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barsoap ,

Na dann frag' mal Jung: Wertende Funktionen sind rational, wahrnehmende irrational. Das hat eben nichts mit "richtig" oder "falsch" zu tun sondern damit ob sie Urteile fällen. "Fühlt sich scheiße an" ist genauso ein Urteil wie "1+1 ist nicht 3".

barsoap ,

Your vehicle needs to be capable of 60km/h to legally drive on the Autobahn, if you don't want everyone to hate you 80km/h as that's the speed limit for trucks.

The Mercedes thing is a traffic jam assistant, if you don't take over when traffic speeds up again it's going to pull over or something.

barsoap ,

Not so much opportunistic but unavoidable. He's a slave to the powers surrounding him, and the more real-world power he attains the less choice he has in how to wield it.

The real gut-punchers of how his station is betraying Paul's actually and genuinely good character are going to come in the second book, that is, subsequent movies.

And, yes, Paul, the Atreides in general, are good people. Noble, honourable, just, wise, kind, upright, everything, to a fault. Which is the only way to tear down the Messiah archetype, the Messiah has to fail despite their virtues, the failure has to be dictated on them by the universe, in a way that's not incidental but an unescapable truth about how the universe works. Or at least humanity.

barsoap ,

Forget the music it's the overall sound design, music is just a small part of it. Villeneuve's vision for the whole thing was to make it sound like a documentary: The desert sounds like desert, not like music, the ornithopers sound like -- erm, they sound like ornithopters, not helicopters or music, everything sounds natural. As if shot on location, on actual Dune, and that atmosphere is given plenty of screen time, no grand musical scores interrupting the immersion.

EDIT oh wait you were talking Star Wars, not Dune. Yep, completely different beast. Also the THX logo not just the 21st Century Fox fanfare is part of the score I'm ready to die on that hill.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

At the point of putting Gruyère in it you better be calling it Macaroni au Gratin Mornay.

Following Escoffier (as is proper and yes I know these aren't home kitchen amounts do the ratios yourself):

For the Bechamel: Steam in butter until white 300g finely diced lean veal, two small finely chopped onions, a bit of thyme, pepper, nutmeg, 25g salt, add it to a base of 650g roux and 5l milk. TBH that's too complicated for me, I put meat extract, thyme, pepper, and onions into cold milk, slowly bring it to temperature, then add cold roux and nutmeg. Also I don't pass it through a sieve do I look like a French Chef chunks are fine.

To turn that into a Mornay, add fish fonds (fish sauce works well use the good Vietnamese stuff), for 1l Bechamel melt in 50g "Swiss cheese" and 50g Parmesan, 100g Butter. Gruyere has become standard for the Swiss part of the cheese and works on its own, often people also use an egg yolk to aid emulsion. Especially useful if you have less aromatic cheeses and want to add more, it's not like you can't do this with Gouda.

Oh, and you might want to reduce the salt in the Bechamel if you add fish sauce.

If you're putting the whole thing in the oven to make a gratin (also consider throwing some veggies in, peas, carrots, nothing special the sauce is already fancy) adding the egg white is fine no harm done and extra protein, otherwise things can get complicated in actually getting it denatured properly. Without producing scrambled eggs, that is: Mix in the yolk once the sauce is cold enough to not instantly denature it, melt in the cheese, now it's even colder, add the white and mix it well, pour over stuff, then into the oven to finish up.

barsoap ,

Bechamel is definitely the mother sauce here, yes. The general Mornay scheme could be called the mother of all cheese sauces, though, and after seeing Escoffier add fish I've never gone without it just harmonises so well and you can increase the total amount of umami because it's backed by more broad-spectrum subtle aroma than cheese alone.

Side note if you're cooking for vegetarians replace fish and veal / meat extract with mushrooms. Different, but hits just as good as the carnivore variant. Never managed a proper vegan version, the milk isn't the problem the problem is limited choice of different sources of umami. It's not supposed to be a yeast sauce, after all.

Kriegsverbrechen: Internationaler Strafgerichtshof beantragt Haftbefehle gegen Netanyahu und Hamas-Führer ( )

Der Überfall auf Israel und der Gazakrieg: Der Chefankläger des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes sieht hinreichende Belege dafür, dass israelische Politiker und Führer der Hamas für Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit verantwortlich sind....

barsoap ,

Plausibel ist die Einstufung als Völkermord schon mal deswegen weil die Bundesregierung keine Waffenlieferungen mehr genehmigt. Und übrigens schon bevor Nicaragua geklagt hat.

