
Nollij , an linuxmemes in Russian delete

This really isn't dangerous unless you already screwed up badly. If it wipes, you just restore from backup/DR.

You do have backups and a DR plan for your prod servers, right?

Inktvip ,

Didn't some company have a script running that would randomly kill stuff to always test redundancies?

I vaguely recall someone telling me that about netflix

Edit: https://github.com/Netflix/chaosmonkey

mossy_ ,

that's like starting fires on random properties to make sure your firefighters stay on their toes

manucode , an ich_iel in ich🥼🩺iel

Ich versteh nicht was die Versager immer noch arbeiten. Ausbildung, nutzlos, Studium, nutzlos, Abitur, nutzlos. Um heute reich zu werden, braucht ihr das richtige Mindset. Wenn DU denkst, dass du das richtige Mindset hast und nicht bloß eines dieser Malocherschafe bist, dann komm in die Gruppe. Dort verrat ich dir, wie ich in nur zwei Monaten Millionär geworden bin. Ja, du hast richtig gehört, in nur ZWEI Monaten kannst auch du deine erste Million verdienen.

RidderSport ,

Viel zu viel Aufwand, ich bin Bürgergeld-Millionär

Roflmasterbigpimp ,
@Roflmasterbigpimp@lemmy.world avatar

Bekommen Auftragsmörder Würger-Geld?

brotundspiele ,

Kommt darauf an, welches Tatwerkzeug sie verwenden. Manche bekommen auch nur einen Zuschuss.

possiblylinux127 , an linuxmemes in Russian delete
@possiblylinux127@lemmy.zip avatar

Fun fact there was a guy a little over a decade ago who got drunk and traded 7m barrels of oil futures. Not dollars, barrels. He made the price of oil jump up for a short while.


Bishma , an linuxmemes in that damn foot
@Bishma@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Of all the times to leave out SUSE


SpaceNoodle , an linuxmemes in Russian delete

root shell? Already playing it fast and loose, I see.

mlfh ,

The only legitimate commands for a non-root shell are sudo -i, exit, and echo "yee haw"

directive0 , an linuxmemes in When I want to use free software to make memes:
@directive0@lemmy.world avatar

GIMP is great but it definitely needs its own Blender 3.0 moment where they just completely overhaul the UI.

I've used it as my primary raster app so I'm way used to it now, but I totally understand the people who just never even bother to learn it because they are so turned off by the absolutely bonkers design decisions.

Buelldozer ,
@Buelldozer@lemmy.today avatar

The damn thing was written by a couple of College Students who had no experience with graphic arts and man does it show. The UI has been the number #1 complaint since the 1.0 release back in 1998; how it's never been updated / overhauled is simply beyond me.

Churbleyimyam ,

Why? Looks basically the same as photoshop, which everybody seems to love.

exhaust_fan ,

Among other things:

  • monochrome color scheme prevents easy recognition of tools
  • dozens and dozens of arcane options listed alongside super basic options
  • weird sizing of buttons
  • no help search, and no search that can associate synonyms where users don't know what term to search for
  • no inbuilt suggestions when user behaves strangely (eg. user is spamming the escape key, searching "deselect", maybe suggest the deselect all hotkey?)
tsugu ,
@tsugu@slrpnk.net avatar

You can change the icon theme in the settings to a color one. That's what I always do. The scaling can be changed as well.

May I ask what are some of the arcane options supposed to be?

Smash , an ich_iel in ich💰️🚄️💰️iel

Die Wunder eines Monopols 🌈

einfach_orangensaft ,

Was? Bullshit. Die deutsche Bahn war immer ein Monopol und es gab zeiten wo das super funktioniert hat.
Das problem ist mehr das man versucht hat es zu privatisiren aber dabei hat mal hat massiv verkackt, zu viele techniker rausgeworfen und zu viele BWL futzis eingestellt die jetzt nur eierschaukeln und das streckenausbau geld als boni kassieren.

ormr ,

Das natürliche Monopol ist das Streckennetz. Das gehört in staatliche Hand um faire Bedingungen für alle zu ermöglichen. Züge auf dem Netz fahren könnten problemlos auch private Unternehmen machen ohne Monopolprobleme. Die GDL ist doch heute selbst offen für eine Zerschlagung der DB.

Wappen ,

Wo genau ist da denn der Sinn die Züge privat zu haben? Die Idee war ja immer Kosteneinsparungen durch Wettbewerb. Aber wie soll Wettbewerb funktionieren wenn die Fahrgäste nicht mehr als günstig und zur rechten Zeit an ihr Ziel kommen wollen?

Bei Fernverkehr könnte das vielleicht anders sein aber ich steh normalerweise morgens nicht am Bahnhof und überlege mir welchen Zug ich nehmen will weil ich nämlich sowieso nur eine Option habe um pünktlich bei der Arbeit zu sein.

daltotron , an Memes in I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it

You know, as much as I do like this website, I do find it kind of tiring how the top posts tend to just be like. Like this is an NPC meme, you know? This is a chad vs virgin type of meme. This is about a step away from choosing to portray your opposition as a soy wojack. Sometimes I find that kind of funny because of how absurdly idiotic and brainbroken it reveals the creator of the meme to have been, but I dunno, something about the mainstream adoption of this kind of thing is just kind of incredibly depressing. It's like I am seeing the mainstream consciousness break apart in real time.

