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Zacryon ,

Because it's always so easy to compile everything you need from source! Just make sure to download, compile and install the dependencies first as well. Oh, and the dependencies' dependencies. And the ones from them. And so on. Unless you're lucky enough that there are already packaged dependencies available for you. Don't know how to compile? No problem, just read the documentation. You can be absolutely 1000000% dead serious sure that everything you need to know is documented and extremely super duper easy to understand if you don't know the source code or barely know how to code at all. And if not, maybe you can find the bits of information on the respective Discord server. It will probably be also very intuitive to know which build options you have to set in which way and which ones even exist. And that without causing conflicts with other packages you need to compile.
Still got got problems with compiling? EZ, just open a bunch of issues on the respective GitHub pages. (If present. Otherwise, try to find another way to contact devs and get support, Discord for example.) Maybe, about six months later you're lucky to get a response. And if not, don't worry. Some will tell you, you should RTFM or are an idiot. Some will just close the issue because your platform isn't supported anyway. Then you know, what you did wrong. Also don't mind if your issue gets ignored.
If you finally managed to compile everything from source, congratulations! Now run the program and test if everything is working. If it's not or if it is crashing, don't worry! In developed and civilised countries you can just buy a shotgun and blast your own head away to end this suffering.

EZ! Just compile from source! /s

Zacryon ,

Yes yes. Let's continute to use energy sources which are limited in terms of available but necessary resources and cause highly problematic by-products. It has been going on so well so far. Hasn't it?

Zacryon ,

Radioactive waste disposal is better than ever now.

But is it good enough?

Zacryon ,

The petition doesn't seem to be active, i.e. signable, right now.

Zacryon ,

From my amateur experience Krita is really nice for drawing, painting and sketching, especially if you have a graphic tablet, as it bundles commonly used features and makes them easily accessible.
But it is by far not a sophisticated image manipulation program such as GIMP, which comes with a plethora of more features you'll probably not use if you're just doing some "typical Krita stuff".

Zacryon ,

True, increased demand for meat is one of the driving factors of ecological malpractise as it's found in the meat industry.

Plant based diets and a lifestyle free of animal products provide a more sustainable and ecologically beneficial alternative. As does reducing the overall world population of course.

Zacryon ,

Humans need at least some meat to survive. [...] It causes long-term, serious harm to people who do not supplement their diet with at least some meat. [...] completely cutting out meat is bad for you.

That is not correct.

Advocating a vegan (or even vegetarian) diet is ignoring science and how our bodies function. [...] Pure veganism is a cult that ignores science, diet, and common sense.

To the contrary. It is very much supported by science.
Are you interested in the scientific literature? I'll happily share.

Zacryon ,

It's impossible to trust any sources these days because there are hidden agendas. [...] No amount of "scientific literature" can contradict actual, basic, fundamental science about who we are and what we are supposed to eat. Anyone who does has an agenda.

Sounds more like, "I don't like it, so it must be an agenda".

If you have issues trusting science we won't come to an agreement here. Having a biased view and choosing what you want to believe, despite contradicting evidence, is building an illusion and not having an accurate picture of reality.

Note that research on that topic has not just popped up in the last couple of years. Also you may take a look at other cultures for hands-on counterexamples, e.g. some monks who live and have lived their whole lifes without consuming animal products.

The fact remains: we are omnivores

I wonder how you decide what a "fact" is, since you have issues trusting the work of scientists.
The fact also remains that digestion capabilites, i.e. being able to eat both plant and animal matter, don't necessarily impose dietary recommendations.

What you need to survive is a set of nutrients your body can digest. In which form they come, is less important.

Zacryon ,

In that case you could pay tuem for their USB A plug-in service.

Zacryon ,

Strange. Never had automatic updates on Ubuntu. Just notifications that there are some. Also I don't have similar issues with Firefox. Works perfectly fine for me.

Zacryon ,

Windoof on my computer got an update last week. I wonder when it's done. /j

(But seriously, it took almost the whole evening.)

Zacryon ,

I don't know enough about IT security to understand this.

Does that mean that run0 puts programs in some form of sandbox? What's the difference now to sudo?

Ernährung am Existenzminimum: Wie viel Gesundheit verlangt das Grundgesetz? ( )

Ist das Bürgergeld verfassungswidrig, weil es keine gesunde Ernährung ermöglicht? Ernährungswissenschaftliche Befunde, die erst nach der letzten Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts entstanden sind, sprechen dafür. Unter anderem der Wissenschaftliche Beirat beim Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft...

Zacryon ,

Hast du einen Grad der Behinderung (GdB)? Falls nein, hol dir falls möglich eine Rechtsschutzversicherung und wenig später dann den GdB. Mit einer chronischen Erkrankung, die dich arbeitsunfähig macht, llist das sicher im Rahmen des Möglichen. Die gängige Praxis ist, dass man sich den einklagen muss, weil Ämter dafür bekannt sind den notorisch zu verweigern oder zu gering einzustufen. Scheint, dass das in den anderen von dir aufgelisteten Bereichen ähnlich läuft.

Ich hasse es. Da bleibt auch echt kein Bereich von verschont. Ob nun Bafög, Wohngeld, GdB, ALG, Bürgergeld, Rente oder was auch immer. Man bekommt das Gefühl, dass man von der Willkür des jeweiligen Beamten abhängt.

Ich wünsche dir viel Kraft und Nerven dabei diesen Mist zu bewältigen.

Zacryon ,

Das ganze in Bio wird versagen. (Finanziell.)

Zacryon ,

Absolut. Daran merkt man leider auch, dass die falschen Dinge subventioniert werden.

Zacryon ,

There is a lot of hate towards him, since he is a a prominent and loud misogynic asshole among other things. It's therefore satisfying to see his reputation get drawn through dirt by public news coverage. That takes some credibility away and can help people to steer out of his way. (Yes, there are people who fall for people like him for posing as some "alpha-male" bullshit, because they got some problems with themselves and their (love-)lifes, which makes them succeptible for snake oil salesmen like him.)

I didn't knew about him before that as well and sometimes I wish I didn't get to know of him. But I see it as advantageous for others to become aware of this highly problematic person.

If it's someone who is already prominent, it's therefore okay for me to get that "shitty people news coverage".

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