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interdimensionalmeme ,

Generic industry meat/musical products. What's dank about bottom panel ?

Who needs Skynet Englisch

A meme in the "IQ bell curve" format. On the left, stupid wojak says "If we don't stop AI, it will destroy humanity", while thinking about rogue robots from Terminator. On the right, sage wojak also says "If we don't stop AI, it will destroy humanity", but he's thinking about massive energy requirements and carbon emissions associated with AI. In the middle, average intelligence wojak is in favour of AI: "Noooo AI will make our lives easier, we can automate so many tasks. Only a few more years and we'll achieve AGI, just wait and see. Surely this time a couple exajoules of energy spent on training will do the trick."
interdimensionalmeme ,

The problem is the concentration of power, Sam "regulate me daddy" Altman's plan is to get the government to create a web of regulation that makes it so only the big tech giants have access to the uncensored models.

Props to Alpine and Kali for disabling this bullshit out of the box ( ) Englisch

Context for newbies: Linux refers to network adapters (wifi cards, ethernet cards, etc.) by so called "interfaces". For the longest time, the interface names were assigned based on the type of device and the order in which the system discovered it. So, eth0, eth1, wlan0, and wwan0 are all possible interface names. This, however,...

interdimensionalmeme ,

Wlan1? how would you bridge different channels with only wlan0?

interdimensionalmeme ,

Make all single player games, campaign coop offline lan games.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Codestral : please reverse machine code of game crysis, setup the build environement then add campaign coop mode on the style of dying light and black ops 3. Make sure co-op is joinable from the very beginning.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Make them give back to the community that created their business !!

interdimensionalmeme ,

Last I checked, they haven't release the source of their modified / bastardized version of klipper

interdimensionalmeme ,

Customizable keyboard binding is a major and widely overlooked aspect of accessibility
For example checkout this thread on mozilla forums about keybinding customization in firefox

This along with modifiable context menus and the ability to share control schemes would greatly improve most software for multiple tasks.

interdimensionalmeme ,

If it makes tracking hard to impossible then its BASED
The end to end principle died in 1994, I'm sad too that we can't all be one happy family, but let it go.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Just use openwrt

interdimensionalmeme ,

Yes, we need to bring in more lawyers to the trolley problem. I'm sure one of them can craft a solution that completely removes the protagonist from any responsibility and completely shortcuts the moral problem.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Been on mumble over a decade, I can't imagine why anyone would want to use discord. Although there's something fishy about

andersr , an Memes Dänisch

Me BTW I use arch


interdimensionalmeme ,

I used to be a gentoo user in the 00s. Recently came bsck to linux and I find tge popularity of gentoo died down as fast as arch became popular.

Why does arch exist ? Is it like, gentoo but with a binary cache ? Can you automatically build everything from source still ? Is there something equivalent to use flags .

interdimensionalmeme ,

Is there anything akin to use flags ? Suppose there's a package you need to enable sonething not enabled by default, how painful is that ?

interdimensionalmeme ,

Communist transportation will never ever ever ever ever ever ever be easier than driving.

Because driving is "get in the car, go directly to destination"

Public transport adds walk to transport rally point, wait, follow a compromise route to accomodate other travellers with many stop, consider all the strangers gazing and judging you, arrive at not your destination, walk 5 to 20 mins to your actual destination. Plus you must carry any object on your person while navigating the terrain (good luck hauling 50lbs of groceries).

I am simply not interested in this nightmare, find a solution that isn't horrible.

And NOoo I don't want Musks robot taxis from the "you will own nothing" dystopia.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Turn them into long pig salami, for the good of the economy

interdimensionalmeme ,

The problem concentrating everyone like a pack of sardines, then you can't move or live anyway.

