Outsider9042 , an Europe in Macron says Kyiv should be allowed to ‘neutralise’ Russian military bases, prompting Putin warning

No, you see, what Ukraine is meant to do is bunker up so Russia can just send in the meat grinders and win by attrition. It’s not fair if they fight back.

fuckingkangaroos ,

I don't think the Kremlin can win by attrition like they have in the past. They're burning through USSR stockpiles and not replacing them, they're in the middle of a demographic crunch even without the war, and the last mobilization was deeply unpopular.

This isn't the USSR, it's just a corrupt, isolated, shrinking Russia being dragged into a barbaric war by their Mafia leaders in the Kremlin.

Davel23 , an Europe in Macron says Kyiv should be allowed to ‘neutralise’ Russian military bases, prompting Putin warning

And are these "consequences" here in the room with us?

pastermil ,

Putin: "it is, and it's looking serious."

paddirn , an Europe in Macron says Kyiv should be allowed to ‘neutralise’ Russian military bases, prompting Putin warning

How fucking dumb. They’re actively at war with Ukraine and really the rest of the Western world, they’ve made themselves a legitimate target, they’re attacking inside of Kyiv on a daily basis. Fuck them and let Kyiv attack them anywhere they need to.

andrew_bidlaw , avatar

Товарищ, that's not a war, just a Special Military Operation, we haven't even started to put any effort at all!

WW2 tank rolls in and dies on a mine

That is... We don't put out our best troops to such operations. It would be silly, wouldn't it?

Tank team covered in fire leaves the vehicle and tries to set off the flames by rolling in the mud.

That's the NATO. The NATO we prepare for. And we save our bestest troops and tech for the final show.

Benardsmart , an Europe in Macron says Kyiv should be allowed to ‘neutralise’ Russian military bases, prompting Putin warning

I saw an advert about a lady on YouTube news so I followed up to her IG page indeed she’s worth to be praised with just $1000 I can now boost of $17,099 Expert Eloise Wilbert on IG

DarkNightoftheSoul , avatar

what is this youtube bullshit? who the fuck is actually typing in Expert Eloise expecting a 1710% "boost" to their investment? What credulous cretins are crawling on this network that would actually look at that and go, "huh."

Benardsmart ,

You should also reach her out in instagram for a proper guide on crypto investing

DarkThoughts ,

I'm guessing some people are dumb enough. I've seen those exact same bots for years on other platforms.

DarkNightoftheSoul , avatar

I guess I just had a higher opinion of feddiots.

Maalus ,

Lemmy is reddit, nothing more. Reddit was equally elitist about "being a redditor". It's all just random people getting together on social media, there is no filter.

Burn_The_Right , an Europe in Macron calls the rise of far-right parties an 'ill wind' for Europe

Conservatism is a cancer that will not stop on its own. Pacifism is not working now and has never worked in the past. It's time to consider some other treatment options.

woelkchen , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

Pacifism is not lethargy to not defend oneself. Pacifism is to be the aggressor, like to not attack the neighboring country just because your country might have a dispute about trade with the neighbor.

Vivarevo , avatar

Conservatives and far right are currently walking hand in hand in many countries. Parties allying etc. They share so much

gravitas_deficiency , an Europe in Macron calls the rise of far-right parties an 'ill wind' for Europe

It’d be great if all these corporatist leaders had realized that their policies would have these implications, like, a decade ago…

BestBouclettes , an Europe in Macron calls the rise of far-right parties an 'ill wind' for Europe

Dude is massively responsible for this, at least in France.

DieguiTux8623 , avatar

You stole the words from my mouth.

Weslee ,

How so? Genuinely curious

maynarkh ,

Not from there, but didn't he shove a ton of austerity down the French people's throat, like raising the retirement age? There were big protests and stuff

ISOmorph ,

Exactly this. He's a corpocrat, which is a big no-no in the french public eye. Also, he has more of an assimilation instead of integration style in regards to immigration politics, so he's right leaning as well. Doesn't help that the left doesn't have any candidates that anyone can take seriously.

Professorozone ,

I don't know how it works in France but they also banned hijabs. Send kind of right wing. Was he responsible for that?

BestBouclettes , (Bearbeitet )

I genuinely believe that he will go down in history as our Thatcher. He has been in government for roughly 10 years now and everything he did was to destroy the fabric of the French social system.

A few things he did :

  • He raised the age of retirement, against the advice of many people more knowledgeable than him, and people's will. Even against what employers unions wanted, that's to say something.
  • He has reduced the length of unemployment and is planning to reduce it further
  • He gave the rich massive tax cuts
  • He gave big corpos massive subsidies
  • He and his government are often siding with the far right to vote on some issues
  • He is cutting taxes left and right and then is wondering where all the money has gone
  • He massively increased our deficit
  • Repression is on the rise
  • He's given the legion d'honneur to Total's CEO and to Bezos
  • His environment policies are pretty much inexistant
  • He is always siding with big corpos and industrial farming on pretty much every issue
  • He and his government are openly supporting Israel
  • He is also often caught saying one thing and doing the opposite (most recent example: trying to fight far right ideas and then his prime minister debates the secretary of RN on a public service channel, a few days away from European elections in which that dude is about to get majority. Like, what the fuck?)

I could go on and on but you get the gist. People are tired, all the protests are violently repressed, except a few that usually are organised by the far right. People are getting poorer, our school system is crumbling, our healthcare too and the country is visible getting more authoritarian by the day. But we have a few more billionaires and the ones that were already there are richer than ever.

