foone , Englisch avatar

if I had a lot more time I think I might write a book on my ideas about "adversarial automation".

The idea that the point of computers is to help the humans do their job faster and easier, and sometimes the computer or the software on it is the enemy in that battle.

foone OP , avatar

because I see a lot of people approaching automation from this attitude of "software/sites should have APIs so that users can write software to automate it!"
and while that's not wrong, exactly, it's also not the attitude I think makes the most sense, you know?

We do not ask for access. We don't need to get permission to be able to automate our tasks.

foone OP , avatar

There is always API 0: acting like a human/browser/user.

The first API is "fuck you I'm doing it anyway". Any additional API the program provides is merely a helpful shortcut

foone OP , avatar

You see the point of this a lot in API design, where a company is like "okay we made an API but we limited it a bunch because we are scared about cheaters/bots/scrapers/whatever", while the things they limit are things a user clicking links can do in 2 seconds.

foone OP , avatar

like, if your API doesn't provide me a follow_user() call, but the user can follow anyone by clicking one link?

Your lack of a follow_user() call is not going to stop me. I'm just going to click the link, automatically.
Having an API 1.0 doesn't mean API 0 goes away.

foone OP , avatar

And I think this is an under-discussed part of automation because it's associated with spammers and such, but they're only one possible user of this. By making it better known it can get used for more legitimate uses

foone OP , avatar

The basic philosophy of adversarial automation is that the software/website is the enemy.

foone OP , avatar

You don't control it, so it can't be consider an ally in this automation.

foone OP , avatar

I'm talking less like "you're in a constant arms race with the people maintaining the official API as they try to stop your spamming" and more like "Your lab depends on this program from 1996 and there's no updates and no way to automate it"

foone OP , avatar

and the answer is really that of course you can automate it. Stick it in a VM, OCR the screens, inject your own DLLs, puppet the keyboard and mouse!

foone OP , avatar

my point is that every program, every website, DOES expose an API, you just need to know how to best use that API.

That API being "the access they provide for humans"

foone OP , avatar

For websites this is forms and links. For desktop applications this is buttons and windows and keyboards.

foone OP , avatar

And I think (in part because it's affiliated with Bad Actors like spammers), a lot of programmers don't consider all their options in these areas.

foone OP , avatar

And that's really a shame. Computers should be used to automate things. We spend way too much time dealing with shitty sites and shitty programs because we have no choice and think we can't automate them away.

foone OP , avatar

well, that's wrong. We can absolutely automate them, it just takes a little more work and some different strategies

foone OP , avatar

I think of this as a short term vs long term thinking sort of problem. Like, a lot of programmers are stuck in the "should" part of thinking about programs and sites.

Yes, the program SHOULD be open source, so you can just fix the UI. Yes, the website SHOULD have an extensive API so you can easily automate it.

foone OP , avatar

I agree with all that!

but... it doesn't.

foone OP , avatar

and if you want to automate it today, your only options are to be adversarial about it. It's the enemy, you pretend to be a human user and automate the interactions with the app/site. It's the only way.

foone OP , avatar

by all means, try to switch to open source alternatives or get them to fix it or add an API.

But at the end of the day that's asking "the enemy" to do something for you, and they are under no obligation to listen to you.

(They may not even exist anymore, given that a lot of the times when I've used this sort of Adversarial Automation it's been focused on software from decades ago)

foone OP , avatar

It's also a thing that intersects with the way a lot of people online are thinking about computer-use as something they do as a personal hobby, you know? They can run any OS, any software they can legally (or even illegally) install, they can use any options they want

foone OP , avatar

But the fact is, often times people have jobs where they aren't self-employed and have to work for other people, and those other people can be like "you need to use FooBaz 2007 for this job".

Would it be easier to automate if you were using OpenBaz? Certainly! But your boss can still tell you "no, we're not switching to OpenBaz, we need to use FooBaz 2007"

foone OP , avatar

And now your options are basically just:

  1. Get a different job
  2. Use FooBaz 2007 manually
  3. Adversarially automate FooBaz 2007
foone OP , avatar

One example where this came up in my career was when I was working for an educational book creator/publisher. Apple had just added a bookreader tool for iphones/ipads/etc, and we had a lot of colleges asking if we could provide our textbooks in that format.

foone OP , avatar

well, at the time the only way you could make books for apple devices was to use the book creation program, which was basically a word processor. It was focused around the idea that you would create your books inside it.

