
Rainb0wSkeppy , in Vim

where linux

moosetwin , in Sorry to intrude. There's no BSD memes community. avatar

damn what happened in this comment section

Psythik ,

What do you mean? There's only 21 comments, only one top level comment is inciteful, and pretty much everyone is calling them out. There's nothing unusual going on in here.

moosetwin , avatar

when I wrote that comment, there were 0 top level comments (one removed by mod, one deleted by user)

PutangInaMo , in Well that didn't go as expected...

You really don't think Linux has viruses? I'm confused by this post. Is it an excuse to shit on wine and windows?

fidodo ,

They're super rare. I've not gotten one once in decades, whereas I've encountered countless viruses on Windows. Linux is more secure, but also it's just a smaller target. Best way to avoid viruses is to use an OS nobody else wants to use *taps head

PutangInaMo ,

I think you have a false sense of security with regards to Linux vulnerabilities and exploitations. There are dozen of known exploits throughout the Linux ecosystem that are publicly disclosed frequently.

What makes you think Linux is more secure than windows? I'm not trying to start an argument here I'm just curious.

fidodo ,

I find the Linux ecosystem has far better updating mechanisms than Windows and it doesn't have as much backwards compatibility cruft as Windows. That and the open source nature I think is better at having exploits uncovered. I'm not saying Linux is perfectly secure, but that it's more secure than Windows. But I think the biggest reason it's less likely to get viruses is just that it's a smaller target and that hackers aren't spending as much time trying to attack it, plus the users are more tech savvy meaning any attacks will be less lucrative.

Freesoftwareenjoyer ,

it’s a smaller target and that hackers aren’t spending as much time trying to attack it

It's the most popular server system, so I'm not so sure about that.

fidodo ,

The target user base is much smaller. Most viruses are spread through user error and server administrators are far more competent than a typical OS user. Also, typical server exploits lead to exposing credentials rather than spreading viruses.

SomethingBurger , in Well that didn't go as expected... avatar

Even better: Wine defaults to giving access to your whole drive to new prefixes.

InnerScientist ,

Though "only" your personal files are at risk cause of permissions.

Pyroglyph , in Well that didn't go as expected... avatar

This happened to me not long ago when I found a monero miner running on my laptop. Being a highly technical person, I feel unbounded shame.

Tangent5280 ,

How did you figure out it was running? How did you confirm? Teach me your methods


nitefox , in Well that didn't go as expected...

“Well no problem, they can’t run without root privileges!”
-/home left the game

gogosempai OP , avatar

Time to go back to our "roots" then.

alper_celik ,
cdegallo , in Well that didn't go as expected...

I feel like, for some weird reason, nobody on lemmy knows how meme templates are supposed to be used.

eatisaiy ,

you mean because of the last two panels which are supposed to be the same?
I personally prefer this version, it always bothered me reading the same thing twice which didn't add much to the meme

xintrik , avatar

The double take is the meme though…

tralion ,

it doesn’t have to conform to the exact format to work

grue ,

If it doesn't conform to the format, you should pick a different one that it does conform to and use that instead.

zyratoxx , avatar

What if they couldn't come up with a different format (even tho I may know different formats to use here I sometimes simply don't know their name (to search for their templates) or I'm just lacking the mental capacity to think of a more fitting one :')

FiskFisk33 ,

its like retelling a joke you heard but leaving out the punchline

null_recurrent ,

It's like watching my parents try to meme and I'm here for it.

militaryintelligence ,

People bitching about meme usage. I am home.

1984 , in What is spying? avatar

Google "Only spy the web" is highly inaccurate...they are everywhere. In every website, in your android phone, in your YouTube, in your Google drive, in your email, in your Google maps...

Anyways... I will calm down now. :)

Redredme ,

In your car, your TV, your network, your dns.....


1984 , avatar

They are even part of paying for the massive underwater cables between continents that all internet traffic runs through.

They took everything over.

It's the most extensive surveillance network in the world.

sneezycat , avatar

Literally 1984.

