0x815 , an Europe in Estonia says Russia removed navigation buoys on border river

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said it appeared to be part of a "broader pattern" of action by Moscow to use "tools related to the border to create fear and anxiety"

magnetosphere , an Europe in Estonia says Russia removed navigation buoys on border river avatar

Since Estonia is a member of NATO and attacking them would carry serious military consequences, I’m guessing that this is “mere” harassment. Putin is attempting to make people nervous.

tal , an Europe in Estonia says Russia removed navigation buoys on border river avatar

Russian border guards have removed navigation buoys from the Estonian side of a river separating the two countries, the Baltic nation said on Thursday, adding that it would seek an explanation as well as a return of the equipment.

Setting aside the broader border dispute issue and just focusing on boat navigation, I'd also point out that Russia is jamming GPS, which probably doesn't help navigating the thing.

connaisseur , an Europe in Estonia says Russia removed navigation buoys on border river

F*ck Putin

NoIWontPickAName ,

Don’t forget your cactus 🌵

eran_morad ,

Blyat needs a bullet to the face.

CaptObvious , an Europe in UK defence minister says intelligence has evidence of Chinese lethal aid to Russia in its war against Ukraine

It can hardly be a partnership with "no limits" if there are, in fact, limits.

YaDownWitCPP , an Europe in UK defence minister says intelligence has evidence of Chinese lethal aid to Russia in its war against Ukraine

Move along, nothing to see here.

DieguiTux8623 , an Europe in Moldovan parliament votes to hold EU referendum, presidential election on Oct. 20 avatar

Good they are holding a referendum to give people the opportunity to choose for themselves instead of imposing a decision from the top. But I hope they do not go out of the frying pan into the fire, anyway.

lemmyvore ,

It would be impossible to impose the decision as it's a democratic country with certain requirements of law and Constitution.

I have good hopes for the referendum. Only a minority of the population is pro-Russian. The vast majority apreciate the relation with the EU and a good half already hold dual citizenship with Romania and are in fact EU citizens.

The objections in some of the regions are more nuanced. For example Gagauzia was populated by people without historic ties to Romania and they fear that if Moldova were to unite with Romania their autonomy would be abolished. They should have no objection to becoming EU members as part of Moldova; but such fears must be addressed. The Moldovan government has started a process of cultural openness to this effect.

nerdovic , an Europe in Moldovan parliament votes to hold EU referendum, presidential election on Oct. 20

I think joining the EU will be difficult as long as the Tansnistria issue is not solved.

Still hope they decide to go the way towards an EU membership tho!

kabukimeow , avatar

If i remember correctly, Sandu said they'll take care of transnistria soon. Just hoping this is actually true

nerdovic ,

I just hope they find a peaceful way to 'take care of it'

Barbarian , avatar

They have leverage now. Previously the deal was Moldova provides food & utilities in exchange for Transnistria keeping the power plants running. Now that Moldova is linked up with the EU electrical grid, they're in a position to play hardball without the risk of Transnistria plunging the country into darkness.

andrew_bidlaw , avatar

A weird thought, but what if Moldova recognizes Transnistria in it's current borders, catching everyone by surprise? I see no upsides here for that rogue state, while Moldova arguably gets more than it sacrifices. There's like with North Korea not a dream of simple reintegration since shouldering it economically after all these years and fighting a russian openly supported proxy isn't what Moldova can do alone. But clearing itself for joining alliances, closing borders completely, making every violence an act of international agression, rendering Transnistria irrelevant for Russia and thus starving it from support, suggesting every USSR enthusiast to kindly fuck off? The longer it goes on like that, the more it seems like a rational thing to do.

Unlike Donbass or Crimea it exists for 30+ years and actively benefits from being a part of Moldova getting access to it's and EU market through it. Making them independent would crush their economy to the point they'd ask to get back themselves. That'd be then decided by the moldovan citizens. If there's no immediate danger of Russia opening the second front here, this table flip can probably work out. Is it possible?

lemmyvore ,

Moldova has already recognized Transnistria many years ago, and most countries in the world acknowledged that.

andrew_bidlaw , avatar

Hugh? Didn't know that. Can you suggest some additional reading on that?

lemmyvore ,

It's all on Wikipedia:

Moldova officially recognized Transnistria as an autonomous territory in 2005 and it's been acknowledged by all UN members.