...nur sagen sie's halt nicht laut.

barsoap ,

There's no Russia without Moscow and St. Petersburg. Sure, there's still Russian-speaking people, but no state. No elite, no central power, and as all power is central in Russia that means none at all. It'd be a free-for-all.

barsoap ,

and seems currently mostly concerned with destabilizing Russia regardless of the cost of Ukrainian lives

More like the opposite. Noone but the Chinese would benefit from Russia breaking up, at least an uncontrolled breakup, that is. Even Ukraine would be in a shitty position because regional instability and ass-long border.

barsoap ,

Indem du einen Hundeführer kennst mit Hund oder Hund vom Kollegen der in Rente geht. Und auch dann auch nur vielleicht.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

GNU tar, at least a modern one, that is the one that happens to come with my system, won't try to read from /dev but stdin and then complain that it's a terminal and refuse.

Quoth POSIX on the f flag:

Use the first file operand [...] as the name of the archive instead of the system-dependent default.

That is GNU is compliant, here, the default is system-dependent. f - is required to be stdin, though, so you can bunzip2 foo.tar.bz2 | tar xf - or such in a portable manner, don't have to rely on tar having a z option (which is nonstandard) or it auto-detecting compression (even more nonstandard). What is not standard either is tar -x: Tar doesn't take leading hyphens. Tar is one of those programs so old its command line syntax got standardised before command line syntax standards were established. OTOH it's not nearly as bad as dd, you can interpret how tar does things in the same way as git pull: It's a subcommand, not a flag.

barsoap ,

POSIX. POSIX didn't get designed but documented behaviour that was portable between different UNIX flavours and was then declared a standard.

If you're annoyed by it just consider the xvf in tar xvf to be a subcommand as pull is in git pull. Tar simply has a fancy subcommand syntax. At least it's not dd.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

Hmm. Actually you prompted me to dig a bit deeper: tar goes all the back to Version 7 UNIX, 1979, but the command line syntax is shared with tap, included in Version 1, man page dated to 1971-11-03. Development of C started 1972. Might've been written in B, you'd have to unearth a source archive I bet it's around somewhere. But anyway if you look through the other Version 1 commands a lot of them don't take hyphen commands, ls does, e.g. rm doesn't on account of only taking file names as arguments.

dd is actually younger, Version 5, 1974, the syntax apparantly comes from IBM's JCL.

Admittedly, that's all before my time.

Both BSD and GNU tar take hyphens, I don't really have any experience with anything else but a short stint with Solaris in the early 2000s (very emphatically before Sun got gobbled up by Oracle) and I don't remember hyphens tripping me up. Much unlike killall. And I'm apparently not alone in that.

Kommentar zum OVG-Urteil: Ein Verbot der AfD ist überfällig ( )

Der AfD geht es nur noch ums Hassen und Radikalisieren. Sie will das Vertrauen in den Staat untergraben. Nach dem Urteil von Münster kann der Verfassungsschutz jetzt Material für ein Verbotsverfahren sammeln....

barsoap ,

...und, um mal auch einen Nazi zu zitieren:

Wenn unsere Gegner sagen: Ja, wir haben Euch doch früher die […] Freiheit der Meinung zugebilligt – –, ja, Ihr uns, das ist doch kein Beweis, daß wir das Euch auch tuen sollen! […] Daß Ihr das uns gegeben habt, – das ist ja ein Beweis dafür, wie dumm Ihr seid!

  • Joseph Goebbels, Rede vom 4. Dezember 1935
barsoap ,

dass neben Kik und Tedi noch ein Ramschladen dazu kommen wird

dass neben Ramschladen und Ramschladen noch ein Ramschladen dazu kommen wird?

barsoap ,

You'll often hear smart-alec martial arts masters say that the best self-defence technique is the 400m sprint, but they couldn't be more wrong. In truth it's the 1km parcour.

barsoap ,

I think most of it is just confusion inherent in the term "antisemitism", which TBH is a bad term because it singles out a single Semitic people among many as the oppressed ones. That false focus then in turn causes a knee-jerk pendulum swing towards another extreme.

