@zxguesser@oldbytes.space titelbild
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar



I mostly do #teletext things. Mainly nerdy coding and teletext archiving stuff, but occasional #TeletextArt too.

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zxguesser , an Random Englisch
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar
robert , an Random Englisch
@robert@irrelevant.me.uk avatar

So glad I have been procrastinating upgrading the distribution on my one server with a public facing sshd port*. OpenSSH has remained old enough to not have the current flaw..

(* non standard port, which at least avoids most of the port-scanning script-kiddies.)

zxguesser , (Bearbeitet )
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@robert heh. I just logged into my Pis to check whether they were up to date... Didn't need to wory what with the sshd being from 2022 😄

Gammitin , an Random Englisch
@Gammitin@mastodon.social avatar

A little Saturday retro computing 'hack':
Usb floppy drives from places like Amazon, only write HD 1.44MB disks, have you ever wanted to write a DD 720k disk on a modern computer easily, without something like a Greaseweazle?
Get yourself a Dell MPF82E, it has a USB port


zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@Gammitin also the Dell FDDM-101 which looks to be the same thing

philpem , an Random Englisch
@philpem@digipres.club avatar

The Parable of the Special Part

Jones and his manager Mr. Smith were in a design review meeting.

Jones was a bundle of pure enthusiasm: "The new Metroencabulator is the best we've ever made!"

Smith was unmoved. "Why do you have 19 different M3 bolt lengths, and why are some custom?"

"That's just how it is, sir," Jones said. "We need those sizes to reach the design goals."

"Jones," replied Smith, "There is plenty of room to drill these holes deeper. Then we can use all standard size bolts!"

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@philpem we have a Gala Tent marquee where the steel tubes for the roof are several different lengths, by a cm here and there, for no good reason.
We've colour coded all the tubes and joiners with rings of different coloured PVC tape, and helpers still manage to put it together wrong. 🤦‍♂️

Wonderstar , an Random Englisch
@Wonderstar@mastodon.social avatar

I’m tempted to complain about magazine publishers deciding that they should ignore conventional page widths and go “NOOOO! We want our beautiful publication to be just very slightly wider and longer than everything else so that it stands out more” but then I realise that actually i used to write for a few magazines that did just that, so perhaps I shouldn’t moan too much. 🙂

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@Wonderstar see also: sheet music

Wonderstar , an Random Englisch
@Wonderstar@mastodon.social avatar

Getting deep into scanning and digitizing things at the moment. Perhaps a realisation that there is no future in holding on to things and never being quite sure what would be “the best thing” to do with them, in “the best way.” … Certainly starting to fell that the best way is whatever way gets the stuff processed as quickly and painlessly as possible - any part of the process that slows things down or is too painful to do hundreds of times a day, just becomes a roadblock.

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@Wonderstar perfect is the enemy of good, and a slightly rough archive is a billionty times better than not available because there might be a better quality way 👍

zxguesser , an Random Englisch
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

Well that was frustrating. I spent most of yesterday going round and round in circles trying to understand a complex bit of decoding logic, before eventually finding the mistake on the schematic which was making all my subsequent logic terms wrong.
Thanks Acorn Computers 😩

The pinout for a 74LS86, showing that it contains four exclusive OR gates

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

Further examination shows that all the right-facing XORs are incorrect, but there's a left-facing one with the correct symbol. 😄

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@mfraz74 there's a good possibility I'm going to re-draw the whole thing. It's a very poor scan so I already had to draw in some illegible component and pin numbers

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@penguin42 the teletext adapter cheese wedge. Part of the framing code detector.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@nemo20000 I suppose being Acorn I should have said "west"

nina_kali_nina , an Random Englisch
@nina_kali_nina@tech.lgbt avatar

The CPU is far from being the most sophisticated component of a computer.

At least if we're talking about , or, rather, scavenging and collapse computing. Okay, maybe in open source hardware, too.

Designs of new hobbyist computer architectures are seemingly revolving around inventing a CPU and/or mapping the peripherals on the system bus.

And you could find many simple CPUs based on FPGAs, logic chips, transistors, valves and even relays.

What you usually don't find is custom RAM. Before Intel introduced cheap solid-state RAM in 1969, there were at least six contemporary competing types of RAM used in computers, and at least as many were already considered obsolete.

What you don't find is peripherals. There are rare cool appliances, like punch tape readers. But have you seen a custom hard drive? A printer?

All these are "easy" in terms of relative complexity for industry. But they are simultaneously very hard for a hobbyist/DIYer/tech collapsnik.

