guy , an Europe in France to end non-essential printing of paper receipts avatar

Not sure if there's a scheme in place here in Scotland or UK, but I always get asked if I want a receipt or not for several years now. Receipts and plastic bags are only by request. The main exceptions seem to be restaurants and public transport.

However, my local supermarket has installed receipt scanning barriers at the self checkout - so those used to have optional receipts, but no longer. I guess profits before environment.

CurlyMoustache , avatar

We have them at self checkouts here in Norway. Can't get out of the store without them. I do not like it

Anekdoteles ,

In the Netherlands the terminals ask if you want a full receipt or a short one with just the barcode to exit.

sonnenzeit ,

What exactly does the bar code encode? I suppose it must be the unique identifier of the receipt. Can you look it up on the web? Or is it only useful to the employees of the store?

aivoton ,

Assuming that the Norwegian system is in anyway similar to the Finnish system I use, they just print the system id and the n:th of you on a piece of receipt while the system just checks that no similar register/customer id's have passed.

We tested this with friends where multiple friends bought stuff from the same register, but exited using only a single one and they were usable afterwards, but only once per.

frostbiker , an Europe in Danish government will introduce new law to ban burning the Quran

Governments should not be allowed to burn books.

Private citizens should be allowed to burn any books they own.

Neither governments nor private citizens should be allowed to harm or threaten people who burn their own damn books.

Example: you can purchase a dozen copies of "On The Origin of Species", burn them, and I will very happily not threaten to behead you. Easy.

Roxxor ,

“The bill will make it punishable, for example, to burn the Quran or the Bible in public. It will only aim at actions in a public place or with the intention of spreading in a wider circle,” Hummelgaard said

Hummelgaard told a news conference that the recent protests were “senseless taunts that have no other purpose than to create discord and hatred.”

I agree with Hummelgaard. Those "protests" are used to create hatred. Even though it is also for me not comprehensible how people can be so sensitive about this, we all know the reaction it provokes. And even though we don't agree and comprehend those feelings, we can still respect those feelings and just not senselessly create disruption.
And hey.... You can still burn as many Qurans in your private oven as you want.

frostbiker ,

“The bill will make it punishable, for example, for people of the same sex to kiss in public. It will only aim at actions in a public place or with the intention of spreading in a wider circle,” Hummelgaard said

I agree with Hummelgaard. Those “protests” are used to create hatred. Even though it is also for me not comprehensible how people can be so sensitive about this, we all know the reaction it provokes. And even though we don’t agree and comprehend those feelings, we can still respect those feelings and just not senselessly create disruption. And hey… You can still kiss as many people of the same sex in private as you want.

This isn't an exaggeration: a few weeks ago in Ottawa we had anti-LGBT protests where rainbow flags were burned down -- guess who was there? And while many of us were offended and appalled, nobody was threatened or beheaded in response, and we didn't have politicians trying to pass a new law forbidding the burning of rainbow flags either.

The whole point of this is that in Europe we have fought for centuries in order to establish liberal democracies where freedom of speech and the separation of church and state are enshrined. We must not appease extremists who achieve change with threats of violence. There is a name for that.

In a democracy the act of burning a book, or a flag, is a canary in the coal mine: you know there is trouble when it dies.

The message is simple: we don't threaten people who have different ideas.

tryptaminev ,

you do realize that the people burning lgbt flags now, will burn lgbt people, or whoever they think to be lgbt, if they get the chance to?

Destroying symbols of a group is a step in the escalation to killing people of that group. Source: two millenia of antisemitism in europe. First you attack the symbols, then the places and finally the people.

r1veRRR ,

The intent is secondary to the effect. If certain muslim people cannot put their religious sensibilities BELOW the secular human rights of their fellow country men, they LITERALLY need to leave. They are literally bad for us, and our social, secular order. EXACTLY like the hardcore christians are bad for human rights in the USA.

misk OP , an Europe in US-supplied ATACMS long-range missiles used for first time in attack by Ukrainian forces avatar
gravitas_deficiency , an Europe in ‘Emissions don't have a passport’: World’s ‘financial muscles’ must invest in green energy


but they didn’t invest in green energy, because their existing investment strategies were far, far too profitable.

misk OP , an Europe in Russians' support of Ukraine war collapses, finds poll avatar

The poll was done a month ago, let’s see how it plays out after recent 170k mobilization.