And who's to blame? Again, Germans: The term was introduced to replace "Judenhass" (jew hatred) with something "more scientific sounding", as recently as 1879. Damn that's a lot of citations there. Maybe we should switch to "Jewphobia" or something.

barsoap , (Bearbeitet )

Nope, earlier, it's Göttingen school of history stuff. Essentially the bible-based alternative to Blumenbach:

II) During the time of Moses, the Semites lived partly in India, towards the Ganges, partly on the coasts of the South Sea to the Persian Gulf, in Elymais, Assyria, Chaldea, and in southern Mesopotamia, and with further expansion in some areas of Palestine, in the north and south of Arabia, finally too, but maybe not yet in Moses's time, in Abyssinia or Ethiopia.

Which isn't totally off compared to our modern understanding of who spoke proto-Semitic. "Semitic" as a descriptor of languages is unchallenged in linguistics because, well, symbols are arbitrary anyway and "Descendants of Shem", as in Noah's son, ancestor of Abraham, is not exactly a contentious thing among a group of related cultures having birthed no less than three Abrahamic religions.

barsoap ,

The candidate is formally proposed by the Council but the Parliament still has to elect them which means the Parliament has the upper hand in any power play. Which worked out in 2014, Junker was the EPP's candidate and they won a relative majority, it didn't work in 2019 because Weber couldn't convince the rest of the parliament. It's possible that the EPP has learned from that experience but their candidate for 2024 is vdL anyway, it'd be highly unusual in European politics for a party to axe a candidate that wants a second term, at least without good reason.

There's certainly still plenty of will in the Parliament to side-line the Council. One thing's for sure should a party either have an absolute majority or be able to form a big/small party coalition (say, PES/EGP isn't unlikely) they're going to force the bigger party's candidate through. But with the electorate voting as it does it's the usual EPP/PES grand non-coalition so the Council will find ways to push their preferred candidate should there only be a modicum of disunity among that non-coalition.

barsoap ,

The EPP could have put its foot down and said "Nope, we'll only vote for Weber"... which probably would have deadlocked the election and caused a constitutional crisis.

And really this is what the Spitzenkandidat system is, always was: It's the parties saying "we field this guy or gal for Commission President" and the EPP did try its best to push Weber but ultimately failed. It never meant "The Commission President is now elected directly by the people".

In any case the political power play is within the Parliament, not within the Council. The Council can come in and suggest a candidate if the Parliament is hung but their role has shifted from actually deciding to being a mediator, "hey wouldn't this candidate be a compromise that can be reached". In practice, that means, also going into the future, that if the parliament gets its act together and agree on one of their candidates, that's going to be the candidate, if it doesn't, the Council is going to hum and haw until they've found a politician from the party which won a relative majority that is acceptable to the other parties.

It's not precisely the German system where parliament alone proposes and elects the Chancellor so maybe the name is a bit off but it's similar to other European countries where the president or monarch suggests a candidate to parliament. (In Germany, all the President does is swear the Chancellor in, in their role as notary of the state.) That kind of position doesn't exist in the EU, so the Council it is. Arguably more democratic than, say, Spain, as the Council does have democratic legitimacy while monarchs don't. It's like if the Congress of Deputies proposed a candidate instead of the monarch. Though of course the Council is not made up like the Congress, like the Bundesrat it isn't made up of deputies elected specifically for that purpose, but state governments.

barsoap ,

If the EPP wins a relative majority, which is likely, we're bound to get vdL again, if S&D wins... well, Schmit is from Luxembourg, they have a good track record at actually getting elected. Don't know anything else about him, though.

Also, WTF is up with the French sending Rassemblement National into the parliament.

barsoap ,

Wenn jemand hops geht und du vor dem Kadi stehst dann wirst du das hier genauso zitieren können wie ne VDE-Norm: Schuko ist bis 800W geduldet. Wieland ist natürlich besser.

...oder zumindest ist das mein Verständnis als Nichtjurist: Dem Richter isses egal wo der VDE das sagt, ob er sagt "Wir werden die Norm anpassen" oder die Norm schon angepasst ist, in beiden Fällen ist es schon die Meinung des VDE und damit Meinung von anerkannten Sachverständigen. Im Gesetz steht nur "allgemein anerkannte Regeln der Technik" und für genau eben diese ist der VDE sachverständig.

Und außerdem wer sagt denn überhaupt dass du vor dem Kadi stehst und nicht wer auch immer dir die PVA mit Schukostecker verkauft hat. Da gibt's auch so einiges an Anforderungen.

barsoap ,

Das mag sein aber Wieland ist auch technisch besser. XLR ist auch besser als Cinch.

barsoap ,

noch mal 1000€ für den elektriker und die dose ist was anderes als das ding einfach einstecken.

