
sexy_peach , an DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org in Flächennutzung in Deutschland

Wow es gibt so wenige Veganer_innen und die brauchen so viel Platz fuer ihre Ernaehrung?? /s

federalreverse ,

Ich mach das /s weg und pfostiere dich gen !kreisvegs !!

sexy_peach ,

immer gern

hsdkfr734r , (Bearbeitet ) an ich_iel in ich_iel

Servus Wiktionary:

Herkunft: von lateinisch: servus = Sklave, später Knecht oder Diener, also „ich bin dein Diener“ oder „zu Diensten“[1]

Hab nie verstanden, wieso ich zu Diensten sein soll. Mit nein danke, ich komm (allein) zurecht, darf man darauf auch nicht antworten. Verrückte Welt.

Grüß Gott oder Mahlzeit sind da kaum besser.

Moin geht total in Ordnung. :)

Tiptopit ,

Wenn Mahlzeit wenigstens implizieren würde, dass dir derjenige was zu essen gibt

Prunebutt ,

Was, wenn ich dir erzähle, dass niemand das mit "Servus" meint? Lasst doch die leute reden, wie sie wollen, zefix!

hsdkfr734r , (Bearbeitet )

Was, wenn ich dir erzähle, dass niemand das mit "Servus" meint?

Dann wäre ich vermutlich doch überrascht. Erzähle es mir mal und finde es heraus. ;)

Ist mir doch klar, dass der ursprüngliche Wortsinn nicht mehr damit gemeint ist. Ich will es auch nicht verbieten, jeder soll grüßen wie er möchte (solang' der Arm dabei unten bleibt). Ich mag den Gruß nur nicht und ließ es euch wissen, das is erlaubt.



Klingenrenner ,



Dank Gottkönig Maggus hängt jetzt in jedem öffentlichen Gebäude die Nachbildung einer archaischen Hinrichtungsstätte ein Zeichen des Friedens. Da werden wir dessen Namen wohl auch zum fluchen nutzen dürfen.

hsdkfr734r ,

Auf jeden Fall!

HootinNHollerin , (Bearbeitet ) an Memes in be honest

I find it disturbing that McDonald’s asks if you wanna donate to their hospital. Like:

  1. your fucking executives sure can
  2. you’re dealing ultra-processed junk food, then asking people to donate to a hospital for you?
Tlaloc_Temporal ,

Not to mention that the donations are tax deductible.

Sarmyth ,

I used to believe this too. I was corrected and informed that if it collected as a donation it is not the company making the donation and they can not gain tax benefits from it. They also aren't paying a sales tax on that money either.

The benefit is exclusively the good PR from arranging the donation, which to be fair, they did. If the donation came through a credit card they may have covered the ~3% transaction fee, although they could potentially write that off for the portion that the donation increased the fee by.

Tlaloc_Temporal ,

That make complete sense, thank you for correcting me.

I think I was conflating the practice of matching donations with this, as both have a corporation encouraging you to donate to the charity they choose.

Yssedrauld , an ich_iel in ich🌍🌎🌏iel

Man muss das absaufen von Bayern auch mal als Chance sehen.

aradgus ,

Kriese kann auch geil sein

chaotic_disorganizer , an ich_iel in ich🌐1️⃣2️⃣7️⃣iel

Ich weiß überall meine Protokollnummer: 4 oder 6

rbn ,

Das dürfte eher deine Zwischennetzprotokollversion sein. Hier ist glaube ich eher deine Zwischennetzprotokolladresse gefragt.

Ephera ,

Also ich glaube ja, dass OP auf jeden Fall das hier meint: https://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml


rbn ,

Das Feld beschreibt, wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe, welches höhere Protokoll das Zwischennetzpaket enthält. Die Werte 4 und 6 wären dabei Zwischennetzprotokoll Version 4 bzw. Übertragungskontrollprotokoll. Wenn OP immer und überall nur 4 und 6 nutzt, wäre es z.B. NIE Zwischennetzprotokoll Version 6, NIE Benutzerdatengramm, NIE Flüsschenkontrollübertragungsprotokoll usw.

Ist das nicht eher unwahrscheinlich? Oder stehe ich auf dem Schlauch?

Ephera ,

Das war als Spaß gemeint. Ich hatte gehofft, das "🙃" genügt als Hinweis...

Also ich denke schon auch, dass OP eigentlich die IP-Adresse gemeint hat. Fand's nur lustig, dass es tatsächlich etwas gibt, was exakt "Protokollnummer" heißt.

neo , an ich_iel in ich↩️↪️iel

Ich hoffe nur, die FPD macht keine Umfrage zum Tempolimit, denn dann müssten wir hier sicher einräumen wie unbeliebt das wäre.