SolarMech ,

Except that instead of an authoritarian government using it to totally control the learned populace, they are showing you ads.

We've still got a way to go before 1984. If it did happen, you wouldn't be able to discuss it.

Sam_Bass , in Windows 10 EOL PSA

Hell my win10 pc hasnt had an update since '21 so no great loss

Opisek ,

That computer better be air gapped. Security updates are essential.

Sam_Bass ,

It has no internet connection, so no

JackbyDev ,

You mean yes lol. That's air gapped.


i know you guys are probably right when you say that security updates are important, but why exactly? give me an example of how i could be fucked over while i’m just mindlessly playing my steam games and watching twitch+youtube on a system that hasn’t been updated since 2016.

i blindly assume that as long as i don’t download and run stupid .exes or click stupid links, i am completely fine

Opisek , (Bearbeitet )

You don't need to click anything suspicious. Remote code execution has in the past been done through images, PDFs, comments on some webpage, or supposedly trustworthy games. Just recently, Minecraft would let an attacker run anything on the victim's computer due to a vulnerability in Log4j.

If your computer is not directly exposed to the internet, you might get away with some security updates that for example fix vulnerabilities that target the system firewall. But the point is, you're constantly exposing yourself to attackers without knowing so.

A few example vectors:

  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) allows an attacker to run arbitrary code on the victim's browser. All that's required is a website that doesn't validate its input properly. That is, an attacker can write executable code into a YouTube comment and when you view that comment, your computer will execute that code. Obviously YouTube is secured against that, but there are plenty of websites where this attack can be done. Therefore, modern browsers isolate the code execution to only that "browser tab", so the attacker can't access some sensitive data (unless the browser has some undiscovered vulnerability or for example the page itself contains sensitive information, say your bank account details). While modern browsers should provide sufficient protection against such attacks, the take-away point is that you don't necessarily need to click any "suspicious links". A vulnerability in a well-known website you frequent could be discovered any day.

  • An attacker can easily make your PC go to their website when typing DNS (how your computer is able to tell which web address is which computer) is not encrypted. It is incredibly easy tamper with. Why you don't get scammed everyday is because of TLS encryption. Your computer is able to tell that the website is not Google, because it doesn't have Google's cryptographic "keys". Assume that we discover a vulnerability in TLS (encryption of webpages) tomorrow and you refuse to update your operating system. Suddenly, an attacker can route any traffic they'd like back to them and you would be none the wiser. Same thing would happen if some vulnerability is discovered in X509 certificates, if ICANN's private keys are leaked, and so on.

There are a lot of things that could go wrong. And they go wrong daily. Security updates fix vulnerabilities that we constantly find. They may be updates for your browser, your games, or indeed your operating system, depending on where that vulnerability is. The examples I gave are exaggerated, because they're meant to be simple to understand. We do not find vulnerabilities in TLS every single day. Still, weak points are being discovered and fixed constantly. One of the bigger exploits were Spectre/Meltdown (attacks on the CPU) that let an attacker read any data they want, provided they can simply run some code on your computer in some way.

Also, obviously, if you expose yourself to the internet directly (e.g. port forwarding) or connect to an unsecure WiFi network, you'll be bombarded with automated attacks that exploit holes found in firewall and the likes. If you open a port on your computer right now, you'll get around a few hundred such knocks per day.

There are plenty of videos online that display what happens if you for example use a Windows 95 computer, either directly exposed to the internet or not. Might be worth watching to see just how easy it is for attackers to take over in the case of such an ancient system. Same principles apply to newer systems as well, the attacks are just more complex.


thank you for the explanation and the examples :) i will no longer be so ignorant about security updates

ricdeh , avatar

For web browsing, that almost makes no difference. As long as the browser is being updated, the most important attack vectors are closed. Even if there are any exploitable vulnerabilities on the OS, that will stop malware from even getting to them.

Opisek ,

Absolute joke of a comment. You are assuming the browser is a holy grail completely isolating the internet from the operating system.

