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@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar



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woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

First bundling everything in a tar file just to compress the thing in an individual step is kinda stupid, though. Everything takes much longer because of that. If you don't need to preserve POSIX permissions, tar is pointless anyway.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Use an archiving format that does both at once then, preserving whatever tar use cases has and compressing. The two steps are stupid, no arguing against that.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

The Russian plane didn't breach Latvian air space, it just flew near it. The article spelled it out.

woelkchen , (Bearbeitet )
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Teslas run Linux. Not sure they finally comply with the GPL, though.

Macron says Kyiv should be allowed to ‘neutralise’ Russian military bases, prompting Putin warning ( www.france24.com ) Englisch

President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that there would be “serious consequences” if Western countries allowed Ukraine to use their weapons to strike targets in Russia, as sought by Kyiv.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Because striking Ukraine from elsewhere is fine?

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Who else is doing it?

Russia is striking Ukrainian targets from Ukrainian territory which, according to the used phrasing, is fine.

Ich🐮⁉️🖥️iel ( discuss.tchncs.de )

Es ist mir jetzt innerhalb von wenigen Wochen zum zweiten verdickten mal passiert. Das erste mal wars der Kernel der im Arsch war und jetzt gerade mein Internet. Habe aber auch kein Bock wieder Stunden lang Probleme zu beheben, also gibts mal wieder eine Neuinstallation.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Bogen macht halt null Qualitätssicherung und gibt rollenden Distributionen einen schlechten Namen. Deutsche Wertarbeit hilft.

woelkchen , (Bearbeitet )
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Pacifism is not lethargy to not defend oneself. Pacifism is to be the aggressor, like to not attack the neighboring country just because your country might have a dispute about trade with the neighbor.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Ich dachte es geht darum feddit.de zu übernehmen und auf ein stabiles Fundament zu stellen? Liest sich nicht mehr so.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Habt ihr mal überlegt direkt auf Piefed / Pyfedi zu setzen? Meine Prognose wär ja dass das deutlich zukunftssicherer ist.

Was ist zukunftssicherer an einer Plattform, die nur von zwei Leuten entwickelt wird?

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Ever since KDE made their software more modular with Plasma 5 / Frameworks 5, a Plasma session can be cut down by a lot. Personally, I don't think it matters much because as soon as you browse the web, the RAM demands of the web browser dwarf that of even a fully decked out desktop anyway, but the options are there – perhaps for certain use cases that don't involve web browsing.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Nein, weil nach seinem Tod angeblich Leute zu ihm gebetet haben und infolge davon zwei Wunderheilungen geschehen wären.

Welches Akkusystem nutzt ihr?

Ich bin gerade am überlegen, Werkzeug mit Akku anzuschaffen. Dabei finde ich eine der ganz wesentlichen Entscheidungen, auf das richtige Akkusystem zu setzen, damit man die Akkus zwischen den Geräten tauschen kann und nicht für jedes Gerät eigene Akkus anschaffen muss....

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Wenn du nicht auf Akkus setzt, die mit einem Schaft in den Griff des Werkzeuges geschoben werden (wie bei Ryobi), haste eigentlich für alles gängige Adapter. Bosch-Akkus auf Ryobi, Makita-Akkus auf Bosch,... geht mittels Adapter alles, nur eben schaftige Ryobi-Akkus auf den Rest wird schwer.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Wenn einfach alle nacheinander vorher aufs Klo gehen, gibt's auch keine Diskussion. Kinder haben primär dann keinen Bock, wenn ihnen der Eindruck gemacht wird, dass sie von Pflichten alleine betroffen sind.

Als ich früher mal Sitter war, wurde mir von den Eltern gesagt, dass das Kind sich anstellt, wenn es Zähne putzen soll. Ab dem nächsten Mal hatte ich meine Zahnbürste dabei und es war einfach nie wieder Diskussionsthema, weil wir zusammen Zähne putzten.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Let this be a lesson and next time just spend 5 to 10 minutes browsing alternativeto.net or Wikipedia's list of image editors yourself.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Wikipedia then. Lazy people asking stupid questions instead of googling on their own are even more annoying.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

maybe they want to gauge different opinions and reasoning.