Change my mind, show me the good stuff~

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@nina_kali_nina I've built a printer from scratch, but it's an electromechanical contraption not directly related to computery things and not exactly a convenient form-factor.
(though watch this space, I still have loads of ink and I've been Having Bad Ideas for future projects after watching too many teleprinter videos... 😳)


zxguesser , an Random Englisch
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

I've fixed libzvbi's IDL format A databroadcast decoding enough to extract the mostly-pointless debug output I added to vbit2 as a proof-of-concept example data stream 🥳

Image shows a crummy script on my workshop PC decoding a teletext signal live from my raspberry pi via a capture card.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

Now I just need to implement some actually useful code at both ends 😅

lpbkdotnet , an Random Englisch
@lpbkdotnet@mstdn.social avatar

Me: next #emfcamp I should take a small installation, something that doesn’t need a van and many people to lift it

Also me: I’ve got an idea that needs about 40m of drainpipe and a dozen telephone handsets!

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@lpbkdotnet I am extremely familiar with this swearing off of over-complicated projects/demos, until the next one.

philpem , an Random Englisch
@philpem@digipres.club avatar

Z80 ICE acquired! The won't know what's hit it. Thanks again, @rc2014 !

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@philpem @rc2014 spectra-strip klaxon! 🌈

philpem , an Random Englisch
@philpem@digipres.club avatar

You know what #EMF2024 #emfcamp needs?

Cable TV.

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@robert @philpem
I'm confident that by 2026 vbit2 will have databroadcast capability... Whether I've thought of a use for that by then is a different matter of course 😅

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@robert @philpem For all I know @citifax might still be making decoders 😆

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@robert @philpem I recently discovered that libzvbi doesn't actually work which is slightly irritating and has set my project back a little

zxguesser , (Bearbeitet )
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@robert @philpem thankfully it'll happily give me raw packet data so I can just implement my own version until such time as I can get a patch into libzvbi if that's even possible (someone does seem to have taken over maintenance recently so 🤞)

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@philpem @robert we ought to be able to do something on a Beeb too. Though that might involve me learning some 6502 which I made no progress with last time I tried 😬

zxguesser , an Random Englisch
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

Model all set up and green stickers on the power supplies ready for tomorrow.

If you're in the area: Giant Meccano Model Exhibition, The Embassy Theatre, Skegness.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

Aaand just like that it's all over for another year.
Wasn't in the top five, but apparently my machine did "quite well" in the modellers' vote. I certainly saw a lot of folks trying to surreptitiously copy "Feldfernschreiber" onto their voting card this morning, so was starting to worry I might end up on stage shaking hands with the deputy mayor 😆

zxguesser , an Random Englisch
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

That was nearly a ghastly catastroscope. Almost left for the show without any rolls of paper tape besides the remaining couple of feet loaded on the machine.

Dtl , an Random Englisch
@Dtl@mastodon.social avatar

Guess who just had a silly idea for and is now look at a pile of breakout boards and wondering if there's time to make it work. And not a in sight :-(

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@Dtl judging by all the posts I've seen this week, is the answer "half of the people going to EMF camp"? 😆​

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@Tomhodson @Dtl I won't be at EMF, but I'm off to a Meccano exhibition tomorrow, and have similarly done nothing about getting my stuff ready until this week.
Something about nerd brains only working when there's an impending deadline...

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@Tomhodson @Dtl (I also spent the past half hour editing a Simpsons screenshot for a shitpost because that's a wise use of my time and not a procrastination activity at all... 👀​)

zxguesser , an Random Englisch
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

I'd like to say it worked first time, but then I'd have no explanation for staying up until 4AM soldering...
First all-up test of the new feed auto start/stop circuit with the rest of the machine actually connected was successful though 😅​

A complicated mechanism prints text onto ticker tape. The ticker tape begins moving automatically at the start of the message, and stops again shortly after the message ends.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

and works just the same for messages sent from the keyboard too 😁​
This is by far the best I've ever had the printer working. I cut a new print screw and re-designed the tape path slightly the other day.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@penguin42 everyone always mentions the enigma 😆​
Dividing a disc/cylinder into 26 in Meccano is beyond my ability, and I've learnt my lesson about not building anything with a billion electrical contacts for a while!

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@penguin42 I semi regret building the accurate QWERTZ layout, as it's hard enough to type at exactly 2.5 characters per second as it is, without someone hiding the Y key 😄​

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@penguin42 lots of swearing, and dropped washers...
It's a very tight sandwich of perforated strips and washers and spacers threaded onto rods. Built just wide enough for the nuts/bolt heads of each keybar to clear the next.
I'll attempt to get a photo, but it's all fairly dense inside