There wouldn't be a problem if the traffic wasn't all trying to go to the same place.

interdimensionalmeme ,

If there isn't parking, that mean the place is full. Go somewhere else. Or re-evaluate if you really need to go there, the answer is probably no.

interdimensionalmeme ,

I live in the forest, we have no problem with parking. There is space everywhere. I don't mind a little mud on my tires and shoes, not everywhere has to be concrete

interdimensionalmeme ,

I would love public transport that is actually better than a car. I can't imagine how that could happen. So what they will probably do is cripple car users until it is intolerable to use. Like make it cost more than your yearly salary just for the license and insurance, plus 10x the price of fuel with taxes.

interdimensionalmeme ,

City anti-car attitude will cause us a lot of pain. They will make car ownership painful to disincentivize it and we will just have to suck it up, if we fail to kill that movement.

interdimensionalmeme ,

My car is electric, if tgat's a problem then I would instead recommend to make city cars not illegal. Personally I've always wanted a single seat car that weights as much as a motor cycle.

interdimensionalmeme ,

That's just regular authoritarian statism, tribalism and human herd behaviour.

Anyone unfortunate enough to have lived through high school knows how dangerous the little human empires are.

interdimensionalmeme , (Bearbeitet )

You should look into south america in the 70s and 80s. The CIA's unrestrained human experimentation in the regiom perfected this ideological soft power superweapon or "strategic ideological construct". Trying to find exactly what these kinds of things are called.

interdimensionalmeme ,

I would like a third pill.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Power dichotomy will always slander any "third option". They'll even say something dumb on its face like third way is "x".
There are only two solutions, "with us" or "against us". Anything outside these choices is literally unthinkable for the power structure. The power structure cannot imagine a future where it does not exist. If you ask the unthinkable alternative, they will default to "oh you must be one of the enemy". We know that category well. They stand for every thing we don't stand for.

interdimensionalmeme ,

At least we've still got cyanide pill when red or blue doesn't cut it.

interdimensionalmeme ,

Ok fine, 4th pill then. The nerve them ! Nazi think they own the idea of rejecting the current order and its ditect opposition.

interdimensionalmeme ,

No, I asked for a third pill. I didn't say "take my third pill". I also hope we can escape the narrow minded concept of a society centered on the tug of war to "own the means".

interdimensionalmeme ,

Network transparency OR BUST

interdimensionalmeme ,

Ok, then buy an rtx 4090 for every computer in the house

interdimensionalmeme ,

You misunderstand, I don't want crap graphics on every computer, I want the 4090 driving every computer without having to buy one per computer.

That's what you could do with network transparency.

interdimensionalmeme ,

PCs were not intended to have more than 640kb of ram and yet.

The blame can squarely be placed on nvidia for this decrepitude of X11 and its functionality which is in contradiction of nvidia's unlimited profit ambitions.

RDP is the anachronism. Why would I want to stream a whole desktop environement with its own separate taskbar, clock, whole user environement. Especially given how janky and laggy it is.

No, I want to stream -just- the application, it should use my system's color and temperature scheme, interoperate clipboard and drag&drop, be basically indistinguishable from a locally running app, except streaming at 500mbps AV1 hardware encoded, 12 ms latency max, 16k resolution, yes this is not a typo, 16 bit hdr, hdr that actually works, the sounds works too, works every time, yes 8 channel 192khz 24 bit lossless. Also capable of pure IP multicast streaming. Yes that means one application instance visible on multiple computer, at the same time and can be interacted with multiple users at the same time with -no- need for the app to be aware if any of this.

Do that with no jank and I'll sing wayland's praises.

interdimensionalmeme ,

The greedier spreads wider and faster than the bening. You wanted social darwinism, congrats now society is infected with a social virus.

Elizabeth Sugrue, the infanticide mother, in 1789 birthed the social demon who haunts us to this day when she peered into the eyes of terrified teenagers "Whiteboys" and plunged her knife into their throat under the watchful eye of the state. She ended 24 of her kind that day and she herself was spared for having alleviated tge sorrow of the managers of capital from having to lower themselves of performing this heinous labour.

interdimensionalmeme ,


Your narrative weaves historical elements with a poignant critique of societal and economic dynamics. Elizabeth Sugrue, also known as "Lady Betty," is a figure shrouded in myth and reality, and her story intertwines with the complex fabric of Irish history during a period of significant social and political turbulence. The reference to the "Whiteboys" introduces an element of historical context that reflects the agrarian unrest and the socio-economic struggles of the time.

