
tazgetroete , an Random avatar

Schon vor dem 7. Oktober nahm der Antisemitismus in Europa zu. Das zeigt eine neue Studie, für die 8.000 Ju­den:­Jü­din­nen in 13 Ländern befragt wurden.!6022977

heiseonline , an Random avatar

Boeing Starliner: Rückkehr frühestens Ende Juli

Die Astronauten Butch Wilmore und Suni Williams müssen noch länger auf der ISS bleiben. Die NASA checkt weiterhin das Starliner-Raumschiff auf Fehler ab.

#ISS #Raumfahrt #news

ct_Magazin , an Random avatar

c't <webdev>: Submission deadline extended, cheap early bird tickets available

You can save 250 euros if you buy a ticket for the c't Frontend Developer Conference now. The deadline for submissions has been extended until July 20th.

#CSS #JavaScript #Webentwicklung #news

heisec , an Random avatar

VMware stopft SQL-Injection-Lücke in Aria Automation

Angreifer können eine Schwachstelle in VMware Aria Automation missbrauchen, um eigene Befehle mittels SQL-Injection einzuschleusen. Updates stehen bereit.

heiseonline , an Random avatar

Meisterleistung! 👏

surfacepoint , avatar

@heiseonline Solche Erlebnisse hatten wir bei Mieterausbauten oft genug, Raumthermostate, Schalter hinter Rigipsplatten, Schränken oder sonstigen Verkleidungen 🙄

LivingCode , avatar

@heiseonline Germany in a nutshell.

We keep all our problems behind a Regipswand since 1945. Its also our "Brandmauer"

heiseonline , an Random avatar
heiseonline , an Random avatar
foone , an Random Englisch avatar

You know the "one dimensional thinking" trope, where people run directly away from falling/rolling objects, rather than run a small distance to the side?

I just saw a letsplayer do that in a space game! With full 3D movement!

In deep space, they realize they've over-accelerated, and are heading towards a small satellite 13km away at 500m/s. They go "oh no, I'm going to crash into it again!" and slam on the retrorockets.
To slow down.

alexch , avatar

@foone whereas well-trained starship captains know how to play 3D chess

18+ miss_rodent , avatar

@foone Honestly, I am super curious how much this might vary culturally?
Like, would people from a region without streets/roads and a heavy deendancy on travelling in cars along said streets in straight lines, be as prone to this as, say, an american, who's whole life has been defined by having to move in straight lines?

ct_Magazin , an Random avatar

heise+ | Kabelloser Mähroboter Mammotion Luba 2 AWD im Test

Mit Allradantrieb und Abstandssensorik ist der Luba 2 für die Graserei auf unwegsamem, verwinkeltem Gelände getunt. Wir haben ihn genau unter die Lupe genommen.

foone , (Bearbeitet ) an Random Englisch avatar

Am I misremembering, or was there some cryptographic system where you could set up a container and have two keys to it, each of which provided a different file with no way for anyone to prove the other file/key existed?

ie, if the authorities forced you to decode it, you could give them the fake key and they'd only get the fake contents, and they couldn't prove that you have another key which reveals other contents?

Edit: it was truecrypt/veracrypt. Thanks!

falken , avatar

@foone like Hot Coffee?

aCrownOfMoths , avatar

@foone a few years ago I made a game that shipped on a very limited number of USB sticks. If you played it with the USB plugged in, it would play the actual game, if you copied the folder off and removed the USB it launched into a different B-side version of the game. I think adding encryption to something like that would genuinely be really cool

heiseonline , an Random avatar

Donnerstag: Intuit-Kündigungen wegen KI-Strategie, PC-Markt wieder mit Wachstum

Intuits Mitarbeiteraustausch + Erholung des PC-Markts dank KI + Balkonkraftwerke und eHealth-Strategie in Österreich + EU-Auflagen für Porno-Portal +

heiseonline , an Random avatar

: Always-on im Urlaub, E-Auto-Tempolimit, Festnetz

In der : Arbeitnehmer können im Urlaub nicht abschalten, E-Autos könnten Grund für ein Tempolimit sein und das Ende des Festnetzes rückt näher.

lily , an Random Englisch avatar

how to make an urban legend in your game, in the internet age

make a rare event that happens in hidden area, like 1% of the time, but every month the game is out, the chance of it happening drops by 0.1%.

the event also doesn't happen if it detects any common streaming software, like OBS.

also, all the assets for the event would be embedded into the binary, so dataminers would have to decompile it to confirm its existence.

oh, and in a switch port, it would disable video snapshots while the event is active

lily OP , avatar

that's the point of embedding it in the binary, but you could also do stenography on top of that. decompilation will reveal it either way.

foone , avatar

@lily right, I'm just suggesting (as someone who reverse engineers/datamines video games) ways to slow down the discovery further.
So it won't be easy to find even if we already are decompiling the binary to find it

foone , an Random Englisch avatar

I'm once again jobless and even more completely broke than before, which is really getting in the way of getting my medical issues sorted.

So if anyone has a few extra dollars they can donate to help me, that'd be very appreciated.

scrottie , avatar

@foone If we ever run in to each other, I'm going to ask you to sign my microcode =)

ddr , avatar

@foone done. Good luck. 😖

heiseonline , an Random avatar

Marktforscher: PC-Markt erholt sich weiter, Apple macht den größten Sprung

Apple und Acer konnten ihre PC-Verkäufe zuletzt deutlich steigern, doch China bremst die Erholung des PC-Marktes etwas. KI wird das größte Verkaufsargument.

thicktower , avatar

Appel und Acer sind die größten und ich bin der kleinste, ich habe jetzt wieder einen ausgeliefert, an mich selber.

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