Can we go back to advice animals and rage comics, guys?

Peter_Arbeitslos , an ich_iel in Kommentar lesen

Ist schon mal jemandem aufgefallen, wie groß die Menge an aktiven Geschwister-Gemeinden von c/ich_iel im Vergleich zu der von r/ich_iel ist? (Ja, das ist ein Schwanzvergleich.)





!wir_iel (Duck weg.)

federalreverse ,

Gerade entdeckt: !i_itrl

Peter_Arbeitslos ,
Flax_vert , an Memes in I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it

Yes and we should. We should also make childcare free.

damnedfurry ,

It can't be free.

What you're actually saying is that "childcare should be communally funded by taxes".

I'm not on board with that unless it comes with limits on reproduction, especially for those who pay zero taxes.

Stop creating more human lives when you can't even independently support your own.

Flax_vert ,

We should prioritise supporting the creation of more human lives

camelbeard ,

First of all you'll be really happy with all those babies when you turn 80 and society hasn't fallen because the average age is 70.

Second, when childcare is free more people can join the workforce, this increases taxes and productivity.

But maybe the most important it will make society more equal. When you're poor working almost doesn't make sense if you have to spend 80% of your salary on childcare. So more people don't work, these people are usually women. That really doesn't help with an equal society, because a big group can't really work so they can't really climb any ladders.

lath , an Memes in I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it

A lot of the issues here can be side-stepped with proper sexual education classes.

scrubbles , an Memes in I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Conservatives want live babies to grow up to be dead soldiers. George Carlin

CableMonster ,

Maybe true in the 90s, but now the liberals seem to be just as war hungry.

ristoril_zip , an Memes in I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it

It's fascinating that this isn't something that is always thrown back in the so called "pro life" person's face. They're only pro birth. They don't care if the baby that comes out is fed, clothed, housed, eventually educated, etc. Or at least, they don't believe there's any collective responsibility to take care of that baby.

Flax_vert ,

That's a strawman. We do.

feine_seife ,

You do. But not the politicians who actually get it into law.
Also who has decided you are the spokesperson of the pro life movement?

CableMonster ,

The problem is there is a completely different perspective here. I dont want politicians to give people things like welfare not because I hate people, but because I think it turns them into dependents, and I think it actively harms them.

feine_seife ,

I agree that incorrect administration of welfare can lead to that. But thats also the politicians job to manage.

Thats also comparable to saying I don't visit doctors I fear a mistreatment.

CableMonster ,

Its too big or a job for a politian to manage, it has to be run well at the street level.

Going to the doctor is a bad analogy, it would be more apt to compare it to someone taking pain medication because their back hurts, and they get hooked on the pain pills, but the reason their back hurts is because they are morbidly obese. We need to go after the problem, not enable the problem.

feine_seife ,

That is true we need to fix the problem. So in your analogy you would've stopped giving the person pain medication?

And how is the person crippled by pain supposed to stand, walk or excercise without pain medication?

I get it addition to pain medication is bad. I would assume most people know that, even those addicted. But the alternative is those people succumbing to pain, which would prevent any improvments.

Hence, yes I agree. Just throwing around money is not going to be the solution, but so is also not giving any.

CableMonster ,

Sorry, if you are not able to apply that analogy, I dont care to re explain every scenerio.

Pandantic , an Memes in I guess this isn’t news to anyone, but I just thought of it
@Pandantic@midwest.social avatar

More proof it’s more punishment than concern for the baby. To them, sex is a sin unless for procreation and your punishment for having sex for fun or while poor (or sexually assaulted) is that you have to bear the burden because you sinned. They can’t handle their own sexual shit because it’s not allowed to be talked about, so they make us all deal with it. She doesn’t want to have her 3rd baby, but she’s a good Christian woman who can’t say no to her husband, so she has to have it, and she wants other women to have to have it too. The fawning over babies and speaking to the “sacredness of life” is the facade they wear because it sounds more “Christian”.

Oh that and, male power over women’s bodies. Because, you never know, that mystery pregnancy you got after the club might just be Jesus! Zeus came as coins ffs, so God may appear to the new Mary as rohypnol. Who knows?

HarmlessCake , an ich_iel in ich_iel

Storz & Bickel? Ich weiß die sind nicht günstig. Bin aber mit dem Venty voll zufrieden! Kompakt, heizt schnell auf, schnellladen. Das einzige was bisschen störend ist, dass die Luft, obwohl gut gekühlt, manchmal trotzdem ein leichtes kratzen im Hals auslöst. Außerdem habe ich gesehen, dass es einen bestimmten Fehler auftritt der auftreten kann und ihn unbenutzbar machen soll. Bei mir zum Glück noch nicht passiert. Habe ihn bis jetzt auch nur ~15 benutzt. Überlege mir eventuell wegen dem kratzigen Rauch so nen Aufsatz mit Wasserflüssigkeit zu holen quasi wie ne mini elektrische Bong dalls da jemand was weiß zufällig :D

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