Der Elektriker wird viel Geld kosten egal ob er Schuko oder Wieland setzt. Die Dose selbst kriegst du für um die 30 Euro. Und "einfach einstecken" ist normalerweise eh nicht weil der Balkon keine Steckdose hat. Spritzwassergeschützte Schukos sind übrigens normalerweise nicht geschützt solange da ein Stecker drin steckt, für sowas ist CEE ("Campingstecker") da.

das erzeugt ja weniger last als so mancher gaming pc und auch wasserkocher, das wird ne normale steckdose aushalten.

Ein Wasserkocher ist nicht auf Dauerbetrieb ausgelegt, dürfte sonst gar nicht an Schuko hängen: 16A für max. 30min, Dauerlast sollte man unter 8A halten. Das reicht auch für den Gaming-PC (1760W sind üppig). Wenn du 16A Dauerlast haben willst, wie zuvor schon: CEE.

Dann sind die Lastarten noch komplett unterschiedlich, es können bei Schuko Dauerfunken entstehen weil Phasenverschiebung, ist nun mal ein Unterschied ob do von der einen Seite aus Elektronen hin und her schiebst oder von beiden Seiten. Doppelt und dreifach noch mal wenn die Luft feucht ist weil nichts wetterfest ist. Für genau den Zweck sind die CEE-Dosen auch nicht ausgelegt deshalb ja Wieland.

Genau solche Spezis wie du die hier neunmalklug nach dem Motto "ist nicht nötig die wollen nur Geld verdienen" rumlavieren sollten mal gepflegt die Hände von Elektroinstallationen lassen.

barsoap ,

Richtige Richtung aber in der Form ne halbe Sache so hier geht das: Komplett neue Nominalklasse, was halt auch alle Pronomen und Artikel usw einschließt und nicht wie Phettberg dann sowas wie "seinem(n.)" benutzen. Phonetisch ist der Vorschlag auch natürlicher, wird sich wahrscheinlich noch einschleifen müssen aber im großen und ganzen kommen die benutzten Formen als Dialekt rüber, das ist genau der richtige Abstand zum bisherigen Standarddeutschen.

Was Plattdeutsch angeht hab ich nen anderen Vorschlag: Auf zwei Nominalklassen reduzieren, animiert und unanimiert. Ähnlich wie im Englischen verschwinden die Markierungen eh schon (Platt hat auch die gleiche Fallstruktur wie Englisch, sind halt nah verwandte Sprachen), Leute unter 70 machen packen Wörter gerne mal in die falsche Klasse (z.B. Lief ist Neutrum, nicht Maskulinum wie Leib). Will sagen: Außer he, se, ehr und em (er, sie, ihr und ihm) gibt's nicht wirklich Unterschiede "der" und "die" sind beides schon "de" (aber Neutrum: dat). Konkreter Vorschlag: e und erm als Personalpronomen. Hört sich auch nicht komischer an als Ostfriesisch.

barsoap ,

Ich nehm mal an dass du Nominalklassen ("Geschlechter") statt Fälle meintest, dann ja, vier statt drei Klassen. Wobei "Mann" und "Frau" und "Ding" auch weiterhin wie in indoeuropäischen Sprachen üblich in verschiedenen Klassen sein werden, daher kommt ja gerade erst die Verwechslung mit Geschlecht. Oder zumindest regt der Vorschlag nicht an "Mann" und "Frau" umzusortieren. Vielleicht sollten wir einfach von jetzt an Männer Nutella, Frauen Joghurt, und Ding Spezi nennen dann weiß keiner mehr welche Klasse welche ist :)

barsoap ,

Unless you are advocating for a Communist regime along the lines of the Soviet Union or Maoist China, you aren’t really “far left”.

If you do that you definitely aren't, authoritarianism and far-left are mutually exclusive.

Council communists and Anarchists generally qualify for far-left status. (Or, differently put, council communism is methadone therapy for Marxists who don't yet dare make the jump to syndicalism).

barsoap ,

Minority, yes, but not louder if you want to see loud trans women they're there on Instagram with the rest of all the oversensitive-vulnerable narcissist personality types (subclinical but quite annoying indeed).

As I see it trans folks gravitate towards general nerddom precisely because it doesn't have to do anything with sex or gender, is a refuge for people who don't really feel like they fit in with the majority. Not to dismiss the existence of sexist etc. asshats calling themselves nerds, by and large noone bats an eye if you'r AMAB but play a flirty female elf rogue in AD&D. And as far as contributing to an open source project is concerned you could be a literal cat and people would barely notice.

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