Edit: fixed a few typos

Weslee ,

Thank you for the writeup, I don't really see alot of info on other governments other than damn USA

match , avatar

thank you, i was following the news of french protests and I couldn't make sense of how macron could still be in power throughout

AllNewTypeFace , an Europe in Germany’s far-right AfD bans leading candidate from EU election events avatar

Perfectly normal party

Flipper , an Europe in Germany’s far-right AfD bans leading candidate from EU election events

Always remember, the AfD is made up of only personalities with integrity.

manucode , an Europe in Germany’s far-right AfD bans leading candidate from EU election events avatar

The AfD didn't just ban their candidate number 1 (Maximilian Krah) from campaign events but candidate number 2 (Petr Bystron) as well. He's been accused of accepting bribes from Russia. Meanwhile, one of Krah's staffers has been arrested for spying for the People's Republic of China.

Opafi , an Europe in Germany’s far-right AfD bans leading candidate from EU election events

Krah, in a weekend interview with Italian newspaper La Repubblica, said that someone who had been a member of the SS paramilitary force in Nazi Germany was "not automatically a criminal".

Totally-not-a-nazi ^TM^

intelisense ,

That sounds like a violation of the constitution, as I understand it?

Opafi ,

I thought calling somebody "not-a-nazi" would be okay, but guess I just gotta try to be better. Sorry, didn't want to mess with the Grundgesetz.

intelisense ,

I think you misunderstand me - surely being a member of an SS paramilitary group is a violation of the constitution?

CyberEgg ,

No that's impossible. The (there only ever was the SS, not an number of them) SS was the paramilitary arm of the NSDAP, the political party of Hitler. And it was dissolved with the Third Reich before the Grundgesetz was adopted.

intelisense ,

It sounds like the constitution defines Nazism in narrower terms than I expected. That's a shame.

shapesandstuff ,

You seem to be misunderstanding both the quote and the comment! No offense, i can see how it could be confusing.

What Krah said was meant in a historical context. Kind of a "not all SS-members were criminals", basically downplaying the Nazis crimes.

The commenter sarcastically called him "totally not a nazi" for that statement.

CyberEgg ,

No, there is no definition of Nazism in the Grundgesetz.

Opafi ,

Yeah, it was just a dumb joke. I'll try harder next time.

jmcs , an Europe in Germany’s far-right AfD bans leading candidate from EU election events

vote for us. Our lead candidate is... We don't talk about him. But vote for him anyway.

aasatru , avatar

Totally vote for us. We're a bunch of na... Uhm, we don't talk about that either. But vote for us anyway.

Diplomjodler3 ,

Nazi. The missing word is Nazi, in case anyone is wondering. And people know and that is exactly why they vote for those fucks.

jmcs ,

In the AfD they all are, the difference is that this one said the quiet part out loud.

gnuhaut , (Bearbeitet ) an Europe in Thousands protest in Georgia after lawmakers pass controversial ‘Russian law’

EU politicians at the protests in Tbilisi threatening "severe consequences" for daring to curb foreign influence. Wow.

Not even curb really, just make transparent when NGOs are getting foreign funding.

HowRu68 OP , (Bearbeitet )

Not even curb really, just make transparent when NGOs are getting foreign funding.

Problem being with the BILL , is that's a copypaste Russian Law from Putins desk. And everyone saw what happened there when several 10th of thousands were arrested for protesting, ngos, newspapers were found illegal. Yip, democracic citizen etc were labelled as foreign influence, and handled as traitors . something like this doesn't bode Well for freedom and democracies.

This is about a (pro Ruzz?) actors in Georgian Government pushing a Bill without any democratic support. Nobody wants it.

gnuhaut , (Bearbeitet )

The US has the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which is actually stricter. The "Russian law" shit is just framing. Countries have a right to know who's meddling in their shit, in fact meddling is illegal under international law. The fact that they feel this threatened by a mere transparency law speaks volumes.

How would you like it if some politicans from other countries (let's pretend it's Russia since you seem very concerned about them) came to your capital and threatened "severe consequences" for even daring to want to monitor foreign influence. These protestors are basically demanding to surrender all sovereignty to EU/US/billionaire funded NGOs.

Imagine living in country where core government functions, like writing laws, regulation, and social services are provided by NGOs which are beholden to foreign donors. No oversight by any local authority and definitely not beholden to the people. This is about as far from democracy as you can get, this will ruin a place.

HowRu68 OP ,

I think the point is different.
It's about whether Georgia adopts Ruzz/ Putins law or eventually, the EU law.
Georgia has EU candidate status.

eu foreign bill
But also this EU law is seen as a bit controversial still
"It has been criticised by non-governmental organisations who fear it could be used to silence critical voices in the bloc."

HowRu68 OP , an Europe in Thousands protest in Georgia after lawmakers pass controversial ‘Russian law’

Russia has used a similar law to silence public figures and organisations that disagree with or deviate from the Kremlin’s views. Georgian society is widely anti-Kremlin. Georgia’s bid for membership of the EU and NATO is enshrined in its constitution and—according to opinion polls—supported by a majority of the population.

blackfire , an Europe in Chinese firms exit Romania solar tender after EU probe

The irony of kicking out state subbed companies from a project paid for by EU funds not Romanian.

Vincent ,

I don't get the irony? EU doesn't want European companies to fall over if they're able to produce solar panels at a similar price point and quality as their Chinese competitors, so it blocks foreign subsidies that might have that effect. Seems perfectly consistent to me?

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