Killing_Spark ,

Quatsch. Das wäre mit bisher unbekannter krimineller Energie einfach weg zu erklären

NaoPb , an linuxmemes in Top post of PCMR on Reddit today XD

That's how I feel installing 5+ apps to modify Windows until it works like it did in Windows XP.

sirico , an linuxmemes in mv Windows Linux
@sirico@feddit.uk avatar

Had a call to sort an issue where someone couldn't open an excel file because they already had it open don't know why that needed a warning over a simple window switch to the sheet they wanted but hey stopped me doing what I was doing for nothing

Rentlar ,

Yeah, needing to use Microsoft Office for everything at work is a damn pain. This one time I am trying to close Word, but then I must have clicked the top right X one too many times so the "You can't close Word until the Closing... dialog is dismissed" dialog pops up, which itself interrupts the Closing dialog...

Screen photo
NoFun4You ,


Liz ,

"Hello, yes, IT department? I think my co-worker's keyboard is missing all their punctuation marks. Yes, it's making communication very difficult."

sirico ,
@sirico@feddit.uk avatar

Apologies dyslexia

cupcakezealot ,
@cupcakezealot@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar
ubergeek77 ,
@ubergeek77@lemmy.ubergeek77.chat avatar

You also can't open two spreadsheets that have the same filename. I'm sure that's led to a helpdesk call or two.

Buddahriffic ,

I lost a lot of respect for Microsoft when I first saw that issue. It's such an easy to avoid limitation. Like probably a similar level of difficulty to remove that limitation than to write the error message explaining it, unless it's more of a spaghetti mess than I'm expecting it to be.

KairuByte ,

It’s to do with the ability to work with data across all open workbooks:

You can reference [Workbook.xlsx]Sheet1!B2 but if you have two excel workbooks open, both named Workbook.xlsx which one should be used?

psud ,

So throw an error at runtime on that macro, most workbooks aren't the target of a macro

Morphit ,
@Morphit@feddit.uk avatar

Whichever one has the smallest relative path to the workbook using it? How does it find the workbook if it isn't open already?

KairuByte ,

It doesn’t.

Buddahriffic ,

If you want to reference other files, you should use a less ambiguous way to refer to them. Like a relative path or full absolute path. The fact that that weakness is because of a half-baked feature like that actually makes me lose even more respect.

Edit: thanks for the info though, it does add some missing context.

connaisseur , an ich_iel in ich💥🖥️iel

Ich habe Y2K schadlos überlebt, ich werde auch das überstehen.

Godnroc , an linuxmemes in Security

I'm literally trying to get into Linux and one of the first things was installing software, which involves copying and running random bits of code from whatever website has the highest search result. I would say a lot of software is running code you have no idea what it does.

TheRedSpade ,

Installing software on Linux almost never involves "copying and running random bits of code" unless you have a need for some really obscure program. Learn how to use your distribution's package manager.

billiam0202 ,

Learn how to use your distribution's package manager.


sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

covers what, about 60% of Linux desktops?

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

And sudo apt full-upgrade when a new OS version is available.

full-upgrade is the same as upgrade except it'll remove old packages if required. (e.g. programs that don't support the new version and hold back the upgrade due to old dependencies). When upgrading Debian to a new release, I usually first run upgrade, then run full-upgrade and read the output very carefully before continuing.

msage ,

I mean, bash is a code.

Till next time

RidcullyTheBrown ,

if we’re being fair, it did involve a lot of that historically. Package managers weren’t always around and even after they became established, there was still a lot of fiddling with bad drivers and various distributions had policies which didn’t allow certain software with certain licenses to be setup through their package repository and so on and so forth. Sure nowadays this is less of an issue, but then windows security is also much better than it used to be. People here seem to want to compare the latest Ubuntu to windows 98

smileyhead OP ,

Those are just tutorials showing how to install something. Typing flatpak install firefox is one and the same as going into the app store, searching for Firefox and clicking "install". Tutorial websites would just show terminal as it's more universal.
If they ask you to actually download some file there is something very wrong.

I often see people overwhelmed by universality of some things. Instead of searching "How to install Firefox on Linux?" what should be learned is "How to install software on Linux?" and, unless met with something badly ported, never do the search again.

But what my meme is about is Windows-only style of having some file and by default having no idea if that's going to run in some program or be a program.

ego ,

While I totally agree with you about package managers, I still run into a lot of apps that the only install option is a .deb downloaded from a webpage. Which is comparable to running a .exe on windows.

dan ,
@dan@upvote.au avatar

is a .deb downloaded from a webpage

deb-get is useful for these.

I hate directly installing Debian packages because I forget to update them (since apt won't update them). I usually either use deb-get or create my own repo for the app using Aptly.

irmoz ,

I ask this with full sincerity - are you unaware of the package manager?

Godnroc ,

In much the way I am aware of the Windows store: I avoid it and work to get the software directly from the source. I regularly run into the issue of software not being there or being of unknown version.

