (I don't understand why, even on Reddit, rif was always better anyway) and that's always going to bring out the people who don't agree, for one reason or another.

Don't mistake an opinion you don't share for anything beyond what it is. I could just as easily parrot your statement back: if you don't think this discussion is productive, just ignore it. There's plenty of other discussions to get involved with on Lemmy

Takumidesh ,

Sync gained a big following because it had a core feature many many moons ago, when having constant cell service was much less common, it allowed you download and save hundreds of posts and all the comments while you were on wifi, so you could browse reddit offline, it did this automatically and in the background (based on your settings ) hence the name 'Sync'. This was a killer feature back in the day, at least for me. As that became less of a need, the app continued to change and add a lot of nice features, like lots of customizations, random NSFW, a very good OLED dark mode, etc, so there was no point in switching to something else.

My .02¢

klyde ,
@klyde@lemmy.world avatar

RiF better? Lmaooo

TheOneAndOnly ,

RiF was all I ever used. Never even heard of Sync until I migrated to Lemmy at the end of June. Fwiw, I found Connect rather quickly, and it feels almost exactly like RiF. Enough that it scratches the itch. I tried Sync for about an hour today... It's fine enough... But I can't figure out what it has that Connect doesn't. Maybe it's just that everyone who used Sync was just comfortable and didn't want to change. I'm fine with it being a paid app, or subscription, or whatever dude decides to do to help support himself, too...I just don't get the hubbub when there's a perfectly excellent free alternative in Connect.

aaaa ,

Yeah, Sync was fine, just nothing special for me. I'm pretty sure it's mostly just people who want the same experience they had on Reddit.

I adapted to Voyager pretty quickly, and the only real issue I've had with it was that it didn't handle it well when .world went down, but that's improved enough now. I'm not the biggest fan of the swipe gestures, as they've made me accidentally vote on a lot of things without noticing, but it's nothing I can't get used to.

I don't need it to be exactly like it was before. I'm satisfied with something simple that does the job.

altima_neo ,
@altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

I think it's more the Lemmy userbase having different expectations than that of the Reddit userbase, with Lemmy being such a shift from Reddit.

drbi ,

I agree. SYNC will bring tons of reddit users to lemmy. I for one welcome that change.

jonesy ,

I could use this same logic to talk about your comment. People are free to dunk on other apps, so why not just mute the post?

Neato , an Memes in Different systems, different solutions
@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

So yeah. Housing the homeless is an effective solution. There are more empty homes than homeless in the US at least. And you can subsidize or build new places for this purpose, especially if they are transitory for the majority. And it'll still be cheaper than dealing with all the knock-on effects of homelessness: litter, crime, health issues, etc.

programmer_belch ,
@programmer_belch@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

But how will investors in the housing market recover from the loss in property value?

davel ,
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

Won't somebody please think of the porky-scared-flipped

marcuse1w , an Memes in Waiting For the Fall

What do you hope comes after it ?

yogthos OP ,
@yogthos@lemmy.ml avatar

Socialist phase where means of production are owned by the workers, and then communism.

trailing9 ,

You can have cooperatives right now.

Pavidus , an Memes in Math

Someone mentioned antifa at work the other day, and I said, "Antifa? I'm in. Shitting on fascists has been an American pass time for a century or better."

The looks of shock and horror on my coworkers faces was quite the sight to behold.

Crass_Spektakel ,
@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Well, I can tell you, in Europe Extremist Voters switch without thinking twice between far left and far right.

Methods, Objectives and Goals are the same, just the arguments differ slightly.

Both hate the West, especially the US and Israel, both hate the way we live but without offering a better way. Both want to burn down the house just to see who survives. Only the Arguments differ, the left hate the people running their own society, the right hate the people running other society.

And always remember, Hitler was a National-SOCIALIST.

Crass_Spektakel , an Memes in Math
@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

The difference between the extreme wings is miniscule. Methods, Objectives and Goals are the same, just the arguments differ slightly.

In Germany half of the voters of the Ultra-Left Party "Linkspartei" went within one election to the Ultra-Right Party "Alternative für Deutschland". Even starnger, the AfD is financed by Putin who wants to recreate Stalinism, which is Ultra-Leftist, while the AfD wants to recreate a Führer-Cult which is Ultra-Right. And still both cooperate perfectly.

But don't think the US is better. While Linkspartei and AfD together are 15% in the US the equally Extremist-Trumpists are close to 50%.

People need to understand that the Extremists on the wings are closer to each other than to the middle. While the middle tries to better things in small steps the Extremists want to burn the house down with everyone inside and then see who survives.

Cowbee ,
@Cowbee@lemmy.ml avatar

Sorry, but this is just horseshoe-theory Enlightened Centrist nonsense.

Methods? No. The far-right relies on terror, fear, and explicit power structures such as a police state to maintain power. Leftists oppose such structures, even on the ultra-left.

Objectives? Absolutely not. Right-wingers seek to maintain Capitalism, the far-right seeks to implement fascism as a reactionary protection of Capitalist hierarchy, complete with racial and gender hierarchy. The extreme left, ie Anarchists and Communists, seek a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless society based on horizontal power structures. Completely different.

Goals? Same as objectives.

Horseshoe theory is absolute nonsense, and is used to protect the status quo even if the status quo must be radically changed.

Crass_Spektakel ,
@Crass_Spektakel@lemmy.world avatar

Stalin and Pol Pot and Saddam used mostly the same methods as Hitler and as Pinochet and just like the Taliban.

They wanted total power to reform the society to their day dreams. There is not much difference if you call your Economy Plan "Five Year Plan" or "Maximale Kriegswirtschaft". In the end everyone gets under the foot of the Big Brother, the Grosser Führer, вождь woschd (Yes, Stalin let himself call Führer as did several other Extremist leaders).

We need to learn that the Extremists are much further away from the middle than the parties of the middle to each other. But also the Extremists are much closer to themselves.

Even Trump and Putin show a lot of those methods and while Trump dreams of US Fascism and Putin dreams of Reviving Stalinism their Objectives are just the same: Total power for themselfes.

Oh, I hear you already screaming "But they weren't Socialists/Fascists" - well, they were part of the Socialist International, they called themselves Socialists and people travelled there to see Socialism. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."

The Way less extreme people defend themselves from the more extreme people is just "But they weren't true right/left wing. They were something else!" - Boy, I am so tired of it. If 99% if your ventures into Extremism always end the same then I see a pattern that the results will ALWAYS be the same.

And seeing how easily East Germans nowadays change from Ultra-Left to Ultra-Right and visa versa I say: Proof by Observation in the Wild.

I am not even talking about the US where 90% of the people simply don't even understand what left, right, middle, liberal and Extremism means. When giving a kid free health care is socialism and people think free voting is disrespectable liberalism.

henrykang , an Memes in Awww yeah

For anyone who struggle to navigate unfamiliar areas or find their way around, mapquest driving directions is an excellent tool to have on hand. What is its usefulness? Not only does it show you the best route, but it also suggests restaurants, updates you on traffic, and more.

ToucheGoodSir , an Memes in It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.

Yeah the audacity to charge money for dev time if they so choose :| wild. Something free market of ideas something

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