
fasterthanlime , (Bearbeitet ) an Random Englisch
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

Well, I'm curious now — macOS users, are you a "developer" and do you have Finder set to "show hidden files"?

dluz ,
@dluz@hachyderm.io avatar

@fasterthanlime Back in my Windows days I used to see all hidden files (even “system files”), but on *nix systems $HOME has so much dot-garbage I found that unusable. (Also on present-day Windows with cross-platform developer tools installed, I’m afraid)

Like others mentioned, I know the Finder shortcut for when I need to see them, but I’m far more likely using Terminal or VSCode in those occasions. (I also know the Go-To shortcut, in case I need to jump to ~/Library)

mudbrick , (Bearbeitet )
@mudbrick@hachyderm.io avatar

@fasterthanlime I used to enable this setting habitually, in the hope it'd facilitate some kind of "discovery". Once or twice it did, I suppose.

After a decade and a half in macOS-land and longer still in UNIX-esque settings I'm familiar enough with where things go, and enough of a terminal-dweller that it hasn't felt worth the (small) effort do to it in a few years.

(Edited for typo)

foone , an Random Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

You know the "one dimensional thinking" trope, where people run directly away from falling/rolling objects, rather than run a small distance to the side?

I just saw a letsplayer do that in a space game! With full 3D movement!

In deep space, they realize they've over-accelerated, and are heading towards a small satellite 13km away at 500m/s. They go "oh no, I'm going to crash into it again!" and slam on the retrorockets.
To slow down.

andrewhinton ,
@andrewhinton@jawns.club avatar

@foone @nyrath really sharpens the meaning of “lateral thinking”

alexch ,
@alexch@ruby.social avatar

@foone whereas well-trained starship captains know how to play 3D chess

foone , (Bearbeitet ) an Random Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

Am I misremembering, or was there some cryptographic system where you could set up a container and have two keys to it, each of which provided a different file with no way for anyone to prove the other file/key existed?

ie, if the authorities forced you to decode it, you could give them the fake key and they'd only get the fake contents, and they couldn't prove that you have another key which reveals other contents?

Edit: it was truecrypt/veracrypt. Thanks!

falken ,
@falken@qoto.org avatar

@foone like Hot Coffee?

aCrownOfMoths ,
@aCrownOfMoths@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@foone a few years ago I made a game that shipped on a very limited number of USB sticks. If you played it with the USB plugged in, it would play the actual game, if you copied the folder off and removed the USB it launched into a different B-side version of the game. I think adding encryption to something like that would genuinely be really cool

SwiftOnSecurity , an Random Englisch
@SwiftOnSecurity@infosec.exchange avatar

Telling children they are living in a dying world is an essential evil we don’t really have terminology for. Children cannot fix your sins through shame and abortion of hope. You are the villain in their story, not their savior - peddling nothing actualizing change, only dred.

simonoid ,
@simonoid@aus.social avatar

@SwiftOnSecurity the bus scene from utopia season 2 deeply impacted me for this reason.

that_ac ,
@that_ac@hachyderm.io avatar


I feel like this just goes here Tay.

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  • foone , an Random Englisch
    @foone@digipres.club avatar

    A discussion from Tumblr about my Brazilian Pride Flag Conflict re: VGAPride got reposted on reddit, and it's hilarious how different the reaction is.

    So many people there are like "why are you having this problem? MS-DOS? just design the flag in inkscape or g*mp! why would you want to design a pride flag for DOS?"

    It's real sad. They just don't understand why anyone would write software to display pride flags on DOS.

    lunarloony ,
    @lunarloony@dosgame.club avatar

    @foone It feels like an extension of the "just be normal" argument

    favretto ,
    @favretto@mastodon.social avatar

    @foone and to imagine the bullshit they tell us that the green is for the forests yellow for the gold and riches and blue for the sky and rivers.

    And not because the republicans were lazy and just put a blue circle with the sky atop the former Brazil empire flag, no, that surely couldn't be it

    fasterthanlime , an Random Englisch
    @fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar


    The Zed code editor has an official Linux build now:

    🐧 https://zed.dev/linux

    kescher ,
    @kescher@catcatnya.com avatar

    @fasterthanlime ok but why do they suggest piping curl output into sh

    kimmakesgames ,
    @kimmakesgames@mastodon.social avatar

    @fasterthanlime oooo been waiting for this :)

    Volksverpetzer , an Random
    @Volksverpetzer@digitalcourage.social avatar

    Etliche AfD-Politiker und sogar Abgeordnete haben Stasi-Vergangenheit. Einige verschwiegen dies Jahrzehnte lang - die Partei stört das nicht.

    susannelilith ,
    @susannelilith@rheinneckar.social avatar

    @Volksverpetzer Warum sollte man sich an Leuten mit Diktatur Erfahrung in einer Nazi Partei stören?

    LisaAndCats ,
    @LisaAndCats@nrw.social avatar

    @Volksverpetzer passt doch voll rein. Wer denkt wie die Afd würde auch die eigene Großmutter verkaufen.