gravitas_deficiency ,

And after the “election” Russia has coming up

bbbhltz , an Europe in Dutch school phone ban to come into force next month avatar

This is brilliant

Juno ,

I'm a teacher in the USA. Cell phones are the worst thing to happen to education, period.

hydroptic , an Europe in Exclusion of Russian athletes from the Paris opening ceremony: International Olympic Committee says 'aggressive' Russian criticism has reached 'new low'

New, revised version of Russian history in a nutshell: "Russia has reached a new low"

gravitas_deficiency ,

And then, as is tradition in Russia: everything got worse.

yournamehere , an Europe in France to launch €49 summer rail pass for young people

deutschlandticket ftw

viking , an Europe in United Ireland would cost €20 billion for 20 years, new study finds avatar

Sounds about as bad as the reunification of (Western) Germany and the GDR, they are still way behind 30+ years later, and the western states are paying the bill to this day, while young people still migrate from east to west, with Berlin as the only real exception.

QWho , avatar

But the reunification of Germany was literally 'alternativlos' (without alternatives).

This does not say, it was implemented perfectly or even okay. But in the moment of time it happened, I think the great majority of actors really tried to do the right things.

DrFuggles ,

disagree. Gregor Gysi sums it up very nicely at Jung & Naiv:

It wasn't so much a reunification, but rather a takeover. East Germany was more or less plundered by West Germans with a lot of capital after the reunification, leading to a stark divide:

noodlejetski , an Europe in Polish pupils happy about new government limits on homework

homework is such an incredibly idiotic concept. a kid gets sent to school for 7 hours (if not more, at times) of mental work, and then they're required to do even more work after they go back home.

MysticDaedra , an Europe in EU must cut ties with Israel to prevent Gaza genocide - UN rapporteur

The idea that Israel is committing genocide is ludicrous. If they wanted to they could turn Gaza into glass. Instead they have been performing precision strikes for months on end, and despite it being an extremely dense urban environment, they've only killed maybe 30k civilians. No other nation has gone to such great lengths to minimize civilian casualties in war than Israel has. But instead of getting commended, they get vilified and blood libeled. Sickening.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

You mean israel waits until suspects are home with their family to kill them instead of bombing them on the battlefield. Trying to maximize civilian casualties.

And systematically starves all Palestinians using hunger as a weapon or war.

Genocide denial is already over. Currently the Hasbara narrative is that Israels very high civilians casualties are necessary.

nivenkos , an Europe in EU must cut ties with Israel to prevent Gaza genocide - UN rapporteur

Hamas is still holding innocent Israelis hostage and sexually assaulting them.

If Morocco sent gangs over the Spanish border to rape and murder (even babies) and took hundreds of hostages, no-one would ask Spain to negotiate a ceasefire while the hostages are still suffering.

Hamas must be destroyed. It's disgusting that the EU and UN have been funding them directly.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Oh no more "beheaded raped babies in ovens from pregnant bellies".

It's a sad state of affairs that people are still repeating this complete propaganda.

nevemsenki , an Europe in EU must cut ties with Israel to prevent Gaza genocide - UN rapporteur

Not to rain on this parade, but the EU took forever to sanction even fucking russia, and even that never became a complete cut in trade.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

True but it did take a lot less civilian casualties. Israel has killed more than three times the amount of civilians as Russia so far, percentually far more children.

gian ,

True but it did take a lot less civilian casualties.

And so ? Are the civilians from Ukraine less worth than the civilians from Gaza ? What is the number at which the EU should do something then ?

hitmyspot ,

I think you’re misinterpreting their point, europe may be slow to react, but they will. It is now past the level of civilian casualties, so the point about saying europe is slow is correct, but the tone of hopelessness is hollow.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Of course not. The point of sanctions should be that when the war crimes get so bad the comes financial pressure to stop doing them.

gian ,

I agree. But the problem is to understand who is committing a war crime. In this situation, by the international laws, both side are committing a war crime, technically. So, who we should hit with the sanctions ?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

By international law only israel has committed a war crime as it condones resistance against occupation by any means necessary.

Also the israeli blockade on Palestine is one of the most flagrant violations of humanitarian law and already "sanctions" Palestinians.

gian ,

By international law only israel has committed a war crime as it condones resistance against occupation by any means necessary.