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@penguin42 I intend to do a full write up with lots of photos on my website some time this summer before it gets dismantled.
I'm also hoping to get on air and try to make some contacts with it if I can interface it with the rig (and the motor doesn't wipe out the whole band with RFI 😅​)

underside of the front of the Meccano hellschreiber keyboard. It is a densely packed stack of key bars with lots of nuts and bolts which almost collide.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@penguin42 it's essentially clone of the original machine, within the limits of Meccano parts.
Just a slight simplification of having a single rocking contact rather than two separate parts.
Otherwise it's pretty much what's shown in the excellent diagrams at https://www.nonstopsystems.com/radio/hellschreiber-the-feld-hell.htm
I could never have built it without that website

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@penguin42 similarly a different arrangement of gears, but all worked out to the same overall ratio for the critical relationship between character drum and print screw.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

The Meccano Hellschreiber is suddenly getting a load of interest again, which reminds me that I still haven't done a proper write up sorry!
Someone uploaded a little bit of video of it in operation at the show though:

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

One further improvement I made for the show that I've not talked about yet was changing the felt ink roller for one made of ribbon (velvet ribbon specifically, with the fuzzy side inwards).
That improved the legibility further as it's reduced the over-inking issues I was having, but more importantly felt fuzz was constantly accumulating on the print spindle.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

Oh no, Hackaday have spotted it now! 😁
I shouldn't have procrastinated for so long on documenting it 😅

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

Here's a photo of the improvised thread cutting machine I used to cut the printing spindle. Shown with a spare spindle in the "chuck".

The cutter is a bit of 4mm drill shank with something approximating a cutting geometry ground onto the end with a rotary tool. It is spring loaded into the work, with a depth stop on the rear to set the maximum depth of cut.

Turning the handle rotates and translates the workpiece in the correct relationship to generate the thread pitch, and the starting position was repeatedly reset to remove all but the double-helix needed.

Also a bonus photo showing the print mechanism more clearly, and the final print quality achieved 😀

The printing mechanism of the Meccano Hellschreiber machine, with the ink roller raised to show the print element. The paper tape contains the message "hello to everyone from Hackaday".

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

And while I'm at it, a couple of photos to show the construction of the character drum.
41 wheel flanges (one for each printing character, plus a slip ring contact) have the paint removed from their outer diameter, and are bolted together in a giant stack.
The pixel pattern for each character is encoded by patches of kapton tape.

A close up of a section of the character drum showing the shiny metal of the Meccano wheel discs with a pattern of translucent yellow tape applied.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

Here's a photo of the whole machine taken at the Meccano show, that's a bit more presentable than my cluttered dining room table.

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@scruss I've never even made a contact via the computer. I could never find any activity, and it's only since doing this project that I've found there's weekly nets and activity nights etc! 🤦‍♂️

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@scruss I tuned in this Sunday and could hear the signals, but by the time I'd got fldigi installed on the shack PC and figured out the sound card settings they'd gone. I might even get the machine hooked up by next week, now that all this attention's given me a kick up the behind to get on with it 😅

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@scruss I was intending to tune in to the net and lurk quietly while I tinker about to get the machine printing signals off air to begin with. There's a strong chance that all my crude comparator circuit will do is detect band noise and print a solid black stripe heh.
If only there was a hellscreiber beacon 😆

zxguesser OP ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@DrHyde 🤣
I love Clickspring. And do not have one millionth of his patience. 😆

zxguesser , an Random Englisch
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

Woop! It verks!
Now I just need a circuit to energise the paper transit coil whenever there are print pulses (and for a couple of seconds afterwards)

An electromechanical contrivance constructed from a dense forest of Meccano parts. A paper ticker tape is being propelled through the mechanism by unseen components within.

mattgrayyes , an Random Englisch
@mattgrayyes@chaos.social avatar

For @emf, I’m making Mastodot, which in theory prints toots that are hashtagged for the event!

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@mattgrayyes This makes me want to play with my dot matrix again. 😍​
They're fiddly, but I do love printer escape sequences. It's so satisfying the way you can send some bytes down a wire and double struck italic text just happens.
Sending a PDF to modern printer is convenient, but it's so ESC 4 ESC G boring 😀​

Unixbigot , an Random Englisch
@Unixbigot@aus.social avatar

I've implemented a KiCad footprint that provides an "oh fuck I got tx/rx backwards again" crossover box. Not my idea but I forget where I first saw it (I think it was here on Fedi). Fit two resistors (or solder bridges) horizontally and it's straight through; fit them vertically and it's a cross-over.


ETA: the name of the footprint is “Oh_Fuck”.

A kicad footprint that is two resistor footprints, where the resistors can be fitted vertically to swap two lines, or horizontally for straight through
3D render of the crossover footprint, showing that it conceals the fact that you are a doofus who often gets data lines bass-ackwards.

zxguesser ,
@zxguesser@oldbytes.space avatar

@Unixbigot @jwalzer @g7vkq @revk
I did exactly that to add a drive select line crossover to my Spectrum +3 motherboard

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