shalva97 ,

Imagine not playing games

sag OP , avatar


ulterno , avatar

Imagine having rootkits and APTs on your system, just to play some overpriced games, which you are later, remotely stopped from playing.

shalva97 ,

why overpriced? I always pirate them but sadly pirated versions only work on Windows.

ulterno , avatar

I'd rather give my time and money to a game that I find worth paying for rather than pirating, but you do you.
Also, pirated games, like any other Windows program, work on Wine. Maybe not all, but not all Windows software work on Wine anyway.

sag OP , avatar

All pirated version of Steam and GOG game work perfectly fine with Wine. If not just check out ProtonDB is it borked or not.

VinesNFluff , avatar

Pirated versions totally work on Linux. I do quite a bit of pirating.

It just takes a bit more effort to manage, but I use Lutris for my pirated titles.

renzev ,

I've seen pirated games distributed for linux as an enormous shell script containing a 30GB binary blob that bundles the game along with wine. If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid...

renzev ,

You still play games?

shalva97 ,


dkc ,

After decades of using different window managers, fixing broken configs with major updates, fretting about multi monitor config etc I started using GNOME. It might not look as sleek but I’m a lot more productive now.

In the end I’m just glad we have so many choices.

alsaaas , (Bearbeitet ) avatar

I feel this, Gnome and it's opinionated workflow just "gets out of the way" in my experience

SpaceCowboy , avatar

I went with XFCE for similar reasons. I played with various DEs at one point but after a while I realized I mostly just need an icon to click on to start the application I want to use.

Goodtoknow , avatar

I agree, but only on multi touch trackpad, regular mouse and keyboard it's not great.

Bolt ,

What do you find not great about mouse/keyboard GNOME? All the gestures I know have pretty simple mouse and keyboard equivalents. So far I just gesture three fingers up/down/left/right, which I can do on a keyboard with super/alt-super-left/alt-super-right or on a mouse with hot-corner/corner-click/corner-scroll. If there's a gesture I'm missing out on please let me know, I always like to learn new tricks.

pewgar_seemsimandroid ,


RustyNova ,

Cinnamon is neat.
That's it

Lettuceeatlettuce , avatar

Cinnamon has become my, "I just need to get work done" DE.

I'm fine messing around with Plasma for my personal machines, but for my work laptop, LMDE with Cinnamon. Super stable, simple, it just works.

RustyNova ,

True. It's Plasma without all the Plasma fluff. It works, it's simple, lacks Wayland but it's being worked on nicely.

I use Linux Mint as my daily driver, and honestly, it just works™ (except using CUDA heavily, but it's mostly little hiccups). Tried switching to more power user distros, but always having to fix a little thing here and there is getting annoying.

Black616Angel ,

Imagine having only one big task (displaying text) and not even supporting ligatures.

ced225be4a26 ,
emptiestplace ,

I appreciate them in print, but do not ever want to see them in my terminal.

rmuk ,

Also, st can fuck off. Just in general. It's harder to write than it's constituent letters.

Black616Angel ,

Okay, that is fair, but since I also program in terminals using held in or (neo)vim, ligatures are a must have for me.

Plus some nerd fonts even upgrade regular loading animations of some cli-tools.

emptiestplace ,

No idea what held in is, but I live in vim, and ... no ligatures, thanks. Same with italics. Ligatures with fixed-width fonts make no sense. I especially hate the combined arrow symbols: why draw attention to something so unimportant?

Black616Angel ,

I mean you do you, but having a "!=" become a "≠" is kinda nice, as are some other = symbols like >= becoming ≥ etc.

Most fonts also allow you to turn of groups of ligatures, that you don't like.
E.g. I never liked "/>" becoming a combined character.

So I don't see the hate about "fixed width ligatures".

emptiestplace ,

While I respect your choice to make things more 'beautiful' in your editor, I do not think we should ever do this by default.

It might seem nice visually, but suddenly we are not seeing things exactly as the compiler does. And as someone who has spent a lot of time helping folks debug their code, I feel quite strongly that this is just further obfuscating an already challenging field - for superficial gains.

