
notjustbikes , (Bearbeitet ) Englisch
@notjustbikes@notjustbikes.com avatar

CityBeautiful recently released a great video about how to fix stroads.

It's accurate, and lines up exactly with the advocacy that my wife and I were doing 10 years ago, right down to using StreetMix to redesign streets.

It's also extremely depressing and makes me glad that I don't live in North America anymore.


notjustbikes OP , (Bearbeitet )
@notjustbikes@notjustbikes.com avatar

@MrLee there's a book called The Sprawl Repair Manual that I always wanted to make a video about, but I couldn't get the copyrights to the images.


In part of it, the author talks about how to turn suburban malls into town centres, and then connect them together (and to downtown) by transit.

I think this is the best hope that suburbia has got.

Trying to urbanise the giant stroads of suburbia is basically a non-starter. There are so many other low-hanging fruits.

dunks ,
@dunks@mstdn.ca avatar


Perfect, and rings true:

"The best thing that can happen is that they die a natural death and, in doing so, create a minimal amount of harm to the community. That's ultimately how this is fixed."

foone , Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

I just have to say: Mastodon is better than twitter or X or bluesky or whatever.

lukeshu ,
@lukeshu@fosstodon.org avatar

@foone I feel like the cool crab is a reference I'm missing??? I tried doing a search, but 95% of the results are posts from you without any explanation???

foone OP ,
@foone@digipres.club avatar

@lukeshu okay so:
The cool crab is a bit of clipart from Print Shop Deluxe. It's just an amusing image. The youtuber Lazy Game Reviews has featured it in several videos, and I've also adopted it as a sort of mascot.

There's really not any sort of meaning behind it. It's just a bit of funny clipart someone at Broderbund someone drew back in 1993

arstechnica , Englisch
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Tesla chair says Elon Musk needs $46 billion pay plan to stay motivated

Musk could devote less time to Tesla if pay isn't re-approved, shareholders hear.


ReneGarcia ,
@ReneGarcia@mastodon.world avatar

@arstechnica what exactly is the downside of that scenario?

jstevenyork ,
@jstevenyork@mastodon.social avatar

You say that like it's a bad thing...

fasterthanlime , Englisch
@fasterthanlime@hachyderm.io avatar

If you're sleeping on https://zed.dev "because AI" I get it, but you're genuinely missing out — it is an incredible engineering feat, a jewel of product design, and a very active ecosystem.

I think you owe it to yourself to find out what code editors could be.

h ,
@h@besties.house avatar

@fasterthanlime completely unusable on low DPI screens (ive got a 1080p monitor that is fairly big) at the moment cause the text rendering is dreadful. loved everything about it besides that i couldnt read clearly 😭😭
for anyone else with the same problem theres this github issue in case youd like to track this getting fixed: https://github.com/zed-industries/zed/issues/7992

deadparrot ,
@deadparrot@mastodon.social avatar

@fasterthanlime 100% agree. I've been using Zed for over a year now and don't want to work with any other editor anymore. Going back to VSCode shows how awfully slow web-based editors are, and going to Neovim shows how inconvenient and brittle everything is if you don't want to spend time working on your config all day long. Zed combines the comfort of VSCode with the speed and tools from Neovim. Love it.

Volksverpetzer ,
@Volksverpetzer@digitalcourage.social avatar

Trump ist ein Faschist, der buchstäblich in jeder seiner Antworten gelogen hat, Nonsens von sich gibt & und dessen Amtszeit dazu führen könnte, dass die Demokratie in den USA zugrunde geht, aber Biden ist bisschen tattrig, also wer weiß, wen von beiden man wählen sollte?!?!

ueberbilkforekicker ,
@ueberbilkforekicker@die-partei.social avatar

@Volksverpetzer Auch wenn es dort ebenso wie hier so wirkt, als es gäbe es 1 Zweiparteiensystem: nicht nur die beiden kandidieren.

angel ,
@angel@troet.cafe avatar

@Volksverpetzer Biden zurücktreten, Harris vor! 🤷‍♂️

janboehm ,
@janboehm@edi.social avatar

Wer sind diese Leute, die da auf Sylt aus Versehen der ganzen Welt gezeigt haben, was sie denken, wenn sie sich sicher fühlen? Wer sind diese Leute? Dieser Frage hartnäckig uns seriös nachzugehen, ist eine ECHTE journalistische Herausforderung und eine Recherche, an der hoffentlich bereits jemand mit guten Nerven und Jurist*innen arbeitet ...

impooortant ,
@impooortant@mstdn.io avatar

@janboehm Müssen wir sie nicht vor allem nach ihren Sorgen befragen?

