mumblerfish , an Europe in Why Sweden is light-years ahead on climate

Have to watch this later because of the surprising title. The current governemnt declared they would abandon some climate goals and hope that this strategy would help long term climate goals in the future, as by magic or something.

MrMakabar , avatar

They are looking at the time since 1990. So a lot of these are decisions made by previous governments, which just take time to go to actual infrastructure. As an example, when you want to turn your district heating system green, the government first has to pass the laws to push the company owning it to do that(regardless of state owned or private). Then the actual engineering begins of what to built instead, then it gets built and only then you are actually saving emissions. Obviously that process takes years from the first law to the actual say large heat pump being built. However when you have the company already in the process of building the heat pump, even a change in government and sometimes even a change in law, does not mean they shut down the project. At this point it is fairly likely that sunk cost just drives it forward.

That is to say the current Swedish governments actions will start to be felt about now and really start to cause problems maybe around 2026 or so.

ChicoSuave , an Europe in Why Sweden is light-years ahead on climate

Didn't watch the video but a guess would be:

Because Swedish is hard to learn and internet trolls are less likely to learn it for a small population. This removes much of the chaff that English language news receives from many different sources, resulting in much more honest news.

This means that ten or twenty years ago the Swedes were given accurate climate information and trusted the people who said it was a danger. They actioned on it by pivoting into new energy technologies like recycling and reuse.

The lack of oil industry lobbying helped preserve the trust in government and so government was trust to make the right decisions for public policy with regard to that climate information.

Swedish news media is also held to a higher standard than English language publications. All major English speaking countries having a "garbage paper" that spouts bottom feeder ideas and they are conveniently owned by one company that coordinates the fronts of the culture war.

EherNicht , an Europe in Why Sweden is light-years ahead on climate

With Germany it’s the opposite: If our economy sucks, our emissions go down.
Mostly due to lower energy (fossil fuel) consumption.

MrMakabar , avatar

To be fair 10% fall in emissions for 0.3% fall in GDP is still a great trade.

Also Germany did have falling emissilns with a growing economy.

CitizenKong ,

Yeah, the emissions have nothing to do with the faltering economy. Over 30 years of inaction in creating modern (including digital infrastructure) by conservative politicians a lot more so. Germany is a museum of the 90s.

EherNicht , an Europe in Why Sweden is light-years ahead on climate

Deutsche Welle (DW) on top.

Badeendje , an Europe in Why Sweden is light-years ahead on climate avatar

Yeah, if they where not it would be terrible. When it comes to their starting province Sweden chose easy mode.

Gieselbrecht , an DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz in Major Geldgier

Kannst du das näher ausführen? Das Video ist ja drei Wochen alt, die Petition zu Major Tom ist von März. Du meinst, der Anbieter hätte vorher schon einen Vertrag zur Nutzung mi Peter Schilling abgeschlossen und dann viral diese Petition gestartet? Oder was ist deine Argumentation? (abgesehen davon: Ich habe den Spot bis zu deinem Link noch nicht gesehen, also verbreitetst du im Grunde auch die Werbung für Glücksspiel)

yournamehere OP ,

ich meine lediglich das fussball ekliger kommerz ist und leute die nen song singen den auch n wettanbieter benutzt auch gleich nen kraussmaffei gedicht aufsagen könnten

gnuhaut , an Europe in 2024 Oslo Freedom Forum Videos

The guy that organizes this is a rich Venezuelan gusano, and he gets donations from the far-right. This is not about "Challenging Power" or "Freedom", but to further US imperialism.

makeasnek OP , avatar

It's organized by the human rights foundation, which is an intl non-profit organization headquartered in New York. The freedom forum is not only hosted in but also donated to by the City of Oslo. It's all about resisting dictators and autocracy. Ask wikipedia if you doubt

gnuhaut ,

Who is Halvorssen? He is best known as the founder and CEO of the Human Rights Foundation, where he is listed as the lone staff member. The Oslo Freedom Forum is his brainchild, a confab he has sought to brand as “a Davos for human rights.”

Founder and only staff member is this son of a Venezuelan oligarch. Sounds like a completely normal human rights group.

The Electronic Intifada has obtained Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 990 forms filed by the Human Rights Foundation that include previously undisclosed information about its donors.

The forms show that the Human Rights Foundation received approximately $600,000 in donations from the Donors Capital Fund from 2007 through 2011. Based in Northern Virginia, Donors Capital Fund is essentially a slush fund for the cadre of rightist donors who bankroll the conservative movement.

Don't disclose all their big donors. Kinda sus.

“Since the fund handles money from multiple donors and donors names aren’t disclosed, contributions made through the Donors Capital Fund are difficult to trace,” the Center for American Progress noted in its 2011 landmark report “Fear, Inc.” “Potential donors are required to open a minimum $1 million account to utilize the fund’s services.”

