
BradleyUffner , in Superiority brings controversy

The duck can't actually say anything because his sound drivers randomly stopped working.

Kusimulkku ,

PipeWire for life

Xirup , in I actually feel way smarter than I am when Im using a model m

Model m?

RedIce25 ,
ChunkMcHorkle , avatar

Linus Tech Tips, no thanks.

GCostanzaStepOnMe , in Linux Users

GNU users when you tell them it's impolite to publicly eat the gunk under your toenails.

Sanctus , in Linux Users avatar

Showers are closed source systems. The municipality owns, regulates, and maintains them at a cost to us. I can't use it its not FOSS.

mojo , in Windows 11

It's 2023 and Apple is a trillion dollar company, and they still don't have window snapping/tiling in OSX. I don't have anything positive to say about their OS lol.

TheGreenGolem , avatar
mojo ,

Damn tell that to literally every single Linux WM lol

AeroLemming ,

I hate patents.

JokeDeity ,

Patents, copyright and trademark do nothing but make rich people richer and stifle innovation.

c0mbatbag3l , in Windows 11 avatar

Calm down MacOS hasn't done shit to make it better. They decide what you do and don't get, daddy apple already made the decision and you have to deal with it.

"We did the thinking for you, and you'll like it." Might as well be their slogan.

JokeDeity , in Windows 11

I actually like Linux, but I'm considering just blocking all the Linux communities because it's so incredibly boring to just see you guys circle jerking all day long. We get it. We all get it.

Sanctus , avatar

My guy, you are on linuxmemes lmao

JokeDeity ,

No, I'm on All, but a far higher percentage than most other content is just the same message in slightly different words on repeat, "Linux good, Binbows bad."

manefraim ,

Binbows isn't that bad, it's Michaelsoft as a company we should worry about.

JokeDeity ,

I like you.

HKayn , avatar

I came here hoping to see gnome and X11 memes. You know, actual Linux memes.

Instead I found "Windows bad" circlejerking.

thecrotch ,

Ubuntu bad?

mustardman ,

Distros and package managers are bad. Reject modernity, embrace compiled source. Burn Lennart Pottering at the stake!

yamapikariya , in What do you mean upgrade? avatar

You can install a useragent switcher extension for the browser

jagungal , in What do you mean upgrade?

Fuck Pearson. Absolute leeches on society.

QuazarOmega ,

Well said. Another day, praying that the textbook lobby dies a painful death

sebinspace ,

Have to go their testing centers for certifications. Place feels so damn sterile I wanna die, and the buzz of the fluorescent tubes is just..

Place feels like the Backrooms but with less yellow

eruchitanda , in What do you mean upgrade? avatar

Upgrade, ha?

OK, time to install TempleOS.

wolii1 , in extension is INCOMPATIBLE with current GNOME version avatar

I have used XFCE, KDE, and GNOME and in my opinion, Gnome provides by far the best the best workflow for me. The UI is very keyboard-driven, which makes navigation very fast and intuitive. Also it doesn’t look like an outdated Windows version (like Plasma or XFCE) and I had way fewer bugs with it than with any other desktop.

I find it interesting how everyone always talks about the „Unix philosophy“ („software should do one thing and do it well“) but at the same time everyone likes Plasma for having hundreds of useless, buggy features.

Gnome has a core featureset and a robust extension-system if you need more. There is no bloatware in Gnome. And please don’t tell me something like „Gnome isn’t usable without a taskbar/dock“. It is, lots of people use it that way, not every desktop needs to be like macOS or Windows.

Of course it’s okay to like another desktop environment more, but I just don’t get why Gnome gets so much hate.