By international laws, also fighting without an uniform is a crime.
By international laws, you must not use human shields.
The Geneva convention also stipulate that if you don't apply it with me, you have no right to ask to be applied to you.

So, we are still sure that only one side is committing a war crime ? If not, why not ask also to the other side to respect the international laws.

And if we decide this is not a war but an act of terrorism, why we should ask to the victim side (in this specific occasion) to respect a law that do not apply to the situation and let the offending side to do what it want ? Only because they are playing dirty ?

Also the israeli blockade on Palestine is one of the most flagrant violations of humanitarian law and already “sanctions” Palestinians.

Gaza has a border with Egypt and, as far as I know, Israel cannot do anything to close this border (aside attacking Egypt of course). So, at the minimum, we should also punish Egypt for blocking the Palestinians.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

The Geneva convention also stipulate that if you don’t apply it with me, you have no right to ask to be applied to you.

See the funny part here is that israel is the party that has ignored international law for the last 75 years. We're doing some weird history reversal here by saying that it's the Palestinians fault for not following it.

If israel had followed international law there would have never been retaliation from Gaza.

we should also punish Egypt for blocking the Palestinians.

We do not of course. As we personally supply Egypt with weapons and billions in loans to keep their corrupt government in power to help israel surpress the Palestinians and the rest of the Egyptian population. Sisi is an American puppet.

gian ,

See the funny part here is that israel is the party that has ignored international law for the last 75 years. We’re doing some weird history reversal here by saying that it’s the Palestinians fault for not following it.

I think that here both parts had always ignored international's laws, so maybe we must begin to think that to solve the problem we must held accountable both parts (and I am not discussing who is guilty).

If israel had followed international law there would have never been retaliation from Gaza.

Against someone who political program and reason to exist is to destroy you ? How ?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Against someone who political program and reason to exist is to destroy you ? How ?

Their reason to destroy israel is because it oppresses them. Palestinians have very clearly shown to be open to negotiations. These get shut down by israel because israel wants to expand their Lebensraum.

Case in point is the West Bank where peaceful Palestinians consistently get terrorized by israel. And Hamas is now starting to grow there.

This might come as a surprise but almost nobody is going to risk their lives fighting when they are not being oppressed.

gian ,

Their reason to destroy israel is because it oppresses them. Palestinians have very clearly shown to be open to negotiations. These get shut down by israel because israel wants to expand their Lebensraum.

So, about 20 years ago Israel left voluntarily the Gaza strip and give it to Palestinian, on the understanding that there will be peace, the Palestinian elect Hamas but somehow it is still Israel fault for being the oppressor.

This might come as a surprise but almost nobody is going to risk their lives fighting when they are not being oppressed.

The only problem is that Israel offered a peaceful way out, Hamas refused it. So now Palestinians have basically 2 choices: to be killed while being used as a human shields by their own people or help IDF to fight Hamas, with the risk of being killed but the possibility to build a better future for themself.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

What do you mean "left Gaza"?

Last time I checked there is a giant concentration camp wall around Gaza and they cannot have their own airport. And israel is blockading their sea.

HowRu68 OP , an Europe in China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds

"Official Chinese figures show 12,000 repatriation cases from more than 120 countries as a result of the two main repatriation campaigns. These are often touted by Beijing as a major success.
It is not clear exactly how much of this is propaganda and how much is real data. To give a sense of the scale, a few years ago China managed to persuade 230,000 people to return to China in just one year as part of a special campaign in which the threat of collective punishment was also used as a means of persuasion."

So basically Chinese refuges or expats resident have never been safe. Its not something recent .And apperantly the Chinese Gvement isn't respecting the sovereignty of other countries at all.
It's a wakeupcall, our territories are "infiltrated and not safe", and now with the upcoming collaboration between Hungary and China, it will only get worse; if we don't change our ways soon.

bobs_monkey ,

"Persuasion." "Repatriate." Uh huh, ok.

What gets me is that these individual countries aren't more concerned that a foreign actor is operating state-sanctioned activities within their borders under the radar. If the script was flipped, say a US operative conducting these activities in China, they'd "disappear" off the radar very quickly.

federalreverse ,

collaboration between Hungary and China

Incidentally, Euronews was recently bought by investors close to Orban's circle of power and the article link now goes to a 404 page. Not saying it's a gone-spiracy but yknow what yknow when yknow wink wink.

Archive link:

0x815 , an Europe in China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds
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