MariusMallorcaOfficial ,
@MariusMallorcaOfficial@det.social avatar

@janboehm Gigi Agostino Platz 7 in den iTunes Charts. Geschadet hat's ihm wohl nicht 💁

janboehm ,
@janboehm@edi.social avatar

heute abend wird der chef der rechtsextremen afd caren miosga inhaltlich stellen und entzaubern

antonproitzelhaimer ,
@antonproitzelhaimer@mastodon.social avatar


Das haben bereits die "#Fans" mit dem schönen #EdSheerangesangsmeme getan, lieber Jan ! 😁

#JanBöhmermann #CarenMiosga
#TinoChrupalla #noafd

Brausepulver ,

Schlägt sich gut gegen immer wiederkehrende Fragen. Natürlich hat sie das Talent, das jedesmal in andere Worte zu packen. Sie bekommt die gleiche Antwort und versucht es mit der nächsten Unterstellung. Diese sog. Skandale sind vor Wahlen zu erwarten. Blöd simmer ja nicht als Otto-Normal-Publikum.

foone , Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

I wonder what the most computing power anyone has put into a keyboard is?

kerrybenton ,
@kerrybenton@ioc.exchange avatar

@foone not yet, I’ve just been noodling so far, but I’m gonna try and get it done very soon. It occurred to me to include as part of a completely different project of converting that old keyboard I like into one that can connect via Bluetooth and ideally represent itself as at least 3, but maybe an arbitrary number of separate keyboards, so I can connect it to all of my (BT supporting) computers and switch between them. Adding the Pi while I’m in there anyhow just seemed logical somehow. There’s plenty of room inside for the pi and the esp32 I’m planning to use for the Bluetooth part.

vxo ,
@vxo@digipres.club avatar

@foone what will be your keyboard's boot time

mattgrayyes , Englisch
@mattgrayyes@chaos.social avatar

For @emf, I’m making Mastodot, which in theory prints toots that are hashtagged for the event!

IcyPalm ,
@IcyPalm@mastodon.social avatar

@mattgrayyes club-mate 😍

anathem ,
@anathem@kif.rocks avatar

@mattgrayyes At least the toot printer at #GPN22 is working, blowing toots all over the hackcenter as they are written. (Some people try and catch their own toots here ^^)

derpostillon ,
@derpostillon@mastodon.social avatar

Bundestag stellt Selenskyj-Pappaufsteller auf, um AfD und BSW dauerhaft fernzuhalten https://www.der-postillon.com/2024/06/pappaufsteller.html

IngridAusOL ,
@IngridAusOL@norden.social avatar


Schade, dass das leider wohl eher nicht passiert.

ICH fänd genau DAS großartig!!!!

Blinkfried ,
@Blinkfried@troet.cafe avatar

@derpostillon Fakenews bekämpfen wollen, aber gleichzeitig Fakenews verbreiten. So ein Quatsch 🤬

arstechnica , Englisch
@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

NC Senate passes bill to make it illegal to publicly mask for health reasons

Senators skeptical of legal trouble for harmless masking after moving to make it illegal.


antsyboi ,
@antsyboi@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica Really convenient how banning masks will also help de-anonymize protesters. No way that's their main goal, governments always push for the safety of protesters.

Owura ,
@Owura@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica I don’t agree with

TechConnectify , Englisch
@TechConnectify@mas.to avatar

Real thought:

What depresses me most about the state of the world at present is that we've stopped caring to live up to the spirit of our ideals.

When we fail them and are pressed, we can rationalize our terrible actions based on technicalities - and large swaths of our culture have normalized doing this very thing.

It is my most sincere hope that we can walk our way back from this. I see some signs of this, but would prefer to see many more.

danblondell ,
@danblondell@masto.nyc avatar

@TechConnectify @jalcine
I just finished an engrossing biography of Nero, and left with the impression that it’s either always been thus or that things like this are somewhat cyclical.

ThaMunsta ,
@ThaMunsta@nervesocket.com avatar

@TechConnectify Looks like a truely electrifying evening

janboehm ,
@janboehm@edi.social avatar

bsw und afd: ganz ganz ekelige leute

lucareichelt ,

Selenskyj nicht zuhören, weil man mit Putin reden soll. 5D-Schach. Das beeindruckt außer russische Geldgeber niemanden.

Dieser "Block" wird mit dem voraussichtlichen Ausgang der Landtagswahlen in Thüringen noch für ordentliches Drama sorgen.

Miraculix77 ,

@janboehm Sagt ausgerechnet der, der wohl noch nie in den Spiegelgeschaut hat. Der war gut.🤣

foone , Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

I've been trying to google/amazon this and having basically no results, so I'm asking here in case anyone knows:

I need graph paper. Specifically I need LARGE graph paper. Like, not an A4 sheet, I need A1-A0 (24/33" or 33x46").
4x4 per inch, or 5x5 per inch grid spaces. I basically need a graph paper with a TON of squares, and I'm not finding it.

JessicaTaylor ,
@JessicaTaylor@chaosfem.tw avatar


ANSI D is very common (22x34) plot
ANSI E is pretty common (34x44) plot

II think most printshops can plot that big, most plotters can print 36".

cccfr ,
@cccfr@chaos.social avatar

@foone its gone

foone , Englisch
@foone@digipres.club avatar

I could go down the long rabbithole of figuring out how to call g*mp's image manipulation tools from a commandline or API, or getting imagemagick installed on this PC and figuring out how to port it over there...

or I could be silly and take advantage of the fact that I'm applying gamma ramps to an 8-bit greyscale image. What's the difference between the "before" and "after" images? a different palette.

stargazersmith ,
@stargazersmith@social.linux.pizza avatar

I think that's why I slid over into computer science, that satisfaction that comes when you see a solution working before your eyes.

SkipHuffman ,
@SkipHuffman@astrodon.social avatar

@foone wrong order

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