Perhaps that is some bias from Windows following me over.

transientpunk ,
@transientpunk@sh.itjust.works avatar

That is definitely your Windows bias haunting you. Package managers are the way to get software on your Linux distro. Going straight to the source has it's place, but for 95% of use cases, you should be using your package manager.

ruckblack ,


irmoz ,

In much the way I am aware of the Windows store: I avoid it and work to get the software directly from the source.

That is not the way things work on Linux - the repos essentially are the source. It is intended for apps to be packaged and distributed through official repos precisely to avoid the issues you listed, which are more often issues of downloading from sites. Package managers take care of incompatible versions and conflicts. That's definitely a Windows bias my friend :P

Zink ,

Ok but imagine if Microsoft got altruistic and made the Windows store to be as helpful as possible and not as a marketing or user control scheme. That’s the package manager in Linux.

moon ,

You're doing it wrong. Get it from your package manager lol

prunerye ,

Wait, are you setting up PPAs? If you're using a user-friendly distro, either flathub should be enabled by default or the AUR is easily accessible with pamac or the chaotic-AUR. If software availability is a problem, I don't know what to tell you; I think you started with a more difficult distribution than you intended to. PPAs suck.

szczuroarturo ,

He has a point tho. The amount of copy pasting random shit from the internet into the console is way too comon if you go down the rabbit hole on some issues with the system and find a solution on some abandoned by god itself linux forum.
To be fair its usualy just a comand that does shit for you in 5 seconds so you dont have to use gui buuut it does happen and i can tell what this stuff does but the average user likley dosent .
Alghtough it might be less common today. Its been quite a long time since i last broke my system.

Phrodo_00 ,

I mean, I never do that without downloading the script and reading it. I also read makepkg files. It doesn't take that much to validate these things

gears ,

He wasn't say you personally do it. He even said that he knows what the commands do, most of the time, but that the average person does not. Especially beginners to Linux, who are more prone to break their system and be on forum rabbit holes to try and fix it.

KYTO , an ich_iel in ich🔈iel

Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob OP dieses maimai richtig versteht.

cron , an ich_iel in ich👋🏻iel

Willkommen zurück!

instantnudeln OP ,

Ich hatte sehr lange die Hoffnung, dass feddit.de eventuell wieder online kommt und wollte meine Maimais eigentlich nicht auf zwei Konten verteilt haben.

Aber nach zwei monaten... langsam bekomme ich starke Entzugserscheinungen.

Appoxo ,
@Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Es gibt Bemühungen eine Community und einen offiziellen Verein in und über Matrix hochzuziehen um das Problem anzugehen.

EherVielleicht ,
@EherVielleicht@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Die Punkte gehen, das famose bleibt.

iiGxC , an linuxmemes in Security

At a conference recently, one person accidentally sent the organizer a pdf of their presentation with their notes underneath each slide, instead of the presentation itself, but it was super confusing because the file was "presentation.pptx.pdf" which of course got displayed by windows as "presentation.pptx". The person who decided to hide extensions by default must be so proud of pulling off such a wide reaching prank

trollercoaster , (Bearbeitet ) an ich_iel in ich💾iel

Viele Leute haben eine rechte Oma mit widerlichen Ansichten. Mit dem Problem ist die SPD nicht alleine.

Normale Leute machen ihre rechte Oma aber nicht zur Innenministerin.

kaputter_Aimbot ,

Ich würde hier die faschistischen Überwachungsfantasien einer sozialdemokratischen Politikerin nicht direkt mit Rechts gleichsetzen.

Das verharmlost nämlich mal wieder, was die echten Nazis für widerliche Allmachtsfantasien haben!

Aber ja, auch noch mal für Frau Faesser zum mitschreiben: "Dass anlasslose Massenüberwachung verfassungswidrig ist, hat das Verfassungsgericht gesagt!!!11!"

Michal , an linuxmemes in Top post of PCMR on Reddit today XD

Meanwhile Linux users trying to ger wifi to work

PoolloverNathan ,

I just add this to my system config:

networking.wireless = {
  enable = true;
  networks = import ./networks.nix;

Then I define my networks in a gitignored file and I'm good to go.

Presi300 ,
@Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

it's the never ending cycle, we struggle getting wifi to work and then laugh at windows users trying to get windows to work

zalgotext ,

we struggle getting wifi to work

No we don't

Presi300 ,
@Presi300@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like my joke went over a lot of people's heads

werefreeatlast ,

Every kernel update on Ubuntu kills my wifi driver. So I automatically recompile and add my new driver....same driver each gaddam time. But it's not an ad 😂 lol.

ikidd ,
@ikidd@lemmy.world avatar

Get the maintainer to PR it to the linux-firmware team if its unique.

areyouevenreal ,

I rarely have WiFi issues on Linux. At least not with internal WiFi cards. USB ones can sometimes be a problem, but not often.

NegativeInf ,

Yes, but like 10 years ago. That was probably the last time I ripped out chunks of hair and snapped off teeth trying to configure a half supported broadcom wireless card.

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