01101000_01101001 ,

Hells yes, Alacritty is my jam

boredsquirrel ,

Nice thing: Cosmic Terminal just embeds Alacritty but adds the stuff like tiling and tabs. Match in heaven.

renzev ,

The one true just works terminal emulator. All of the features you need, none of the features you don't. Perfection!

01101000_01101001 ,

Alacritty + Nushell is bae

kuberoot ,

"Calling out" gnome for needing extensions for customization seems stupid when those extensions are easy to find, easy to use, and work really well. On the other hand, I have not been able to find a taskbar for plasma that would let me group windows from an application together while also letting me rearrange the windows inside of a group. I know I need to try implementing it myself someday, but I feel like gnome ends up having more options.

Holzkohlen ,

It's not about how many extensions there are. It's about half of them breaking with each new version. Unless you like outdated systems, in which case you are fine.

synapse1278 , avatar

I am always on the freshest Fedora Workstation, and all the extensions I use are always supported from the start. I don't use that many to be honest. But, is extensions compatibility really an issue nowadays?

AProfessional ,

It just depends on the complexity or specific area an extension touches. The shell is continually changing somewhere.

Last version was a big deal for JavaScript itself changing, so all extensions needed some simple updates.

jollyrogue ,

It can be. It depends on the extension dev.

fl42v ,

There's kmscon, tho.

joe_cool ,

It's pretty cool. Can also display inline images in w3m.

RecallMadness ,

What are the icons for?

I know gnome, and the 3 that have their name in the logo (xfce, sway, tty).

I’m going back to Slackware. Can’t keep up with this shit any more.

OrnateLuna ,

The tear drop is Hyprland, a Wayland based tiling manager

dogsnest , avatar

Going back to Slackware? Who ever leaves?

Fluxbox ftw!!

nailbar , avatar

I had to leave Slackware when I got kids. Kubuntu took less time (for me) to get the usual stuff working on.

Kids got older, and Kubuntu was getting annoying, but I didn't make it back to Slackware because now... I use Arch, btw.

boredsquirrel ,

LXQt: continuation of LXDE with Qt

Hyprland: tiling/floating wayland-only window manager

Sway: same but slower and not controversial

Wayfire: floating/stacking window manager, used in RasperryPiOS

Alacritty: a terminal, in Rust, that lacks all the stuff that Desktop Terminals have, but it is aaaaaacccellerated

exu , avatar

I remember a HackerNews comment by the lead XFCE dev about how KDE was actually better optimized, because they have so many more devs working on it.

BlushedPotatoPlayers ,

Where's enlightenment and windowmaker?

muntedcrocodile ,

Ok ive been driving xfce for years now i bewn thinking about something tiling thats equally as lite what u recommend. Also needs to be wayland compatable.

tekila ,


boredsquirrel ,

I tried LXQt and damn that is ugly. Maybe with theming?

LXQt 6.1 will have wayland support and as compositor you can use sway, hyprland, river, niri, labwc, dwl, ...

SatansMaggotyCumFart ,

I find having an operating system is bloat.

crispy_kilt ,

Magnetised needle and a steady hand is all you need.

mexicancartel ,
M-x butterfly
massive_bereavement ,

I just use butterflies.

alsaaas , avatar

there is an emacs command for that

WeLoveCastingSpellz ,

KDE is my GOAT

devilish666 ,
  • KDE is the best if you want customize without editing yaml or xml or you just new to Linux
  • XFCE, LXDE, MATE, & CINNAMON are the best if you have very old system but still want to have some customization.
  • I3, SWAY, & OPENBOX are the best if you feel need little bit challenge to customize
  • NO GUI (CLI) is the best if you feel DE is bloat or systemd is bloat or wanna feel like Hollywood movie hackers
devilish666 ,
  • GNOME is the best if you have touchscreen desktop
  • BUDGIE is the best if you want to feel like using windows 10
uninvitedguest , avatar

I prefer KDE for touchscreens. What is it about GNOME you feel gives it an edge?

VinesNFluff , avatar

It does look and act like a cellphone OS :P

neclimdul ,

I've had to entirely wipe my kde config folder enough times because I dragged a widget and created phantom toolbars taking up space I couldn't interact with or completely broken toolbars that I just don't have the patience to use it anymore.