Well, we already had our books created.

foone OP , avatar

We didn't want to have someone retype them.

We could import them as plain text (or DOC, I think?) and that'd get the actual text content of our books with some minor formatting, but we had very interactive and multimedia books. Tons of images, cross links, quizzes, and so on. Pretty much all things that the apple book format supported, but didn't support importing.

foone OP , avatar

So our options were basically:

  1. Hire a bunch of people to painstakingly re-create our books inside the Apple Books tool
  2. Adversarial Automation, baby!
foone OP , avatar

We figured out how much could be imported, and what was left out. We figured out the limitations of the undocumented applescript interface. We figured out we could build complex HTML documents, copy them, and then have the keyboard automation press "cmd-V" and they'd be brought in without issues.
We automated away the bad UI that was going to make it too expensive to publish on apple platforms.

foone OP , avatar

Should Apple have provided better docs and interfaces and APIs?
Yes, of course!
We asked for them.

But at the end of they day, they may not. And we need to publish this stuff soon, not in several years when Apple decides it might be a good idea for the next revision

foone OP , avatar

My overall point is something like:

By all means, use APIs and official channels and built-in scripting support if you can.

But remember those are only shortcuts to automation. You can always ignore them and off-road.

foone OP , avatar

My silliest example of this sort of thing:

I was automatically taking screenshots of a DS game in an emulator. my program would load a savestate, jam some new data into the DS's RAM, hit a button, then screenshot it. But the emulator was showing a "SAVE STATE LOADED!" text overlay over the game's window, no matter what option I set.

foone OP , avatar

I go on the dev's discord/IRC, talk to them about making it an option, they say they've considered it but it's low priority.
I look into building the software myself, but it's very complicated on windows, with a lot of dependencies and such...

foone OP , avatar

I open the EXE in a hex editor. Find the string "SAVE STATE LOADED!", and change the first character to a NUL.

Now the emulator is still showing the message, but since it's zero characters long, it's invisible. Problem solved.

foone OP , avatar

my overall thesis is, I guess, that programmers need to remember they can say "fuck you" to software more often.

benetherington , avatar

@foone I never thought of it this way, but now API 0 is going to be stuck in my head forever. I had a ticket for an in-house web app closed because the feature could be abused, and now I just click a bookmarklet that implements it. My life’s full of adversarial automations, and I love your description here.

unsaturated , avatar

@foone my god you buried the lede on this, and also: fuck yeah

benjohn , avatar

@foone I guess there is a case that unsupported legacy software is easier to hack around, because it’s a dead sitting duck, instead of constantly moving chameleon.

gunstick , avatar

@foone I automate facebook. I check if new users have answered the group admittance qustions correctly, and only then I allow them into the facebook group.
All done with firefox piloted with xdotool.
Firefox could offer an API for group management, but they don't. And they will never do.

dziban , avatar

@foone I honestly wonder if I can spend more than 10 minutes using software and not say "fuck you". Software is infuriating

elithebearded , avatar


Your message is well received. I 100% agree with the "fuck you, doing it anyway" methods and have done some of the things you mention, like wrapping a shitty Java hardware controller with xdotool, editing binaries, replacing the dynamic linker to use different libc.

My first job involved protocol normalizers for financial data, and included putting an API around things designed for a dedicated rs232 attached terminal.

etherdiver , avatar

@foone thanks for this informative thread. This answers a lot of questions I've had for a while but been unable to get concrete answers about. (When I've asked I've gotten a lot of, "Well, maybe, technically, BUT" type answers that sounded like a semi hard no but it sounds like the real answer was actually "Yes but I don't want to/am afraid to/don't know how to approach it" all along.)

jovialthunder , avatar

@foone amazing, big "thank you for playing Wing Commander" hack energy (

collette , avatar

@foone “I open the EXE in a hex editor.” oooo what magic is this??

usagi , avatar

@collette @foone A hex! ​:neocat_flop:​

foone OP , avatar

@usagi @collette yeah. Never use an api if you can just cast a spell on the software.

Maybe that'll be the title if "adversial automation" doesn't work out.
Computers for Witches.
Or "How to use computers like a witch"

dalias , avatar

@foone Once upon a time, I did that to browsers with the CSS string for scrollbar style.