First of all. The browser runs on the operating system's services. In particular, the isolation that you implicitly cite is done entirely by the kernel. (That's for example why you cannot run chrome in an unprivileged docker container - the crucial isolation-centered system calls are not available) The whole network stack is managed by the operating system. Cryptography can also partially be done OS-sided. The simplest example is CSPRNG, which is usually provided by the OS. (Advanced systems may rely on external physical generators, see Cloudflare's lava lamps).

Secondly. Completely and utterly wrong. The linked video displays the execution of Meltdown/Spectre within a browser. Using JavaScript. This allows the attacker to gain access to any data they want on your computer simply by running some JavaScript code. Easily remotely executed via XSS on a poorly written website. You may read the full article here. Or inform yourself about Meltdown and Spectre here. How is that relevant? Combating this vulnerability was primarily done via critical OS updates. The exploits are inherit to certain CPUs and are therefore not fully fixable. Still, the combination of BIOS, Chipset, OS, and browser updates help prevent very serious attack vectors. (That's the reason why the browser's time measurement is only accurate to about the millisecond.)

So no. Browsers aren't the magic solution to everything (sorry Ubuntu Snap). They very much depend on the OS providing the assumed security guarantees. And even assuming no direct vulnerabilities in the OS, we can never exclude side-channel attacks, like what Meltdown and Spectre were (or still are if you refuse to update your system).

Viking_Hippie , in I like C programs for their speed

Damn, that's a fast ass-cheetah!

What with passenger planes like the one depicted typically going 575-600 mph and the bar only 3 times as long, that dude is sprinting at upto 200mph!

(Link is to classic xkcd comic, not furry porn)

FuglyDuck , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

(Link is to classic xkcd comic, not furry porn)

I am both disappointed and pleased.

Throw_away_migrator ,

Log scaling?

Viking_Hippie ,

Probably, but it's much more fun to imagine a cheetah hauling ass at the speed of a modern supercar 😂

VonReposti ,

Link is to classic xkcd comic, not furry porn

Damn, you got my hopes up for a second there.

ReveredOxygen , avatar

Did you notice how it also mentions the speed of light?

roguetrick ,

The airplane is actually a spaceship that uses reaction mass to reach c/2.

ICastFist , avatar

That's just the FreePascal Compiler

roguetrick , (Bearbeitet )

Well if it's linear the cheeta is going somewhere around 100 million miles per hour. Air resistance would quickly make it a no-ass cheeta.

muntedcrocodile , (Bearbeitet ) in Guess how I spent my morning...

Hey at least u still got a kernal. Making a bootable usb to recover an install with a phone was surprisingly easy tho.

stoy ,

Wait, you are building a system to allow people to book a USB drive?


Dude, just get a few more USB drives, they are cheaper than wasting your time on this.

muntedcrocodile ,

Bootable should probs check my spelling.

swab148 OP , avatar

Yeah, I didn't bork it that hard, not this time anyways!

maxwellfire , in Guess how I spent my morning...

I use qdirstat a lot to determine what files are eating all my space

swab148 OP , avatar

I will check that out! Mostly I've been looking for something to determine what files are no longer in use, like old configs for programs I don't even have anymore, etc.

maxwellfire ,

I think pacreport --unowned-files might be able to help with that too. Showing you files that aren't part of any installed package. Probably only does system files though, nothing in /home

299792458ms , in Guess how I spent my morning... avatar

this happened to me once, oh man.... it was painful

swab148 OP , avatar

Was it ~7 years ago? Maybe it was your old post I found!

299792458ms , avatar

Can't be, I started using Linux just a year ago and Arch since November. I broke something, tried to rollback, broke it more. I learnt my lesson and now I read most of the docs of anything that messes with the system before even installing.

Walking_coffin , in Guess how I spent my morning...

Please do share.
What better thing to do than to take a break from a broken install to read about someone's own hardship with the endless quest that is maintaining a rolling-release distro.

swab148 OP , avatar

Just posted it!

harsh3466 , in Guess how I spent my morning...

Definitely want to hear the story! I’ve been through my own version of this and would like to hear your experience and how you resolved it.

swab148 OP , avatar

Just posted the story!

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