If those people cared to google first, they'd stumble onto existing answers to the same question. Such questions get asked over and over again. Those people would know that if they cared to google first.

if u dont want to answer, ignore the post.

Same applies to answers you don't like: Ignore them, don't whine how toxic people are.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

krita ai paint is pretty dope

Oh wow, wasn't aware of that plugin. Looks nifty.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

technology and the opinions around it change, so some new discussions should be started regularly, if just to prevent information from stagnating.

Not that often, no. This is among the questions that get asked all the time. It amounts to spamming. We're not talking here about a question that was last asked 10 years ago and is now massively out of date.

People make regularly updated lists of possible alternatives to various applications. Finding them is a matter of firing up the search engine of choice and just entering the search terms.

Also: That question literally gave no context at all. Something along the lines of "My circumstances are XY and Gimp is not suitable because of YZ" is missing completely. I got a proper answer by asking Microsoft Copilot "What are alternatives to GIMP? I'm looking for an option that I can use with Debian 12. An open source application is preferred but not mandatory." and got a proper list of open source and web-based solutions that includes Krita, Photopea, Pixlr, and Pinta.

My mom is approaching 80 years old and can do better web searches than the person from the screenshot.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Is Palestine a splinter state though?

Technically yes because formally there are two autonomous regions (Gaza and West Bank) on Israeli soil.

woelkchen , (Bearbeitet )
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

They never acknowledged any borders partitioning Palestine and Israel, so technically they claimed it with agreeing to various peace agreements like not settling in Gaza strip.

Edit: And they vehemently oppose Palestinian statehood. They had the US veto a UN vote on that a decade or so ago.

Flächennutzung in Deutschland ( discuss.tchncs.de )

Die Karte fand ich echt interessant, gerade in Bezug auf die aktuellen Diskussionen um PV auf Äckern oder Windkraft. Schön sieht man, wie viel mehr Platz Energiepflanzen brauchen und dass Golfplätze oder Weihnachtsbaumanbau mehr Fläche verbrauchen als PV fand ich auch interessant....

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Meta's defense: "Nobody under 50 uses Facebook, nobody under 25 uses Instagram!"

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Yah but we can manage Nuclear waste.

Really? How?

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar


Will the Polish waste be stored there? If not, it's not managed.

But the important part is that we can not manage CO2, the existential threat.

Yes, we can. It called renaturalization. Has countless other benefits.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar


Unless it's a reprocessing plant, the waste is not managed.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Poland and other countries can build similar projects.

They don't. Therefore it's not managed.

Are you being intentionally obtuse?

Your need to lash out with personal attacks shows that you know that your argument holds no water.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

That facility shows that we CAN.

Nobody has ever successfully managed nuclear waste for 100,000 years. All you CAN do is make baseless claims and lash out with insults.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

This all being said the larger issue is that we CANNOT manage CO2.

A) Baseless claim.

B) Alternative to fossil enegery is regnerative, not nuclear power where the entire feasibility study of locking away waste is "trust me bro".

woelkchen , (Bearbeitet )
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

I would argue that the alternative to fossil fuels is “both and”.

You argue a lot of things, as long as nuclear waste comes out as totally fine.

The Finnish model exists and is well regarded.

Well regarded by nuclear fans, of course. Nobody is denying that. Totally unproven to work because nobody tried it, yet. That thing's construction isn't even finished. Check back in 100000 years until making further claims. I'll revoke my misgivings once it's proven to work. Until then don't pile up new waste.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Just tar, no arguments. Does nothing, still a valid command, no?

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Bei den Palästinademos sind nun auch Hamasbefürwörter und eindeutige Antisemiten mit dabei. Das scheint für viele der Demoteilnehmer aber kein Problem zu sein.

Wenn immer die Schlagkeule kommt, dass jedwede Kritik an der israelischen Regierung direkt Antisemitismus ist, kommt das halt bei raus.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Die IDF unterm Netanjahu-Regime betreibt einen Genozid an der Zivilbevölkerung. Zehntausende getötet, über eine Million vertrieben und diese übermäßige Eskalation, um sich auf Basis von Kriegszustand aus dem Korruptionsprozess zu wieseln.