Di4na , avatar

@foone there is a reason i like "automate the boring things" book and recommend it widely

And why AHK is such a massively installed piece of software

lewiscowles1986 , avatar

check-out dxwnd; an amazing wrapper tool I've used for getting old games to work;

Folks are doing the work, but it is incredibly rare and specialised compared to commodity engineering.

Love that you are calling this out.

dalias , avatar

@foone Unfortunately they like to constantly make breaking changes to the interfaces for humans too... 🤬

bhearsum , avatar

@foone True story: the original way that signing Windows binaries for Firefox was automated was an AutoIt script because (IIRC) signcode had no way to enter the passphrase than a modal pop up at the time.

antnisp , avatar

@foone Have you tried openQA? It has very similar ideas about software testing.

cerhnn , avatar

@foone this

EkpyroticFrood , avatar

@foone You are basically describing my full time job. Just the automation is for internal systems, that are ancient and horrible. They do often complain that I’m sending them too much traffic, but that is because nearly all of the usage of their system is via my automation and the simple user interfaces I created for it.

foone OP , avatar

@EkpyroticFrood very cool!

Are y'all hiring? :)

eaton , avatar

@foone one of the eye opening things for me pver the past few years was digging into the scraper community. My use case is a little different (deep web inventorying/analysis for clients) but yeah — scraper chad don’t give a damn about api limitations

dalias , avatar

@foone See also: the Twitter scrapers that actually survived, NewPipe, etc.

psilocervine , avatar

@foone there is, of course, issues with the fact that a lot of people on the other side of the equation know about API 0. I remember when twitter started making The Changes, they also got REALLY strict with automation detection to the point where it was dinging the average user because it seemed like they MIGHT be trying to bypass the lack of an API

vurpo , avatar

@foone if a website provides extra API to do things in a different way from how the UI itself does it, that seems a bit sus to me really, as if they're trying to separate API users and other users (see telegram bot API)

donkey , avatar
viraptor , avatar

@foone I'm running some medical software automation where the creators do not care much about either automation or easy workflows. Oh well. Change pricing on 100 items? Windows automation. Need to unassign a doctor from 1000 patients? Windows automation. Stupid vaccination workflow? Windows automation.
Shoutout to for making the job so much simpler.

AnnaTLeigh , avatar

@foone Things got worse in the last decades wrt interoperability, automation and scraping.
In the 2000s we had multi-protocol Trillian, if it was developed today, it would be flooded with cease and desists, account blocks and aggressive technical countermeasures.
Even ex-"information wants to be free" leftists lose their minds about AI scraping.
And remote attestation is looming on the horizon.

Elucidating , avatar

@foone I read the thread and on this, have you ever heard the story of how plaid got started?

The ahem ahem rumor is that they just did exactly as you said, API 0 and also managed to reverse a lot of bank mobile APIs. They implemented all this and then went to the banks and said, "You can either work with us or we'll go live with this impl and we won't work with your provisioning team." Some banks were forced to improve their non-internal APIs because of this implicit threat.

bo_brinkman , avatar

@foone I have a raspi with a speaker in my garage that has recordings of my voice so I can give voice commands to a smart speaker when I'm out of the house. :)

foone OP , avatar

@bo_brinkman nice!

ianh , avatar

@foone great thread. i think it's worth mentioning the connection to accessibility tools and APIs as well. often people are put into the same position as a screen scraper when faced with software whose "API 0" is particularly restrictive (e.g. requires acting like an abled user in a particular way, like having to interact with things via moving a mouse and clicking, rather than like a human in general who may want to or have to interact with the software via different modalities)

ianh , avatar

@foone and you see this connection a lot in practice -- accessibility hooks are quite useful for adversarial automation, and adversarial automation techniques can be used to build accessibility tools too

foone OP , avatar

@ianh oh definitely. accessibility is so often a last minute concern (if they thought about it at all) that it only makes sense to go "screw you" and build your own accessibility functionality.

neopostmodern , avatar

Please write it! I feel like counter/adversarial automation is conceptually so underdeveloped...

SteveClough , avatar

@foone Very much my PhD thesis. It was trying to understand the interaction between the human and computer elements of a system.

Computers should be enabling the human process to be easier and more straightforward. A computer introduced in a system should ease the processing, nothing else.

llewelly , avatar

a brilliant reversal of the more common software design principle that the user is the enemy.

aaronsdevera , avatar

@foone please do!

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