In 2009, Donors Capital Fund channeled $60 million to various conservative causes and from 2009 through 2011 a whopping $21,318,600 “to groups promoting Islamophobia,” according to the Center for American Progress.

Peter Thiel is also one of the big donors.

But a look at the early stages of Halvorssen’s career, which he spent as a conservative operative combating gay rights initiatives, feminism and multiculturalism on US college campuses, suggests otherwise.

That checks out.

makeasnek OP , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

Aah yes, the electronic intifada, such an excellent, neutral source for reporting.

Don’t disclose all their big donors

Peter Thiel is also one of the big donors.

Many orgs don't disclose donors, particularly those working on human rights. Imagine you are a rich person in a dictatorship who wants to improve human rights in your country, do you want your name listed on the donor registry for Amnesty International? Probably not. Amnesty, btw, sponsors the freedom forum as well alongside the city of Oslo. So Either Amnesty is in on this 4D chess you're seeing where the far right is somehow using human rights as a cover to... give us all more privacy or something, or maybe Amnesty did their due diligence and concluded that this org is worth working with.

The article states that "Who is Halvorssen? He is best known as the founder and CEO of the Human Rights Foundation, where he is listed as the lone staff member.", yet their site lists over a dozen people. So that's just a clearly factually inaccurate statement right there, makes me question the validity of the entire thing if they can't get something that simple correct.

"Halvorssen is the scion of an oligarchic Venezuelan family closely linked to the political opposition that formed against recently deceased former President Hugo Chavez"

Hmm.. I wonder if living under an autocrat might have made him care about human rights and free expression.

Believe it or not, people on the "far right" can care about human rights too, and can donate to human rights organizations, and that's ok. I challenge you to find any major human rights or civil liberties organization that doesn't have somebody "far right" or whom you otherwise disagree with strongly. Human rights is an issue that cuts across many different political ideologies. And these organizations can build tools and infrastructure to support human rights all around the globe, and do. We shouldn't be cancelling organizations just because they got money from somebody we disagree with or even detest. What they actually do with that money should be what matters, something your accusations against this org are completely devoid of because they are actually doing good things. What they're actually doing is advancing the cause of human rights globally.

gnuhaut ,

So that’s just a clearly factually inaccurate statement right there, makes me question the validity of the entire thing if they can’t get something that simple correct.

It is not. The article is from 2013. Back then, that linked worked and shows exactly what the article is saying: he's the only staff member listed. That was 8 years after the founding btw.

And since the guy is clearly rich and has lots of political connections, you'd figure he'd have sued EF by now if there was anything incorrect in that article.

Oh you launched into a whole defense of working with the far-right. Figures.

Believe it or not, people on the “far right” can care about human rights too

Yeah they care about human rights when they can weaponize them to pressure or topple governments that resist exploitation. Which is what the Oslo Freedom Forum is all about.

Hmm… I wonder if living under an autocrat might have made him care about human rights and free expression.

That or he's pissed that they took his father's Telco empire, and now he wants to topple the Venezuelan government and get his "birthright" back. We may never know.

Also you avoided the whole part of in the article about what he was up to before the HRF. That guy was clearly an activist conservative bigot at the very least, and so he naturally evolved into a Mr. Human Rights Guy. He doesn't just take money from far-right dipshits, he himself is a reactionary.

velox_vulnus , an Memes in Milk: a video essay

People who waste food are the biggest losers.

SmilingSolaris OP ,

I drank as much as I could if that makes you feel better

moshtradamus666 , an Memes in the war is over

I know Mr beast is not a an evil person but I can't help feeling angry whenever I see his face.

coffinwood , an Memes in the war is over

Haven't seen a video of any of these, did I really miss out?

Sorse , avatar


bighatchester , an Memes in the war is over

I've never even heard of T series and I've been a regular YouTube user for over 10 years .

MeatsOfRage ,

It's an Indian record label. Unless you're from India or are into Indian music you'd probably have no reason to associate with them

velox_vulnus , an Memes in the war is over

Two soulless companies fighting for the first position in a monopolistic platform. Is there something to talk about?

KraeuterRoy ,

Begin the corporate wars have

skoell13 , an DACH - jetzt auf in Wie macht man Metal

Herrlich, ganz vergessen, dass es das gibt.

Passend dazu noch: Wie macht man Wacken.

5ibelius9insterberg ,

Und nicht zu vergessen: (wenn auch nicht von Scarcross) eine kleine Anleitung für Grindcore!

the_third , an DACH - jetzt auf in Wie macht man Metal

Meine Güte ist das alt, da hab ich ja damals schon meine Grundausbildung Metal mit gemacht. Und ich hab ein Haus. Und einen Bausparvertrag, nur mal so fürn Kontext.

cygnus , an linuxmemes in NixOS Linux install speedrun (FLAKE%) (Finnish Femboy Edition) avatar

Straightest Nix user

ves OP , avatar

Its not gay if you have socks on

Hedlosa ,

Specifically programming socks

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