CrimsonTankie , avatar

Its mostly the devs and the bad decisions they make around GNOME, for me i use a lot of apps that require Server Side Window Decorations (SSD) to be useful, specifically apps like Foot terminal (default gnome console or gnome terminal is not featureful enough and neither have sixel support, whereas foot terminal does have sixel) and gnome doesnt have any SSD on wayland, and GNOME also lacks customization features and doesnt have a standardized theming API and the GNOME devs consider themes to be "unsupported". Unlike on KDE Plasma where themes have a standardized API through the toolkit (qt) and are officiall supported. Also GNOME in general lacks basic features that require extensions whereas on other desktops you have things like a systray as a default.

wolii1 , avatar

I agree regarding SSD, I do a lot of graphics development and having to deal with decorations on your own is really annoying. However, most windowing libraries support them nowadays. (GLFW has an open MR to include Libdecor)

The lack of customization has been a decision they made in favor of Libadwaita. Libadwaita is a GTK4 library that makes developing apps for Gnome way faster. The Gnome ecosystem has really evolved in the last two years thanks to Libadwaita, there are so many nicely designed and practical apps. This is the trade-off I am willing to make. For me, a uniform and consistent desktop is way more important than theming, especially when apps look amazing by default.

I don’t get what basic features are missing. I have been using Gnome for years now, I never felt the need for an additional feature.
A system tray is not a „basic feature“, as I said, not every desktop has to be a Windows clone. I have never felt the need for one, if I need an app, I just launch it. Why do I have to have a bunch of cluttered and ugly icons visible all the time? An app can run in the background without a system tray by the way.

CrimsonTankie , avatar

running in the background isnt a system tray. every other desktop on the face of the earth has a system tray. It's a basic espected feature and i use system tray functionality all the time.

banazir , in extension is INCOMPATIBLE with current GNOME version avatar

Yeah, if you need to install extensions to make GNOME usable, GNOME is not for you. Seriously, there are other options. I can't stand using GNOME, but they have a vision they are sticking to and I can respect that.

davidgro , in im currently looking for backup software that supports tape drives. this is not looking too good :_I

No answer here, but I just want to point out that according to that graph, you can gain an extremely high skill level in Bacula in a very short time!
It would seem to be the easiest to learn based on this one cartoon.

(Related: the phrase "steep learning curve" means the opposite of the way it's usually used)

Stephen304 ,

But only if you can reverse time for a bit

qyron , in Blasphemy!

Can I share an episode?

We're a Window$ free house; Linux is the daily driver on every single computer we have.

I have school age children. They have IT classes. I set up a machine with Mint, clean install, to serve has the school workhorse. Not one task assigned at school can not be done in the Linux box. My child came home a few worried a few times because the teacher disliked having a linux box in the room.

What happens is the teacher is terrified has they cannot load a single piece of software on that machine, as they do with all the other students, at will. The notion of explaining to all the other students they need to go to some site to download some program while my child just needs to fetch it (or already has it pre installed) from a secure repository is baffling. The knowledge that that humble and rather older machine can not be trivialy tampered with is mind disturbing.

At some point the teacher explained how to maintain the system (clean temp files and random junk Windows collects over time by just having programs installed and removed) and looked at my child and chidded that was something she could not do.

I taught my kid how to do basic system maintenance. Through the console. Like a boss. They upgraded the system while they colleagues were "busy" hunting down temp files.

Schal330 ,

I feel for the teacher, Windows is still the predominant OS that is used by businesses worldwide and it's unlikely to change any time soon. Ensuring the kids have some familiarity with it is important as when a lot of them go into the workplace their employer isn't going to give them a choice of OS to use. A number of schools in my country now provide kids with Windows laptops that can be managed through group policies. I can imagine the teacher feeling frustrated at times as their teaching material will be geared to Windows and may face challenges in being able to grade your kid.

It's great you have given your kid experience in using Linux and that should set them up really well to working in a Linux based environment. Hopefully one day other OS will be added to teacher's curriculum so that all kids have the opportunity to get hands on experience.

WarlordSdocy ,

If anything more recently schools have been going the opposite direction. Moving away from Windows towards Chrome Books which is probably even worse from a being prepared for the future stand point.

seananigans ,

Damn, new copypasta just dropped.

MajorHavoc , in Blasphemy!

It must have been traumatic for that Arch user to discover such rebellion in their child. /s

On a more serious note, if my kids find this post: I hope you know we can talk about closed source software if you're curious about it - and about maintaining a proper virtual infrastructure to protect the rest of the network from it.

Rootiest , avatar

Always use protection

Mewtwo , avatar

I don't need protection when using closed source because the closed source has its own protection.

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