    SwiftOnSecurity , an Random Englisch
    @SwiftOnSecurity@infosec.exchange avatar

    >playing japanese game
    >”im gonna hit the hay”
    >realize ur not japanese and you entire view of that culture is from adaptation of mediating minds not literal transcription
    >find out japanese has fundamentally different sentence structure that does not work in english
    >realize every japanese cultural product is essentially rewritten
    >you’re living a lie
    >you have never tasted the sweetest nectar, only an imitation in your inferior pidgin language
    >you must learn japanese

    Anyway, that’s how that happens.

    homelessjun ,

    @SwiftOnSecurity んん、そうね。がんばってくださいね! :blobcheer:

    http ,
    @http@infosec.exchange avatar

    @SwiftOnSecurity 何を話しているのか全くわかりませんが、私もオンラインツールを使って文章を翻訳できます。それに、日本語は素晴らしい言語ですね!

    mattgrayyes , an Random Englisch
    @mattgrayyes@chaos.social avatar

    I have just finished reading the Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells.
    I thought it was great and now I have a hole that wants to be filled (hurr) with something similar.

    It’s the combo of fast paced action, humour & sci-fi/space that I liked. Also nice it wasn’t a sausage fest, and had queer characters too.

    Andy Weir’s stuff is similar when it comes to pacing & humour for me. But I’ve read it.

    Any suggestions please?

    Murderbot diaries:
    https://amzn.to/462bOso (affiliate link)

    brianjones2007 ,
    @brianjones2007@mas.to avatar

    @mattgrayyes dungeon crawler Carl, or the expeditionary force series

    haakon ,
    @haakon@aus.social avatar
    SwiftOnSecurity , an Random Englisch
    @SwiftOnSecurity@infosec.exchange avatar

    The first LGBT programming language: Fortrans

    bransonturner ,
    @bransonturner@mastodon.social avatar

    @SwiftOnSecurity The first soundtrack to the first LGBT programming language: Tron by trans-woman Wendy Carlos

    TheMNWolf ,
    @TheMNWolf@furry.engineer avatar

    @SwiftOnSecurity I'm not entirely sure you deserved it, but you earned a snicker from me.

    SwiftOnSecurity , an Random Englisch
    @SwiftOnSecurity@infosec.exchange avatar

    How your views on programmers progress in InfoSec

    1.) Developers should know better
    2.) Developers are users too
    3.) They are paid to much to be absolved of sin

    tuban_muzuru ,
    @tuban_muzuru@ohai.social avatar


    The programmers don't create the security policies.

    Worry, rather, about the knuckleheads who don't understand the insecure messes in the name of Convenience.

    It's been my experience the programmers understand the problems they're creating - they were explicitly told to do it that way.

    tanktop ,
    foone , an Random Englisch
    @foone@digipres.club avatar

    I think the job app is just making up terms.

    It's like "do you have SSCP certification? how about MTA? JKLW? VVTXY? POVW? FFX2?"

    foone OP ,
    @foone@digipres.club avatar

    @wollman I'm definitely FCKGW certified.

    I used to have a windows 98 serial key memorized because I worked at a PC repair shop back in the day and had to reinstall that OS all the time

    neilturner ,
    @neilturner@mastodonapp.uk avatar

    @foone I'm losing track of all these Myers-Briggs types.

    tazgetroete , an Random
    @tazgetroete@mastodon.social avatar

    Die Bundeswehr wirbt mit einer TikTok-Kampagne um Nachwuchs. Dabei ist die App für Soldaten aus Datenschutzgründen verboten. Wie passt das zusammen? https://taz.de/!6022130

    _RyekDarkener_ ,
    @_RyekDarkener_@mastodon.social avatar


    Es ist zielgruppenorientiert. Mastodon ist im Weltbild der meisten Kiddies zu elitär.

    PC_Fluesterer ,
    @PC_Fluesterer@social.tchncs.de avatar

    Gar nicht. Nennt man kognitive Dissonanz. 😎

    heiseonline , an Random
    @heiseonline@social.heise.de avatar

    Erstes digitales Stellwerk an ICE-Strecke in Betrieb

    In Bayern werden Weichen und Signale erstmals in Deutschland an einer Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke digital gesteuert.


    #DeutscheBahn #Verkehr #news

    DC4DD ,
    @DC4DD@mastodon.radio avatar

    @heiseonline Sind die nicht immer digital gesteuert oder haben die mehr als zwei Zustände?

    echopapa ,
    @echopapa@social.tchncs.de avatar


    muß man eigentlich die doofen Pressetexte der Bahn einfach so weiterkopieren? Ganz am Ende kommt zwar die Klarstellung was hier mit digital gemeint ist (nämlich quasi die letzte Meile zum Signal, Weiche etc.) aber man kann beim Text den Eindruck gewinnen, daß es bei der Bahn bisher völlig vorsintflutlich analog mit Seilzug zugegangen ist, was ja nun wirklich nicht stimmt.

    Ne Zuse Z3 war ja auch kein Analogrechner, nur weil sie mit Relais funktioniert hat.

    mcc , an Random Englisch
    @mcc@mastodon.social avatar

    I just figured out why every time for the last six years someone has talked about "Jon Favreau" from Pod Save America it has made me so confused

    foone ,
    @foone@digipres.club avatar

    @oblomov @mcc I worked for NOAA doing web development for weather records access.

    oblomov ,
    @oblomov@sociale.network avatar

    @foone @mcc beautiful

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