foone , Englisch avatar

I could go down the long rabbithole of figuring out how to call g*mp's image manipulation tools from a commandline or API, or getting imagemagick installed on this PC and figuring out how to port it over there...

or I could be silly and take advantage of the fact that I'm applying gamma ramps to an 8-bit greyscale image. What's the difference between the "before" and "after" images? a different palette.

foone OP , avatar

why do calculations when instead you could just do...

foone OP , avatar

two of the best feelings when programming are:

  1. figuring out a really clever way to solve a problem
  2. figuring out a really stupid way to solve a problem
mherbert , avatar

@foone ... even better when these describe the same solution ...

eplotner ,

@foone It's also great when the clever thing turns out to be incredibly stupid and there's an actual clever way that takes half the code.

lulu , avatar

@foone I love finding out both and then implementing the stupid one out of spite.

allwelikeworms , avatar

@foone Mine "just figuring out any way to solve the damn problem"

sortius , avatar

@foone this is why I struggled with programming, and stuck to server/network admin; I could never tell which were the clever ways, and which were the stupid ways 😖

18+ Toble_Miner , avatar

@foone @whitequark Extra points if the solutions is also really cursed. God, I love it when every vtable, bitbanding region and DMA controller cowers in fear of what I will do to them x)

efi , avatar

@foone how about finding a solution without actually figuring it out?

danderson , avatar

@foone I'm currently debugging a CAD algorithm. I am every way of problem solving right now.

CliftonR , avatar


I call the latter my "Brute Force and Massive Ignorance approach", after a Roger Zelazny line.

raymierussell , avatar

Gotta love a Brute force solution that just works.

brokenix , avatar

@foone 3 - figuring out a clever way, only to realise how stupid it was in retrospect

dabeaz , avatar

@foone "There were two paths in the forest. I chose to take the stupid one and that made all the difference."

wolf480pl , avatar

3. figuring a way to do something that should't be possible
4. figuring a way for something that should be impossible to stop happening

neoluddite , avatar
edyoung , avatar

@foone as Johnny Mnemonic says, you can either go techical or go crude

requiem , avatar

@foone @santiago The latter is actually even more satisfying I find

drwells ,

@foone the best solutions look like they were written by a simpleton and just so happen to correctly cover all corner cases.

WolvericCatkin , avatar
rye , avatar

@foone do while

TheMNWolf , avatar

@foone figuring out where the missing semi colon was supposed to go

elrohir , avatar

@foone quake inverse square root be both

bytebro , avatar

3. (Possibly a cross-over with point 2) Figure out an 'elegant' way to solve a problem


BoydStephenSmithJr , avatar

@foone Best thing about programming is that you don't actually have to solve the problem(s) to have these feelings! ;)

guardeddon , avatar

Previously worked for a UK based company. Achieved #2 in Sweden then had to follow up about 6mths later with #1 in Australia. Same problem.

nick , avatar

@foone @cianmm I always prefer (2) because (1) always bites me later 😆

thaggie , avatar
electranyx ,

@foone the irony being that you always understand the stupid solution when you revisit them later while clever solutions are forever lost to time.

stargazersmith , avatar

I think that's why I slid over into computer science, that satisfaction that comes when you see a solution working before your eyes.

SkipHuffman , avatar

@foone wrong order

dryak , avatar

@foone I am certain several early DOS 3D games did exactly that.

(Doom and Quake, I think? )

foone OP , avatar

@dryak yup. I'm mainly amused at being able to use 90s-ass palette tricks in 2024

sabik , avatar

Last time I was messing around with palettes, I had accidentally created gif animations with more than 256 colours and needed to work further with them

Amazing how things break if you have an animated gif with more than 256 colours

mogul , avatar

@foone I did something like this to implement a solid-edge toon-shading look to solid-color models on the PS2 in 2000! I gave the polygons a 1D texture where the color ramp was smooth except for a few discontinuities.

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