Moldova's oficial position is that Transnistria is part of Moldova, its citizens are Moldovan citizens, and the area must return under Moldovan control. An UN resolution was officially filed (and acknowledged by the UN) that calls for the withdrawal of occupation forces.

andrew_bidlaw , avatar

Yeah, I've read that. But the last paragraph of yours kinda diminishes this autonomy in a sense it's not it's own state and is to be returned sooner or later.

lemmyvore ,

That's exactly right. The autonomy of Transnistria only exists in the context of the Moldovan Constitution, as a territory that can govern itself but part of Moldova, not as a sovereign state.

Badeendje , avatar

I'm not looking forward to whole exclaves of Putin supporting ethnic Russians already fighting for independence while at the same time benefitting, to join the EU.

Edit: Transnistrië, not whole moldova.

lemmyvore ,

Transnistria citizens are Moldovan citizens and Moldovan citizens benefit from fast-tracked process to get Romanian (and EU) citizenship. So about half of Moldova are already EU citizens.

Transnistria also benefits from trade agreements with EU as part of Moldova. Most of their antagonism towards EU is pure show; most of their trade is with EU.

Badeendje , avatar

Well, just show... It is a dangerous show then.

We already see what the effects of putinists in Hungary and Slovakia are having. It just has me worried.

lemmyvore ,

Transnistria's position has been more or less stagnant for 30 years. It's nothing new.

lemmyvore ,

There's no issue de jure. Transnistria is an autonomous territory inside Moldova and EU recognized it as such.

There is the de facto issue of said territory being unruly, extremely Russian-friendly and host to actual Russian military.

That issue won't stand for long however once the ball gets rolling. Moldova has already begun increased strategic cooperation with EU and if the referendum passes and Sandu gets a second term I expect there will be a referendum for amending the Constitution. If that passes, Moldova will be able to ask for military help outright, which will clean up Russian presence in Transnistria in short order.

Historically speaking I remind you that most prospective EU members have worked towards NATO membership and usually achieved it even before joining EU.

CaptObvious , an Europe in U.S. warned Austria's Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) access to dollar system could be curbed over Russia

Talk is cheap. Until someone acts, nothing will change.

Badeendje , avatar

I'd be interested in an investigation and prosecution of the decision makers at RBI.

A_A , an Europe in US overtakes China as Germany's top trading partner avatar

I was wrong betting on political motivations.

bungalowtill , an Europe in Germany sends two warships to Indo-Pacific amid China and Taiwan tensions

Decades of ambiguity on the status of Taiwan. Ambiguity in all the trade talks. Definitely a good idea to send some warships, wouldn‘t want to seem too ambiguous.

jaschen , an Europe in Germany sends two warships to Indo-Pacific amid China and Taiwan tensions

Good. Thank you Germany!

Blizzard , an Europe in German chancellor backs EU plan to use frozen Russian assets to fund Ukraine arms avatar

Why only 90% and why "from revenues generated from frozen assets" instead of the actual assest?

Tetsuo ,

I suppose it's better to make the money work and use the extra money than use all of it and not get any interest?

Just speculating but it fairly logical especially if you plan to do it for a while.

Blizzard , avatar

I mean, it probably depends on supply, because if being ready to spend all the funds right away and supply cannot meet demand - then it makes sense to make puchases gradually. I just suspect that they plan to unfreeze and return those funds to Russia in the future and that's bugging me. Bloody politics.

Also, how do these funds generating revenue if they are "frozen"?

Tetsuo ,

I was more thinking of investing the money on the markets like your bank does with the money in your bank account.

It's never just money sitting in an account, it's an opportunity for some banker to invest money they don't own to get richer themselves.

Honestly think it's almost impossible this money will be returned.

You wouldn't seize that much money to return it years later. It would be essentially an admission of guilt to return it. Nothing to win there politically.

The only scenario where the money could be returned would be if Russia somehow won this war and managed to patch things up with the EU. Very unlikely.

njm1314 , an Europe in Russia blames Baltic countries for the severing of most ties

Got to start getting that victim rhetoric in now so you can justify an invasion later I guess

AllNewTypeFace , an Europe in Russia blames Baltic countries for the severing of most ties avatar

Big divorced-man-blames-“crazy”-ex-wife energy there

NegativeLookBehind , avatar

Gaz(prom)-lighting your enemies

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