Xeroxchasechase ,

I think latly, especially in plasma 6, KDE got as viable on old machines as XFCE and surly mint and cinnamon.

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

I brought my KDE idle RAM usage down to 500MB just by using the GUI options that come with it. That's about the same amount a default Xfce or LXQt needs.

mexicancartel ,

Damn can you list some of the options you remember changing?

KISSmyOSFeddit ,

I disabled all animations, the baloo file indexing and all services that start automatically at login.
I also installed not the full KDE Suite but just Plasma Desktop and then uninstalled all parts I don't need.
So technically, I'm not running KDE but Plasma. From the KDE application Suite I use Dolphin, Konsole, the archiver, the image viewer, the PDF viewer and the system settings tool.

boredsquirrel ,

Yes baloo is a hog. Note that the background services systemsettings page will be hidden in the future but accessible from the global search.

woelkchen , avatar

Ever since KDE made their software more modular with Plasma 5 / Frameworks 5, a Plasma session can be cut down by a lot. Personally, I don't think it matters much because as soon as you browse the web, the RAM demands of the web browser dwarf that of even a fully decked out desktop anyway, but the options are there – perhaps for certain use cases that don't involve web browsing.

boredsquirrel ,

Yes and no. They should really separate the fancy stuff from the base stuff. Like have a kwin-wayland-base and kwin-wayland-extras.

I guess some other features are not easy to rip out, but having only simple animations etc would really make sense.

I will try Plasma 6 on an Intel core Duo in some time though, exited.

They have an issue with disabling not needed stuff. XWaylandVideoBridge, legacy app tray support, GTK global menu adapter, and other cool but edge case stuff is just always running in the background.

Same for accessibility, GUI keyboard and Orca, even though they will be somehow dynamically loaded, they are not controllable transparently by the user.

m4 ,

I will try Plasma 6 on an Intel core Duo in some time though, exited.

Eh, I used it on an HP Pavilion DV2000 (3 GB RAM) from 2009-2017. With Gentoo. It worked just fine.

Gnome 3, on the other hand...

boredsquirrel ,

Well thats not Plasma 6, but it likely didnt get worse.

NaibofTabr ,

KDE has a really nice suite of applications and utilities. No other desktop environment really compares on that level (and Amarok is back!).

XFCE &etc are also good if you are running lightweight hardware (not just old hardware) but still want a desktop environment.

CLI is best for servers and remotely managed/headless systems.

dan , avatar

and Amarok is back

Was Amarok gone?

I used to use it maybe 16-17 years ago even though I used GNOME rather than KDE. It was the best music player I'd found on Linux.

I'm finally switching back to Linux so I'll have to try it out again! These days I usually use Plexamp though.

Successful_Try543 ,

They recently managed to complete porting to QT5 framework. Thus it is still missing in distributions that do no longer ship QT4, like e.g. Debian 11+.

NaibofTabr ,

Development was dead for years, so dead that it wasn't included in new release repositories

Clementine was a fork that was pretty good, but I think had more ambitions than active developers.

Strawberry later forked from Clementine and is still being developed, and they're doing well, but they aren't building on the KDE framework.

boredsquirrel ,

Do you know if Elisa is related?

Crazy that we can use 3 forks alongside each other, feels wrong.

boredsquirrel ,

KDE has crazy complex apps like Krita, digiKam, KDEnlive, Kate, Konqueror, etc etc.

They went more minimal and dedicated over time

Amarok -> Elisa, Kasts

Konqueror -> Dolphin, Falkon/"just use Firefox"

I dont get why we have Gwenview, Kolourpaint, Spectacle edit and digiKam though, this feels absurd

ArcaneSlime ,

I just installed Fedora KDE for the first time from gnome and goddamn all these fucking Ks lmao! Gotta say though I didn't like elisa, installed Clementine almost immediately. I definitely don't need all these apps but I have to figure out what they all do before I go removing them willy nilly.

And it refused to update my default browser to Librewolf so I had to uninstall Firefox to force it.