Wer die Hamas schwächen will, setzt sich für volle Bürgerrechte für alle Palästinenser in Israel ein. Wird aber nicht gemacht, weder von der Politik noch von der Bildungsschicht. Kritiker der Netanjahu-Regierung werden in die Arme der Verrückten gelenkt. Das kann sich die Fraktion "bedingungslose Solidarität mit Israel" schon ankreiden lassen.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Hier ist der eigentliche Link.
Man muss es ihnen lassen, sie wissen wie man einen Link in einem Text versteckt.

https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/comment/DasErste.de/unsereFluesse ist nicht der eigentliche Link. https://daserste.de/unsereFluesse hingegen ist.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

I heard netbsd runs on anything, even toasters.

Does that mean it runs well on laptops too?

It runs as well on a laptop as it runs on a toaster.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

The Mach kernel started as a derivative of a BSD kernel. Years later the XNU kernel was created by combining the Mach kernel with code from newer BSDs, therefore it's totally fair to describe macOS as a BSD. From my very limited exposure to BSD conferences, using Macs is pretty common there as many developers see their community-developed BSDs more for headless use they SSH onto.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar


21 subscribers, zero activity. I don't get such communities. Not even the mod posts anything.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Would be more if the community creator were to post content instead of just hogging the community name. It's what I do with my community.

Protesters march again in Georgia over foreign influence bill, holding Georgian and EU flags, chanting “no to the Russian law” ( www.bbc.com ) Englisch

Tens of thousands of Georgians have taken to the streets of the capital Tbilisi on Saturday evening to protest a controversial "foreign influence" bill backed by the government....

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

What confuses me: Why would the "Russian law" not cover Russian funding of media influence?

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

It’s called Russian law because it is from Russia (both content and the directive)

But Russian influence would be banned, too, no?

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

I see. Thanks.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

If we are to learn from experience, Russia should start invading Georgia days after the end of the Paris Olympics. Mark my word

Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and since then occupies parts of Georgia. You're a bit late with your prediction.

woelkchen ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Für Einzelpersonen oder Paare ist der Unterhalt eines Autos in eigentlich jedem Fall teurer.

Für Einzelpersonen und Paare, die wegen der Arbeit aber nicht auf die Launen der lokalen Verkehrsbetriebe angewiesen sein können (wird nicht einfacher, wenn man Verbundsgrenzen überquert), haben aber mitunter keine Wahl. Deswegen muss der ÖPNV ja auch besser werden.

woelkchen OP ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Crazy… so much about the best Distro, huh?

IMO Fedora is still a great distribution, IMO even the best for beginners. Just because certain Gnome-affiliated people are insufferable doesn't change that (at least not for now). From my point of view it would have been completely fine to discuss that, hold a vote, and if Gnome comes out on top, then fine. But with the changing landscape with Steam Deck and with it more development resources flowing into KDE technologies and also many more mainstream people having their first Linux desktop contact through Steam Deck's Desktop Mode (=KDE Plasma), I think it's totally fair to hold a discussion, similar to when Debian discussed Gnome vs Xfce years ago and Gnome came out on top because of offering the best accessibility features.

woelkchen OP ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Lol GNOME vs XFCE, that was absolutely the right decision XD

GNOME is worlds better.

And that decision wasn't about which is better liked by the majority. It was (I'm paraphrasing) "the default shouldn't put up hurdles for people with disabilities. Gnome supports accessibility techs X, Y, Z. Xfce only tech X." That's an objective metric. The same metric could still hold up for Gnome vs Plasma. Gnome might be ahead in that regard. I don't know the current state. I know that years ago (Plasma 4.x days) adding a Japanese IME under Fedora Gnome was super easy thanks to PackageKit integration of the IME settings of Gnome while under Fedora's Plasma session it was pretty much all manual configuration. Best out of the box accessibility is a metric I would wholeheartedly support even though my personal interest would prioritize gaming performance over screen readers because I simply don't need the latter.

woelkchen OP ,
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

I get that Gnome is RedHat’s main thing, but like at least make a button that says “See other excellent DEs”.

SUSE only supports Gnome on SLED but the big DEs are treated equally on openSUSE.

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