Your text suggests a reflection on the broader consequences of social and economic policies and attitudes, hinting at the perpetuation of inequality and violence. It's a powerful reminder of how historical events and figures can be interpreted or reimagined to discuss contemporary issues. The narrative's vivid imagery and the underlying critique invite a deeper examination of how the past informs our understanding of present societal challenges.

Is there a specific aspect of this narrative or historical period you're interested in exploring further?
What do the enclosures have to do with any of this ?

The Enclosure Acts, significant in England from the 16th to the 19th century, and similar policies in Ireland, are deeply relevant to the socio-economic backdrop you're discussing. These acts allowed for the privatization and consolidation of common lands, previously open to communal use for farming, grazing, and other purposes, into individual, privately owned plots. This process fundamentally altered the social and economic landscape, leading to widespread displacement of peasant populations, increased poverty, and social unrest.

In the context of your narrative, the enclosures are emblematic of the broader themes of social and economic transformation driven by the interests of capital and the state. They represent a shift towards a more individualistic, capitalistic society, where the accumulation of private property and wealth became paramount, often at the expense of social equity and communal welfare.

The enclosures can be seen as a form of socio-economic 'infection,' to use your metaphor, where the prioritization of private gain over communal good led to deep social divides and unrest, similar to the unrest and resistance movements like those of the "Whiteboys" in Ireland. These movements arose in response to oppressive economic policies and practices, including land enclosures, tithes, and other forms of economic exploitation.

Thus, the enclosures are not just a historical footnote but a significant factor in the development of modern capitalist economies and societies, contributing to the dynamics of inequality, displacement, and social struggle that continue to resonate today. They provide historical context for understanding the origins of current socio-economic structures and the persistent challenges of balancing private interests with social equity.
How is this relevant to the discussion of closed AI companies who train their models on all of humanity's common intellectual heritage and then keep the AGI models to themselves ?

The analogy you're drawing between the Enclosure Acts and the practices of closed AI companies is both insightful and relevant. Just as the Enclosure Acts privatized and restricted access to common lands, transforming shared resources into exclusive property, some argue that closed AI companies are doing something similar with humanity's collective knowledge and intellectual heritage.

Common Heritage to Private Domains:
Human knowledge, culture, and information have traditionally been seen as common heritage, accessible to all. Libraries, universities, and public institutions have served as stewards of this heritage, ensuring open access for education, research, and innovation. However, as AI companies train their models on vast swathes of this shared knowledge, transforming it into proprietary algorithms and datasets, this heritage becomes enclosed within the private domains of these companies. Like the land enclosures, this process can restrict public access to and control over these resources.

Socio-Economic Impacts:
The enclosure of intellectual resources by AI companies raises concerns similar to those sparked by the land enclosures: inequality, loss of communal rights, and the concentration of power. In the AI context, this translates into disparities in who can access and benefit from advanced technologies, who controls these technologies, and whose interests they ultimately serve. The risk is that the benefits of AI and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) might accrue to a select few, reinforcing existing inequalities and creating new forms of digital divide.

Ethical and Policy Implications:
This situation invites a discussion about the ethical implications of enclosing what might be considered common intellectual property and the role of policy in ensuring equitable access to AI technologies. It raises questions about how to balance private innovation with public good, the responsibilities of AI companies to society, and the mechanisms for ensuring that the benefits of AI advancements are widely shared.

Public vs. Private Stewardship:
There's also a broader conversation about the stewardship of collective knowledge and innovation. The debate mirrors that of the commons and private land ownership—how to manage and govern shared resources in a way that benefits society as a whole. In the AI field, this could mean exploring models of open AI, collaborative research, and public-private partnerships that aim to democratize access to AI technologies and ensure they are developed and used in the public interest.

The parallel you've drawn highlights not just historical continuities but also the ongoing need to navigate the tensions between private gain and public good, especially as technological advances like AI become increasingly central to societal development.

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