And NetworkManager wouldn't work with the official fedora recommendation of how to randomize mac addresses, no clue why, it worked on gnome.

Other than that it is neat, though.

boredsquirrel ,

Yeah Fedora KDE is very bloated.

But no, changing the default browser under "default apps" in the settings works very reliable.

NetworkManager should default to randomized MAC since F40.

Have a look at my debloat guide

ArcaneSlime ,

Nope, tried that, and still SABnzbd opened up in Firefox until I ran sudo dnf remove firefox. No clue why.

As for the randomized mac, OHHHHH thanks! That's probably why when I put that config file there it was confused! I was unaware of this change, thanks again!

And thanks, I'll definitely check out your debloat guide, but I'm still going to have to do some learning and decide for myself because we'll be different. For instance I'm probably keeping kGpg unless I replace it with Kleopatra (ironically also a K haha). I'll definitely use it as a start point though!

boredsquirrel , (Bearbeitet )

What is a SABnzbd ?

the MAC is randomized but static, so you are somebody else for every network, but then stay the same.

Full MAC randomization causes major breakages though, and should be avoided.

The default hostname is also really unprivate, change it to PC with sudo hostnamectl set-hostname PC.

ArcaneSlime ,

Just Usenet shit. The important part is when you run the program it opens up your default web browser, which in my case was perpetually firefox and idk why.

I've had mac rando on on fedora in the past and am running Graphene with it on by default, no breakages so far in about 2-2.5yr. Maybe my usecase doesn't need static MACs. The only issue is my home wifi says "a new device has been connected" every time I connect, but like, that's fine.

Good point on the hostname though, I usually use a specific name per device for my own sanity but maybe I should make them all generic "PC."

boredsquirrel ,

xdg-open will open the default browser. This is likely an issue with that app having firefox hardcoded, or detecting it and using it when detected or some stuff.

I've had mac rando on on fedora in the past and am running Graphene with it on by default, no breakages so far in about 2-2.5yr

People that dont have problems dont have a lot to add in terms or arguments :D

There are 2 types of MAC rando, and GrapheneOS uses full per-connection rando by default.

If you are in networks where access is controlled via the MAC, this will break. Static randomized (in grapheneOS "per network") like on Fedora dont have this issue at all, this should really be default always.

But it does not protect against certain levels of tracking.

Also randomized MACs may fill up certain router softwares and cause DHCP to fail because it tries to remember every connected device "for security" (FritzBox in my case).

ArcaneSlime ,

Thing is though, it exhibited the desired behavior on Fedora 39 Gnome, if it was just how SABnzbd rolled I'd expect it to do it back then too, but since it's new behavior I suspect it's something else.

Yeah it does clog up the router a bit but I think in my case they auto-clean the older ones out.

boredsquirrel , (Bearbeitet )

Strange. Make sure to contact the devs though, as KDEs settings always worked for me reliably.

ArcaneSlime ,

I may do that, but honestly instead of doing any testing I kinda just immediately said "fine, you don't wanna do it? Uninstall howbout now?" So idk if I have much valuable data for them.

boredsquirrel ,

There is a new Qt app called Vvave, a tiny music player.

I also dont like Elisa, I personally use G4Music but also tried Strawberry.

There also is Qmmp, which is still developed and also pretty minimal

uninvitedguest , avatar

Missed opportunity for krazy and komplex.

dogsnest , avatar

Fluxbox ftw!!

jroid8 ,

I love being in control, I use neovim for this reason. But I remember when I bought my laptop I originally wanted to use awesomewm again as I was on my family PC but I remember spending so much time on basic features like brigness control and such that I moved to KDE insteadd which had these features out of the box. Am I missing something here? Or do people who use window managers actually implement every feature they need from scratch? No offense to anyone or any project, they are all awesome

moon ,

Do you think installing extensions is really that difficult on Gnome?

FooBarrington ,

Installing the extension itself? That's easy.

Finding all the extensions you need, actively maintained and quickly updated? Yeah, that's really difficult, depending on your needs.

areyouevenreal ,

Cinnamon isn't that lightweight. You will probably find KDE uses less resources.

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