Landsharkgun , an Europe in France and Germany to develop next-generation battle tank equipped with artificial intelligence and laser technology, billed as a game changer in modern warfare

Given how war has been trending, you're better off building a bunch of cheap missiles/drones. And one guy with a .45 just in case.

Pilgrim ,

Yeah, tanks have mostly been big juicy targets in Ukraine so far. I guess if you had complete air superiority you could defend them better against drones but it seems like a losing battle to try and gain that kind of completely clear sky when a four man team can put up a UAV and detrack a tank at any point within a few km

aluminium , an Europe in France and Germany to develop next-generation battle tank equipped with artificial intelligence and laser technology, billed as a game changer in modern warfare

and it will cost half of our defense budget to build one and the other one to maintain it for a year. Moving on…

RidderSport ,

You can bet that it will be open for sale for other NATO members. And they will be interested in a new gen tank

Bjornir , an Europe in France and Germany to develop next-generation battle tank equipped with artificial intelligence and laser technology, billed as a game changer in modern warfare

Yeah sure, until Germany announces that they will use US technology, like they did for the last 3 or 4 joint military industrial projects with France.

RidderSport ,

Which ones do you mean exactly? I can only think of the F35, though I believe there was no project finalised

zakobjoa , an Europe in France and Germany to develop next-generation battle tank equipped with artificial intelligence and laser technology, billed as a game changer in modern warfare avatar


Badeendje , avatar

That would be an excellent name

Ziggurat , an Europe in France and Germany to develop next-generation battle tank equipped with artificial intelligence and laser technology, billed as a game changer in modern warfare

Great news, let's hope that both the next generation tank and the next generation plane will work.
Unfortunately, we need some weapon, and I am rather having a sovereign weapon industry than buying them to a foreign power.

I am curious about how much the AI and laser techology are a buzz word rather than a new technology. I can't imagine modern tank not using laser to measure distances or having any form of image/data processing software

CyberEgg ,

Seeing the impact drone warfare has on Ukraine battlefields, I can imagine lasesrs being used as drone defense systems. Many drones have sensor equipment near their front that can be interfered by lasers which is easier than shooting down the drone with conventional AA fire.

Regarding AI and how much aiming weapons is computerized nowadays... Yeah, I'd guess AI is a publicity thing here.

RidderSport ,

As for laser tech, there's an in-depth video by Perun on youtube on the topic. Tldr. Germany is already invested and has a few systems in trial phase

Cryan24 , an Europe in Russia but not Putin invited to French D-Day anniversary, say organisers

Should have invited him and then arrested him for war crimes.

tryptaminev , an Europe in France's parliament condemns 1961 police massacre of Algerians in Paris

I recommend everyone to read up a bit on the Algerian war for independence

In total the estimates for Algerians killed, mostly murdered by the French opression range from 400.000-1.500.000.

The French massacred Civilians, used torture and rape, unlawful detentions, food deprivation and other inhumane tactics to supress and murder the people struggling to live in self determination on their own land.

Meanwhile of course the independance fighters were branded as terrorists and barbarians to delegitimise their political goals and in complete denial about the terror imposed by the French police and army.

Finally the French lost as their population stopped supporting the murder, torture and rape. It also lead to the collapse of the fourth republic, after which the war was lost soon after.

The military tried to coup twice. First to bring de Gaulle into power and maintain the brutal opression of Algeria and a second time to coup de Gaulle out, as he was realising the war to be lost and seeking a political resolution.

For decades after there was no recognition of the French, that a war took place. They refered to it as a police operation and the topic was banned from schools.

In the muslim and arab world what happens in Gaza and the Westbank is often seen in parallel to the Algerian war of independence. In Europe many countries gloss over or just dont teach about the Algerian war for independence or other independance movements in the former colonies at all.

atro_city , an Europe in France to provide armoured vehicles, missiles to Ukraine

What is the EU actually doing? It seems like it hasn't realized just how dangerous Russia is and how important Ukraine is.

Mikufan , an Europe in EU pledges €7.4 billion in aid to Egypt as it seeks to curb migration avatar

How about not funding dictatorships? Get frontex to solve it.

CyberEgg ,

FCK Frontex and the idea of Fortress Europe. The make the Mediterranean Sea a mass grave.

Europe doesn't have a migration problem, it has an integration problem.
Demographic changes affect the whole continent. We need migration to keep pension funds and healthcare insurance alive.
We just completely failed to integrate migrants into society, fight poverty (especially among the youth) and offer chances to grow and self realize.

Mikufan , avatar

We don't need more people we need less and when we take everyone from developing countries, they will get problems as well.

I agree we have a integration problem for the most part, but that is also caused by illigal immigration and shitty politics regarding the issue.

Mediterranean sea is btw already a mass grave, frontex escorting them back to where they started doesn't make a difference at all.

gravitas_deficiency , an Europe in EU summit agrees €50 billion aid for Ukraine despite Hungary's veto threat

Did something change…? I thought Orban had dropped the veto threat. That was a big news story a couple days ago.

JasSmith , an Europe in France to deploy 7,000 soldiers after fatal stabbing of teacher

It’s so heartbreaking for the French to open their hearts and homes to migrants, only to be murdered for their hospitality. Let’s hope this show of force deters any other would-be terrorists. The only thing we can be grateful for is terrorists are cowards. They hurt the weak and innocent because they’re easy victims.

bouh ,

This is what happens when you oppress the people seeking help.

I'm obviously not justifying or excusing terrorism. But I condemn the politicians responsible for preventing this kind of situation. They instead do everything for this to happen.

JasSmith ,

No one is oppressing anyone in France. There is no reason or excuse or justification for murdering an innocent French teacher.

Knusper , an Europe in France to deploy 7,000 soldiers after fatal stabbing of teacher

Seems just a tad excessive...?

tal , avatar

I think that this is kinda a standard French security theater thing, as France has done it repeatedly before. Some terrorist kills some people in France, French government deploys a bunch of soldiers to visibly stand around in public places, public is satisfied that something is being done.

The real stuff that France is doing to deal with terrorism is going to be on the intelligence side. Can't really see that, though, so to the public, looks like the government is just standing around doing nothing, which I imagine is annoying to the government.

Sylvartas ,

Well, allegedly the guy who just murdered a teacher was supposed to be under surveillance. But they have been putting way too many people to realistically monitor under that "level" of surveillance, including way less dangerous political opponents e.g the people on trial right now that you may have heard about, who are being tried for the heinous crimes of checks notes having Signal installed on their phone, possessing technical documentation and mocking Macron.

Alami , an Europe in France to deploy 7,000 soldiers after fatal stabbing of teacher

I wish he would recruit and deploy 7,000 teachers instead. There are 10 000 towns of more than 1000 inhabitants in France, it would be barely enough

Murvel ,

And they cannot do both?

CookieJarObserver , an Europe in France to deploy 7,000 soldiers after fatal stabbing of teacher avatar

Good. Anti terrorist action.

JasSmith ,

Why is this comment -15? Who supports terrorists??

CookieJarObserver , avatar

The guards are deployed because some Islamist (again) murdered a teacher and wounded several others...

And the terrorists supporters are down voting me because they can't handle the truth, that they are terrorist supporters. And supporting terrorism is bad.

Nobsi ,

No, we downvoted you because this is a common occurrence in france and it never did anything. You're as easily impressed as the french premier wants you to be. You think this did something and now the french premier doesn't have to do anything else

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